His wish in this life, besides forging a peerless sword, is to use his own machinery to pass on the sword skills of a powerful swordsman.

In the morning, he has fulfilled his first wish, and now he is here to fulfill his second wish.

As soon as Tie He finished speaking, Tie Ke immediately added.

Yes, although I know that my ability is insufficient, but I will definitely try my best!

So, please!

With a bang, he knocked his head on the floor, and Tie Ke's body trembled with excitement.

I would like to pass on your sword skills forever!

Tie He on the side sat there quietly, not saying much.

Tonight, he is just a spectator and guide, and will not interfere too much with the dialogue between Secretary and Tie Ke.

Falling into silence, the secretary quietly observed Tie Ke who was kneeling there.

Keeping his kowtow motionless, Tie Ke's brain was already in chaos.

He knew that his request was capricious, and he had no ability to make a deal with the other party.

So, all he can do is wait.

After an unknown amount of time, the secretary's voice slowly sounded in the silent room.

I think, if Master Yuanyi was here, he would agree.

After finishing speaking, Secretary Secretary stood up, walked to the shelf beside him, and picked up the Sun Wheel Knife.

The next breath of the sun, you have to be optimistic!

Chapter 27 Martial Arts under the Moonlight, Yan Zhu's Death

Pushing open the door, Secretary Secretary looked back at Tie Ke who was still kneeling there.

What are you still doing there?

Raising his head suddenly, Tieke wiped away the tears on his face with a very excited expression.


Tie He on the side grinned, wrapping his arms together in a happy smile.

Standing in the very center of the courtyard, the Secretary slowly pulled the Sun Wheel Knife out of its sheath.


The blade was pulled out, and the sound of metal clashing was so crisp at night.

The breathing of the sun is the breathing method I inherited from my master Yuanyi.

Next, I will show you the types one by one.

After finishing speaking, the Secretary swung the Sun Wheel Knife and used the Sun's Breath.

With a slash forward, an arc-shaped slash wrapped in flames flew out.

The breath of the sun * the shape of one * round dance.

While using the type, the secretary also said his name.

From bottom to top, he swung a circular slash like an upward pick.

The breath of the sun * the second type * blue sky

Slashed horizontally, the crimson flames were like a prairie fire, and the air seemed to become scorching hot.

Breath of the Sun*Three Types*Scorching Sun Red Mirror

From the beginning to the end, the secretary showed all the twelve types of Sun Breath that he had mastered.

And Tie Ke and Tie He on the side had already been attracted by this god-like swordsmanship, fell into it, and were greatly shocked physically and mentally.

At the moment when the twelve types were used up, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Secretary Secretary's mind.

A wonderful feeling flowed through the whole body, and my understanding of the breath of the sun actually deepened a bit.

Although it was only for a moment, he felt as if he had touched the corner of the Sun Breath * Thirteen.

Could it be said that only by owning your own Sun Saber can you truly unleash the power of the Sun's Breath?

Looking back on the past, the secretary found that he had indeed been using a wooden knife or someone else's sun wheel knife.

The movement of retracting the knife stopped instantly, and the secretary used the breath of the sun again.

Just as he guessed, every time he used up the twelve types of Sun Breath, his understanding of breathing would deepen.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the secretary doesn't know how many times he has used the breath of the next day.

He knew that he was enjoying the current state.

The breathing seems to resonate with the heaven and the earth, and the body and mind seem to be integrated with the sun wheel knife.

A knife is a person, and a person is a knife.

The secretary doesn't feel tired at all, and he doesn't feel tired at all!

With the use of Sun's Breath, his sword skills and breathing techniques have been improved rapidly!

Every time the breath of the sun is used, the points of the two will increase by hundreds, or even thousands of points!

While immersed in the sword skill of God, Tie He and Tie Ke didn't seem to feel the passage of time.

The moon hung high above the starry sky, and the figure of the secretary in the courtyard was pulled to the corner.

Tiehe and Tieke couldn't take their eyes off even more, only the figure who was constantly breathing was left in their eyes.

At the same time, in another house in the Sword Forger's Village, Ji Guoyansheng, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

Is this feeling the breath of the sun?

