Even Purgatory Taoshourou, who has always been enthusiastic, is looking at Yuanyi with extremely curious and surprised eyes at this moment.

Guangya at the side even asked directly, disciple?Is he the child you picked up seven years ago?

Nodding slightly, Yuanyi continued to speak.

He is hardworking and talented.

Just like Tao Julang said, he will become an outstanding person in the future, enough to support the entire Demon Slayer Squad.

Even, I saw in him the possibility of surpassing me!

After finishing speaking, Ji Guoyuan continued to drink tea.

Touching his chin, Tao Jurou asked with some doubts.

Wait, Mr. Yuanyi said that your disciple is that little guy. Could it be that he is the one you asked me to take care of in the past few years?

That's right, the one I've asked you to take care of over the years is the secretary.

Hearing Yuanyi admitting his conjecture, Tao Shoulang realized that his previous sense of familiarity was not an illusion.

Connecting the little guy who was at his home before with the secretary just now, he seemed to be able to understand Yuanyi's words.

Unlike Purgatory Momotjuro, Ubashiki Mitsuya cared more about the last sentence.

Beyond Ji Guo Yuan Yi?

Beyond this person who taught the Ghost Slayer Team the breathing method, is the successor of all Zhu teachers?

Does that child have such great potential?

Although this sentence sounds so untrue, it is said from Yuanyi's own mouth.

In this way, you have to let yourself think about it.

Beyond Yuanyi?

Muttering the words just now, Ubuyashiki Koya's dim eyes seemed to become a little brighter.

If this is the case, then he might be the key figure in solving the tragic fate of his family for hundreds of years.

While the three of Tao Shoulang were discussing the secretary, he himself had already packed his luggage.

Carrying a small cloth bag on his body, and a solid wooden knife pinned to his waist.

Although it is a bit simple, this is already all the equipment of the secretary.

Walking out the door, he looked back at the place where he had been for seven years.

This is a new step, my first real contact with the world.

Let's go, to the place where the ghosts are!

Gently closing the door, the secretary walked towards the gate of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Chapter 8 Boss, Come Have a Big Bowl of Wide Noodles

In the process of walking towards the gate, the secretary had already planned the next plan in his heart.

He knew very well that it might be difficult for him, an eight-year-old child, to go out.

You know, there are 24-hour uninterrupted patrols around the Ghost Killing Squad's station, and they are the biggest obstacle preventing you from going out.

However, the secretary had already figured out their shift time.

They will change shifts in 3 minutes, followed by a 30-second gap.

Hidden in the corner, the secretary's eyes kept turning, watching the movements of the patrolling personnel.

Three minutes passed quietly, and it was time to change shifts.

A group of people temporarily relaxed their vigilance and walked towards the resting place.

Another pair set off from the rest area, ready to take over the position of the team in front.

Realizing that the opportunity had come, the hidden secretary jumped out of the corner.

The body instantly turned into a runaway wild horse, turned into lightning, and rushed towards the outside.

All focus on breathing!

The blood flow is accelerated, the muscles are instantly tightened, and the physical fitness has increased sharply.

Silently running the breathing of the whole concentration, everything around him quickly recedes as if going backwards.

In the blink of an eye, the secretary rushed out and disappeared into the distant horizon.

At this time, the person who changed the shift had just taken over the position of the person in front.

Strange, did someone run out just now?

What are you talking nonsense, it must have been a gust of wind just now.

The team member who spoke behind knocked on the head of the teammate next to him, feeling a little helpless on his face

Haha laughed, and the team member didn't take it seriously.

After rushing out of the gate, Secretary Secretary ran on the ground to his heart's content, running towards his destination.

After running a considerable distance, he slowly slowed down his speed.

After observing the surrounding environment, the secretary was slightly relieved.

There is already a certain distance from the ghost killing team, and there should be no more patrolling members.

After confirming his position and correcting his direction, the secretary walked towards the northwest.

Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired.

In the process of advancing, he did not waste a single bit of time.

