"Want to have a cup of tea together?"

"That would be troublesome."

Putting away his special sun wheel knife, Beiming Yu Xingming folded his hands together and bowed slightly in the direction of Butterfly Ninja and others.

Seeing that a blind person can see himself, Kenjiro Butterfly and others who were originally calm suddenly exclaimed.

After finally signaling them not to panic, the secretary took them back to Butterfly's house.

A group of people sat in the middle of the hall, and the secretary explained to them what happened just now.

Not only that, but he also gave them some basic information about ghosts, the ghost killing team, and the sun wheel sword.

After listening to it, whether it was the adult Butterfly couple or the young Tomioka siblings, Butterfly sisters and others, there was a hint of confusion on their faces.

The youngest Li Hua Luo Xiang Nai went straight into the secretary's arms, and calmed down after a long time of comforting.

It was the first time they heard about ghosts, and it was also the first time they realized that the world was not as simple as they imagined.

In addition to the human beings on the bright side, there are also evil ghosts that cannibalize people in the dark night.

The one responsible for exterminating these evil spirits is the Demon Killing Squad who uses the Sun Wheel Saber.

"Basically, I've said everything I can say, think about it carefully."

While speaking, the secretary pointed to the mourning Yu Xingming beside him.

"If you want to live in another place, Xingming can help you find a safe place."

Nodding his head, Mingyu Xingming said.

"I've left a sign, Yin will come over soon."


A trace of doubt appeared on the foreheads of everyone, and they immediately looked at the secretary.

"Frankly, let me confess leniently."

After waving his hands, the secretary was completely speechless about their curiosity.

After another explanation, everyone left contentedly.

In the process of leaving, Butterfly Kanae paused for a moment and looked at the secretary.

"Mr. Secretary, you said just now that these ghosts are all transformed by humans, right?"

Nodding his head, the secretary said.

"That's right, the ancestor of Oni is called Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, and he is the common enemy of me and the Demon Killing Squad."

Nodding, Kanae sat aside, deep in thought.

Looking at the slightly tangled expression on her face, a strange feeling suddenly flashed in Secretary Secretary's heart.

She wouldn't want to join the Demon Slayer Squad, would she?

The feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, and the secretary felt that his guess might really come true.

Although Sister Butterfly did not experience the pain of the death of both parents because of her own interference.

But people's personalities don't change so easily, and the kind-hearted Kanae may bring in the idea that eliminating evil spirits is saving them.

Sure enough, after a while, Kanae suddenly got up.

Looking at Beimingyu Xingming, her words were full of firmness.

"Excuse me, does the Ghost Killing Squad recruit female members?"

I knew it!

With a roar in his heart, the secretary knew that under the guidance of some kind of force majeure, Kanae still made the choice to join the ghost killing team.

And Beimingyu Xingming didn't speak directly after hearing what Kanae said.

After a while, he spoke slowly.

'If you want to join in, you can.

Chapter 133 Undead Chuan Brothers

After hearing Beimingyu Xingming's words, Butterfly Chanahui's eyes lit up.Read the book

But then, Beimingyu's words made her stuck in place again.

"However, you need to pass a test."

Looking at Bei Mingyu who was laughing and laughing, the secretary felt that this guy seemed to have failed his studies.

At this moment, he suddenly found that Kanae was looking at him.

"Mr. Secretary, can you give me some advice?"

She has seen that Beimingyu Xingming seems to respect the Secretary very much, so she wants to gain some experience from him.

Frowning, the Secretary did not expect that Kanae would come to seek his opinion.

After thinking for a while, he spoke slowly.

"Actually, I don't suggest you join the Ghost Killing Squad."

As soon as the words fell, Kanae's face showed a hint of disappointment.

Since the secretary said so, I am afraid that Beimingyu will also refer to his thoughts.

However, the secretary's last sentence made her hopeful again.

"However, even if I say so, you won't give up."

With a slight smile, Secretary Secretary raised his head and looked at the moon above.

"The only thing I can leave you with is one sentence, do your best and know the destiny."

Do your best, know the destiny.

