It can not only block his sight, but also block his attack, buying time for escape.

But the secretary's attack was not so easy to dodge. The sharp flame slash easily melted and evaporated the snow, and continued to fly over without diminishing power.

Finding that there is no such way, Wu Mi can only sacrifice part of his limbs to block the attack.

No matter how much flesh and blood you lose, you can't slow down your speed.

The secretary, on the other hand, ran forward desperately, trying to narrow the distance between the two sides.

One person and one ghost all know that distance is the key factor in this kind of battle.

Once the Secretary was brought close, the distance between the two sides was reduced to the attack range of the Thirteenth Form of the Breath of the Sun, and Wu Mi would be chopped into pieces within one breath.

Once the distance is widened, the secretary who lacks long-range attack means will face the scene of being exhausted.

Although there was no way to cause effective damage to himself, he also lost the possibility of killing Wu Mi.

"No misfortune, don't run away!"

With a loud roar, the secretary stomped heavily on the snow, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.

"It's a joke, if you tell me not to run, I won't run away, so why don't you let me wait to die."

The tentacles on the arms pierced the ground alternately, "throwing" Wu Mi's body forward in a swinging manner.

Just like that, Si Shu and Wu Mi, one chasing and the other running, have already reached the foot of the mountain.

Chapter 209

Under Wu Mi's desperate escape, the distance between the two sides did not shorten significantly.

Seeing the figure running away in embarrassment in front of him, Secretary Secretary then roared forward.

"The ancestor of the majestic ghost is so embarrassed, aren't you afraid of being seen by your subordinates like this and being laughed at?!"

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not necessarily your friend, it may be your enemy.

Although the two sides are hostile, the secretary knows Wu Mi quite well.

Wu Mi, who was born in the aristocracy in the human period, besides attaching great importance to the "class concept", also attaches great importance to the so-called "noble face".

In the eyes of nobles, sometimes, even suffering a loss is better than losing one's own face.

Even if he became the ancestor of ghosts, Wu Mi would demand the same from himself in most cases.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be wearing high-end clothes, dressed quite exquisitely, and showing off his face like this.

But the secretary has no "worries" in this regard, and he uses all kinds of ridicule, aggressive methods and so on.

Even if it can only slow him down for half a second, it is enough to shorten the distance by himself.

However, Wu Mi's shamelessness far exceeded his imagination.

When the Secretary said "You are not afraid of being laughed at by your subordinates", Wu Mi would reply "Whoever laughs at me, I will kill him."

When the secretary said, "You really don't have sex", Wu Mi said that he didn't have that need, and it didn't matter if he had it or not.

If a ghost sees such a miserable state, he will probably drop his jaw and eyeballs in shock.

Wu Mi, who was powerful, mysterious, and frightening to ghosts in their hearts, was being chased by the secretary while exhaling fragrance.

But as time went by, Wu Mi gradually had nothing to say.

After all, it is nothing more than the repetition of those few words.

As a nobleman, he can know so much, which is quite good.

The secretary didn't have any problems in this regard, and he spoke one sentence after another without repetition.

Hearing the words from the secretary's mouth behind him, Wu Mi blushed suddenly.

Forcibly holding back the anger in his heart, he kept telling himself to be calm and not to be impulsive.

Once impulsive, losing face is a trivial matter, but losing life is a big loss.

"Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil..."

Repeating this sentence learned from humans in his heart, Wu Mi gritted his teeth and turned off his hearing.

Can't hear, don't worry.

You scold, you mock, whatever you want, anyway, I can't hear you.

In this world, the secretary is probably the only one who can push himself to such an extent.

As an ordinary human being, let alone scolding himself for such a long time, even if he doesn't give himself a good look, Wu Mi will let him reincarnate directly.

On the point of "bullying the weak and fearing the strong", perhaps Ling Yuzi is a good inheritance from Wu Mi.

Of course, Wu Mi himself would not admit it.

He is the boss, he calls the shots.

If there is a ghost who dares not give him face, he will kill that ghost.

If he can't beat the secretary, can't he also beat other ghosts?

After saying a lot of words but Wu Mi didn't respond, the Secretary knew that he must have turned off his hearing.

He couldn't help being filled with contempt for him, Secretary Secretary looked down on Wu Mi's actions. .

But unfortunately, he didn't have a better way.

In this state of chasing each other, Si Shu and Wu Mi have already arrived in the small town.

During the pursuit, there was a loud noise, which immediately woke up the residents of the small town.

In the past, the secretary would definitely choose to hide his figure, so as not to cause trouble to these ordinary people as much as possible.

But the situation is different now, this time he can't catch up with Wu Mi, and he doesn't know when he will have to wait next time.

