True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1098 Brave Story

Xu Yang carefully took back the five flame spirit bodies.

In his Zifu space.

Inside the red-shelled egg, A'Zhu is sleeping quietly. The girl is curled up, and the curves like the silver moon are looming through the egg shell, which is peaceful and beautiful.

The flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha takes the form of a golden ball, with Sanskrit characters slowly flowing on the surface.

The ghost-infant-shaped Chakravartin lay there with its belly upwards, its hooked tail instinctively swaying slowly behind it, and it fell into a deep sleep.

The blue water flame spirit appeared like a spirit dolphin, spitting bubbles out of its mouth according to the rhythm of its breathing, and its streamlined body was filled with a sense of docility.

The Green Deer Flame Spirit turned into a deer shape and lay in the corner. A circle of green flames emitted from its body to protect itself steadily, and its eyes were slightly closed.

Xu Yang stopped looking inside and whispered to himself: "The five flame spirits are fine. Setting up this array really consumes a lot of the flame spirit's soul power. It can be recovered after a period of rest. Looking carefully, the five flame spirits can be recovered. The level of the flame spirit's practice has increased a little in this action. This is the secret of the Five Elements Flame Technique. Each time the five flame spirits are used together, it is a practice, and it will become stronger and stronger. "

Thinking of this, Xu Yang couldn't help but put his hand on the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant around his waist, feeling warm. The soul of his master Gui Gu Yeyan was still sleeping in it.

Xu Yang secretly swore in his heart, "I must become stronger. As a close disciple of Master Gui Gu Yeyan, I will never embark on the path of evil."

Next, Xu Yang carefully observed the sealed magma lake, but no trace of fire spirit could be seen spilling out.

Xu Yang said loudly: "The Five Elements Flame Formation is complete, and the fire spirit in the underground palace has been sealed again. The five elements are interdependent and continuous, and the seal will not loosen within a thousand years."

Cangmu pumped his fist excitedly and said, "It's not easy. We succeeded."

Black-robed Jiashi said seriously: "Everything we have paid for this is worth it. Behind us are thousands of tribal people on Luming Grassland."

Jiansen moved his arms and said with a smile: "This is the most meaningful thing I have ever done in my life."

Jianlin took back his staff, put his hands on his knees, gasped for air, and then said: "Today, I truly understand the meaning of the word warrior."

Mai Xiaoqi clapped her hands and said happily: "If we unite together, there is nothing we can't do."

Xu Yang said happily: "This is really a brave story."

Everything was safe and everyone fell back to the ground.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Congratulations to everyone for defeating the Fire Demon and successfully completing the task of sealing the fire spirit of the underground palace. You are the most outstanding warriors on the Luming Prairie. The Fire Demon has been eliminated, and my power can finally touch this place again. I will send you out of the Holy Land of Tianshou Mountain right away. The injured need to be sent back to the tribe as soon as possible to get the best treatment."

Mai Xiaoqi looked up into the void, blinking his big eyes, "It's Lord Sacred Tree Spirit!"

But I saw a green crystal blowing out of thin air, wrapping everyone's bodies in it like a gentle hand of spring.

The green wind subsided, and the underground palace was empty.


Grass deer tribe.

In a secret barrier in the back mountain. In the middle stands a holy monument made of obsidian.

The holy stele is tall and majestic, rectangular in shape, and the top is carved with the totem of the Caolu tribe, which is a Caolu deer with hoofs that are as strong as stepping on clouds.

On the surface of the sacred stele are engraved the names of the heroes of the Caolu Tribe of past dynasties. The names are very long, and behind each name there is a brave story.

This is a forbidden area for the Caolu tribe, a place used to worship ancestors of the tribe and pray for blessings.

At this moment, Ram, the patriarch of the Caolu Tribe, was standing in front of the black holy monument.

She stretched out a rough-skinned but warm hand and caressed the names engraved on the surface of the black holy monument. On it were the names of Mai Xiaoqi's parents.

Standing quietly, patriarch Ram's eyes were moist.

She took a few steps back and knelt on her knees: "With the blessing of the ancestors of the tribe, the Heavenly Beast Volcano has regained its calm."


The northwest area of ​​Luming Grassland is the territory of the Buck Tribe.

Different from the eastern area where the Caolu Tribe is located, there are more mountains and higher terrain here.

One of the most towering peaks is called Buck Mountain. The headquarters of the Stag Tribe is located there.

On the back mountain of Buck Mountain, there is a hidden formation of snakes and beasts.

