"In this case, why didn't Mr. Ji Guoyuan explain clearly?"

After hearing Makijuro's words, the secretary shook his head.

"Master, he is born like this, so he won't explain too much."

Clenching his fists, Makijuro realized that the Purgatory Clan had wrongly blamed the swordsman of the Breath of the Sun all these years.

From the record that their family has passed down from generation to generation, he knows something about Wu Mi.

Combining the contents of the book and what the secretary said, he also understood the general idea.

After thinking clearly, Maki Juro got off the hospital bed and stood in front of the secretary.

"Mr. Secretary, I'm sorry!"

Under the ninety-degree bow, Makijuro apologized for his previous behavior.

Waving his hand, the secretary said.

"I don't have the slightest memory or concern for the past."

Makijuro was slightly startled by what the secretary said.

What a broad mind, but I treated him like that before.

Thinking of this, Makijuro only felt that he had really insulted the name of Purgatory Family.

Suddenly, the secretary said.

"By the way, your body is fine now."

After briefly checking his body, Makijuro said.

"Well, it's not a big problem, Mr. Secretary, your medical skills are really amazing."

"It's good to recover."

Jumping off the chair, Secretary Secretary walked towards the door.

"Let's go, lead the way."


Scratching his head, Makijuro didn't understand what the secretary meant.

"Your wife, Purgatory Ruhuo, isn't in poor health."

"Just taking this opportunity, I'll give her some treatment." Kan Shula

Suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and Makijuro couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Mr. Secretary, you are really..."

"What are you dawdling about, my lords."

Waving his hand, the secretary signaled Makijuro not to dawdle.

"Your great kindness, the purgatory family will never forget!"

Bowing again, Makijuro quickly put on his clothes and went to lead the secretary.

Under his guidance, Secretary Secretary soon arrived at the residence of the Purgatory family.

Approaching, Secretary Secretary saw a huge bonfire burning in the open space from a long distance away.

"That's my wife, Ruo."

Pointing to a woman beside the bonfire, Makijuro said.

Looking in the direction, Secretary Si sat on a chair, staring intently at the purgatory fire of the bonfire.

Now she has not yet given birth to her second son. Although her physical fitness is a bit poor, she can still take care of herself.

And what she is doing now is the custom of the purgatory family since ancient times.


During the mother's pregnancy, she watched a huge bonfire for seven consecutive days, each time for two hours.

In this way, the hair color of the male from the purgatory family will be like a flame after birth.


Maki Juro just wanted to say something, but was dragged back by the secretary.

"Let her go on."

Realizing that the secretary respects the customs of his purgatory family, Maki Juro feels ashamed of what he did before.

Soon, the daily two-hour camp-watching ceremony came to an end.

Blinking his eyes, Purgatory Ruhuo touched his stomach again.

"Ruhuo, I'm back."

When Makijuro's voice came, Purgatory Ruhuo followed the sound and found the two of them.

"Makijuro, this is..."

Although it was the first time they met, Purgatory Ruho still felt the difference in the secretary next to Makijuro.

If his husband was a great bonfire burning in a clearing, the clerk was the sun burning at noon.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

"Ruhuo, this is Mr. Secretary."

After listening to Makijuro's explanation, Purgatory Ruho couldn't help covering his mouth.

She never thought that the man in front of her was the legendary Swordsman of the Breath of the Sun.

Not only that, but he also had a showdown with his own husband.

After that, the other party even told a lot of unrecorded history.

Now, the secretary took the initiative to check his condition

Waving his hand, the secretary's face did not show the slightest pride.

"Compared to this, let me check your body, Ms. Ruhuo first."

Chapter 122 Ninja Family, Yusui Clan

After a brief inspection of Purgatory Ruhuo's body, the secretary knew her condition.

Although it is a bit tricky, it is not a disease that cannot be cured.

Of course, this so-called difficulty is only for him.

If ordinary doctors encounter the fire of purgatory, they will probably come to the conclusion that it cannot be cured.

Since it was too late today, the secretary asked Purgatory Ruhuo to rest after the inspection.

After telling Makijuro some medicines to be prepared, he also stayed in the house of Purgatory.

For the next period of time, he lived in the house of purgatory.

On the one hand, he is to treat the illness of Purgatory Ruhuo.

On the other hand, it was because a little guy didn't want Secretary Secretary to leave.

"Mr. Secretary, do you think it's okay to grind these medicines like this?!"

Pushing open the door suddenly, a child who looked like a miniature version of Makijuro walked in holding a medicine jar.

Like his father, he also has flaming hair and a smile on his face.

After taking a look, the secretary said.

"That's fine, Xing Shoulang, just put it there."

After finishing speaking, Secretary Secretary pointed to the table beside him.

In response, Xing Shoulang carefully placed the jar there.

Although the contact time is not long, Xing Shoulang is full of interest in the big brother in front of him.

His father and mother are full of respect for him, even the lord.

Some swordsmen even squatted in front of the door of the purgatory family, just to catch a glimpse of the secretary.

Not only that, Xing Julang also saw the competition between the Secretary and Maki Juro in leisure time.

The father, whom he could not defeat no matter what, was like a newborn baby in the hands of the secretary.

With three simple strokes, the wooden sword in the secretary's hand appeared on Makijuro's neck.

Since then, Xing Shoulang has had infinite interest in secretary.

A man with a mysterious identity, superb medical skills, and strong swordsmanship will always become the idol in the hearts of little boys.

If Makijuro hadn't told him not to pester the secretary too much, Xingjurou would have planned to let him be his master.

"I put it here."

After yelling, Xing Shoulang jumped directly onto the chair beside him, resting his cheeks.

Not paying attention to the little guy behind him, the secretary put all his attention on the medicine in front of him.

Grind, blend, filter.

Not long after, a prepared medicine appeared.

Pass the medicine to Xing Shoulang, Secretary Secretary said.

"It's still the same as before. Divide into three portions and eat after dinner."

"Thank you, Mr. Secretary!"

After receiving the medicine, Xing Shoulang thanked him, and took it to find Purgatory Ruhuo.

Looking at the little guy who left, the secretary smiled slightly.

Under his treatment, Purgatory Ruhuo's body has almost healed, and the diseases in his body have also been controlled, and the rest only needs to rest.

It's time for me to leave here.

Although it doesn't show up now, over time, the markings will inevitably affect the people around.

Although it is said that without certain swordsmanship, one will not be affected by markings.

But for those who are over 25 years old and have superb swordsmanship, this is a reminder from hell.

After preparing the rest of the medicine, the Secretary turned around and left, and returned to his room.

After tidying up briefly, he left here.

Before leaving, he also left a note.

The note is very simple, it is just to let the purgatory Makijuro and others not come to look for him.

The secretary knew that after Makishouro knew about the stripes, he also knew that it was a life-threatening thing.

After choosing a hat to put on his head, the secretary looked at the place where he had lived for a while.

Then, without anyone knowing, he left the Purgatory House and the Ghost Killing Squad.

Once again embarking on a journey, the secretary chose to go all the way west this time.

He didn't stop in the nearest town until the food he had prepared was exhausted.

While shopping for food, he suddenly heard an interesting news.

In recent days, some people have died in the town.

The identity, status, and gender of these people are not the same.

The only thing in common is that they all have many enemies.

And in the places where these people died, occasionally something similar to darts can be found.

It seems that they died by the same method.

Some people who have studied history said that these darts may have come from ninjas.

Faced with this conclusion, many people expressed disdain.

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