"This... is this... great..." Amber, who had been listening for more than a day, responded with a helpless expression on her face. It was the first time she saw Yula so happy, and she could only accompany her. she is gone.

"Hmph ~ Today our duty task is completed, so we must let Ning Ze take us to play, how about it? This time we are coming to Liyue, how can you call it your hometown?" Yula gently She hugged Amber's slender waist, and buried her face in Amber's hair to smell it.

Yesterday she and Amber wanted to protect Barbara, that's why they didn't look for Ningze. This time they rested, so they shouldn't go shopping with Ningze or anything like that.

"Okay... okay..." Amber responded awkwardly to Yula, with an unconcealable bitterness at the corner of her mouth. She thought she was protecting Ning Ze, but unexpectedly...

"Amber? What's the matter with you? Is it possible~" The two girls have been good friends since they were young, so naturally they have nothing to hide, so Yula directly pinched Amber's weakness and began to molested her crazily.

"No~ Yula~ it's itchy~ I~ I know~ let go~" Amber's physique was a head behind Yula's, not to mention that Yula still sneaked up and was directly pressed on the bed and bullied wildly. He was not let go until he begged for mercy.

Then the two girls changed into their regular clothes and went to the Hall of Rebirth arm in arm, and tomorrow is the first performance of the Tivat Idol Troupe, so the two girls are going to have a good time before that, otherwise the work will become more and more onerous .

Along the way, Yula happily talked about the plan, she had already thought about it, she must make Ningze pay enough price today, and Amber agreed from time to time, trying not to let Yula notice her absent-minded appearance.

"Senior Falusan...how about we ask Qianyan Army..." At this time, a familiar voice caught Amber's attention.

"Ke Lai!?" Amber shouted in surprise, and then looked at the source of the voice. It was Ke Lai and Farusan who arrived two days late.

It's just that at this moment, Farusan is staring at Qiqi, and the little Qiqi is tilting her head, looking at Farushan suspiciously, she looks very cute.

"Ah? You are? Can you find Qiqi, what's the matter? I'm sorry, Qiqi forgot." Qiqi said, who had forgotten what Farusan said just now.

"..." Fa Lushan covered her forehead as if she had been defeated. They just rushed to Liyue yesterday, but they got lost when they went shopping today, and wanted to find a local to ask for directions.

In the end, I happened to meet Qi Qi...

"Amber!?" Ke Lai, who was supporting Farusan, let go immediately, almost causing Farusan to fall to the ground, but thanks to Qiqi, she grabbed Farusan's hands.

"Ke Lai! You are finally here!" Amber shouted holding Ke Lai's little hand. What she gave Ke Lai was a VIP ticket, but they lived in different inns, so she didn't know if Ke Lai had come. .

"Well, I, I just arrived yesterday, but I was afraid of disturbing Amber's work... so... I originally wanted to go shopping with Senior Farusan." Ke Lai said and introduced Faro beside him Shan.

"This is Senior Falushan. Although she is very young, she is actually... a very powerful senior! She is my master's senior!" Ke Lai stammered, and she couldn't figure out what Fa Lushan was doing. The relationship between Lushan and Tinari is not simple after all.

"Hi, I'm Amber, an investigative knight from Mond City. I'm currently in charge of Miss Barbara's security work. Today is the rest time, so I went shopping with my friend Yula." Amber also introduced Yula.

In this way, the four of them got to know each other once again.

"So this...Senior Falusan wants to visit the places of interest in Liyue, right?" After understanding Falusan's needs, Amber had an idea.

"Huh? Do you have any recommendations?" Farusan asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm just going to find a friend of Liyue. Why don't you and Ke Lai come with us, Senior Falusan." Amber invited, and looked at Yula who was at the side.

"Well, after all, I don't know the place of life well, why don't you follow us to find friends, don't worry, my friend is very powerful, he has been to many countries." Ning Ze is invincible except for being a bit fickle!

