No wonder I thought before, why the number of ghosts outside was a little rare.

It turned out that most of the ghosts were sealed here in the form of red cocoons.

With the support of the blood pool, not only will they not die, but they can also slowly increase their strength.

In theory, as long as a ghost keeps eating people, it can keep getting stronger.

Unless he has reached the upper limit of being able to eat people like Xiang Kai did back then, his strength will not stop growing.

And the human blood contained in the blood clot that Dolley dropped just now is undoubtedly the best tonic for these ghosts.

Through the transmission and filtration of the tentacles, they can obtain the most nutrients with the highest efficiency in the shortest time, and then improve their strength.

It can be said that the blood pool is not just a machine for keeping ghosts alive.

This is even more a factory that can mass-produce the strongest ghosts in a short period of time!


In one of the red cocoons surrounding the blood pool, there was a tearing sound suddenly. .

An arm covered in fur stretched out, and then tore the red cocoon into pieces.

A ghost similar to a werewolf appeared in front of everyone.

down the strings.

With just one glance, Secretary Si understood the opponent's strength.

Although for himself and Yusui Tianyuan, this is not a strong enemy.

But if Tanjiro and the others deal with an oni of this strength, there will still be a certain amount of pressure.

Especially after it has reached a large scale, it has the possibility of threatening their lives.

After the first ghost was born, other red cocoons shattered one after another.

All kinds of evil spirits of different shapes gradually woke up from the red cocoon.

The weakest among them also has the strength of the lower string level.

Among them, three were the closest to the blood pool, and they were also the largest red cocoons.

The ghost that came out of it already possessed the strength to wind a string!

In addition to being shocked, the secretary also saw a scene that he had never seen before.

One of the red cocoons shattered, and what appeared was a human.

Just when he was curious, the middle-aged man suddenly twitched, and his body changed accordingly.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from an ordinary human being to a ferocious ghost!

Not only that, but at the same time that the man turned into a ghost, a reminder sounded in the secretary's mind.

"Mission progress: 47/116→47/117."

The ghost transformed from the blood pool actually changed the progress of the mission.

For a moment, a possibility arose in Secretary Secretary's mind.

These ghosts transformed by Di Cai gained the lifespan and strength of ghosts, and at the same time were infected by Di Cai's ability.

Before they knew it, they had become Di Cai's backhand.

No wonder Di Cai said that there are many small gifts here, which is what he meant.

Thinking of this, the secretary also understood why the task progress would increase when he killed the dog-headed ghost and the others.

Every ghost transformed by the blood pool can be regarded as Di Cai's life!

After awakening and giving birth to all the ghosts in the red cocoons, there was still a lot of blood left in the blood pool.

Seeing this, Mitsu and Liuye also ran towards the blood pool.

In this case, even if you can only improve your strength a little, you can increase your chances of surviving.

Realizing what they were going to do, the Secretary immediately shouted.

"Stop them!"

Chapter 416 It's Just the Truth, Don't Be Excited

After hearing the secretary's words, the first one to rush out was not Otoju Usui Tengen, nor Tanjirou who respected him the most on weekdays.

Instead, Taro the whore!

As soon as the words fell, he did not hesitate at all, and aimed directly at Sanjin.

"Don't come here!"

Seeing the distance between the prostitute Taro and himself getting closer, Mitsu hurriedly shouted for help to Rokuya beside him.


Although she told Tuli that Lixia was not found, Mitsu knew very well that it was stopped by the prostitute Taro.

Regardless of whether he used the power of porpoise or not, Taro the prostitute showed his formidable strength and beat himself back with a crushing attitude.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to use the vampire technique to escape, it was still doubtful whether I could come here.

Mitsu even felt that if he hadn't wanted to protect Lixia and the two children, the prostitute Taro would even hunt and kill him all night.

What makes her even more uncomfortable is that she thought it would be safe to come here, but she didn't expect to meet the prostitute Taro again.

This feeling is like opening a hole in the body, and then pouring chili oil on it.

As for Mitsu's call for help, no matter whether it was Liuya, Baizhi and other ghosts, they didn't stop.

Liu Ye, who was closest to her, even kicked Mitsu hard, and with the help of the recoil, let himself reach the blood pool first.

Taro was no match for the prostitute at all, and Mitsu couldn't react to Liuya's kick, so she fell directly below.

Even with all his strength, he could barely block the attack of the prostitute Taro.