Silently chanting these six words, Kanae's face was full of thinking.

And the secretary also waved his hand, motioning for Bei Mingyu to bring his ears closer.

"I estimate that this time not only Kanae will join."


After listening, Beimingyu Xingming was stunned for a moment.

Signaling him not to be so excited, the secretary then told him the situation of Butterfly Shinobi, Tomioka Yoshiyong, and Lihua Luoxiang Naihu.

After listening to the secretary's explanation, Bei Mingyu nodded slightly.

"It seems that they all have quite astonishing talents. If they join, I can recommend them to my lord."

When he said this, a strange look suddenly appeared on Beimingyu's face.

"Speaking of which, a few days ago, a ninja found us."


The moment he heard these two words, the secretary had already thought of someone.

"It's Yusui Tianyuan."

Nodding his head, Beimingyu then said that Yoya Ubuyashiki had agreed to Usui Tengen's application for joining the team.

The reason why Yu Sui Tianyuan joined the ghost killing team was not only to hunt ghosts, but more importantly, he wanted to compete with the secretary again.

"I'm ready. I will definitely not lose in this competition of wrist strength."

After telling the secretary the original words, Beimingyu's face was full of helplessness.

He didn't expect that Mr. Secretary could have such a deep relationship with a ninja.

Holding his chin, the secretary did not expect Yusui Tianyuan to have such a deep obsession with him.

"You give me a sentence, just say this challenge, my secretary will follow."

Nodding his head, Beimingyu suddenly paused.

"Mr. Secretary, won't you go back with me?"

Shaking his head, the Secretary didn't have the idea of ​​going to the Ghost Killing Squad.

Before he finds a way to prolong the lifespan of the stripe user, he will not easily stay with powerful swordsmen for a long time.

As for this issue, he felt that his thin blood might play a role.

Thinking of this, he turned around and walked out of the room.

After a while, he came over with a container.

What was stored inside was the part of the blood he had just taken out.

After handing over the blood to Beimingyu Xingming, the Secretary then told him some things.

The other party also said that when he returned to the Ghost Killing Squad, he would let a special person start researching it.

As a swordsman, more than anyone else, he hopes that the secretary can stay in the ghost killing team.

After all, the secretary is not only a living history, but also the only one who has seen Wu Mi, and even chased it to cut it into existence.

With a secretary, they have unlimited motivation.

Standing in front of the window, Secretary Secretary looked out of the window and suddenly said.

"It's hidden, you go and arrange it."

After finishing speaking, several figures jumped over the wall and appeared in the courtyard of Butterfly's house.

It can be seen from the word "hidden" behind them that they are the team responsible for the aftermath.

"Then, I'll leave first."

Pinning the Rilun Knife on his waist, the Secretary smiled slightly and waved his hand towards Beimingyu Xingming.

"Say hello to Yaozai and me."

After finishing speaking, the secretary jumped lightly and jumped onto the roof.

Then, his figure disappeared into the night.

At the moment the secretary left, Die Dieren and the others suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction where the secretary left.

They knew that after this farewell, they might not see the secretary for a long time.

After leaving Butterfly's house, Secretary Secretary did not leave Tokyo Mansion, but walked towards the center.

Now that they are all here, he plans to meet those two little guys.

Undead Brothers.

As a future Fengzhu and ghost addict, the Secretary is still very interested.

Besides, the experience of the two of them also made him feel a little pitiful.

He wouldn't mind giving them a hand if he could.

In this way, the Secretary came to Kyobashi District, Tokyo Prefecture.

One morning, Si Shu was sitting in a teahouse, drinking tea leisurely.

His eyes swept across the crowd on the street from time to time, and he was looking for his target.

Suddenly, two young figures entered his eyes.

Two young boys were pulling a cart and walking slowly among the crowd.

The leader was an older man with short white hair.

The boy behind him was younger and had a different hair color, black.

"It should be the two of them."

With a raised eyebrow, the secretary paid for the tea and planned to leave.

As soon as he stood up straight, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

I saw a tall man walking out from the corner and rushing towards Brother Undead Chuan.

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