"Here, what happened."

The originally lively Kyogoku House has now become a hell.

Several corpses were lying in front of the door, their faces were terrified, and their chests and abdomens were full of bite marks.

Looking through the broken windows, the inside of the house is even more miserable.

There were broken human limbs everywhere, and some long strips were even hung from the door frame.

The corridors, rooms, and walls are all traces of fighting.

There are some cracks from slashing, but more are left by the ghost's blood ghost technique.

After a few jumps, he came to the room where Fern Ji lived.

Even though he knew it was impossible for the other party to be here, he still hoped to collect some useful information.

But as soon as he arrived, he discovered that this was the most serious place.

The originally gorgeous room was riddled with holes, almost all the walls were smashed, and there were holes everywhere.

The tatami mats spread on the ground seemed to have been cut by something, and turned into rolls of torn mats.

Those exquisite decorations were beaten to pieces, and they couldn't see their original appearance at all.

This scene was ten times worse than what happened after the robbers entered the village.

"There's a big fight going on here."

After judging the scene a bit, Yu Sui Tianyuan immediately frowned.

His expression became more serious, and he tried to simulate the battle that just happened in his mind.

If those slashes were attributed to Nezuko's breathing method, then how to explain the traces caused by the blood ghost technique.

Judging from the direction and size, it should be caused by two different ghosts.

In other words, Nezuko is in a one-on-two?

But in terms of feeling, it is more like Nezuko teaming up with one ghost to fight against the other.

"The ghosts are fighting among themselves?"

Gritting his teeth, Yu Sui Tianyuan couldn't believe his own judgment.

"What about Xiaomei? Where did she go? Was she eaten or protected?"

Even though the secretary had said that there is no need to worry about her safety, Yu Sui Tianyuan still subconsciously treated her as an ordinary girl.

In the end, he still couldn't believe the conclusion he had drawn.

When Warahime turned into a ghost, Nezuko fought with her.

After falling into a disadvantage, another ghost suddenly appeared, rescued Nezuko, and in turn suppressed the first ghost.

Not only that, Yu Sui Tianyuan even felt that the strength of the second ghost that appeared was far greater than that of the first one.

Feeling that his head was a little confused, he shook it quickly and put the matter aside for the time being.

The bodies of Xiaomei or Nezuko were not found at the scene, which means that they have not died for the time being.

In this case, I need to make a new decision.

Should I go to find Tanjiro, meet Inosuke and the others, or save the other wives.

Or, he directly chose to find a ghost.

In the end, Yusui Tianyuan chose the third one.

Chapter 410 The Power of Breath of Sound

When Yu Sui Tianyuan was preparing to take action, the secretary had already brought the two groups of people together.

Among the two groups of survivors, some even recognized each other's acquaintances.

After experiencing life and death, this is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for them.

For a moment, several people hugged each other and wept, with tears on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Secretary Si just stood aside and smiled.

"Well, my lord, what are we going to do next?"

The dog head ghost came forward and said flatteringly.

"Should I continue to wait here, or how should I say it?"

"Do you know who you guys are waiting for here?"

Shaking his head, the dog-headed ghost showed a hint of bewilderment on his face.

His strength and status are not high, so he doesn't understand many things.

If it was the warrior ghost or the ape ghost, maybe he would know more.

Looking at his confused expression, Secretary Secretary felt a little dizzy.

If I had known this, I might as well have left that ape ghost behind.

"Forget it, that's it."

After sighing, he beckoned for the Kobold Ghost to come over.

"Tonight, how many people did you eat?"

Hearing the Secretary ask this sensitive topic, the Gobold Ghost froze.

A chill ran from the base of the spine to the brain.


Hemming and hawing, the dog-headed ghost's answer seemed very grumbling.

Walking slowly to Secretary Secretary, he rubbed his palms with embarrassment on his face.


The light of the knife flashed, and the dog-headed ghost's expression changed.


