Ji Guoyuan's lifelong swordsmanship and breathing techniques are all condensed in this booklet.

This is a book that is enough to drive humans and ghosts crazy.

Have you finished reading?

Yuan Yi said unhurriedly as the voice returned to normal.

If you finish reading, I will show you the twelve types of sword skills in it below!

The Breath of the Sun demonstrated by Ji Guoyuan himself!

Feeling that his breathing became rapid and the flow of blood seemed to speed up, the secretary nodded.

The next second, Ji Guoyuan pulled out his saber.


The sharp blade reflected light in the sun, giving people a sense of cold killing.

The black and red Yangyan Blade has a single character "Mie" engraved on its root.

The world seemed to turn pale, and an indescribable momentum erupted from Ji Guo Yuanyi's body.

Regardless of the sweat on his forehead, the secretary stared straight at Yuanyi, fearing that he might miss a little detail.

Breath of the Sun * One Shape * Round Dance

The Breath of the Sun*The Second Type*Bi Luotian

Breath of the Sun*Eleven Shape*Dragon Head Dance of the Sun Halo

Breath of the Sun * Twelve Shapes * Flame Dance

Except for the unfinished thirteen forms, the rest of the breath of the sun were perfectly displayed by Ji Guoyuan.

Over and over again, he performed the Breath of the Sun tirelessly.

From the sun rising to the setting sun, from the morning dew to the sunset glow.

By the time the secretary realized it, Ji Guoyuan had disappeared.

There are only traces on the ground that prove that Yuanyi has been here.

The breath of the sun is indeed an extraordinary skill.

The sword skills of the gods played back over and over again in his mind, and the secretary left with admiration.

After supper, by the light of the lamp, he opened the pamphlet.

Although he has memorized Yuanyi's sword skills, he still can't use them perfectly without learning the breathing method.

If you want to become stronger, breathing method is the best shortcut!

On the first page of the breathing method, the principle of the breathing method is impressively written.

The so-called breathing method is to expand the lungs as much as possible, strengthen the heart and lung capacity, and make the blood get more oxygen in a short time.

Even if it is this short sentence, Yuanyi's explanation is written below.

It can be seen how much effort he put into this booklet.

So, let's get started!

Taking a deep breath, the secretary began to study according to the method in the booklet.

Exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale

As time goes by, the moon replaces the sun and hangs high in the sky.

The sun rises and sets, and the moon disappears.

Before I knew it, a day had passed.

Immersed in the breathing method, the secretary did not feel the passage of time at all.

Except for the slow breathing, there was hardly any sound in the small room.

Immersed in the world of breathing techniques, a series of voices sounded in the secretary's mind.

Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the basic skill level of Breath of the Sun (0/1000).

Affected by the host's own abilities, the Sun's Breath moves are unlocked.

Acquired skills: Breath of the Sun * One Shape * Round Dance

Acquired skills: Breath of the Sun*Two Type*Bi Luotian

Acquired skills: Breath of the Sun * Three Shapes * Red Mirror of the Sun

Acquired skills: * Breath of the Sun * Twelve Shapes * Flame Dance

The Breath of the Sun * Thirteenth Form is not unlocked.

Congratulations to the host for learning the Breath of the Sun by virtue of his own ability and gaining four thousand points.

Combined with the host's own ability, the basic level of the breath of the day (0/1000) is upgraded to the novice level of the breath of the day (4000/10000).

Unknowingly, Secretary Secretary has learned the breath of the sun.

Coupled with the rewards given by the system, his breath of the sun even directly crossed the basic level and reached the novice level.

But that's not all, the secretary immersed in the breath method is still getting stronger.

Time passed again, and the Secretary's body fell into sleep.

Even so, he still maintains the use of breathing techniques.

The air was blown through the nostrils, and the muscles in the body began to move rhythmically.

The whole body is like a huge factory, starting to work together.

The swellings on my wrists and bruises on my body began to fade slowly, and the soreness from the battle began to fade.

Even those slight sequelae disappeared under the effect of this breathing method.

In the process of sleeping, one can still use breathing techniques, which is clearly a higher level.

Breathe in full concentration!

