At this time, Zhuge Yu was carried on the shoulders of two sisters, Hu Siniu and Hu Sanniu, and ran all the way to Youfeng Mountain. They did not find the four Xu Yang people hiding nearby.

When Xu Yang saw the person they were carrying on their shoulders, he recognized Zhuge Yu at first sight and subconsciously used his consciousness to confirm.

But the moment his consciousness touched the bodies of the two tiger girls.

The copper bells hanging on their waists began to jingle.

"Fourth sister, someone is here again." Hu Sanniu said with her beautiful eyes.

"Let's stop and take a look. If this young man is still as handsome as Mr. Zhuge, we will catch him together. It just so happens that there are two of us, each with a husband. Hahaha." After that, Hu Si Niu put one hand on her waist and laughed loudly. laugh.

"Two crazy women, let me down quickly. It must be my senior brothers who are here. Their cultivation is much higher than mine. If they see you kidnapping me, will it do you no good?"

Zhuge Yu, who was being carried on the shoulders by the two men, heard the two men saying that someone was coming and shouted loudly.

As expected, the two sisters stopped and gently put Zhuge Yu on their shoulders on the ground.

"Xiangong Zhuge, please wait here for a moment. Let's go over there and take a look. If he is still a handsome man, we will capture him and make him a husband, so that our sisters can share it equally." Hu Si Niu said without hesitation.

I saw Hu Siniu looking at Zhuge Yu lying on the ground, with a smile that seemed evil but not evil at the corner of her mouth. She knelt down and reached out her hand wantonly to pinch Zhuge Yu's face.

Zhuge Yu wanted to hide, but was unable to do so. Suddenly his jade face turned as shy as red-hot iron bumps.

If this was seen by fellow disciples and this embarrassing incident spread, where would his face be?


Zhuge Yu squeezed out two words through his teeth, but did not dare to say it too seriously. He was afraid that these two crazy women would do something more outrageous and embarrass him even more.

"Hey! What kind of day is it today? I unexpectedly encountered these two evildoers. They bully men and are worse than robbers. They have tarnished my innocence, Zhuge Yu. How wronged I am!"

"Ahem!" Thinking of this, he couldn't breathe smoothly and coughed twice violently. His expression was like that of a little daughter-in-law who was being teased, with a frown and tears in her heart.

"Husband, are you okay? It's all because our sisters acted a little too abruptly just now. Don't bear grudges against us. This is also a deep love that is hard to control. It's not fate that we can meet here. We will wait until we are done with it. Regarding the matter, we will take you back to your home in Youfeng Mountain to recuperate immediately, and we will serve you well and make sure you never miss Shu."

As Hu Sanniu spoke, she patted Zhuge Yu's back with her hand as if caring, her eyes full of love.

"A cat cries and a mouse pretends to be compassionate! What a tragedy!" Zhuge Yu cursed in his heart. He was so angry that his whole body was shaking like chaff. He couldn't speak. When he closed his eyes, a wisp of male tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them lightly, just because he hasn't reached the sad point yet.

The two Huniu stood up and walked swaggering towards the direction where Xu Yang and the others were hiding.

"Who is sneaking around there? Is he a man or a woman? Show your identity quickly."

Hu Si twisted and said, his eyes slightly widened, he raised a single palm and smacked it towards the big tree where Xu Yang and others were hiding.

The palm wind transformed into shape, setting off a huge wave of air, containing powerful and domineering magic power, like the tide rushing up the shore, causing the void to tremble.

At this moment, a figure flashed out from behind the big tree.

This person was dressed neatly in light green ordinary clothes and had fine, broken hair that was bright and sunny. He was Xu Yang.

Without saying a word, Xu Yang raised his hand to face the oncoming palm wind, and the same palm wind came out.

The earth-golden palm wind was churning, and a small mountain loomed inside, with astonishing power.

Looking carefully, the face of this hill turned out to be the head of an evil ghost, with sharp horns and fangs clearly visible in the angry and bloody mouth. A stream of earthy golden light swirled and whistled on its surface.

This palm obviously blessed the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit.


The two palm winds intersect, blowing up two huge wind waves, rolling and flapping, shaking Xuanhuang.

After a moment, the palm energy exerted by both sides disappeared, leaving only circles of air turbulence and blazing temperature in the void.

"Ouch! He is really a handsome boy. Although he is a little different from Zhuge Yuxiang, he is very suitable for my taste. What kind of sect is the Ghost Sect today? They are all good-looking young men. If we had known this, we would have We should have sneaked out to snatch their disciples long ago.”

Hu Siniu said, her big eyes constantly searching Xu Yang's body opposite her like a child seeing candy.

While watching, he nodded frequently with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I don't know what to call this young master?" asked Hu Sanniu at the side.

