True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 148 Moonlight Technique

At night, the silver lanterns are lit on time in the night, and a ray of moonlight shines in from the open skylight on the roof. The straight light image is the passage leading to the legendary Moon Palace.

Xu Yang moved a square rug he had prepared in advance under the shadow of the moon so that the moonlight would hit the center of the rug. Then he took out the Moon Magic Dzi Bead and placed it in the shadow of the moon on the rug.

Next, he formed a seal with one hand, then gently tapped the Moon Magic Dzi Bead on the square carpet, and his fingertips sent out an invisible force and jumped onto the Dzi Bead.

Suddenly, the Moon Magic Dzi Bead floated up, slowly rotating three feet above the ground, and a faint red, yellow, and green spiritual light swirled on the surface.

At this time, the Dzi Bead is like a hungry child, sucking in the power of the moonlight in the moonlight. The three-color spiritual light swirls more and more, gathering more and more densely, and finally presents a semicircular light curtain as tall as a person, reflecting The whole room is gorgeous.

After looking at the light curtain, he silently recited the magic in his mind, and stepped into the three-color light curtain. The next moment, the huge three-color light curtain was spinning like a whale sucking water, and all of them were sucked into the Moon Magic Dzi Bead. The moonlight was still shining quietly on the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, emitting a faint white light, but Xu Yang's figure disappeared.

In the different space inside the Moon Magic Dzi Bead, a group of three-color light flashed on the octagonal altar, and Xu Yang's figure appeared.

In the space, a full moon hangs high in the sky, and there are thousands of silver flowers, reflecting the entire alien space as brightly as day. The jade goddess in the center of the octagonal altar is quietly bathed in the moonlight. The moonlight jumps and flows on the surface of the jade body under the white silk gauze, and the brilliance is shining, really like the arrival of the goddess.

Xu Yang adjusted his clothes slightly and looked at the jade carving opposite, filled with awe and admiration. Then he took out a delicate bronze hourglass, turned it upside down and placed it next to him for timing.

Watch the moon with your heart, its shadow is in your heart...try to run the Moon Flower Technique. After a while, the moonlight that originally shone all over Xu Yang condensed into button-sized bright spots on his body.

Immediately afterwards, bright-colored light spots flashed one after another, penetrating through every pore on the body surface and into the meridians in the body. It felt cool, its mind was refreshing, and its power was long-lasting. Xu Yang just felt like soaking in a pool on a hot summer day, extremely comfortable.

The meridians, bones, and blood vessels in the body begin to change under the action of this force. The meridians are as tough as dragon tendons, the bones are as polished as jade, and the blood vessels are as strong as tigers.

The training time passed quickly. Xu Yang slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the bronze hourglass beside him for timing. There was just a trace of fine sand left on it. Previously, Ye Tu had warned that each time you practice the Moon Flower Technique to absorb the power of the moonlight, the time should not be too long, so as not to overdo it and damage your body.

Putting away the small hourglass, he stood up, bowed respectfully to the jade sculpture, then made a hand seal with one hand, a three-color light flashed around his body, and his body turned into a shadow and disappeared in place.

At the same time, a large piece of three-color light rolled out from the Moon Magic Dzi Bead in the room. The light dispersed, and Xu Yang's figure appeared inside.

After putting away the Moon Magic Dzi Bead and breathing in the lotus position, I felt that my body was extremely smooth. After a while, he stood up and stretched out his arms. The power of the dragon and tiger within him was endless. He exhaled a breath, straightened his clothes, and showed a satisfied expression on his face.

At this moment, the muscles at the base of Xu Yang's two ears moved involuntarily, an imperceptible sound, and a rustling sound came into his ears, and an inexplicable feeling of excitement arose in his heart. Xun Sheng couldn't help but look up. A gray mouse with round ears and a pointed nose poked half of its head out from behind a beam.

A strange thought naturally arose in Xu Yang's mind, and he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed in front of Xu Yang, and a black cat with pointed ears and green eyes appeared in front of him.

"Meow——" A harsh cat meow made Xu Yang sober up.

"Brother Yetu, what's going on? Why do I have a strong appetite for rats?" Xu Yang asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"This "Moonlight Technique" is a unique skill of our hunting night clan. Our hunting night clan uses cats as totems and worships the moon god. A very small number of them are born with one more soul than others. When they grow up, , this soul will turn into a soul beast to accompany the owner for life, and the soul beast's form is a civet.

Practicing the "Moon Flower Technique" will cause the practitioner to develop the instinct and power of a cat. As a member of the Kariya clan, he can transfer this power through the soul beast, which will instead make the soul beast stronger and stronger. But for ordinary monks without soul beasts, it is a serious side effect. This is why I advise you not to practice for too long.

When you practice, I will always be by your side to protect you. If my guess is correct, as long as the time for practicing the "Moon Flower Art" is controlled, practicing the "Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art" next will dilute this side effect until it disappears completely. "

Hearing what Ye Tu said, Xu Yang felt relieved. As a drinker and half gourmet, if he hunted live mice, the scene would be really eye-catching.

According to what Ye Tu said, Xu Yang practiced the Moon Flower Technique every night and the Blood Soul Pulse Forging Technique during the day. After seven days, the Moon Flower Technique was indeed accomplished. The two techniques complement each other. The bottleneck that was originally as solid as a dam when practicing the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Technique is now as fragile as silk and can be easily broken through.

The power of his own blood soul has also increased greatly, which is enough to cope with the consumption of the five souls in the Moon Magic Dzi Pearl. The greater advantage is that the physical body is even more powerful than the same level of physical cultivation. Coupled with his strong body, he once again used the fire fist technique in the Dark Fire Technique, which was enough to easily smash an iron door into pieces with one punch.

