Led by Su He, they came to the place where the swordsmanship dojo was specially used to train disciples.

In the center of an open space, there is a huge circle enclosed, which is the field of unarmed combat.

Suhe has a lot of experience in swordsmanship, and knows that he cannot reach the peak with swordsmanship alone.

Therefore, in his daily training, he also asked his disciples to strengthen their physical and physical training.

In his opinion, even if the unarmed combat strength of the disciples is not weak, it should not be too far behind Su Liu.

Well, the first competition is for hand-to-hand combat.

Komaji, a member of the Soryu Dojo.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Komaji jumped into the middle of the field.

On the side of the swordsmanship dojo, a tall, dark man with bulging muscles, like a gorilla, was dispatched.

Both sides are not allowed to make deadly moves. If one party loses the ability to fight or leaves the field, it will be considered a failure.

After repeating the rules, Su He immediately raised his right hand and swung it down suddenly.


As soon as the words fell, the dark man jumped straight away.

The tall body turned into a giant truck, bringing gusts of wind and rushing towards Komaji.

Judging by his posture, he actually planned to knock his opponent into the air.

One is a big man who is nearly two meters tall and looks like a muscular monster.

The other is a young man who is only 15 years old and has a thin body.

The difference in stature between the two sides is obvious at a glance. If this blow hits, it may not be as simple as coughing up blood.

Facing the collision of the dark man, Komaji did not panic at all.

It was also a forward jump, but he also rushed out.

The secretary at the side frowned after seeing Komaji's movements.

This kid really hasn't forgotten those things.

Facing Komaji who rushed towards him, the dark man just smiled coldly.

He clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it hard at his face.

The rules say that you are not allowed to kill the opponent, so it is always okay to beat the opponent to a half-mutilation.

As if he could already see the scene where Komaji was crippled by a single punch, the corners of the big man's mouth rose wildly.

The fists in his eyes were getting bigger and bigger, Komaji immediately braked and turned his body to the right.

The big man's fist was in vain, and he just scratched past his clothes.

The opponent's attack misses, and it's time for Komaji to fight back.

I saw him kicking the opponent's calf hard, the impact caused the opponent to suffer pain, and his body tilted subconsciously.

Then Komaji raised his elbow and hit the opponent hard on the jaw.

He only felt a sharp pain in his chin, and the big man's eyes rolled up instantly, revealing his white eyes.


His mind was blank, and he fell to his knees and hit the ground unconsciously.

In just a few seconds, the competition was over.

Chapter 78

For a while, the scene fell silent.

Whether it was Qing Zang, Su He or others, they all looked dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out why Komaji was able to knock out the big black man with one blow.

Only the secretary knew that Komaji's attack used part of his medical knowledge.

There is a vagus nerve in the chin of a person, and if it is slammed for a short period of time, it will cause temporary dizziness to the brain and even lead to loss of consciousness.

He also learned this knowledge during the four years of working for the secretary.

The fusion of human body knowledge and unarmed combat constituted his achievement of knocking down a big man.

With a clever play, Su He immediately reacted.

He was still very shocked at the moment, but as a referee, he still had to announce the result fairly.

winner, koma

Before he finished speaking, several figures suddenly flashed past Su He.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be seven or eight disciples of the swordsmanship dojo.

Realizing what his disciples wanted to do, Suhe shouted hastily.


Although the master had spoken, the angry disciples could not listen at all.

Eight tall disciples rushed into the arena, punching and kicking Komaji in the center.

Facing the siege of many people, Komaji still didn't look panicked.

He bent over to avoid the latest punch, and then knocked them down with a sweeping leg.

Then he punched another person in the face, and the clear sound of bone cracking resounded throughout the venue.

There was no trace of fear on Komaji's face, only excitement for the battle.

Not long after, he knocked down all the eight disciples who were besieging him.

Although there were many bruises on his face and body, he still stood there, his consciousness still clear.

It's all here, and the result hasn't been announced yet.

The Secretary's icy voice made Su He shiver.

Although it seemed that the other party didn't intend to pursue his disciple's ignorance of the rules, Su He always felt that the other party's gaze was so piercing.

After announcing that Komaji was the winner of the unarmed combat, the second swordsmanship competition also began.

Surprisingly, Imura was the secretary's opponent.

After emergency treatment, Imura, who had only suffered some superficial injuries, seemed to be fine now.

Of course, the swelling on his face has not dissipated, and he still looks like a pig's head.

Looking at Imura holding a wooden knife, Awakawa's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Although his son is terrible at being a man, he is quite talented in swordsmanship.

Even himself, at the same age, was somewhat weaker than Imura.

Waving his hand, Suhe signaled the disciples to push up the props for the competition.

Soon, a bundle of bamboos appeared in front of Secretary and Imura respectively.

There are ten bamboos in total, and from the appearance, they are all hard mangosteen.

And each of them has the thickness of an adult's wrist.

The method of the competition is also very simple, that is, to chop the bamboo with a wooden knife, and the person with the most number wins.

It sounds very simple, just chopping bamboo.

But the difficulty is also difficult, to split the bamboo with a wooden knife.

It is difficult to cut bamboo with a real knife made of iron, let alone a wooden knife.

Imura, you start first.


Nodding to his father, Imura then threw a contemptuous expression at the secretary.

Standing in front of the bamboo, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The wooden knife in his hand was raised high above his head.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Imura roared, and the muscles in his arms and whole body exploded in an instant.

The wooden knife fell and turned into a stream of light, cutting into the bundle of bamboo.

Ka Ka Ka

Following three soft bangs, Imura's strike cut off three bamboos.


Lifting his chin, Imura's eyes were full of disdain.

And Suhe nodded in satisfaction after seeing his son's record.

When I was his age, I could only cut off two.

Among the known peers, Imura's strength is already in the forefront.

And his opponent, according to the disciples, seemed to be a doctor.

A doctor who dabbles in kendo, a melee?

Shaking his head, Su He felt that the secretary might just come to add a head.

That's fine, let's end it like this.

Already starting to plan how to explain Jingcun's matter to Qingzang, Suhe didn't have much hope for the secretary.

Picking up a wooden knife, the secretary stood in front of the bundle of bamboo.

Not far away, Imura, who was standing next to the weapon rack, was looking at the secretary with a sarcastic smile on his face.

It doesn't matter if this guy looks a year or two older than himself, and the training of swordsmanship is not completely determined by age.

This doctor looks so thin, let alone chopping bamboo, he probably can't even hold a knife.

Hey, if you can't do it, give up as soon as possible.

Imura taunted the secretary with his hands forming a trumpet shape.

One win and one loss is not a bad result for you guys, go back quickly.

Facing Imura's provocation, the secretary didn't speak, but changed his direction slightly.

Himself, Bamboo Bundle, and Imura formed a straight line.

Then, with his right hand alone, he raised the wooden knife.

After seeing the secretary's way of holding the knife, Imura even laughed outright.

What kind of way to hold a knife is that, didn't that guy Keizang tell you how to hold a knife?

Seeing this, the other disciples also responded one after another.

What's more, he squatted down directly clutching his stomach, as if laughing until his stomach hurts.

Su He shook his head slightly after seeing this scene.

It is not easy to cut bamboo with a wooden knife, let alone with one hand.

The other party really just came to make up a number.

Just when Suhe thought so, he found that Qingzang beside him was not nervous, but had a relaxed expression.

It seems that he is much more relaxed than in the previous Komaji competition.

Before Su He could speak, the secretary moved.

The wooden knife in his hand fell slowly and hit the bamboo bundle at an extremely slow speed.


The two sides collided together, making a crisp sound.


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