True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 204 Yaksha Ming

Xu Yang looked up and saw a dragon-shaped flame falling from the sky. The huge dragon shape was more than ten feet in size. The dragon's horns, eyes, and whiskers were clearly visible, and the aura was extremely majestic.

The might of the dragon shakes the heaven and the earth, and its domineering power covers the surrounding areas.


The red dragon flames fell steadily on the opposite side of Xu Yang and the two men, sending out fireworks all over the sky, making the sky bright and beautiful.

The flames dimmed, and a handsome young man emerged from it.

This young man has flowing red hair and carries a large red sword box slung across his back. He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a cold face like the moon, and a red dress that looks like fire.

Xu Yang recognized the person at a glance. This person was Yasha Ming, who had finally won the fifth place in the arena among the disciples of the three major families in the arena competition. And he is also one of the only three disciples who have cultivated the Yuan realm to participate in the Evil Ghost Dao trial.

Yasha Ming is one of the peerless geniuses that has appeared in the Yasha family in recent years. He is born with ten fire-attribute spiritual veins, which is the ultimate among fire-attribute spiritual veins. He is a body of dragon fire.

"Is this person Yasha Ming?"


"As expected of the Yasha family's most popular genius recently. I just don't know if your strength is as strong as the tone of your words." Xu Yang said sarcastically.

Seeing that Yasha Ming was trying to snatch the Nine Nether Crystals from her hand, Mu Jin instinctively held the Nine Nether Crystals in her palms and carried them behind her.

Then the secret message was transmitted to Xu Yang: "Xu Yang, we have to be careful. This person's combat power displayed in the arena competition is far better than that of ordinary True Alchemy Realm monks."

"Don't worry, if I don't advance to the Peiyuan realm, I really don't have the confidence to fight with him. Now, I want to personally experience how exaggerated his methods, known as the extreme fire attribute genius, will be. After a while, I and I When he joins hands, you can just watch from a distance."

Mu Jin wanted to help, but she knew that her own strength was far different from that of her opponent. She secretly clenched her fists tightly, but did not dare to go up and help Xu Yang.

"Your name is Xu Yang, right? I remember you, the only disciple of the Void Realm in this Evil Ghost Dao trial. However, it seems that you have just advanced to the Peiyuan Realm. That's good, otherwise let me go It's really embarrassing to snatch the Nine Nether Crystal from the hands of a disciple in the Transformation Realm. You two should do it together to save me trouble."

"To deal with a Peiyuan Realm disciple, there is no need for Miss Mujin next to me to take action. I am enough on my own."

"Your courage is commendable. Let's compete one on one, and I will give you a decent defeat." Yasha Ming said calmly.

"I, Xu Xiaoxian, don't have the word "failure" in my Cihai. You should keep it to yourself."


Yasha Ming snorted coldly, the dragon-shaped flames around his body reappeared, and his domineering power reappeared.

Xu Yang didn't show any weakness, the red bird flames on his body rose, and the king returned.

Yasha Ming did not use the sword in the red sword case on his back. Maybe he didn't bother to use the sword. He was so confident that he could defeat the opponent in front of him with his fists.

Xu Yang did not show the Four Magic Long Stick or the Golden Winged Flying Knife, because he wanted to prove that he was not even half a point worse than the genius opposite him.

The hole cards have to be revealed one by one to make it more exciting and enjoyable.

Dragon Fire vs. Suzaku.

The battle of kings.

The ultimate showdown.

The two stood face to face, staring at each other, like generals on the battlefield between two armies.

On the opposite side, Yaksha Ming's body was filled with dragon fire, and pieces of flaming dragon scales were clearly visible, as if a real dragon was in the wild.

With a roar of the proud dragon, the dragon surged out of the formation with the power of soaring all over the world.

Almost at the same time.

The wings of fire curled up behind Xu Yang, and the Suzaku fireworks around him almost transformed, as if they were really like a Suzaku coming to the world.

There was a shocking phoenix cry, and the phoenix wings soared out of the formation.

