True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1090 The Warriors’ Counterattack

Xu Yang quickly transmitted the message: "This magma stone beast protects its head with a double-layer defensive light shield. Its weak point must be its head. Next, we can divide it into three groups and attack it in three directions. The three people from the Buck Tribe are on the left, the three people from the Ba Deer Tribe are on the right, and Xiaoqi and I attack first on both sides, destroying the two layers of defensive light shields outside the stone beast's head, and finally. Mainly attack in the middle. Don’t worry about the lack of attack power in the middle. You have seen the power of Xiaoqi Gulu’s bloodline, and no one can match her in terms of explosive power.”

After a pause, Xu Yang blew upward from the corner of his mouth, and an unruly strand of hair curled back in front of his forehead, "And I, Xu Yang, as Mai Xiaoqi's fiancé, of course will not let everyone down."

Xu Yang's words were so well-founded and extremely confident that the listeners had no choice but to believe them.

The grouping should be reasonable to avoid a group of people who are not skilled in cooperating being crowded together, which will lead to low offensive and defensive efficiency.

The counterattack strategy only points out the general direction, and the details are formulated by the three groups themselves, which is both flexible and efficient.

Black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe responded via voice transmission: "Although this counterattack strategy is simple, I think you can try it."

Ye Yan, the big man from the Balu Tribe, responded via voice transmission: "Time is running out, so it's decided. The attack on the right is left to us, the Balu Tribe, and we will do our best to cause damage to the target."

Next, the three members of the Buck Tribe headed by Jia Shi ran to the left to distance themselves. The three members of the Balu Tribe, headed by the big man Ye Yan, ran to the right and also distanced themselves.

The lava stone beasts on the opposite side saw Xu Yang and others divided into three groups, and for a moment they didn't know which group of people to focus on.

"Of these three groups of people, which group is the greatest threat? There are three people on the left and right sides, and there are only two people in the middle. Probably the attacks on the two sides are stronger." The magma stone beast turned its head back and forth, thinking quickly in its mind.

left side.

The black-robed Jiashi stood on top of its snake beast in a flash. The snake beast spit out a forked snake core from the tip of its mouth to capture the opponent's breath.

"Cangmu, use the flying lock arrows to wrap around this guy's legs and feet. Don't let him run away. Black Snake, use magic to attack from a long distance. For the rest, I will personally smash this guy's head." Black Robe Jia Shi Fei quickly issued a detailed combat plan to the three men.

Cangmu put six special flying feather arrows on the flying eagle bow. The bow string was stretched as full as the moon, and the tip of the arrow had strong wind-attribute spiritual power swirling, like a small storm.

"Kuragi is here!"

"Army - Flying Lock Six Wings!"

The appearance of flying eagle wings appeared on the surface of the six arrows, and six slender silver chains were dragged out from behind the arrows. The chains penetrated the air and made a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

Blah blah, blah blah.

The six arrows dragged the chains around the limbs of the magma stone beast and kept spinning. After a while, they wrapped around it more than a dozen times, tightening it tighter and tighter, restricting the movement of the limbs of the magma stone beast.

The magma stone beast was angry in his heart, but his words showed he didn't care: "It's this guy who uses a bow and arrow again. Don't think that you can hurt this fire demon."

Click, click, click.

The lava stone beast tried to move its limbs, and the silver chains tied to its limbs creaked, and sparks appeared from the friction, as if they were about to be broken by its brute force.

At this moment, the weird black snake on the side launched an attack.

The weird black snake pinched the magic spell with both hands, black demonic energy rolled on the surface of the body, and a huge black snake tail was dragged out from behind. A head completely turned into a triangle, and a forked tongue protruded from the tip of its mouth.

Exploding black demonic energy erupted from the weirdo's body.

Snake turns into a beast!

Live up to the name of the black snake!

Immediately afterwards, the weirdo "Black Snake" activated his demonic snake body, his abdomen bulged, and the bulge quickly moved to his throat, and then he opened his mouth and vomited.