Even when he was resting or sleeping, he was still exercising his breathing techniques.

Finally, after running for five days, Secretary Si found that he was very close to his destination.

Not far ahead, a small town also appeared.

Across the town is the woods.

Take a break in the small town and collect news about ghosts by the way.

Entering the small town, the secretary soon discovered that the atmosphere of this small town seemed a little strange.

Although it was broad daylight, many shops were closed.

Even in front of shops that are open for business, there are only very few people.

The reason for this situation in shops selling wooden handicrafts for a living is already obvious.

there is only one truth!

The presence of ghosts in the forest has affected this small town.

Walking to the side of a shop, Secretary Si listened attentively.

Boss, where have all the young men in this town gone?

Alas, to tell you the truth, they all disappeared in the forest northwest of the town.

The shop owner let out a long sigh, and his brows were full of loneliness.

From the boss's words, the secretary heard the general process of the matter.

A few days ago, for unknown reasons, the men who went to cut trees in the deep forest disappeared one by one.

Not long ago, someone came to investigate this matter, but they disappeared after entering the forest.

People in the town also went in to search, but only found puddles of blood and torn clothes.

After talking to the customer, the boss's voice became weaker.

The impact of this incident on the town is not insignificant, and even affects the daily life of residents.

After discovering the disappearance of human beings, few people are willing to go in and cut trees.

Even if it is to cut down trees, they are only willing to cut down in the surrounding areas of the forest during the day.

There are even rumors that in the depths of the forest, there is a ghost that will kidnap and eat people.

Those men before were killed and eaten by ghosts.

Hearing this, Secretary Si already had a general idea in his mind.

The only thing that puzzled him was that the ghost didn't seem to have expanded its territory into this small town. ap.

You know, compared to the woods, the food in this small town is the most abundant.

Leaning against the house, the Secretary was thinking about some of the information.

Is it unwilling to come out, or is it unable to come out?

Various hypotheses were established in his mind, but they were all rejected by the secretary.

He touched his whining stomach, and he felt a little hungry.

When he came to a noodle restaurant, the secretary observed the menu on it.

Boss, let me have a big bowl of lasagna.

Huh?Little friend, why are you alone?

The owner of the noodle shop was a little surprised, how could an eight-year-old boy like Si Shu come out to eat noodles by himself.

Coupled with the backpack and wooden knife placed aside, it is even more strange.

Sensing the doubts of the noodle shop owner, the secretary spoke out what he had already prepared.

I'm role playing.

With a smile, the boss dispelled most of his doubts.

After all, how strange is it that an eight-year-old can do anything.

While eating the noodles, the secretary started chatting with the boss again, trying to get some information about ghosts.

Uncle, do you think the recent rumors are true?

When the boss heard this, his expression suddenly became a little gloomy.

Xin, one of my nephews was a member of the felling team and disappeared into the woods.

I've heard the ghosts inside are like dryads and can manipulate vines and branches.

After telling the secretary some of the news and rumors he had heard, the owner of the noodle shop heaved a long sigh.

However, even if I say that, you probably won't believe it.

No, I believe it.

After eating and drinking enough, he put down the money, and the secretary put on his backpack and wooden knife again.

Maybe it was really a dryad.

Leaving an unpredictable sentence, the secretary left.

Only the owner of the noodle shop with a confused face was left standing there scratching his head.

Leaving the noodle shop, a smile appeared on Secretary Secretary's face.

He has roughly understood the information about this ghost.

Walking around the town, the Secretary bought some necessities for hunting ghosts.

After getting everything ready, the sun has already set on the other side of the horizon.

Seeing his own shadow getting longer and longer on the ground, the secretary knew that the ghost was about to go out for activities.

Night is the time for ghosts.

Standing on the outside of the forest, the Secretary moved his somewhat stiff body.

Just as he was thinking about which direction to enter from, a faint roar came into his ears.

Following the prestige, the Secretary found that the cry came from the depths of the forest.

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