His other hand was also cut off by the secretary.

Looking at the arm that fell on the ground with its sharp claws fully extended, the secretary knew that the other party had no good intentions at all.

I want to sneak up on me while I'm thinking.

"Nature does not change."

After the secretary said the last sentence, the dog-headed ghost felt his eyes darken.

After easily chopping off the opponent's head with a single knife, a reminder sounded again in the secretary's mind.

"Mission progress: 18/110."

Eighteen is undoubtedly the number of ghosts who were killed, but the number increased again later made the secretary frown.

"We must find a way to find out the reason for this earlier."

Turning around and walking in front of the survivors, the secretary gave them two choices.

One is to stay here and wait for assistance from others.

The second is to follow behind yourself, but keep a certain distance.

Undoubtedly, after seeing the power of the secretary, everyone chose the second option.

Only by following the secretary can they feel that they have hope of living.

Everyone's choice was expected by the secretary, so he didn't say much.

After silently turning around, he walked in one direction.

Almost all the ghosts who came to this haunted place were beheaded by him. As long as the so-called superior is not an idiot, he will definitely not show up on his own initiative.

The enemy is dark and we are clear, which has a great impact on ghost hunting.

What's more, with so many oil bottles behind him, it restricted the secretary's performance to a certain extent.

Just like that, amidst the burning flames and collapsed ruins, such a strange team appeared.

Walking in the front was a handsome man with a knife pinned to his waist.

Tens of meters behind him, thirty or forty ordinary people who survived followed closely behind him.

In the process of advancing, the secretary also beheaded many ghosts, and also saved many people.

In addition to being chased and killed by ghosts, more people were trapped in the sea of ​​fire, or were suppressed by houses.

It can be said that the tragedy that happened in Huajie tonight is several times bigger than the original book.

This is not a "violent brawl" incident that only occurred in a local area, but an extremely vicious mass murder and cannibalism case covering the entire Yoshiwara Flower Street!

You don't need to think about it, but after dawn, this land will be shocked by what happened here.

"Mission progress: 31/112."

He killed the evil spirit in front of him with a single knife, and at the same time as a reminder sounded in his mind, the secretary also discovered a strange thing.

I have already traveled to many places, but the ghosts I encountered are not as dense as I imagined.

Although there are many, it has not reached the level of seeing one in two steps.

Logically speaking, Di Cai should attach great importance to this plan and invest a lot of troops.

Even if the more than 100 will not all be concentrated here, it will not be so small.

Besides, I haven't seen any of the ghosts I saw in the mansion before.

Dolley, Sanjin, Liuye, Baizhi, Anze, Yiliu.

These ghosts who left some impressions on themselves disappeared completely as if they had evaporated.

"Hiding? Or is there something I overlooked."

In the process of thinking, the secretary's ears suddenly moved.

"There are sounds of fighting."

After realizing the source of the voice, the Secretary suddenly paused.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to think of something, with joy on his face.

Turning around, he ran towards another street.

Not long after, a burly figure appeared in front of him.


Recognizing that it was Yu Sui Tianyuan, the Secretary stepped forward to say hello.

"How are you over there?"

"Ah, it's Mr. Secretary."

After responding, Yu Sui Tianyuan briefly communicated with the secretary what he knew.

After he knew about the ghost location and the list, his brows were also frowned.

It seemed that this was the first time he had encountered such a behavior pattern and behavior of the ghost.

"Look back, you're going to write a long report to Yaozai."

Patting him on the shoulder, the Secretary jokingly said.

"But right now, don't we have one more thing to deal with?"

As he spoke, he stomped the ground with his foot.

Nodding his head, Yu Sui Tianyuan certainly understood what Secretary Secretary meant.

Deep in the ground beneath his feet, he clearly heard the sound of battle.

It can be said that under this seemingly thick earth, there is a big hole.

But unfortunately, according to his judgment, the road leading there is so narrow that even children can't get in.

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