Hearing what Yula and Amber said, Farusan, who was already having a headache, readily agreed, and she felt that if she went with Amber this time, she would encounter some unexpected things.

Chapter 326 Farusan's Age

Afterwards, the four said goodbye to Qiqi, and then went to the Hall of Rebirth together.

During the period, Farusan accidentally told about her age, which made Amber and Yula stunned.

"So although you look very young, Senior Farusan, are you actually... more than 100 years old?" Amber looked at Farusan in surprise.

After obtaining Farusan's consent, she reached out and touched Farusan's face curiously. No matter how you touch it, she looks like a woman in her 20s, how could she be over 100 years old.

"Oh...Little Amber, you are still too young, let me tell you..." Falusan said with her hips akimbo, pretending to be old-fashioned, which has become her behavior habit.

She was once trapped in the ruins of the Red King, and there is a time difference of more than a hundred years from the current era, but this does not prevent her mental age from being a girl.

In order to make herself look mature enough, Falusan often does this so as not to be treated as an ordinary little girl.

"Wow... More than 100 years old, if I am more than 100 years old, I might not be able to walk..." Amber looked at Farusan in surprise, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Hmph~" Seeing Amber's appearance, Farusan showed a complacent expression, but she didn't want them to pay attention, so she could only cover it up as much as possible.

"Hmm..." Yula wasn't surprised at all, after all her good friend Yan Fei was several hundred years old, and the little guy just now, if she remembers correctly, should be the little zombie Seven that Yan Fei mentioned to her. Seven, age should be...a thousand years old?

The four of them chatted like this while walking to the Hall of Rebirth, just in time to meet Yan Fei who was going out.

"Yula! You came to find Ozawa?" Yan Fei greeted, although she was a little surprised to know about Yula and Ning Ze at first, but after so many things, she has accepted it.

"Well, Yan Fei, you are..." Yula looked at the enthusiastic Yan Fei and then at Farusan, suddenly curious about Farusan's expression knowing Yanfei's age.

"Businessman Dolly, she said she lacked a legal advisor for Liyue, so I was invited by her to help." Yanfei explained.

"That's it..." Yula briefly introduced Farusan and Amber, and then asked if Ning Ze was at home.

"Oh~ friends from Xumilai, if you want to visit Liyue's scenic spots, you can go to Miss Zhong Li. As for Ozawa, he is still drinking tea in there. Yula, you can just go to him directly. Go find the big businessman Dolly, goodbye~" Yan Fei hurriedly left with a book of codes in her arms.

Under the leadership of Yula, the four of them entered the Hall of Rebirth, and Falusan followed Yula silently until she came to the living room, her eyes were attracted by Akhmar.

"This woman..." Farusan rubbed her eyes, and repeatedly confirmed Akhmar's appearance. Why is it exactly the same as the mural she saw in the ruins of the Red King?

"Hello, may I ask... Ouch~ It's Yula and Amber, are you looking for my brother or introducing clients~" Hu Tao who took the initiative to greet him greeted, and then looked at Ke Lai and Falusan. Know that they are not your customers.

"Yula is here?" Ning Ze, who heard the movement, walked to the living room, and was a little surprised to see Ke Lai who came with Yula.

"Brother!!!" Ke Lai swooped and hugged Ning Ze, making Amber, who was about to introduce him, look confused.

After explaining everything, Amber and Ke Lai understood what happened.

Ning Ze rescued Ke Lai from the Molin Disease Hospital near Aru Village and sent him to the hospital in Sumeru City. Then Ke Lai left Sumeru alone and ran to Mond to meet Amber.

After sealing the demon god Cannian with the help of Sanuo, Ke Lai decided to return to Sumeru to learn medical skills, although he is still in the stage of learning characters...

"So...Ke Lai, you have known Ning Ze so early..." Amber only knew the relationship between Ning Ze and Ke Lai at this time.