He actually spit out a black demonic energy bullet.

The demonic energy turned into a strong black color, and black electricity flashed on the surface, gathering powerful demonic energy.

The monster energy bomb was very heavy and hovered in mid-air above the head of the weird black snake.

"This demon energy bomb is a secret weapon that I have been practicing in the Zifu space for three months.

The device will definitely help. "Weird Black Snake thought to himself.


The weird black snake roared wildly.

He rolled up his huge snake tail and grabbed the monster energy bullet hard. He first pulled it backwards and then swung it in a circle, faster and faster. He aimed at the head of the magma beast on the opposite side and threw it out.

"Demon magic - snake bullet!"


The void shook, and black demonic energy flew out.

"What a powerful demonic bomb!" The magma stone beast immediately felt the threat from the demonic bomb, but its limbs were restrained by the silver locks offered by Cangmu and could not move. He had to tilt his head to the right.

The black demon energy bomb drew an arc and exploded on the barrier light shield outside the head of the magma stone beast.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded, black light rippled, black wind roared, and black lightning was like claws.

Click, click, click.

Spider web-like cracks were blown out of the red barrier light shield outside the head of the magma stone beast.

"Well done, Black Snake."

The black-robed Jiashi stepped on the snake beast's head and pounced on it in time.

The snake beast straightened its body, raised its neck, and sent the black-robed stone above its head into the air.

The black-robed Jiashi slightly looked up at the head of the magma stone beast, and shouted, "In the name of the witchcraft of the Buck Tribe."

Although Black Robe Jiashi's cultivation profession is a beast exorcist, he is also a wizard of the Buck Tribe and is good at witchcraft.

But he saw the black-robed Jia Shi's hands quickly making seals, and a stag-shaped seal appeared on his fingertips.

Without stopping, he opened his mouth, bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out. The strange thing is that there are clusters of black arcs ejected from this mouthful of natal essence and blood.

"Soul blood sacrifice, great witchcraft, seal of stag, black lightning explosion!"

The next moment, the stag seal on the fingertips of the black-robed Jia Shi "broke out of its shell".

A bloody stag, covered in black lightning, charged at the horns and directly hit the defensive light shield on the outer layer of the lava stone beast's head on the opposite side.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

The art of totem mark brings powerful destructive power.

Since Jia Shi does not have the bloodline of the ancient deer, his totem mark technique is far less powerful than that used by Mai Xiaoqi. Only the totem mark technique used by Mai Xiaoqi when he inspired the ancient deer bloodline can be called a wild mark.

With a bang, the totem mark exploded directly, and black electricity rolled like a tide.

The defensive light shield on the outer layer of the magma stone beast's head had just been cracked by the monster black snake's demon energy bomb. This time it could not bear the heavy blow and collapsed directly.

Seeing that he had succeeded, the black-robed Jiashi said proudly: "The totem mark technique I used was infused with an exploding snake venom that I had been practicing for a long time. It is equivalent to the power of a thousand detonating talismans."

The head of the magma stone beast was blown back and forth, and its eyes were spinning in their sockets.

"Damn it, it's a little dizzy." The magma stone beast gathered the power of the fire demon, and a circle of red flames ignited on its body, and its whole mind suddenly became clearer.

At this moment, there is still a defensive light shield left on the head of the magma stone beast.


The three people from the Balu Tribe, led by Big Man Ye Yan, saw that the three people from the Buck Tribe successfully broke through the first layer of defensive light shield outside the head of the magma stone beast.

The time has come.

The big man Ye Yan said loudly: "It's our Balu Tribe's turn to take action. Jianlin and Jiansen will attack first, and I will be the last one."

Jianlin, a wizard of the Balu tribe, had already grasped his deer-headed staff in his right hand, and the fingertips of his left hand were touching the surface of the staff. The surface of the staff lit up with green talismans, and the talismans were shaped like antlers.