"Hahaha, Mitsu, thank you very much."

A smile appeared on his face, and Liuya then nodded towards Mitsu.

'Thanks to your dedication, I was able to enter the pond earlier. I will remember this kindness.

Looking at the false smile on his face, Mitsu felt worse than eating bugs.

"Liu Ye, you bastard, wait for me!"

Hearing Mitsu's roar, Liu also wasn't angry.

"Let's talk about it after you survive."

After speaking, he jumped directly into the pool of blood and disappeared.

Immediately behind him were the three ghosts An Ze, Bai Zhi and Yi Liu.

So far, except for Sanjin, the unlucky guy who was backstabbed by his "teammate", the rest of the ghosts have either been strengthened or are receiving the enhancement of the blood pool.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The expression on his face became more ferocious, but Sanjin could only watch them disappear into the pool of blood.

The prostitute Taro is not a good person, especially when he meets Mitsu, an old opponent, he has no intention of retaining his strength at all.

In the blink of an eye, the sickle smashed Mitsu's vampire technique.

Seeing that the prostitute Taro was already in the absolute upper hand, the secretary frowned.

It wasn't that he was worried about whether Sanjin had any trump card, but that he was a little concerned about the opponent's recovery speed.

"Old woman, go to hell!"

She was blown away with a punch, and the prostitute Taro held a sickle in his hand, and he wanted to chop off Mitsu's head.

Even if it is a ghost, if its head is cut off, it will still be greatly affected.

"Don't do that, just break your arms and legs."

At this moment, the secretary's voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as Secretary Secretary spoke, Taro the prostitute didn't even think about it, and just flipped his wrist.

"Bang, click."

He only heard a few bones shattering, and he broke the bones of Sanjin's limbs.

The whole body is like a slug, limp on the ground.

Tanjiro and the others also had a flash of surprise in their eyes seeing that the prostitute Taro captured Mitsu alive so easily.

Especially Yusui Tianyuan looked at the prostitute Taro with serious eyes.

He could feel that the guy in front of him had the power to threaten his life.

Sensing the eyes of several people, Taro the prostitute didn't speak, but just glanced coldly.

Grabbing Sanjin by the collar, he dragged him to the secretary.

"Sir, I got it back."

After completing the task assigned to him by the secretary, the coldness on the face of the prostitute Taro disappeared instantly, and he even asked curiously.

"But I want to ask, why can't the head be chopped off?"

"Didn't you notice that Sanjin's recovery speed is a bit slow?"

Pointing to Sanjin who was lying on the ground, Secretary Secretary replied.

"This kind of recovery speed doesn't seem right for any ghost."

"It seems so."

Looking at Mitsu's wound that was still bleeding, the prostitute Taro touched his head.

He originally thought that the slow recovery was because the opponent's strength was too rubbish, but looking at it now, it was too abnormal.

Even if it is a ghost that has just been transformed, this degree of injury can be recovered long ago.

From this point of view, Sanjin is not like a ghost, but more like an ordinary person.

"I suspect that Sanjin may still be rescued."

"What's the meaning."

"It means that her current state should not be regarded as a real ghost, but in a state between a human and a ghost as I said before."

When the secretary was explaining to the prostitute Taro, Inosuke, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"That guy seems to have said before that this aunt has not been transformed, or something, a bunch of incomprehensible things."

Hearing what Inosuke said, the secretary was even more sure that Mitsu might still be rescued.

Judging from the situation, she should be in a state of being deeply manipulated now.

It's like Suma and Makiyu before, but it's deeper and has its own consciousness.

But as long as you haven't gone through the so-called transformation, you should still have a chance to become an adult.

Thinking of this, the Secretary pulled out the Sun Wheel Knife and chopped it down.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

He had already had his arms and legs broken, but now he was stabbed by the secretary again.

The weak Sanjin tilted his head and passed out.

However, when she passed out, her body underwent a similar change as Suma and Makiyu did.

The body was hot, a red spot appeared between the eyebrows, and finally coughed up a strange mouthful of blood.

"It can really change back."

After the blood left Sanjin's body, the secretary also clearly felt that the other person's aura gradually changed back to an ordinary person.

"But we still have to deal with it, otherwise it will be embarrassing if he bleeds to death."

Looking at Sanjin who was still bleeding profusely, Secretary Si felt dizzy.

"Let me do it."

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