True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 191: Taking advantage of the situation


Xu Yang looked at the noisy street, laughed helplessly, then turned around and entered the shop again.

"Did the young master be deceived by that black-faced man? The order in this city has always been very good, and I have never heard of anyone cheating here recently." The middle-aged shopkeeper asked when Xu Yang returned.

"It doesn't matter. Although the price of a spiritual ginseng is not a small amount for me, it is not affordable."

"Sir, please rest assured. I will report this matter to the Law Enforcement Court immediately. Selling stolen goods and buying dirt in Zongneifang City is also a felony. If he is a liar, his feet will be exposed sooner or later."

"That's not necessary. Let him go. I also ask the shopkeeper to bring me two more spiritual ginseng trees. It doesn't matter if the quality is a little lower."

"Young master, you are really a great man. With a bodhisattva's heart, there will be good rewards." After saying that, the shopkeeper took two more good spiritual ginsengs for Xu Yang.

Xu Yang took the spiritual ginseng and took a look. Compared with the previous one, the quality was indeed inferior.

"I want these two spiritual ginseng trees."

"Two of them total one hundred high-grade spiritual stones. I'll give you a 20% discount."

"Why is the price so different from the previous one?"

"Young master, you don't know. The spiritual ginseng tree just now is the psychic mountain ginseng collected from Baishan Mountain. It is a top-quality ginseng spirit that can transform into a child. This ginseng spirit is good at earth escape and is extremely difficult to catch. It was severely injured when it was caught, and its value was greatly reduced before it arrived in my small shop. If it were intact, it would have been acquired by a large merchant alliance or sect. "

"Thank you, shopkeeper, for clearing up the confusion."

Although Xu Yang was on duty at the Wood Spirit Academy and had seen many spiritual materials from heaven and earth, he had never seen the so-called Shenwa Spirit with his own eyes.

I only heard people say that this formed ginseng baby is extremely useful to monks. It has the miraculous effect of increasing life span, strengthening the foundation, and even bringing the dead back to life. In particular, the White Mountain Ginseng, which is produced in the Holy Mountain of Heaven and Earth, is a treasure with a price but no market.

Xu Yang took out eighty high-grade spiritual stones and handed them to the shopkeeper, then put the two spiritual ginseng trees away and left the shop.

I walked around several other shops in the market and purchased some alchemy materials and many high-quality talismans, which I bought for A'Zhu.

Xu Yang's little beast "Peach", since the last time it used its instinctive Nine Nether White Light to swallow the purple thunder of that day on the floating island on the top of Beiqing Mountain in Xiaoxian Realm, there has been a lightning shape on its back. purple line.

At first, Xu Yang was a little worried that it would not be able to bear it. After all, the power of the Tribulation Purple Thunder that day was too great, and even the Thousand Snakes, who were as powerful as the holy beasts, could not resist it. The little beast "Pan Tao" is just a low-level spiritual beast that is equivalent to the realm of virtual reality.

But in the past few days, not only has the little beast been fine, but his cultivation has also increased significantly, and his appetite has also increased. Therefore, Xu Yang bought some more dried meat to reward it.

Although there is no spiritual bond between this little beast and Xu Yang, they are like close friends. Xu Yang would give some to the little beast every time he drank. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a drinking buddy. The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer.

Xu Yang, who had returned home with a full load, was about to leave Fangshi, but found that someone seemed to be quietly following him behind him, but every time he looked back, he could not find any trace of the person following him.

Xu Yang did not panic, and deliberately walked around the market a few times, and then entered a tea shop.

I brewed a pot of good spiritual tea, sat on my seat and drank it slowly. I glanced at the door of the tea shop from the corner of my eye, and vaguely saw a dark shadow flashing past.

"Ding Yi and Ding Er have both been here before, but it seems that Ding San is coming this time." Xu Yang's mind changed and he whispered.

"Seller, is there a toilet in this teahouse?" Xu Yang asked loudly.

"The restroom is in the backyard of the tea house. Sir, please excuse me." said the waiter standing nearby.

"This is tea money. I'll keep the rest for you to drink." Xu Yang took out three middle-grade spiritual stones and placed them on the table.

"Thank you for the reward, sir, please come here." He said, pointing to a side door of the teahouse leading to the backyard.

Xu Yang stood up, looked back and forth, then turned and entered the backyard.

After a while, Xu Yang left the teahouse.

After leaving Fangshi, we were walking on the way to the teleportation station.

Normally, there would be an endless stream of people on this road, but today there were surprisingly few people. After walking for a while, there was not a single person in sight.

"Mr. Xu, please stay."

I was wondering in my heart when I suddenly heard someone calling my name, so I stopped and turned around.

A tall man wearing a purple brocade gown appeared behind Xu Yang. This man wore a bamboo hat and a black ghost mask on his face, making it difficult to see his true face.

Xu Yang stared at the person opposite and said nothing.

Seeing that Xu Yang was silent, the masked man walked over casually.

At this moment, earth-colored ripples flashed on a boulder behind the masked man, and a human figure emerged like a golden cicada emerging from its shell.

This figure turned out to have the same appearance as Xu Yang opposite the masked man, except that he had a golden flying knife in his hand.

I saw fire wings curling behind him, and a fiery figure flew through the air like a hunting eagle.

The next moment, the tip of the golden-winged flying knife in his hand was already touching the masked man's back.

Looking at Xu Yang opposite the man in black, a colorful brilliance flashed around his body. The brilliance dissipated and a spiritual ginseng fell to the ground.