In just a moment, the two of them were fighting together.

The four fists intersect and the two flames fight, creating circles of flame ripples visible to the naked eye.

The two bodies rose from the ground at the same time, with the dragon flying in the sky and the phoenix flying across the world.

The sound of "Bang bang bang!" was heard endlessly.

The two sides exchanged more than a hundred punches, which landed directly on each other's body and splashed out dazzling star spots. The seemingly bright star spots actually contain deadly power.

At this time, the two of them were not as unharmed as they seemed on the surface. Every time they were hit by the other party, the flesh, flesh and meridians of the hit area would be damaged, and the blood in their chests would surge.

On Xu Yang's side, the flesh, blood and meridians inside his body that had been damaged by the opponent were instantly repaired under the urging of the Nirvana Flame Spirit.

When the cultivation levels of Xu Yang and A'Zhu were simultaneously promoted to the Pei Yuan realm, Xu Yang's physique further changed and was automatically upgraded to the primary Nirvana body. You can use the power of A'Zhu's Nirvana Flame Spirit to repair the damaged bloodline at any time.

In addition, Xu Yang's practice of the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Art and the Moon Flower Art created an already powerful physique. Only by combining the two into one can one be able to withstand the opponent's Dragon Fire Fist without hindrance.

On Yasha Ming's side, he was born with a body of dragon fire and had super attack power and repair power. The ten fire-attribute spiritual veins in the body circulated together, exerting the fire control technique to the limit. The meridians and flesh and blood in the body that were damaged by Xu Yang's Minghuo Fist were instantly restored as the fire breath circulated.

But as time went on, I started to feel overwhelmed.

"What a powerful physique. He is worthy of being a genius with ten fire-attribute spiritual veins."

"Huh? He was able to catch my Dragon Fire Fist alive. Could it be that he is a physical genius? No, his moves clearly contain spiritual techniques. Otherwise, ordinary fire attribute boxing techniques would not be able to defeat my Dragon Fire Fist at all. The body of fire is so tired of dealing with it.”

At this time, in the hearts of the two of them, each spontaneously felt respect for the other.

Both sides punched each other fiercely, and in the ripples of the explosion, the two figures in mid-air were separated.

Yasha Ming narrowed his eyes, his long red hair spread like fire, and his aura increased again.

I saw Yasha Ming stretching out his right arm, his fingers spread like claws. Between the five fingers, a crimson storm rotated rapidly.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

The red electric arcs were jumping endlessly.

"Dragon Fire Fist - Flame Dragon Claw"!

As he raised his hand, the crimson storm shot out of his palm and turned into a five-fingered flaming dragon claw in the blink of an eye. The claws were like hooks and the momentum was like a mountain.

The corners of Xu Yang's mouth were slightly raised, his fine hair was flowing like the wind, and the pressure outside his body increased again.

The same right arm stretched out, and the earth-golden spiritual flame swirled in the palm.

Taking advantage of the situation, he slapped the palm with a "pop".

"Flame Spirit Palm - Wheel-turning Ghost Hand"!

A ghost claw about ten feet in size appeared out of thin air.

The five fingers of the earth-gold ghost claws are like sharp blades, and the short green ghost hairs on each finger are clearly visible.

A ghost baby with two wings on its back and a pair of sharp horns on its head looks like a toothy grin. It drags a golden hooked scorpion tail behind it, swimming endlessly on the surface of the ghost claw.

"Boom" a loud noise.

The dragon claws and ghost claws slapped together, and huge ripples spread for more than ten miles.

The rolling red and golden flames bite each other, like two ferocious beasts fighting for territory, without giving in.

It took more than ten breaths for the energy of the two to exhaust each other, and the void was burned.

In the midair where the two disappeared, there was a walnut-sized flame dragon ball and a palm-sized ghost infant flame spirit hovering.

The surface of the flame dragon ball exudes a faint red light, and a golden dragon shadow flies up and down inside it.