When he was in Mond before, Ke Lai was like a wounded lone wolf, but only when he mentioned the 'brother' would he show a little relieved expression, but she only now knew that the brother Ke Lai was talking about was actually Ning Ze...

... Kanshula

"By the way! I haven't introduced Farusan...senior Farusan?" Just when Ke Lai was about to introduce Farusan to Ning Ze, he saw that the senior had already approached Akhmar.

"Hello, what do you want from me?" Akhmar got up and asked, she no longer wanted to be a red king, and she would spend the rest of her life by Ningze's side, just being a trash who eats and waits to die .

"Are you...are you the Red King?" Farusan was stunned for a long time before asking, and then realized that her question was ridiculous.

Chi Wang himself died a thousand years ago, how could he be still alive, and lay down like a social invalid.

"Ah? I'm not, I'm just an ordinary employee of the Hall of Resurrection." Akhmar explained with a chuckle, she could see that Farusan had her technological aura, presumably she should be her admirer... Bar?

"Is that so..." Farusan took a deep look at Akhmar, even though the woman in front of her denied it categorically, the feeling was definitely not wrong.

"Cough, cough, cough, what's the matter with this lady?" Ning Ze stepped forward to smooth things over. He didn't know Farusan, but he always felt that she was not very friendly to Akhmar.

"Are you the Ning Ze that little Ke Lai often talks about?" Fa Lushan looked at Ning Ze in surprise. Her inner self had seen Ning Ze in Sumeru, but she never expected to see Ning Ze again when she came to Liyue.

"Well, may I ask this...Falusan, right? If you need a guide..." Ning Ze said, looking at Zhong Li who was drinking tea at the side. If you want to talk about Liyue's scenic spots and historic sites, it is estimated that there is no comparison in the whole of Tivat. Zhong Li understood better.

"This Miss Farusan is very interested in Liyue? If you don't mind, I can take you to some nice places." Zhong Li got up and said knowingly.

"Well... then I will trouble you, by the way, I am over 100 years old, please don't treat me like an ordinary girl." Farusan always felt short when she looked at Zhong Li, and she could only save it through words Some age advantages.

Ning Ze and Zhong Li looked at each other, Zhong Li was more than 6000 years old, while Ning Ze counted Li Yue, Dao Wife, and the memory of Sumeru III were almost 3000 years old. In front of the two, Farusan was indeed just a little sister That's all.


"Okay, okay, Ms. Farusan, right? My Zhong Li knows a thing or two about Liyue's scenic spots. If you have any curiosity, you can tell her." Ning Ze smiled lightly.

"I'll definitely tell you everything I know." Zhong Li nodded slightly, coordinating with Ning Ze's acting.

ps: I’m afraid some readers don’t know, I’ll say it again, the author’s face is paralyzed, these days it’s either injections or acupuncture, and I’ve received 29 injections so far, so the update may be slower or the quality is not good, I’m very sorry, my face is better now Yes, the quality will slowly come back from tomorrow.

Chapter 327 Ruo Tuo's Resurrection

With the perfect cooperation of the two, the satisfied Far Lushan followed Zhong Li and left the Hall of Rebirth. Far Lushan always felt a sense of awkwardness towards the beautiful woman who looked very old-fashioned beside her.

But I can't tell what's wrong, after all, Zhong Li claims to be 30 years old, so she can't be some hidden fairy or...

Fa Lushan, who backed away all kinds of messy ideas, followed Zhong Li to leave the Hall of Rebirth, she still couldn't believe it, her hundred-year-old education would not be as good as Zhong Li's experience in front of her!

One must know that she, Fa Lushan, had studied the existence of tens of hundreds of years in the ruins of the Red King. Isn't it easy to face this Miss Zhong Li who claims to know everything?

"Are you here to look for me?" As Fa Lushan left with Zhong Li, Ning Ze looked at the three girls beside him. He had promised Yula before that he would take a good look around Liyue with her, so Ning Ze naturally Will not break my promise.

