The fight became more and more urgent, and the two crows fought hard, as if their eyes were red.

But in the end, it was Hei Ling who was superior.

He slapped his wings on the opponent's head, and then he continued to chase and landed on the opponent's ass.


Clutching his butt, the crow finally gave in.

Hei Ling, with her chest upright, was like a victorious warrior, with a proud look on her face.

"My name is Tennoji Matsuemon."

Jumping in front of the secretary, the crow slightly lowered his head and said his name.

He is a crow that has just passed training recently, so he doesn't know the secretary.

Coupled with his very stubborn character, even among the crows, he is a first-class stubble.

It's a pity that he met Hei Ling who was tougher than him.

Relying on his own strength, Hei Ling insisted on defeating Tianwang Temple.

Waving his hand, the secretary signaled that he was not angry, and told Tianwangsi not to take it to heart.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly spoke.

"Tanjiro, how about I go with you?"

"Mr. Secretary is with me?"

They exchanged glances with Nezuko who was packing up, and both of them saw a look of agreement in their eyes.

"Don't worry, under normal circumstances, I won't make a move."

With a slight smile, the Secretary stood up.

"Young swordsmen need to be tempered, I am still clear about this."

Hearing what the secretary said, Tanjiro and Nezuko had no reason to continue to refuse.

Soon, the three of them packed up their things and headed towards the small town in the northwest direction.

Iron Zuka Ying returned to the village of the knife forger and began to prepare for the next forging.

When the secretary and the three went to the northwest town, the ghosts in the town did not stop their predation.

One night, Kazumi was walking back with his fiancée Riko.

"Mr. Kazumi, it's so late, you don't have to send me back."

"It's okay, it's not far anyway, let me see you off."

Sighing helplessly, Riko nodded.

The two walked together, and Kazumi was holding a lantern for lighting.

On the way back, he kept telling all kinds of interesting stories he heard.

Lizi listened very carefully, laughing like silver bells from time to time.

The good times are always short, and soon, they came to Lizi's house.

"Then I'll take you here."

Standing at the corner, Kazumi said with a smile.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, let's go enjoy the flowers and eat cherry blossom pancakes together."

"it is good."

Nodding with a smile, Riko then waved goodbye to him.

Turning around, Kazumi also walked in the direction he came from.

But just after he left for a while, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't mentioned the specific time yet.

"By the way, tomorrow morning I..."

Turning his head suddenly, he looked behind him, wanting to discuss it.

However, when he turned his head, he froze there.

Li Zi, who was standing there just now, has disappeared at this moment, and the whole person has completely disappeared.

If it weren't for the clogs she just wore on the ground, Kazumi might have thought she had gone back.

But now it appears that the lining is gone.

"Lizi, Miss Lizi, where are you?"

He called out tentatively, but Kazumi didn't hear the expected answer.

"Don't be kidding, it's not funny."

After searching for a while, the unwilling Kazumi continued to shout.

"Come out, it's very late today, let's play tomorrow, shall we?"

However, no matter how much he yelled, Li Zi did not appear again.

The sound of Kazumi's shouting also spread to Lizi's home, and her parents came out, asking what happened.

After knowing that his daughter disappeared for no reason, Lizi's parents were stunned.

After an unknown amount of time, Lizi's father stood up slowly and knocked Kazumi to the ground with one punch.

"You madman, give me back my daughter!"

"No, it's not me. I don't know where Miss Lizi has gone."

Covering his cheeks, Kazumi quickly explained

But no matter how he defended, no one is willing to listen to it anymore.

Without any eyewitnesses, based on his words alone, it is hard to believe the bizarre way of disappearance.

As for the case of the missing girl in this small town, there was one more person tonight.

Three days later, a group of three came to this small town.

Chapter 241 The Ghost of the Swamp

"This should be the mission location."

After checking with Tennoji Matsuemon on his shoulder, Tanjiro said to Nezuko beside him.

