In addition to the beautiful scenery of green mountains and green waters, the most famous thing is the hot springs here.

And Yushui also has such another name, the capital of hot springs.

Entering the swimming pool, the secretary found that the town did not seem to be affected by ghosts.

Tourist guests are everywhere, feasting, singing and dancing.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, and there was no sign of panic at all.

There seems to be a special fragrance in the air, which makes people intoxicated and intoxicated.

The secretary even had some doubts whether he had come to the wrong place.

Take a break tonight.

Picking a cheap hotel, Yuanyi opened a room for himself.

Yes, there is no room for the secretary.

What it means is already obvious.

Although the master didn't explain clearly, he still understood me.

Jumping down from the window, the secretary ran towards the largest hot spring hotel in the town.

Now that you have come to a hot spring town, how can you not go to a hot spring?

Standing at the door, the secretary was selecting the type of hot spring.

Rose Hot Spring, Jasmine Hot Spring, Cherry Blossom Hot Spring.

All kinds, only you can't think of it, no store can't do it.

In the end, the Secretary's gaze settled on the name at the bottom.

Scarlet Hot Springs.

Sorry, this hot spring is calculated separately.

The manager of the hotel, a pale man who looked like a toad replied.

If you can accept it, then I will prepare it for you now.

Count separately?

A little curious, the secretary continued to ask.

That being the case, there must be something special about this scarlet hot spring.

The scarlet hot spring is the signature hot spring of our shop. Just like the name, the spring water is scarlet.

While introducing to Secretary, the toad man said mysteriously.

Of course, the specific magical effect needs to be felt by oneself.

Then choose this one!

Immediately, the secretary paid the money and walked into the area where the scarlet hot spring was located.

As the shopkeeper said, the spring fruit of Scarlet Hot Spring is really scarlet.

Not only that, but even the air seems to be filled with a hint of sweetness.

Although the hot spring is very big, there are many people who come here especially for its name.

After searching for a while, the Secretary finally found a suitable position.

Oh ~

The whole body soaks in the hot spring, and the warm feeling spreads to all parts of the body.

A tingling sensation was produced from the inside out, and the secretary subconsciously sighed.

This hot spring is indeed extraordinary.

With the passage of time, the Secretary only felt a little dizzy in his brain.

Have I soaked it for a long time?

I feel a little groggy, and my brain is a little weak.

Forget it, let's soak for a while and go out.

Slowly closing his eyes, the secretary planned to go out after a while.

The scarlet hot spring was still emitting heat, but none of the people who entered the hot spring wanted to leave.

Before he knew it, a man who was soaking in a hot spring with his eyes closed suddenly sank.


The tiny sound of water is almost negligible in the hot spring, and a person is a drop in the bucket for a person in the hot spring.

After a while, a woman also sank suddenly.

three, four, five

As more and more people sank, the color of the hot spring seemed to become scarlet.

The smell in the air also became more intense.

In the drowsiness, Secretary Secretary felt that the hot spring under his body seemed to be a little different.

It feels like ink has been introduced into pure water.

The sticky feeling of two different liquids mixed together made him feel very uncomfortable.

The eyelids twitched, and the secretary wanted to open them.

But every time he inhaled a bit of the scent in the air, the desire to open his eyes lessened.

Finally, the secretary was the only one left on the surface.

Under the red spring water, a two-finger-wide tentacle appeared from below.

Following the direction of the water flow, the tentacles slowly approached the secretary.

Two meters, one meter, half a meter

In the next second, the tentacles touched the secretary's skin.

The tentacles that looked like dead objects suddenly exploded, like a python preying on food, intending to bind the secretary to death.


Sensing a strange feeling from the outside world, the Secretary's body sensed the murderous intent and reacted instantly.

The closed eyes opened instantly, and Secretary Secretary grabbed the tentacles on his body.

What is this? !

Before he had time to think about it, the Secretary directly slammed his elbow on the wall of the hot spring behind him.


A huge force burst out instantly, opening a big hole in it.

The red spring water flowed out along the big hole, and soon dried up.

The scene at the bottom of the hot spring was also displayed in front of the secretary.

A large hole appeared where the ground should have been solid, and seven or eight tentacles protruded from the hole, extending more than ten meters long.

Some of the tentacles were tied to several humans.

Judging from their pale skin and protruding eyeballs, these guys are already dead.

As if sensing the secretary's movements, all the tentacles quickly retracted.

There are ghosts under the hot spring!

Aware of this problem, the secretary directly grabbed the tentacle that bound him.


There was a sound of breaking, and the ghost under the hot spring cut off his limbs to save his life, and gave up this part of his limbs.

Seeing the ghost take back all the tentacles, the secretary knew that he had been fooled.


Although he knew that there were ghosts in this small town, he never expected that ghosts would prey on humans so blatantly.

Everyone died except me.

Looking around, the secretary found that he was the only one left in the originally huge area.

The spring water flowing out was mixed with a lot of blood, probably the ghost drained all the blood in order to reduce the size of the corpse.

Just as the secretary was thinking about what to do next, another group of people pushed open the door and walked towards this side.

not good!

Suddenly realizing something, the secretary's heart began to beat wildly.

In the next second, a man walking in the front noticed the strangeness of the scarlet hot spring.


In an instant, Secretary Secretary was surrounded by these people who came to soak in the hot spring.

Chapter 31

After observing the expressions of the people around him, the Secretary knew that they mistakenly thought he was a murderer.

All of them frowned, their eyes stayed on themselves, watching their every move.

His throat throbbed from time to time, and his five fingers clenched into fists, as if he was guarding himself.

A man with glasses and a rigid expression, who looked like an executive, spoke.

Be honest, murderer.

Immediately afterwards, he directed the crowd to surround the secretary and called the manager of the hotel over.

After a brief explanation, the man in glasses attributed all the disappearances to being killed by the secretary.

Pointing at the secretary, the man in glasses yelled at the toad man.

I get it, I'll take care of it.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the toad man didn't show much panic on his face.

He found a rope to tie up the secretary, and the toad man said that he would find a professional to deal with it.

Nodding their heads, the dozen or so people headed by the man with glasses felt relieved.

In their view, after the toad man got rid of the secretary, their lives would be guaranteed.

But when the toad man pushed the Secretary to go out, the Secretary suddenly found that his movements were a little strange.

The right side of the body seemed to be unable to exert all its strength, and it was a little unsteady when walking.

It felt like his right side had broken a tendon.

In the air, there was also an almost unscented sweet smell.

This smell, don't you think?

The brain was spinning rapidly, and a possibility gradually formed in the secretary's mind.

I have something pulled in it.

He stopped suddenly, and Secretary Secretary pointed to the changing room beside him.

thing?Could it be the murder weapon?

The man with glasses rolled his eyes, thinking that it was something that could convict the secretary.

Wait a minute, I'll get it, maybe it will be evidence.

After trotting into the changing room, the man with glasses took out the sun wheel knife. ap.

It turned out to be a knife, you really are a murderer!

Realizing that what he took out was a knife, the voice of the man with glasses suddenly became harsh.

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