"Your name is Ding San, right? Tell me! Why are you looking for this little fairy? If you don't understand, just go to the King of Hell and line up." Xu Yang said something coldly from the corner of his mouth.


The masked man coughed twice, and then said: "How do you know my name is Ding San? I am not Ding San."

"To be honest, who are you? You were the one who played Ding Yi and Ding Er before, right?"

"My name is Ding Si." The masked man said calmly without any panic.

"Hehe." Xu Yang couldn't help but sneer when he saw that the masked man still wanted to quarrel with him.

"Ding Si is a good name. Fortunately, your name is not Ding Shi. I will poke four holes in your back so that you will have a mark when I see you again. This will prevent me from having a bad memory and identifying the wrong person next time."

As Xu Yang spoke, he pushed the tip of the knife forward a little, and the masked man's clothes on the back were instantly pierced with a hole, and the tip of the knife penetrated half an inch into the flesh.


His golden-winged flying knife was clearly pierced into this man's flesh, but no blood could be seen flowing out.

Xu Yang couldn't help but be startled.

There was a "bang", and at this moment, a large black mist ignited around the masked man.

The fire wings curled up behind Xu Yang's back, and he jumped three feet away like lightning.

Looking again into the black mist, a long black feather swayed and fell to the ground.

Before Xu Yang could stand upright, a black shadow flashed behind him, and the masked man appeared behind Xu Yang.

The masked man stretched out a finger, and a wisp of black light condensed on the fingertip, touching the back of Xu Yang's heart like a blade.

"It's a good thing your name is not Xu Shiyang, otherwise I would poke ten holes in your back to prevent me from finding the wrong person next time." The masked man said without any loss.


Not only was Xu Yang not timid, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing when death is imminent?"

"I laugh and you'll die faster than me."

"Xu Xiaoxian, if you have any other tricks, just come up with them."

"Since you know my name is Xu Xiaoxian, do you know who my master is?"

"Who is your master?"

Of course Xu Yang would not say that his master was Gui Gu Yeyan, he was just delaying time, waiting for the opportunity to escape.

At this time, A'Zhu's message came from Xu Yang's mind: "Xiao Xian, I'm ready."

Xu Yang looked at the black feather falling on the ground in the distance, and his mind was full of thoughts: "This man in black dares to follow and tease him repeatedly in the territory of Tiangui Sect. It seems that he should be an internal member of Tiangui Sect. . But I haven’t offended anyone in the Tiangui Sect? Is it possible that someone is worried about the flame spirit in his body because he is innocent?

Thinking of this, Xu Yang said loudly: "My master is Ning Tianqi, the leader of the first battle hall of Tiangui Sect. Otherwise, how could I, a mortal, have the strength to defeat opponents in the True Pill Realm with just my cultivation in the Void Realm?"

Ning Tianqi is one of the powerful figures in Tiangui Sect that Xu Yang knows in his heart.

Ning Tianqi is the leader of Fenggui Hall, the first of the seven battle halls of Tiangui Sect. Except for a few old monsters in Tiangui Sect who have been in seclusion for a long time, there should be very few people who are Ning Tianqi's opponents. This masked man is probably the inner ghost of Tiangui Sect, so he should not dare to offend Ning Tianqi.

When the masked man heard this, he was really startled.

The fingers that were originally pressed against Xu Yang's back inadvertently moved back half an inch.

"This is the moment."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, he flipped his wrist, and a stack of fire-attribute detonating talismans appeared on his right hand.

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

A huge red flame suddenly exploded where Xu Yang was, and the masked man and Xu Yang's figure were quickly submerged in the rolling flames.

This stack of detonating talismans was the top-quality flame talisman that Xu Yang had just purchased in Fang City. Its explosive power far exceeded ordinary detonating talismans. The flames were raging into the sky, and the earth within a radius of ten feet was shattered, the soil was scorched, and no grass could grow.

I saw the shadow of a huge firebird rising in the firelight, its wings soaring into the sky. Xu Yang's figure was wrapped in the shadow of the firebird.

With just one breath, Xu Yang's figure appeared ten feet away, unscathed.

The fire around him dimmed, and Xu Yang looked back at the raging fire still rolling behind him.

"Even if you don't die, I will let you take a bath in fire, eh?" Xu Yang couldn't believe his eyes.

In the raging fire, a figure walked out with hands behind his back, it was the masked man. Like a wild beast, the flames rolled back like a docile lamb as soon as they touched the masked man's body.

The mask's body surface shows a trace of light gray armor woven by mana.

"What? Yuanhun realm monk!"

At this time, Xu Yang was a little at a loss.

The armor that the masked man uses his magic power to condense on the outside of his body is exactly the soul realm armor that can only be used by Yuan Soul Realm monks.

Soul Realm Armor is a skill derived from Soul Realm monks releasing the Soul Realm technique. Its function is similar to that of Soul Realm. It can greatly reduce close-range damage and emphasizes close-quarter defense.

But there are not many people like the masked man in front of Xu Yang who can use the Soul Realm Armor so freely. You know, the explosion just now was within a short distance of the man in black.

At this time, Xu Yang felt not only a crisis, but also personally experienced the power of Yuanhun Realm monks for the first time.

With a curl of fire wings behind his back, he was about to run away.

However, the masked man flashed and stood in front of Xu Yang almost teleporting.

He said calmly: "My good disciple, you are so cruel to your master."

But the voice was completely different from before, and it was something Xu Yang had heard before.

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