"The antlers of the domineering deer, my blood is used as a sacrifice, the wood spirit is dense, and the thunder spell is drawn!" Jian Lin recited a secret word in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he gathered a mouthful of soul blood and spit it out on the surface of the staff.

The staff buzzed and trembled, green light swirled on the surface, and the appearance of a giant tree appeared.

This giant tree's Dharma is the power of Jian Lin's natal witchcraft, and it is now blessed on the staff.

Stab, sting, sting.

A green arc storm quickly condensed at the front of the staff.

Without stopping for a moment, Jianlin waved the staff in his hand vigorously.

"Witchcraft - green electricity detonation!"

The next moment, a ray of green electricity was thrown from the staff. The green electricity stretched its waist and struggled forward, like a green deer attacking.


Green electricity as thick as a bowl struck the only remaining defensive light shield outside the magma stone beast's head.

Green electricity boiled, the dryad roared, and the air was scorched.

Click, click, click.

The surface of the defensive mask outside the head of the magma stone beast has many vein-like fine lines.

The moment Jian Lin took action, Jian Sen beside him also made an attack.

Jiansen activated his martial arts body, and blue soul realm emitted from his body surface. In the soul realm, blue tentacles can be seen with the naked eye, which is a mutated soul realm.

"Soul Domain - Octopus Tentacles!"

Jiansen made a secret with his hands, and the light on his fingertips intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a seal in the shape of an eight-clawed octopus appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the octopus seal on his heart.


A heart pulse immediately turned into a shining red, and the power of witchcraft and octopus blood in the body boiled instantly.

The appearance of an eight-clawed octopus appeared behind him, and the aura of his body immediately burst into flames.


The clothes on his back were torn, and a pair of huge and long octopus tentacles sprouted from his back.

Becoming a monster!

"Knivesmanship - Octopus Storm!"

The next moment, Jiansen, who transformed into a monster, came out with a sword.

The whirling scimitar split into three, and the three blades whizzed upwards like a tornado.

The formation of blades, the cut void creaked.

Just when Jiansen launched the attack, the magma stone beast also realized its danger.

"These hateful humans want to break through the defensive light shield of the fire breath barrier outside my head, and then directly hit my head. My head is the most vulnerable part of my body. You bad guys, don't even think about it!"

The lava stone beast opened its mouth and sprayed out.

Bang bang bang!

It spit out three magma missiles in succession.

The three magma missiles just stopped the three tornado blades launched by Jiansen.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

Moves collide in the sky.

For a moment, the magma exploded, the blade flew, the fire demon screamed, and the storm howled.

The two can exhaust each other.

Jiansen hurriedly took back the flying turning knife he had thrown out, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

"You did a good job." Big Ye Yan encouraged him in time, "Let me do it."

The big man Ye Yan took long strides and ran forward in the direction of the magma stone beast.

While running wildly, his body turned to stone.

When the big man Ye Yan ran to the feet of the magma stone beast, he had transformed into a rock giant more than three feet tall.

But compared with the ten-foot-long magma stone beast, the big man Ye Yan still looked small.

But the rock giant bent his knees, squatted down, straightened his knees, and jumped up.

The stone ground beneath his feet was crushed by the giant rock.


Flying upward like a counterattacking hill.

The rock giant clasped his fists tightly, aimed at the head of the magma stone beast, and swung it down.

"Fist technique - hard rock hammer!"

The punch came out, the shadow of the fist hit the hammer, and the mountain shape fell.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

For a moment, the rocks shattered, the fist wind harvested, and the void faintly collapsed.


The remaining layer of defensive light shield used to protect the head of the magma beast shattered in response.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi, who were at the front, saw the right moment and launched an attack.

"Xiao Qi, let me smash this guy's head, and you can harvest it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cluster of golden thunder arcs exploded behind Xu Yang, rolling out a pair of golden thunder wings.

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