True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 224 Brother Xiaosa

Xu Yang swaggered into the depths of the valley alone.

While walking, I couldn't help but think about the origin of the "little raindrops".

At a young age, Xiao Yudian had reached the first level of the True Alchemy Realm, and his physical characteristics were in line with those of the three major families of the Tiangui Sect. It can be preliminarily concluded that Xiao Yudian is a disciple of the three major families, and he probably stayed here after participating in the trial of the Evil Ghost Hall.

Before coming, Xu Yang tried to check the list and records of the last disciples who participated in the Evil Ghost Dao trial, hoping to find clues about the disappearance of Xiao Yue'e's sister Xiao Yueyu. However, since the Evil Ghost Hall was later disbanded and the information about the Evil Ghost Path trials was temporarily sealed within the sect, no relevant information was found.

However, Xu Yang always felt that this little raindrop was Xiao Yueyu. Although the portrait provided by Xiao Yue'e was from a few years ago, the eyebrows and eyes of this little raindrop were very similar to the character in the portrait. What was puzzling was that through his own spiritual inspection, Xiao Yudian was actually a man, which made Xu Yang a little confused for a moment.

After all, searching for Xiao Yueyu was also Xu Yang's promise to Xiao Yuee, and he had always taken this matter to heart.

Gradually going some distance deeper into the valley, Xu Yang put back his distracting thoughts and decided to release the power of the fake elixir to lure the ghost beast to appear.

After observing the surrounding terrain, it was covered with dense forest and the view was blocked. He turned his wrist and took out five silver flying knives.

Actuating the Wuxiang Qianren Technique, he raised his hand, and five flying knives flew out intertwined, and the five silver threads cut around the surrounding forest floor like a sickle cutting grass. All the tall trees within ten feet were cut off.

Looking at the fallen trees in front of him, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction and raised his hand to retract the five flying knives.

The line of sight is suddenly much wider, making it easier to attract ghost beasts and less likely to be attacked by ghost beasts.

Be prepared, and then concentrate on activating the magic formula. The black crystal-like fake elixir in the purple palace of his body's Dantian faintly emitted colorful ripples, and the energy within it has been highly concentrated into a solid state.

The surface of the fake elixir melts slightly.

The vast power of the fake elixir surged out, creating circles of fire-colored spiritual power ripples visible to the naked eye on his body. The ripples kept gushing out in all directions like a red tide, going deep into the valley bottom and spreading farther and farther.

And let go of your consciousness and carefully observe the reactions and movements around you.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the valley.

Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and strong winds rose up. The dense fog in the valley was suddenly blown away by the sudden strong wind.

It is clearly visible that the large green tree crowns in the valley are shaking, like green waves, undulating.

Immediately afterwards, a large black whirlwind rose near the center of the valley bottom. The whirlwind spiraled into the sky like an angry black dragon. The nearby trees were broken and rolled up together, crackling, and the sound was like countless steel whips beating at the same time. The momentum was extremely huge.

The next moment, an astonishing coercion emerged from the whirlwind.

Wisps of spiritual power condensed into black strips of light that were continuously thrown out as the whirlwind rotated, as if countless black tentacles were protruding and dancing wildly. A mysterious black shadow appeared in the whirlwind.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

With a strange laugh, this violent black whirlwind swept towards where Xu Yang was, like a huge monster crushing him.

Wherever he passed, a large number of trees were broken like grass and thrown into the sky, making the sky dark and the earth dark.

The whirlwind traveled very quickly and arrived in front of Xu Yang after a moment.

"Sure enough, it's here."

Xu Yang looked at the black whirlwind that was approaching him and murmured, clenching his fists slightly.

"Where did this monk come from? He dared to break into my territory. Is he here to give me the golden elixir?"

Muffled thunderous words came from the whirlwind, echoing in the valley for a long time.

"Puff puff!"

Without warning, three wind bombs the size of a basin suddenly erupted from the cyclone. The rolling wind bullets were like the mouth of an angry beast, roaring with the anger and greed of a ghost beast.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and did not avoid it.

Spotting the three incoming wind bombs, he punched out his prepared fists one after another. The large group of purple-black hell fire above the fist wind kept jumping. The power of the hell fire contained in it was comparable to that of copper and iron. It was the hell fire. fire punch.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three wind bullets were smashed into pieces as soon as they touched the purple-black fist wind, and the scattered coercion rolled up and floated in the void, unable to harm Xu Yang's body at all.


As soon as he finished speaking, the whirlwind in the sky condensed and disappeared without a trace, but a ghost orc appeared. It stretched its arms straight and rotated its body as it fell from the sky.

This ghost beast is eight feet tall, with disheveled hair, thick eyebrows and eyes. Although its appearance is rough, its facial features are similar to those of ordinary people.

Its upper body is naked, its dark brown skin looks a bit rough, and its exposed muscle lines are as angular as rocks.

And his right arm turned out to be a hairy ape-like arm, and it was obviously much thicker than his left arm. His lower body was only covered by a pair of rudimentary tiger skin shorts, with a pair of huge bare feet stepping on the ground.

"Boy, is my appearance cool enough?"

