It became difficult to speak, and the iron-wrought tongue seemed to be tied in a knot in his mouth.

Shrugging, the secretary didn't feel anything.

There is no shady relationship between the two, it's just that he and Yuanyi are lazy to promote everywhere on weekdays.

After a while, Mo Tie straightened his tongue.

After carefully looking at the secretary, he found that the secretary and Yuanyi did have many similarities.

Confident, powerful, and skilled with the sword.

Like a teacher, there must be a disciple. This is the situation I am talking about.

Shaking his head helplessly, Mo Tie could only express his admiration in his heart.

Since you insist on staying here, I won't persuade you much.

Most of the food and drinking water in the backpack were taken out, and only a small part was left to grind the iron.

With your help, secretary, my one-week journey has ended ahead of schedule.

Leaving two pieces of emerald and one six-point emerald, Mo Tie put the remaining emerald into the backpack.

These things are left to you, good luck!

After finishing speaking, Mo Tie turned around and walked towards the road down the mountain.

Putting his own things into the backpack, Secretary Secretary walked towards the top of the mountain.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the longer it is exposed to the sun, and the better the quality of the jadeite.

That being the case, nine out of ten of his hidden missions will be completed there.

One step, two steps, three steps, the secretary walked slowly towards the top of the mountain.

As he got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, the secretary obviously felt that the air was getting hotter and hotter.

The temperature here may have reached more than 40 degrees, twice that at the foot of the mountain.

Standing slightly on the hillside, Secretary Secretary looked up at Sunshine Mountain, which was halfway up.

The average quality of jade here has reached five or six points.

Sure enough, my goal was to be at the top of the mountain!

After taking a short break, the Secretary continued to walk towards the top of the mountain.

As he got closer to the top of the mountain, the temperature of the air became hotter and hotter.

The scorching air was distorted, and the dark ore was even dyed light red.

It looks like being in a furnace.

hoo hoo ~ hoo hoo ~

After wiping the sweat off his forehead, Secretary Si felt his mouth was dry.

Shaking the kettle on his waist, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking a sip.

No, hold on for a while, these waters are my last hope.

If he drank all the water right now, the secretary probably wouldn't be able to hold on to the top of the mountain.

Gradually, he felt that his body was starting to become a little sluggish.

Shaking his head vigorously, the Secretary blinked his eyes a few times, trying to keep himself awake.

Under normal circumstances, the human body will be restless if it loses 5% of water, and it will fall into a coma if it loses 15%.

But now, the water loss rate in the secretary's body is close to 20%!

This is a lethal situation!

hateful. ap.

After drinking the last of the water, Secretary Shu threw the empty jug aside.

Feeling the slow evaporation of water in his body, he knew that this was his last chance.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a warmth coming from his body.

This is, Breath of the Sun?

Responding quickly, the Secretary hurriedly activated the Breath of the Sun.

Ichizo* round dance

The second type*Bi Luotian

After using the Type [-], the secretary was surprised to find that the surrounding high temperature seemed to have dropped a bit.

No, my heat resistance has improved.

Does the breath of the sun have such a magical effect?

With a glint in his eyes, the secretary continued to wave it.

Over and over again, over and over again.

With the continuous use of the secretary, the breathing of the sun in his body and the high temperature outside his body gradually have a common frequency.


With his eyes closed, the Secretary was completely immersed in the world of the Breath of the Sun.

The breath of the sun inherited from Jiguo Yuanyi and the high temperature from the sun complement each other, forming a perfect and delicate cycle in the secretary's body.

Affected by the external environment, the host's ability to resist heat continues to improve.

Combined with the ability of the host itself, master-level swordsmanship began to improve.

Combined with the host's own ability, the specialization-level breathing method began to improve.

Dancing with flames, being accompanied by high temperature, wrapping around with sunshine, helping breathing to kill ghosts!

When Secretary Secretary opened his eyes again, he had already reached the top of Sunshine Mountain!

Chapter 19 Using the body as a knife, the hidden task is completed

I am?

Before he could fully react, the secretary's brain was still a little slow.

I have come to the top of Sunshine Mountain?

Looking around, the Secretary realized that he had arrived at his destination.

The top of Sunshine Mountain is not as rugged as he imagined, but a whole piece of flat land.

Only in the center, there is a huge fiery red ore that is two people tall, like a piece of red crystal.

It was as if the essence of the entire Sunshine Peak had been absorbed by the central ore.

But then again, it's really hot on the top of the mountain.

Not only the clothes on his body were completely burned, but even a small half of the knife that Whistle Iron lent him was melted.

It can be seen that the temperature at the top of Sunshine Mountain is not at all the hundreds of degrees that Motie said.

But it's as high as [-] Baidu!

Fortunately, I have the breath of the sun, otherwise I would have turned into a pile of fly ash.

Thinking of the Breath of the Sun, the secretary suddenly realized that he seemed to have received a notification from the system before he was fully immersed.

After checking all his data, the Secretary's face was shocked for a moment.

Master swordsmanship: 50/100 million.

Master-level breathing method: 40/100 million.

Looking at his soaring sword skills and breathing skills, the secretary barely suppressed the idea of ​​starting all over again.

Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil.

After calming down, he walked towards the very center of the mountain.

Standing in front of the huge ore, the secretary frowned slightly.

Even with the sun breathing body protection, I can still feel the huge energy contained in the huge ore.

Sunshine Mountain is cloudless all year round, and the top of the mountain is exposed to the sun all the time.

The accumulation of hundreds of years and endless energy have made this huge ore.

No wonder no one has ever climbed to the top of the mountain. The temperature alone has stopped [-]% of people.

But now that I'm here, I'm going to order this emerald!

There was bursts of fire in his eyes, and the secretary was very satisfied with this piece of red crystal.

Holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, he used the breath of the sun again.

round dance


sun red mirror

The Type [-] was constantly used, bombarding the red crystal ore.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the explosion resounded through the entire Sunshine Mountain, straight into the sky, as if it was about to explode the entire blue sky.

However, the secretary muttered about the hardness of the red crystal ore.

A set of skills was poured on it, but only a layer of ore on the surface was peeled off.

so hard? !

Holding the saber again with both hands, the Secretary planned to do it again.

As soon as he swung the knife, he felt something was wrong.

The knife that Mo Tie lent him was not a sun wheel knife, but a relatively sharp ordinary knife.

After using the Sun's Breath many times and experiencing the high temperature of the sunny mountain top, this knife still came to the end.

Looking at the knife with only half of its blade left in his hand, Secretary Secretary reluctantly threw it aside.

Although he lost his weapon, the flames in the Secretary's eyes grew stronger.

The more the red crystal ore resisted, the more excited the secretary became.

This piece of emerald, I want to order!

With his conviction strengthened, the secretary turned to think about how to deal with it.

After thinking about it, he found that he really didn't have any particularly good methods.

What should I do?

Rubbing his cheeks, Secretary Si looked at the red crystal in front of him, with distress on his face.

Red Crystal, Sun, Resonance, Sun's Breath.

Combining all the useful information together, the secretary's brain was spinning rapidly.


Finally, with a flash of inspiration, he seemed to have thought of a solution.

I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try.

After standing up and moving around, the secretary walked towards the red crystal ore again.


The left foot stepped on the ground suddenly, the right hand clenched into a fist, and then spun around for a circle.

The Breath of the Sun * One Shape * Round Dance!

A reddish flame surfaced on the surface of the fist, reflecting light like a slash.


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