As the creator of Breath of the Moon, he is very familiar with this feeling.

He also knew very well that the only one who could use the Breath of the Sun in this place was the secretary who came with him.

However, this feeling is very different from a few days ago.

If we say that the previous secretary gave him the feeling that it was a piece of jade that was somewhat incomplete and had not yet been fully discovered.

So now, Secretary Secretary gave him the feeling of the sun hanging high in the blue sky.

Magnificent, vast, fiery, and unsurpassed.

This feeling is like my younger brother, Ji Guoyuanyi!

Following the feeling in his heart, Ji Guoyansheng looked towards the secretary's direction.

Secretary, what exactly have you experienced?

Under the moonlight, the performance is still going on.

While breathing, Ji Guo fell into shock.

On the ground, the knife forger could no longer extricate himself.

By the time the sun rose from the east together, the figures of the secretary and secretary had already disappeared in the courtyard.

Only the scorched black patches on the ground and the high temperature remaining in the air announced what happened here. .

After handing over the Rilun Saber to Ji Guoyansheng, the secretary and he embarked on a journey back to the Ghost Killing Squad.

The feeling you give me is different.

After carefully observing the secretary, Ji Guoyan Sheng suddenly spoke.

Have it?no.

Without directly answering Ji Guoyansheng's words, the secretary just smiled and stopped talking to him.

Knowing that he couldn't find out what was going on, Ji Guoyansheng also shut his mouth knowingly.

The journey was very smooth, and the two soon returned to the address of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Walking into the gate, the secretary quickly noticed something strange.

Unlike the lively atmosphere when I left, the Ghost Slayer Squad seems to have returned to its original appearance.

Quiet, inactive, somewhat gloomy.

Even, mixed with a little dead silence!

What is going on here?

When passing by some buildings, the sharp-eyed secretary found that there were sacrificial utensils at the door of some rooms.

There are still a few sticks of incense that have not been completely burned, and there are still some tributes left in front of the utensil.

This is a ritual to worship the dead!

Could it be that the lord has passed away? !

Thinking about Miyayashiki Mitsuya's illness before he left, the secretary felt a little worried.

Separated from Ji Guoyansheng, he rushed to the mansion where the lord was staying alone.

Koya is fine.

The reception secretary was still Miyashiki Yume, and she told the secretary that although Mitsuya Sanyashiki's body was still deteriorating, she hadn't died yet.

That being the case, what happened to the priests in the Ghost Killing Squad.

When it came to this question, Mengyin's already depressed expression suddenly became even more depressed.

After a while, she slowly opened her mouth to answer.

It's Yanzhu, Master Purgatory Momotjuro!

Momoujuro is dead? !

The moment he heard the news, the secretary stood up from the stool in an instant.

Although there is no blood relationship between the two, the secretary still has a good impression of Tao Shoulang.

Tao Shoulang died, how could he not be shocked.

what happened? !

Did you miss it while hunting ghosts?

No, Tao Shoulang is not that kind of person, he has always been rigorous and serious about tasks.

Just as the secretary was thinking about various possibilities in his mind, a sentence suddenly flashed through his brain.

Tao Julang also plans to celebrate his birthday early.

Without stopping any longer, Secretary Secretary directly left the mansion and rushed towards the Purgatory House.

As the distance continued to narrow, the surrounding crowd also increased.

All of them looked downcast, holding sacrificial paper money and other things in their hands.

Get out of the way, get out of the way!

Squeezing away the crowd in front of him, the Secretary finally came to the door of the Purgatory House.

Placed in the middle of the courtyard is a huge coffin.

On top of the coffin, there is a sun wheel knife with a flame-shaped jaw.

The secretary recognized at a glance that it was the saber of Purgatory Taoshourou.

And in front of the coffin, there is a huge stone tablet.

The stone tablet records Tao Shoulang's life. From birth to death, his personal deeds are listed one by one for future generations to admire.

And at the foot of the stele, there is such a sentence engraved.

The 38th Yanzhu of the Ghost Killing Team, Momojuro Purgatory, died at the age of 25.

The moment he saw this sentence, the secretary knew that his previous conjecture had been confirmed.

He knew the cause of Tao Shoulang's death.

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