The array of snakes and beasts is octagonal, with a bronze statue of a demon god with a snake body and a human head on each of the eight directions.


At this time, an old man in black robes was sitting in the center of the formation of snakes and beasts. He wore a black eyepatch on his face, with only one eye exposed.

It was Jia Ye, the leader of the Buck Tribe.

Jia Ye looked serious, and the spells in his hands popped up one after another, and soul fire fell on the hands of the bronze statues with snake bodies and human heads in eight directions around him.

Puff puff puff, puff puff puff.

Black flames ignited in the hands held by each bronze statue with a body and a human head. The flames twisted and turned into the shape of a black python, which was very strange.

Jia Ye removed the eyepatch from his face, revealing a green vertical pupil like a nocturnal king snake.

"In the past few days, the Heavenly Beast Volcano has become more and more unusual, and there are signs of a volcanic eruption. It has been ten days since Jia Shi, Cangmu and Black Snake entered the Holy Realm of Heavenly Beast Mountain for trial. I must do something. "

Jia Ye whispered to himself, and strange green fluctuations flashed in the snake-shaped pupil of one left eye.

The magic formula in his hand changed, and a black snake magic seal appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the black snake seal popped out and hung in mid-air in the center of the circle.

"Snake fire formation, black snake soul, great witchcraft, hundred-mile eye." Jiaye recited the secret spell.

The fire of the black snake in the eight directions turned into eight flames and fell on the black snake seal in the middle.

The black snake seal swallowed the power of the snake fire in its mouth, and gradually grew in size, reaching the size of a ruler in the blink of an eye.

The void suddenly shook, and the black snake seal disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, at the foot of the Sky Beast Volcano, ripples appeared in the void, and a black snake eye the size of a fist emerged from it.

Through this snake eye, all the movements of the Heavenly Beast Volcano were reflected in the pupil of Jia Ye's left eye in the distant Buck Mountain.

This state continues.

Three days later, the unusual movements of the Tianshou volcano disappeared and finally became quiet.

Jia Ye then stopped the technique, his face was covered with sweat drops, and he could not hide his exhaustion.

He stood up, showing a look of relief, and said: "The Heavenly Beast Volcano has returned to calm. It seems that there is no need to move the entire clan. I wonder what happened to the three Jia Shi people?"


The southwest area of ​​Luming Grassland is the territory of the Balu Tribe.

A majestic mountain peak, since the arrival of the Balu tribe, it has been called Balu Mountain.

At the foot of Balu Mountain, there is a lake formed by waterfalls and mountain springs.

At this moment, on the small island in the middle of the lake, there was a middle-aged male wizard doing this.

The male wizard wore a blue toga with delicate patterns of domineering deer embroidered on the surface.

The blue-robed wizard threw it with one hand, and a transparent crystal ball hung in front of him.

It was Ye Lan, the leader of the Balu tribe.

Ye Lan's eyes narrowed, his throat bulged, and he spat out a mouthful of life essence that landed on the surface of the crystal ball opposite.

The runes on the surface of the crystal ball kept flowing. When the runes calmed down, Ye Yan's image magically appeared in the crystal ball.

At this moment, the big man Ye Yan is undergoing trials in the Holy Tree Realm, and falls into the Holy Tree Illusion, fighting with Ye Lan in the illusion.

Ye Lan observed carefully, with a worried look on his face, and murmured: "I didn't expect that the inner demon in my son Ye Yan's heart would be more than my father."

Every once in a while, Ye Lan would bless a natal essence to maintain the operation of the crystal technique.

Two days later, Ye Yan's image disappeared in the crystal ball, and it could not be restored no matter how Ye Lan cast spells.

Ye Lan had no choice but to stop the technique, his face showing exhaustion and ugliness.

"I can sense the location of my son Yeyan with my bloodline witchcraft, but the situation has changed unexpectedly. In recent days, the activity of the Tianshou volcano has been extremely strong, and it is likely to explode violently. I must arrange for the clan members to be relocated at any time. . I hope my son Ye Yan and his two disciples Jian Sen and Jian Lin return safely."


The Heavenly Beast Mountain, which had been in chaos for many days, finally returned to calm, and the many restless spirit beasts in the mountain also returned to calm.

The mountain is like a giant, standing in the center of Luming Grassland, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

At this time, at the foot of Tianshou Mountain.

A ball of green light appeared out of thin air.

The green light converged, revealing Xu Yang and others.

Mai Xiaoqi called towards the direction of Tianshou Mountain: "Thank you Lord Tree Spirit for sending us out."