"Nezuko, let's take a break first, and start searching in the afternoon."

Nezuko also nodded, and had no objection.

She was very tired after several days of traveling, so she could take this opportunity to take a good bath and rest.

The secretary, on the other hand, looked at them quietly without saying a word.

As he said before, more time, he will act as a spectator.

Only when he thinks he needs to make a move, the secretary will turn into a real ghost hunter and show his own sharpness.

While looking for a hotel to rest, when passing a corner, a figure suddenly appeared and bumped into the secretary.

Glancing at the man who bumped into him, the secretary found that the man looked a little strange.

The corners of his mouth were still drooling, his eyes were dull, and he was still muttering something.

If it weren't for the other party's decent clothes, he would have met a lunatic by himself.

"This gentleman, what's the matter with you?"

Tanjiro at the side noticed that something was wrong with the man, he quickly helped him aside, and checked his physical condition.

Some passers-by around looked at the man who appeared, with more or less regretful expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Kazumi is really a miserable person. He was going to get married."

"That's to say, I didn't expect Miss Lizi to disappear like that."

"I heard that he still disappeared in front of his eyes. I don't know if it's true or not."

With a slight movement of his ears, the secretary got the general idea of ​​the matter from the gossip of these people.

The man named Kazumi in front of him, because of the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée Riko, caused his mental instability, and finally became what he is now.

"It must have been made by a ghost."

His eyes turned slightly cold, and the secretary's mind had already connected this matter with ghosts.

A case of missing persons occurred in the place where the ghost appeared, and it was a case similar to the previous one. It is difficult for people not to associate with the ghost.

And Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief after the inspection.

After feeding Kazumi a sip of water, the other party also reacted.

His eyes were still blurred, Kazumi said slowly.

"Hey, who are you?"

"I am Tanjiro Kamado, she is my younger sister Nezuko, and the one over there is Mr. Secretary."

After briefly introducing the three of them, Tanjiro then asked.

"I don't know what happened to you, if possible, can you tell me about it."

With a self-deprecating smile on his face, Kazumi shook his head slightly, with a sad look on his face.

"I didn't expect that there are still people willing to listen to me about this matter."

"My name is Kazumi, and this is how it goes..."

After Hesi finished explaining the ins and outs of the matter, the secretary found that what he said was basically the same as what he had speculated.

And Tanjiro and Nezuko also showed doubts in their eyes after listening to this story.

The light of thought flashed by, Tanjiro then looked at the secretary.

Nodding slightly, the secretary gave him a positive reply.

Walking to Tanjiro's side, the secretary then whispered in his ear.

"There is a high probability, and the possibility of continuing to commit crimes tonight cannot be ruled out."

While talking, he suddenly smiled and said to Kazumi.

"Although it may make you feel uncomfortable to say it, Kazumi, how old is your fiancée Riko this year?"

"Ten... 16 years old."

He froze for a moment, but Kazumi still spoke slowly.

"At such a young age, she should have enjoyed better things, and it turned out that because of me..."

Before he finished speaking, he himself fell into self-blame because of guilt.

Clutching his head, Kazumi's tears had already dropped to the ground.

Seeing this, Tanjiro and Nezuko hurried forward to comfort him.

The secretary was leaning against a wall, as if thinking about something.

"16 years old?"

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a plan had appeared in his mind.

That afternoon, the secretary left the hotel, and found the matchmaker in this small town by means of inquiries.

When expressing that she wanted to get married, the matchmaker immediately asked about his request.

"Fifteen or sixteen years old is fine."

Hearing that the secretary only made such a request, the matchmaker double-checked whether it was really only the age requirement.

"Yes, that's right, I only have one request."

The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, facing the matchmaker's suspicious eyes, the Secretary only felt that she seemed to have misunderstood something.

He doesn't really want to get married, so naturally he doesn't need so many conditions.Read the book

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