"Hmph! Don't...don't forget, you promised me that you would take us for a stroll!" Youla proudly raised her little head, but her little hand had already taken the initiative to wrap Ningze around, for fear that he would take us for a walk again. Carried the table and ran all night.

Ning Ze nodded slightly, and took the initiative to take the three girls to visit Liyue. From Chihuyan to Feiyunpo, and from Feiyunpo to Yujingtai, they basically visited all the shops that could be visited.

Ke Lai longed for and relied on Ning Ze, and Ning Ze loved Ke Lai very much, all of which Yula saw and didn't care about. .

But after seeing the contact between An Bai and Ning Ze, she gradually realized something was wrong. When she was in Mond before, Amber liked to put Ning Ze's shoulders on her tiptoes, but now she will retract whenever she touches her hand. It's not like it used to be.

"Yula?" Ning Ze looked back at the thinking Yula, gently took her little hand, and then pulled her domineeringly to the next target.

"Ju! You suddenly pulled me... this vengeance... I remembered it!" Yula was a little at a loss when faced with Ning Ze's sudden domineering, and could only weakly say "remember the vengeance".

Until dusk, Ning Ze took the three daughters back to the Hall of Rebirth, and bumped into Fa Lushan who had given up thinking.

"Cough cough cough...Ke Lai is back...then...Ms. Zhong Li, I...go back first, and when I have a chance...then...do academic exchanges!" Ke Lai, who didn't react, ran away.

"What did you do?" Ning Ze looked at Farusan who was running away and asked, with Zhong Li's temper, she probably wouldn't do anything to make her uncomfortable, right?

"It's nothing, I just helped her answer a few... secrets of the Scarlet King's ruins..." Zhong Li said, looking at Akhmar who was at the side. Because she was too boring, she would occasionally learn some new things, such as Achmar's technology.

"Eh..." Ning Ze was dumbfounded for a while, and then asked the second daughter if she wanted to stay for a meal, but Yula, who saw Amber's careful thinking, refused.

On the way back to the inn, Yula began to test Amber's views on Ning Ze, and then based on her understanding of Amber for many years, she immediately came to a terrible conclusion.

"Oh...forget it, let's take one step at a time..." Yula shook her head lightly, then hugged Amber's arm and prepared to go back to the inn. The two are best sisters, and Yula didn't want to let each other down because of Ning Ze. If there is a rift in the relationship, it is better to complete the task first, after all, Ning Ze will go to Mond later.

At noon the next day, after Gan Yu and the Seven Stars arranged for the Qianyan Army to maintain order, Ning Ze and others came to the Fulong Tree, ready to witness Ruo Tuo breaking out of the ground.

"This guy... looks really embarrassing to the Dragon Clan..." Apepu looked at the portrait of Ruo Tuo's real body with disgust. In her impression, Gu Long was not handsome and domineering, like Ruo Tuo's chubby The stupid ones are the outliers.

Ning Ze laughed awkwardly, wanting to say something nice for Ruo Tuo, and then saw Gui Zhong and A Ping covering their mouths and laughing, and even Zhong Li lowered his hair and trembled.

"You guys! I heard it!!!" Ruo Tuo's dissatisfied voice came from the ground, and then the whole land began to vibrate violently.

Visible cracks began to appear in the tens of miles of ground centered on Fulongshu, and even everyone in Liyue Port could feel the trembling of the ground.

"Roar!!!!" As Ruotuo's body broke through the ground, a huge...yellow turtle appeared in front of everyone, and it let out a free roar, rolling up waves of yellow sand, and almost killed it. The trees in front of me were blown away.

"It's so noisy! Shut up!" Apepu yelled. Although he was still in the form of a human cub, Ruo Tuo immediately shut up and lay on the ground obediently because of the dragon king's aura that had been faintly developed on his body. .

