
Easily cut off the spider silk that Brother Spider was proud of, Shan Yi's body rushed upwards at an extremely fast speed.

"Spot poisonous phlegm!

Seeing Shanyi quickly approaching him, Brother Spider also took defensive measures.

His mouth squirmed, and then he opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of thick dark green phlegm.

A stench came, flying directly towards Shanyi's face

From the faint hissing sound, it could be heard that if he was hit by the bombardment, his head would probably be corroded.

However, Shan Yi, who closed his eyes, rushed over without hesitation as if he didn't perceive it.

"Three in a row"

With a step in mid-air, his body instantly rushed to the left.


Another step, and returned to the original direction.

Seeing Shanyi dodging his own attack in this way, Brother Spider was obviously taken aback.

"This is impossible!"

Shouting, facing such Shanyi, he couldn't understand how a guy with his eyes closed could do it.

At this time, Shanyi had already used the fifth company.

Using his strength to charge again, he instantly reduced the distance between the two parties to the shortest.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Spider heard an indifferent voice.

"Thunder's Breath*One's Shape*Thunderbolt Flash"

"Six companies!"

Chapter 273 The Spider Sister Who Deceived People to the Secretary's Head

The body turned into thunder and flashed past, and then the wooden house shattered.

Then came the head of Brother Spider.

"I was, beheaded?"

A gleam of disbelief flashed in his eyes, Brother Spider looked at Shanyi who was falling rapidly after the attack, and shouted.

This is impossible, a guy like you, how could I be killed by a guy like you.

"If you lose, you lose, which means you are not good enough."

Suddenly, a strange male voice entered Brother Spider's ears.

Then, a huge stone flew over and smashed his head into pieces.

Because of being beheaded by Shanyi before, this time, Brother Spider didn't even have a chance to be resurrected, so he just disappeared.

Seeing Brother Spider disappear into the air, Secretary Clerk clapped his hands, and then ran over quickly.

After catching the falling Shanyi, he then checked the opponent's body.

Sure enough, there were obvious signs of poisoning on Shanyi's body.

"This kid, really careless."

Sighing, the secretary then shook his head.

But having said that, he was able to kill Brother Spider by himself, which has proved his growth.

"Yes, secretary, sir."

Slowly opening his eyes, Shan Yi, who was a little confused in his pupils, stammered.

"Am I dreaming."

"What dream, dreaming of me is not a nightmare."

With a wry smile on his face, Shan Yi continued to ask.

"That ghost, is he dead?"

At the moment of beheading, he had a slight consciousness.

Therefore, Shanyi clearly felt that he had cut off the head of a ghost with the sun wheel knife.

"Well, dead, you're doing fine."

With a slight smile, Secretary Secretary then said to Shanyi with a smile.

"Now, you can rest in peace."

"Yeah, then I'll sleep for a while, that's it."

Hearing what the secretary said, Shanyi's nerves gradually relaxed.

The heavy eyelids closed, and the head tilted to the side.

"Rest peacefully, when you wake up, everything will be over."

Carrying Shanyi on his back, the secretary then carried him on his back and walked outside.

By checking the footsteps of Tanjiro and the others, the secretary changed direction slightly and walked in that direction.

Soon, he came to the side of a small stream.

After placing Shanyi in a relatively secluded place, the secretary walked out.

Sure enough, just as he had imagined, the three of Tanjiro were fighting the spider father in the stream at this moment.

Different from the original book, because of the addition of Nezuko, the pressure on Dad Spider has increased a lot.

Therefore, Elder Sister Spider didn't leave directly, but stayed here, relying on her own ability to assist.

"Water wheel!"

With a roar, Tanjiro swung his blade and looked at Father Spider seriously.

However, the opponent unexpectedly raised his right arm, abruptly blocking this sword technique.

There was only a snapping sound, and the sun wheel knife cut into Father Spider's arm was taken there.

"So hard!"

Seeing that his attack did not cut off the opponent's arms, Tanjiro was slightly taken aback.

Then, he sensed a gust of punching wind.

Quickly jumping back and pulling away, Tanjiro escaped the opponent's attack.

After him, Inosuke and Nezuko also activated their sword skills one after another.

Unfortunately, like Tanjiro, their attacks can only cut off a part of the opponent's body, not completely.

For such a powerful ghost, it only takes a little time to fully recover from such an injury.

Coupled with the assistance of Sister Spider next to them, it was even more difficult for them to deal with it.

Pulling the knife out of Dad Spider's arm forcefully, Inosuke saw a huge bundle of white spider silk blasting towards him.

"go to hell!"

Elder Sister Spider on the other side of the river laughed, and controlled her spider silk to hit him on the head.

She didn't want this blow to kill him, as long as Yizhisuke passed out, she could restrain him.

Only then will your abilities really play a role.

"Dad, don't let them get out of my way!"

Shout out to Papa Spider and she makes more silk.

And when he heard his "baby daughter" yell, Dad Spider also yelled.

"No problem, I won't let these guys hurt my family!"

Immediately afterwards, Dad Spider lifted a stone from the bottom of the river and threw it at Tanjiro and the others.Read the book

Immediately launching their sword skills, Tanjirou and the three joined forces to cut the boulder into pieces.

At this moment, the secretary's voice appeared.

"There's no need to confront him head-on."

Upon hearing the voice, the three of them turned their heads and looked behind them.

"Mr. Secretary!"

Seeing that it was indeed the secretary, several people were overjoyed.

"Don't get excited, let's talk about it after you finish fighting."

Laughing, Secretary Secretary pointed to a few trees not far away.

"A warm reminder, fixed targets are much easier to chop than moving targets."

Instantly understanding what the secretary meant, Tanjiro shouted at Inosuke.

"Inosuke, stop those two guys, please!"

After speaking, he and Nezuko looked at each other, then rushed out.

One of them ran in front of a tree, and the brother and sister activated their sword skills at the same time.

"Water Breathing * One Type * Kai * Hengshuiche"

Two rays of light flashed, and with a crackling sound, two tall trees broke apart from the bottom.

When he heard this voice, Inosuke quickly jumped back and retreated.

Father Spider, who was a beat slower, looked at the black shadow under his feet, and then raised his arms high.

However, the force generated when the two giant trees fell was obviously beyond his budget.


The giant tree fell into the stream, and the big canopy splashed like a fountain.

And Dad Spider was also crushed by two logs.

Seeing her "father" being overwhelmed, Sister Spider subconsciously had the idea of ​​leaving.

But at some point, the secretary had already blocked her way.

Now, we can have a good talk.

With a slight smile, Secretary Secretary looked at the "girl" who was only in her teens, and said gently.

"If you can share some interesting information, maybe it will improve people."

"I don't know anything, please trust me!"

Seeing that her back was blocked, Sister Spider knelt down on the ground without the slightest hesitation.

Tears gushed out, and the expression on his face was quite wronged and helpless.

"I was forced to come here by them. I didn't eat alone. Please believe me!"

However, after hearing what she said, Secretary Secretary sighed.

"Cheating is bad behavior."

Chapter 274 Spider Dad, Evolution


Hearing what the secretary said, Sister Spider was stunned for a moment.

"Does he know my details?"

A trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, she subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said slowly.

"How is it possible? Ever since I was caught here, I have been under the scolding of other ghosts. They let me go to the sun even if they said something disobedient."

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