Just as Ye Tu said, with the practice of the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Art, the side effects caused by the Moon Flower Art gradually disappeared, and the instinctive predatory impulse of cats no longer appeared, which made Xu Yang's worried heart return to his stomach.


Afterwards, Xu Yang informed Bai Mujin and Bai Muhua of Ye Tu's plan. Naturally, Bai Mujin was clamoring to go with Xu Yang, and Bai Muhua was also willing to go together. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, after discussion, everyone decided to quietly go to Daze in the upper reaches of the Tai River to find the root cause of the decrease in the water volume of the Tai River.

Xu Yang briefly arranged the affairs in Qinghua Mountain City, and went to the "Tongyuan Daze" in Dongjun with Bai Mujin, Bai Muhua and Black Cat Yetu.

The rolling Tai River is like a huge silver dragon winding and stretching, carrying the source power of countless creatures in the Xiaoxian world. It is sacred and solemn. Although the water volume is only half of the original, it is still majestic. Several people walked along the Taihe River, looking up all the way with awe and gratitude in their hearts.

After a few days, the river gradually turned into a wide swamp. Under the blue sky, the swamp is covered with countless low green sedges, with large areas of blue water in between. At the end of the sight, the vast swamp and the blue sky merge together, and the water and sky line is a spectacular sight.

"This is the source of the Tai River, right? The scenery is so beautiful. Why don't we see fishing boats and people on the water?" asked Bai Hibiscus, who was still covering his face with a white gauze scarf.

"The real source of water is hidden in this "Tongyuan Daze". The source of the Taihe River is revered as a holy place by people in the Xiaoxian world, and fishing and daily activities are prohibited." Black Cat Yetu explained. road.

Bai Muhua threw a stone casually. "Plop", the stone splashed into a wave on the water, and the ripples slowly swayed away, disappearing among the sedge.

"The water here shouldn't be deep, but the swamp is so vast with no waves and a lot of sedge covering it. It's really not easy to find the source." Bai Muhua said.

Xu Yang took out a black ball the size of a walnut and threw it into the air.


The black ball exploded and turned into a pitch-black ghost eagle covered in black energy. Xu Yang jumped onto the ghost eagle's back.

"I will drive the flying eagle weapon to a high place to check the situation in Daze."

As soon as Xu Yang finished speaking, Bai Mujin twisted her waist and turned into a shadow and landed on Ghost Eagle's back.

"I'll go with you." Bai Mujin looked at Xu Yang with a pair of clear water eyes, full of sincerity, and Xu Yang couldn't refuse.

The secret luck technique activated the ghost eagle under the seat, carrying the two of them into the sky, their clothes were like willows, and their green silk hair was like clouds.

The ghost eagle flew higher and higher, and the outline of Daze became clearer and clearer in his sight.

"not good."

The originally seemingly disorganized sedge in Daze outlines strange green runes in Xu Yang's sight. The patches of green are overlapping and dense, spiraling and twisting like steel cones piercing them. The sea of ​​knowledge in the mind.

"Ouch", Xu Yang had a splitting headache, his vision went dark, and there was no root under his feet. At this time, the Black Eagle was no longer under Xu Yang's control, and was like a huge piece of thin paper floating in the air, swaying endlessly.

Ever since Bai Mujin stepped onto the Black Eagle, her bright star-like eyes had never left Xu Yang, so she was not affected by the Da Zezhong formation under him.

"Mr. Xu is really my type. It would be a happy thing if I could be with two people like Mr. Xu forever." A little deer jolted in my heart.

She suddenly realized that something was wrong with Xu Yang. She hugged forward with a pair of beautiful hands and wrapped her arms around Xu Yang's waist. Her face turned pale and she said in shock: "Mr. Xu, are you okay?"

Hearing Bai Mujin's call, Xu Yang became more conscious and quickly ran the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Technique to stabilize his soul, and the black eagle under his feet returned to normal.

Seeing that she was surrounded by a pair of warm and soft silk arms, Bai Mujin couldn't help but blush slightly at the base of her ears.

"Thank you Miss Hibiscus for your help. Don't stare at the Daze below. There is a powerful phantom formation hidden in it."

Bai Mujin retracted his arms and said with concern: "Mr. Xu, just be okay. I really shocked Mu Jin just now."

"We'd better go down there."

After saying that, without squinting, he controlled the black hawk under his seat to return to the ground.

The black cats Yetu and Bai Muhua below also noticed that the two people on the Flying Eagle seemed to have encountered some trouble. Seeing that the two returned safely, they kept asking.

Knowing that there was a powerful phantom formation hidden in Osawa, the few of them stopped advancing.

"The last time I was lucky enough to discover the existence of the phantom fog was on a moonlit night. We might as well wait until dark before making plans." Black Cat Ye Tu suggested.

The ease with which this three-hundred-year-old invisible illusory formation can be arranged in such a vast swamp is enough to prove that the Immortal Master "Lu Qingyun" who created the Small Sage Realm can do so much that no one can see.

In several people's minds, the risk of finding water sources has increased a bit. For the next time, no one spoke, they just quietly recharged their batteries, watched the big swamp in front of them, and waited quietly for the dark moon to appear.

The sky is getting dark, and the silver moon is like a hook.

In Daze under the moonlit night, a cool breeze blew by, causing sparkling waves on the water. The originally emerald green sedge turned into a large area of ​​dark gray, and the leaves were vaguely shadowy as they turned, as if there were some secrets hidden in them.

Looking at the Daze in front of me, I couldn't see any land of phantom fog at all.

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