On the contrary, the fuzzy flesh and blood seemed to have life, gathering towards one place.

In the blink of an eye, a huge meat ball was formed.

On the surface of the meat ball, the secretary saw many faces.

Dolley, Liuya, Baizhi, Anze, Yiliu, and even other ghosts.

The faces of the ghosts following Di Cai emerged one by one, their expressions very painful.

They struggled and seemed to want to break free from the meat ball.

But an invisible force stopped them, and ultimately failed.

Finally, a face appeared again on the surface of the calm meat ball.

After opening the eyes, ancient words were engraved in the eyeballs.

"Turn on. Lu."

"Di Cai."

Looking at that face, Secretary Secretary said calmly.

"I've always felt that you are not as simple as you seem."

"It's really a pleasure to get such a high evaluation from you."

Di Cai's face was full of calm, even mixed with a little smile.

"It seems that you already know something."

"It's not a big deal, it's just a random guess."

Smiling coldly, Secretary Secretary said.

"Sure enough, you are the real Shangxian Lu."

"Oh, don't you think that I am the same as Shang Yuanyi?"

"No, you are completely different."

Shaking his head, the secretary expressed his denial.

"Whether it's Shangyuanyi or Imura, their 'Shangxianlu' is fake."

"It seems that there are still big problems with our plan."

"Which winding have you ever seen would bow down to a ghost who isn't even the Twelve Ghost Moon?"

As early as when he met Shang Yuanyi, the Secretary had sensed that something was wrong.

Both Imura and Kamimoto had the words "Shangxianlu" engraved on their eyes, and they were not covered by cross marks.

This shows that both of them are recognized "Shangxianlu".

But they, who are Shangxian Lu, actually respect Di Cai.

You know, when he met Di Cai in Huajie, the secretary didn't see the mark in the other's eyes.

This alone is enough to make people think of many things.

Later, Di Cai, who seemed to be just an ordinary ghost, was able to call, or command, dozens of ghosts to work for his life.

This made the secretary even more curious, and it took a lot of energy to think about it.

Finally, after combining that task, he finally figured it out.

Whether it's Shang Yuanyi, Jing Cun, or even Di Cai's ghosts, they are all "subordinates" created by Di Cai.

No, to be prepared, it should be a "separation"!

Killing a ghost associated with him will increase his mission progress by one.

If it's just the relationship between the superior and the superior, there are too many doubts in it.

This kind of relationship can only make sense if it is a "clone", or the backhand of the resurrection.

After seeing what happened now, the Secretary became more certain about his guess.

Only the ghosts "created" by Di Cai have not been completely wiped out, Di Cai is an existence that cannot be killed!

To a certain extent, this ability of his already has a shadow of Wu Mi.

"Good, good, good."

With a laugh, Di Cai's face was full of excitement.

How long has it been since he became a ghost, only Master Wu Mi knows his true ability.

And the man in front of him, whom he had only met a few times, had such a deep understanding of himself.

"Secretary, you are very good."

The huge meat ball began to shrink, as if all the nutrients in it had been absorbed.

It became shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a shape similar to dead wood.


An arm protruded from it, tearing off the shriveled flesh and blood.

"I can give you another chance, become a ghost!"

A figure walked out of it, it was Di Cai who died just now.

At this time, he was no different except that he was not wearing clothes.

Even, his aura is several times stronger than before!

He who had only the strength of an ordinary ghost just now has the strength close to the level of the upper string.

"After Master Wu Mi and I rule this world, I can make you the third person under us!"

Opening his arms, Di Cai said loudly.

"Ghosts are the future masters of this world. We are powerful and perfect, eternal and..."

"Stop, stop."

Before Di Cai could finish speaking, the secretary interrupted him.

"I'm not even half interested in being a ghost, so you don't have to think about it."


Hearing what Secretary Secretary said, Di Cai couldn't help showing a look of regret on his face.

"However, I think one day, you will join us."

Suddenly, his face changed and his tone became excited.

"Come on, kill me."

"Although my fused body is not weak, it is definitely not your opponent."

As soon as the words fell, a series of lights flashed, and Di Cai's head fell off.

After rolling a few times, it stopped at the secretary's feet.

"Before I leave, I will tell you about your ability."

"My blood ghost technique is called 'Blood Heir'."

"As long as it is a ghost born by my hand, everything is mine!"

The expression suddenly became ferocious, and Di Cai's head turned into ashes and disappeared into the air amid wild laughter.

At the same time, a reminder that the progress was increased by one came again in the secretary's mind.

But there was not much joy on his face.

It just wiped out Di Cai's life, as long as he is given time, he can create a large number of "subordinates".

Wild fire, in spring.

Di Cai would be too difficult to kill if he didn't solve his last life, or eliminate Wu Mi.

Besides, the Secretary vaguely felt that the world was no longer so simple.

In the inner world where only the ghost killing team and ghosts should be active, there are already many hands reaching in.

"The storm is coming."

Chapter 475 Resurrection

When the secretary beheaded Di Cai, on another battlefield, Toru Ichiro and Imura Masa were inseparable.

One side is a ghost hunter with superb swordsmanship, and the other side is a ghost with top-string strength.

The competition between swordsmanship and blood ghost technique is also a contest of talents between the two sides.


The arm turned into scales blocked Ichiro's slash, and Imura punched him hard, forcing the opponent back.

His thin body couldn't stop the brute force, so Ichiro had to turn over in the air, and then landed on the ground.

He took a few steps heavily on the ground with his feet before he stabilized his figure.

"A lot of strength."

A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, and he had a new understanding of Imura.

In the previous battles, he thought that the opponent was that kind of flexible opponent.

But I never thought that the strength of the other party was far greater than myself.

"It's troublesome."

Wanting to end the battle quickly, Ichiro planned to help Tanjiro and others.

Just now, Muichiro and Mitsuri were blown away, and Tanjiro was also taken into the sky by a flying ghost.

Although he didn't eat the sonic attack head-on, Tanjiro also fell from the sky.

According to my estimation of Tanjiro, he might be seriously injured.

"Survive, Tanjirou."

Gripping the Japanese sword tightly, Ichiro couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Imura on the opposite side seems to have seen his intentions, and has been adopting a entanglement style of play.

If he attacks himself, he defends.

If he wants to retreat, he will catch up.

After going back and forth, I even got farther and farther away from the house.

"Why, impatient."

Seeing Ichiro's expression, Imura chuckled and mocked.

"If you have the ability, you can chop off my head and save your friend."

"Of course, the premise is that you can do it!"


After this period of contact, Imura also has a full understanding of Ichiro's strength.

It has a greater threat, but it does not have the strength to crush itself.

As long as you fight steadily and don't be too rough, you can grind him to death.

After all, human physical strength is limited, and injuries received cannot heal quickly.

After dragging on to Shangyuanyi or other ghosts, a two-on-one situation can be formed.

Even if the ghost hunter came first, he could find a chance to retreat.

He is a ghost, there is no such thing as a one-on-one fight.

Group fights are the truth!

Looking down at the severed flesh, Imura's smile grew stronger after he found that most of it had healed.

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