"Oh my God, what is that!"

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

"Is that a devil? What's going on with the swordsman behind? Am I dreaming?!"

The residents who woke up looked at the Secretary and Wu Mi, and made a sound of shock and panic.

When passing by a drying rack, Secretary Secretary tore off a piece of black clothing and used it to cover his face.

Even if the whereabouts are found, the face cannot be seen.

Otherwise, I will be in big trouble in the future.

When the secretary was worried that his whereabouts would be discovered, Wu Mi was really happy.

What kind of small town residents are these? This is all their own food!

Having regained his hearing, he changed direction slightly and jumped towards a house.

He stretched out his hand to grab a young man who was standing by the window, looking at him in surprise, and without hesitation broke his neck.

After seeing Wu Mi's behavior, the secretary in the rear was instantly angry.

"Wu Mi, let him go!"

Facing the secretary's yelling, Wu Mi grinned.


With the sound of muscle tearing, Wu Mi forcefully bit off a large mouthful of flesh from the young man's body, chewed it briefly and swallowed it into his stomach.

The intestines and stomach are constantly peristaltic, and the flesh and blood are quickly digested and absorbed.

His eyes lit up, and Wu Mi took a few more mouthfuls, swallowing the brain, heart and other parts that contained a lot of nutrition.

After gaining nutrition, his speed increased again.

"Haha, if you want it, go get it!"

The nutritious parts had been eaten, so he threw out the ragged corpse of the young man he had bitten.

Looking at the corpse of the young man who was thrown out, the chill on Secretary Secretary's face grew even stronger.

He knew the young man, and he had quite good popularity in the small town.

I heard from other people that the young man's parents died since he was a child, and he left nothing behind.

Even so, with his own efforts, he saved a sum of money and bought a shop to do business.

Not long ago, the young man confessed his success to his childhood sweetheart, planning to find a suitable time to get married.

The secretary clearly remembered the young man holding his fiancée's hand with a happy expression on his face.

But now, he is dead.

All that remained on his face were endless fear, astonishment, and disbelief.

Clenching his fist, the secretary knew that now was not the time to collect his body.

Staring straight at Wu Mi's back, he followed closely.

After killing the young man, Wu Mian then killed several others.

Among them are old people, children, men and women.

Wu Mi doesn't care about these, in his view, human beings are just a kind of food that can be eaten at will.

He got a lot of nutrition in a short period of time, and he was a little "full" so he didn't continue to kill.

Just as he was thinking about what to do next, the temperature behind him suddenly rose, making him a little hot.

His eyes widened in an instant, Wu Mi turned his head and saw Si Shu's angry face.

And, a sun wheel knife wrapped in flames.

"Scorching sky!"

Chapter 210


As a type of Breath of Thunder, it is considered to be the fastest one-hit attack among the derivative moves of the breathing method.

Its principle is to pour power into one foot, and then burst out in one breath.

Like a thunder that tears through the air, after approaching the opponent at high speed, he draws his sword and slashes at a speed that the ghost can't see clearly, and can cut off the ghost's head with one blow.

Then there is an upgraded version of "Thunderbolt Flash * Super Speed", which greatly improves the speed and cutting power on the original basis.

My wife Zenitsu has used Thunderbolt Flash (Sixth/Eightth Company) many times to kill ghosts. Tanjiro in the original book also imitated Thunderbolt Flash and used a similar round dance Flash.

And what Tanjiro can do, the secretary can naturally do.

Compress the muscle power of the legs like a tightly pressed spring.

The stronger the suppression received, the better the toughness of the spring, and the more terrifying the explosive speed after the suppression is released.

Needless to say, the secretary's physical fitness, his control over the muscles is quite amazing.

When the sun wheel knife collided with the scabbard and made a crisp "ding" sound, he released the suppression.

Like the flames ejected from a rocket when it lifts off, the Secretary's speed suddenly increased as if he had eaten super fuel.

The body rubbed against the air, and the resulting flame covered the surface of the body, like a god of flame.

This is, "Scorching Sky"!

Approaching Wu Mi's back in an instant, Secretary Secretary launched an attack.


The Rilun Saber slashed out horizontally, hitting Wu Mi's neck.

The hairs on his body stood on end, the sharp blade and the entangled flames brought two completely different feelings to Wu Mi.

The cold and burning pain of death seemed to whisper in one's own ear the end of life.

Faced with such a blow, Wu Mi knew that if he didn't do anything, he would die here.

If he wanted to survive, he had to find a breakthrough in the secretary's attack.

Naturally, it is impossible to resist forcefully. Doing so is no different from seeking a dead end.

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