"Noisy, do you think you are the Dragon King?" Apepu arrogantly wanted to climb up Ruo Tuo's head, but his body was too weak, and he could only turn his head to look at Ning Ze halfway through the climb. I hope he can hold himself down, otherwise his ass will bloom when he falls.

Ning Ze hugged Apepu in his arms helplessly, and then looked at Ruo Tuo, who was like a mountain in front of him, full of emotion. It is already a very precious thing to meet acquaintances from the past in this era.

"You're getting fat, Ruotuo." Ning Ze gently stroked Ruotuo's rough shell and sighed. Ruotuo was not so fat before, presumably he ate like this after death in the past.

"Ning Ze? After all? It turns out that you are not dead!" Ruo Tuo was also very surprised. At that time, she and Ning Ze belonged to two extremes. There are not many exchanges, but it can also be said to be a friendship relationship.

But after the end is different, Ruo Tuo liked playing with him the most before, so after the death of the end, she also felt uncomfortable for a long time before recovering.

"Bah, bah, bah! You fat girl is not dead, how could I die! Also, welcome back, Ruo Tuo." After all, he slapped Ruo Tuo on the nose, and then gently hugged Ruo Tuo big face.

"Okay, you should get smaller first, otherwise there will be riots at Liyue's side." Zhong Li stepped forward and said, looking at the friend who regained his sanity in front of him, he was filled with emotion.

Originally thought that Ruo Tuo could only stay in the Fulong tree for the rest of his life, but Apepu successfully removed the evil thoughts and made Ruo Tuo gain a new life.

Under Zhong Li's reminder, Ruo Tuo quickly turned into a human form, a little Lolita who was two heads taller than Apepu.

"Hmph!" Seeing Ruo Tuo's human body, Apepu immediately pouted in dissatisfaction, very dissatisfied with the fact that his juniors were all taller than him.

Under the leadership of several people, Ruo Tuo probably understood what happened when she was asleep, but most of them were caused by Ruo Tuo's evil thoughts, and then Zhong Li beat her back with his bare hands.

Hearing this, Ruo Tuo felt ashamed and annoyed, and kept stretching out her small hands to express that her evil thoughts were not equal to her own strength, so she would not be pressed back and forth by Morax on the ground, let alone be beaten into hiding in the consciousness space and dare not come out .

Chapter 328

Everyone walked back very slowly, especially at the end, they directly hugged Xiao Ruotuo into their arms and crushed her repeatedly, as if they wanted to deform her little face before giving up.

"Help! Help!!! Morax! Me! My face!!!" Ruo Tuo was about to split apart, and finally crawled out of the ground, taking a few breaths of fresh air, and then was crushed by the flat plate pressure.

Zhong Li didn't make a move, but watched the interaction between Gui Mo and Ruo Tuo with great interest, and occasionally made a joke or two.

This made Ruo Tuo furious, loudly yelling that he wanted to break up with her, and then buried his face in Zhong Li's pompous Tianyun Pass and rubbed it openly, obviously he liked the softness of Zhong Li's here.

Ning Ze hugged Apepu lightly, watched the crowd play quietly, and occasionally added a sentence or two, but most of the time he followed Apepu in silence.

"Huh!" Apepu held Ningze on guard, she already had a cutie in the Hall of Rebirth, if another Ruo Tuo came, her status would definitely suffer a devastating blow, so...

"Brother! You don't hate me, do you?" Apepu looked at Ningze pitifully. As for the dignity of the ancient dragon, Ningze should be responsible for it, and he would leave after becoming the Dragon King. After all, Apep is just a cutie who can eat.

"How could it be? You are...my sister, at least for now." Ning Ze gently nodded Apepu's little head, obviously when he was in Sumeru, he was still one of the creatures that claimed to live the longest. one.

But now she is no different from an ordinary child, at least until she recovers into an ancient dragon, Ning Ze can't ignore her.

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