This ghost beast actually said something nonsensical when it came up. It looked like it was in a good mood.

Xu Yang originally didn't want to waste time with it, but saw this ghost beast talking to him. If we can learn some details about the ghost beast and this forgotten land from his mouth, it will still be of some use for the next trial.

So he replied: "Your Excellency's appearance is really impressive. The whirlwind just now almost overturned this valley."

"Supposing you have a good sense, didn't the figure I fell into look cool and unrestrained just now?"

"Ahem, he's also very chic." Xu Yang reluctantly complimented.

"Congratulations on your correct answer. Therefore, when I kill you next, I will use more force to make your death more pleasant. And the golden elixir you cultivated will naturally be my favorite delicacy. Hahaha." The ghost beast said , looked up to the sky and let out a harsh laugh that made people want to pick out their ears.

Xu Yang curled his lips and said nothing. He thought to himself: "The intelligence of your ghost beast is ridiculously high. You can even brag better than a human being. However, the next step will definitely be a fight between you and the fairy. How could I let you be such an ugly guy? Succeed."

Seeing that Xu Yang didn't speak, the ghost beast raised its head proudly, thinking that Xu Yang was scared.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask your name. I will keep records after eating the golden elixir. You will be the third monk who I have eaten the golden elixir. Seeing how clean you are, I want you to come. The golden elixir should taste good," the orc man said unscrupulously.

Suddenly he frowned and changed the topic: "What are the names of the first two people who I swallowed the golden elixir?"

After speaking, it stretched out its furry right hand and scratched its head, and then said: "Remember, I wrote down their names in the book."

Then, it rummaged around on its body and said with a confused look on its face: "Oh, I forgot to bring this book because I was so cool. I am too cool but I have a bad memory. What is this called? A carefree life. Xiaojie. Come on, what’s your name?”

Xu Yang shook his head helplessly, not expecting that he would meet such a narcissistic ghost beast.

"My name is Xu Xiaoxian. The black sun in the sky is really too hot. The terrain here is low-lying and surrounded by mountains, which is just suitable for enjoying the cool air. I didn't expect to disturb your rest, so I'm really sorry. But it's a bit too much for you to try to eat me with just one mouthful. It’s too overbearing.”

"Hmph! This entire valley is mine, and every plant and tree in it is my wealth. When you enter this valley, it becomes my property. It is only natural that I eat your golden elixir." He said confidently.

"Excuse me, what is your name?"

"Me? Hehe, my name is Yuan Xiaosha. A monkey's ape, Xiaosha is as handsome as mine. Well, let's live up to my name. You can call me Xiaosha Yuan, or Xiaosha brother."

As he said this, the ghost beast who called himself Yuan Xiaosu actually brushed the long, messy hair on the back of his head with his hand, making an extremely narcissistic gesture.

If he hadn't been on a mission, Xu Yang would have vomited immediately. I cursed in my heart, it's not your fault that you're ugly, it's wrong to come out and scare people.

"Why are you so powerful in a corner? This small valley is really shabby compared to your great strength. Why don't you take over this entire forgotten land? Then you will be a real great ape and a rich man. ”


Hearing what Xu Yang said, the handsome brother suddenly stretched out a finger and made a silent gesture.

Carefully, he turned his head and looked back and forth, then looked up at the black sun in the sky.

Then he whispered: "You can say anything, but this forgotten place always belongs to King Black Sun in the sky. The ghost beasts here are all the people of King Black Sun. It was King Black Sun who gave us life. This place and There are many high-level ghost beasts like me, and there are even existences that are higher than us."

"I don't believe there are ghost beasts that are more powerful than you." Xu Yang immediately answered.

Because in Xu Yang's understanding, the highest level of a ghost beast is just this. If there really is a more powerful ghost beast, this information will be very useful.

"Of course, that big shot lives on Youfeng Mountain. He is the king of ghost beasts who has swallowed seven or forty-nine high-level demon crystals. It is good for high-level ghost beasts like us to have our own territory. I I desperately devour the demon crystals and monks’ true elixirs of the same kind, hoping that one day I can evolve to the level of that great man, so I don’t have to hide in this desolate and boring valley.”

"Youfeng Mountain?"

When Xu Yang heard these three words, he immediately remembered the little tiger he had rescued before called "Xiao Liuzi" and said that its home was in Youfeng Mountain.

"Yes. Youfeng Mountain is the mountain of kings in this forgotten land. It is the highest mountain. There are many high-level ghost beasts nearby, and they all surrender to that big man."

"In which direction is Youfeng Mountain?"

"It's two hundred miles north. After passing the peak in front, you can see the highest peak."

After saying that, the "Brother Xiaosha" suddenly turned his face and said: "Why are you asking these questions? I will eat your golden elixir soon. Even if there is a golden mountain in front of me, it has nothing to do with you."

Xu Yang ignored it and just nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said: "Well, since you want to eat me, then I have no choice but to run away. If you can catch me, you can eat it if you want."

"I asked you to run three hundred steps first, but you still couldn't escape the clutches of my handsome brother."

Xu Yang smiled at the opposite person, spread his fire wings behind his back, turned his head and turned into a streak of fire, and fled away.

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