The ghost baby shook his head, as if he was a little dizzy from the collision just now.

Xu Yang waved his hand, and the Wheel Flame Spirit turned into a golden light and was taken back into the body.

Yasha Ming on the opposite side also waved, and the flame dragon ball was taken back by him.

Xu Yang secretly praised in his heart that Yaksha Ming lived up to his reputation as a genius and actually cultivated a fire spirit treasure like the Flame Dragon Ball. The palm just now obviously enhanced the power of the Flame Dragon Ball. Otherwise, if you use ordinary spells, some of their power will be swallowed up by your own Chakravartin.

Yasha Ming was also surprised that Xu Yang had such a powerful will-o'-the-wisp spirit that could even compete with his own flame dragon ball.

Since the Wheel Flame Spirit is the top secret of Tiangui Sect, no more than three people know about it. Therefore, Yaksha Ming did not know the existence of the Wheel Flame Spirit.

"You are indeed a powerful character. I know that you are born as a mortal, and it is not easy to achieve such an achievement. But today, you actually made me have to use my sword to compete with you. Then don't blame me for being ruthless with my sword."

After saying this, the red sword box buzzed behind Yasha Ming.

"Canglang" sound.

There was a red long sword in his hand.

This sword is quite strange. It is swallowing violent flames, and an evil ghost with hair and a sharp beak and wings on its back is looming on the sword.

"The rules of the trial dictate that you don't have to hold back, and I, Xu Xiaoxian, won't be polite."

Xu Yang flipped his wrist and placed the four magic sticks in his palm.

The golden flowers flowed on the long stick, and circles of purple divine mountain spirit patterns rippled endlessly.

It's like the generals of two opposing armies coming out for the second time.

If the first battle between the two sides was still a trial, this second battle was a gamble on the glory of the generals.

"Jingle, clang, clang."

The sticks and swords intersected, and the power of the colliding flames set off patches of red flames, which were colorful and picturesque against the dark sky.

Surprisingly, every time Yasha Ming swung his sword, a red evil ghost would spin out of the sword light, and the tip of the sword would streak through the void, making a chirping ghost cry.

This sword is Yaksha Ming's natal magic weapon called "Fire Crow".

Xu Yang did not show weakness and activated the power of Mount Tai's golden spirit on the long stick.

Every time the stick is swung, it will condense into a purple sacred mountain shadow. This purple sacred mountain is the phantom of Mount Tai, one of the legendary fairy mountains. The shadow of the stick swept through the void, and the rumbling sound was like thunder.

One is good and the other is evil, they restrain each other and do not give in to each other.

After a stick of incense, the two of them were equally powerful and evenly matched.

At this time, Yasha Ming began to doubt Xu Yang's identity.

Is this Xu Yang really a mortal child? He is still a monk who has just advanced to the first level of Peiyuan Realm, and most of the physical attributes displayed are fire attribute spiritual veins. And he is already at the peak of Peiyuan Realm, and he still has a body of dragon fire with ten fire-attribute spiritual veins. Could it be that he is also a genius with ten spiritual veins?

If Yasha Ming knew that Xu Yang only had a fire-attribute spiritual vein, his jaw would probably drop in surprise.

But Xu Yang's first spiritual vein is different from others. His first spiritual vein is extremely thick. Even if Yaksha Ming's ten spiritual veins are bundled together, they are not much thicker than Xu Yang's first spiritual vein.

At this time, the spiritual vein in Xu Yang's body was like a pillar holding up the sky. In conjunction with the Haoran Heavenly Vein in his body, the mana flowing in it was like a river flowing into the sea, running wildly.

The sticks and swords collided, and the two figures separated again.

"I must take the Nine Nether Crystals away." Yasha Ming roared in his heart.

When the true energy is raised again, the body of dragon fire rotates at high speed, and the fire dragon on the body opens its teeth and claws.

"Sword Formation - Fire Crow Burning the Wild!"

I saw Yasha Ming shouting, holding the "Fire Crow" sword with both hands, and throwing it out.

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