The sound echoed in the valley of Tianshou Mountain.

It was quiet for a long time, but there was no response.

Suddenly, a green leaf floated down from the air and fell to the

In front of Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi grabbed the leaf and saw a line of small words flashing on the leaf: "Warriors of Luming Prairie, have a safe journey."

Xu Yang said: "Our mission has been completed. It is better to rush back to the tribe as soon as possible and report the situation here to the tribe leader and elders in time so that everyone can rest assured. Wu Yan and Ye Yan's injuries are too serious and they must get medical treatment as soon as possible. treat."

Jia Shi said: "Everyone bid farewell. See you again in the future. We are still the warriors of Luming Grassland."

After speaking, Jia Shi patted the spiritual pet bag with one hand.

A golden light rolled out, and the golden light converged, revealing a golden python about ten feet in size.

Cangmu and Jia Shi supported Wu Yan and placed him gently on the back of the golden python.

Jia Shi ordered: "Carry my brother on your back."

The golden python nodded, seeming to understand Jia Shi's words.

This golden python is also one of Jia Shi's spiritual pets, but it is still growing and its combat power is far less powerful than the fallen snake beast "Black Three".

Jiansen said: "We also need to rush back to the Balu tribe as soon as possible. Maybe the patriarch has a way to cure Brother Ye Yan."

Jian Lin said: "The two of us will carry brother Ye Yan back."

After saying that, Jian Lin used the wood escape technique to weave a large stretcher out of wood and rattan, and let Ye Yan lie on it.

Everyone left one after another.


At the foot of Balu Mountain.

Ye Lan, the leader of the Balu Tribe, carried the unconscious Ye Yan on his back. Although Ye Yan looks bigger than his father Ye Lan.

Behind Ye Lan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin saw this scene, their eyes were moist.

Balu Mountain is very steep, and a long staircase seems to reach the sky.

The father carried his son on his back and climbed up the steps.

"Ye Yan, you are my father's pride. No matter how tall you grow or how strong you become, you will always be my child." A smile appeared on Ye Lan's face, as if he was whispering to his sleeping child.

The next month, Ye Lan used the method of life sacrifice and transferred part of his life to Ye Yan through a special witchcraft.

all the best.

There was a tiger-shaped witch Gu in Ye Yan's body. It was like being reborn. His strength increased instead of decreasing, and his body broke through to the Daoming realm.

However, his father Yelan has aged much and turned into an old man with silver hair.

On this day, a domineering tiger roar came from the top of Buck Mountain.

Ye Yan surpassed his father Ye Lan in strength, like a male tiger coming of age, occupying the top of the mountain.

Ye Lan officially announced that he would abdicate the position of leader of the Balu tribe to his son Ye Yan.

Surpassing his father has been Ye Yan's wish since he was a child, and he has come true.

But he had another wish in his heart. He wanted to carry the Balu Tribe on his shoulders for his father Yelan, so that his father would always be in good health.


Bucks Tribe, Bucks Mountain.

The clan leader Jia Ye personally went down the mountain to welcome Jia Shi, Cang Mu and the comatose Wu Yan back to the tribe.

Jia Shi knelt down to the clan leader Jia Ye and asked for a way to save Wu Yan.

After clan leader Jia Ye hesitated, he finally told Jia Shi that only if Jia Shi transferred half of his life force to Wu Yan could Wu Yan be revived. They could do this because they were twins, otherwise Wu Yan would never be able to wake up.

Jia Shi accepted the solution without hesitation. He took Wu Yan, who was in a coma, to the snake and beast formation in the back mountain. With the help of the snake beast formation, he transferred half of his life force to Wu Yan.

One month later.

Wuyan wakes up.

"elder brother."

"younger brother."

The two brothers hugged each other, tears flooding their hearts.

Wu Yan is no longer the secret weapon of the Buck Tribe. He is Jia Shi's brother and the warrior of the Buck Tribe.

Jia Shi is no longer as arbitrary and arrogant as before. He is Wu Yan's younger brother and a warrior of the Buck Tribe.


Grass deer tribe.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi returned safely and were solemnly welcomed by the people led by the patriarch Ram.

After that, the Caolu Tribe, the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe signed a permanent friendship contract to jointly build the Luming Grassland and never be enemies.

At the foot of Tianshou Mountain, there is an additional stone tablet.

Inscribed on it are the names of eight people: Xu Yang, Mai Xiaoqi, Jia Shi, Cang Mu, Wu Yan, Jian Sen, Jian Lin and Ye Yan.

It records a brave story.

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