Affected by the host's own ability, the breath method is promoted to the full concentration of breath.

Congratulations to the host for learning all-concentrated breathing with his own ability and gaining [-] points.

Combined with the host's own ability, the novice-level complete set *day's breath (4000/10000) is promoted to the novice-level complete set *day's breath (9000/10000).

In just a few days, the secretary learned to breathe the sun.

Not only that, he also successfully learned to concentrate on breathing!

After the starry sky hangs high, a round of bright sun appears.

His eyelids trembled, and the Secretary slowly opened his eyes.

Chapter 5 Shocked school, are you really human?


Rubbing his eyes, the Secretary realized that it was already daytime outside.

Did I fall asleep just now?

Recalling the previous events, the secretary found that he seemed to have learned the breathing of the whole concentration without knowing it.

Because, it was mentioned in the pamphlet given by Yuan Yi.

People who have learned to breathe with full concentration, even when they are sleeping, will use the breathing method subconsciously.

The feeling is really not the same as before.

Although he has just learned the breath of the sun, the secretary's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Energetic, as if possessing infinite power.

Muscles are firmer, eyesight is sharper, and breathing becomes smoother and easier.

From being the strongest in the world, the secretary has taken another solid step.

Walking to the training ground, he started his daily exercise.

Swing a knife, hit a sandbag, run, push a boulder

A few hours later, the secretary trained all the items.

Simply clenched his fists, the secretary shook his head in disappointment.Read the book

With the improvement of his own strength, these exercises can no longer bring him a higher level of help.

After spending so long exercising, I didn't feel tired at all.

Just as he was thinking about what method to take to exercise next, the scattered crowd not far away attracted his attention.

Looking in the direction of the crowd, the secretary found that they were all gathered in a square.

That place, I remember like?

With his own doubts, the secretary stopped a girl who was walking towards the square.

The girl looked about ten years old, with some slight freckles on her face, and a ponytail on each side of her head.

It seemed that she had just woken up, but the girl's eyes were still blurred and she was out of state.

This beauty, I would like to ask why everyone gathered in that square?

She was already in the stage of getting up, but when someone stopped her, the girl's temper immediately came up.

Just when she was about to teach the guy who stopped her a lesson, she turned around and saw the smiling secretary.

Handsome and polite, he immediately attracted her attention, and all her anger was thrown into the Atlantic Ocean.

Unlike his master, Secretary Secretary is not a cold person.

In just a few words, he got everything he wanted to know from the girl named Huazhi.

Just as he thought, the square was specially vacated to explain the breathing method.

Under normal circumstances, it is taught by swordsmen who have studied breathing techniques for several years.

But today, a pillar of the Ghost Slayer Squad ushered in the square.

The contemporary Yanzhu Purgatory Tao Shoulang!

It was also the arrival of Yanzhu that gave the underage children like Huazhi the opportunity to get in touch with the breathing method in advance.

You should know that the general members need to reach the age of 12 before they can be exposed to the breathing method.

Did Yanzhu come to teach the breathing method himself?It seems to be pretty good.

Just to listen to other people's views on breathing method, it doesn't hurt to listen to it.

Following the crowd, Secretary Secretary walked into the square.

He found a hidden place to sit down, and then observed the surrounding situation.

In the very center of the square, a young man in his 20s was standing.

Long yellow and red hair, under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows are piercing eyes.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he seemed to be a passionate guy.

It is the contemporary Yanzhu, Purgatory Taojuro!

Taking a brief look at the other party's appearance, Secretary Si couldn't help but marvel at the power of the purgatory family's genes.

Whether it's Tao Jurou or Purgatory Makijuro hundreds of years later, Purgatory Kyojuro, or even Purgatory Senjurou who has no talent for swordsmanship.

The appearance of this family cannot be said to be irrelevant, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

Seeing that the square was almost full of people, Momojuro coughed and shouted loudly.

Gentlemen, thank you very much for being able to participate in my explanation of breathing method today.

Without further ado, let's get started!

First of all, I would like to ask everyone, what is the principle of breathing?

Facing Yan Zhu's question, everyone present without exception began to think seriously.

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