"Xu Yang, a disciple of Tiangui Sect, I wonder where you two came from? And why did you kidnap my junior brother Zhuge Yu?" Xu Yang said loudly.

"My name is Hu Siniu, and this is my sister Hu Sanniu. We live on Youfeng Mountain. We don't have time to answer other questions, so I just want to ask you, are you willing to go back with us to get married?" Si Niu asked simply.


Even though Xu Yang was a quick-witted person who usually liked to joke, he was still surprised by the question of getting married as soon as they met.

I couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, and then replied: "Is this a question? It's easy to talk about. I want to see how Junior Brother Zhuge is doing first."

Without knowing Zhuge Yu clearly, it would be inconvenient to have a conflict with the other party first.

Xu Yang raised his eyes and looked at Zhuge Yu who was lying on the ground not far away, and asked loudly: "Is that you? Junior Brother Zhuge Yu!"

When the two sisters Huniu said there was someone nearby, Zhuge Yu couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. If he were a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, he would not just sit back and watch as he was captured by these two crazy women.

But when Xu Yang jumped out, the surprise in Zhuge Yu's heart disappeared in just a moment. Because he believed that Xu Yang's strength was not as good as his own, so he might not be able to save himself, and he would soon become a prisoner of the two sisters. Suddenly, my heart felt cold.

"Yes, it's me. I'm just a little tired. Let's lie down on the ground for a while." When Zhuge Yu saw Xu Yang recognizing him, he immediately made up a lame excuse to explain his current embarrassing situation. It would be really unspeakable to tell the truth that he was robbed by these two tiger girls.

Seeing that Zhuge Yu was not in danger, Xu Yang felt relieved.

After all, Zhuge Yu and he were both disciples of the Wood Spirit Academy. Although Zhuge Yu was aloof and unwilling to team up with him, it did not prevent Xu Yang from caring about him as a fellow disciple.

Although Xu Yang is not a great hero with unyielding righteousness, he is by no means a little man who cares about trivial matters.

Looking at Zhuge Yu's appearance, and then looking at the postures of the two tiger girls in front of him, Xu Yang suddenly understood something in his heart.

"Tiger Third Niu and Tiger Fourth Niu, these two young ladies not only have domineering names, but also look like flowers and the moon. It's a great honor for you to think highly of me. But it's really a pity. I already have a couple of monks, so I can't just do it again. We are talking about marriage with her. As for Junior Brother Zhuge Yu over there, you should let him go. He and I are the disciples with the worst qualifications, bad character, and ordinary appearance. You should let him go first. Let it go, the other junior brothers who came with me should be more suitable to be the ideal husbands of the two ladies. "How about I recommend it to the two sisters?" Xu Yang made up a joke.

When the two people opposite heard this, their eyes widened and they looked at each other. There was some doubt in my heart about what Xu Yang said.

"Could it be that Xu Yang standing opposite and Zhuge Yu lying on the ground are both mediocre men in the Tiangui Sect, and the other disciples are more handsome, talented and talented than the two of them? Is this Tiangui Sect It's probably a beauty pageant sect," Hu Siniu muttered in her heart.

"Third sister, is it because we have never seen the world, or is this person named Xu Yang lying to us?" Hu Siniu said through the voice transmission with her spiritual consciousness.

"What he just said is indeed an exaggeration. The book says that men's looks are also different in beauty and ugliness. How can they all be young and talented. However, if it is true as he said, there are more young disciples of the Yu Dao Sect who are not as good as us. Wouldn't it be better to capture a few more and give them to the eldest sister, the second sister, and the fifth sister as well?" Hu Sanniu replied with spiritual consciousness.

"Third Sister, I think this person is not very honest. He is probably making up this excuse to escape on his own."

Xu Yang looked at the two of them looking at each other and knew that they were talking through sound transmission. I secretly thought to myself, just wait until you two are negligent and have the opportunity to save Zhuge Yu first.

"Have you two sisters thought about it?" Xu Yang said deliberately.

"Okay, let's go over there and have a look. If you dare to lie to our sisters, be careful to crush your head." Hu Siniu said, her eyes widening.

"Don't dare." Xu Yang said, waving his hands repeatedly.

"Wait until we bring Zhuge Yu with us."

With that said, the two tiger girls turned around and tried to take Zhuge Yu away from the ground.

The opportunity cannot be missed and will never come back again, just at the moment when the two of them turned around.

With a roll of fire wings behind Xu Yang, he activated the "Fire Wings Chasing Wind Movement" with all his strength, and added the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit. The body transformed into a red firebird and flew away at high speed, rushing in front of the two of them in just a moment.

He arrived in front of Zhuge Yu first and grabbed Zhuge Yu from the ground. In the blink of an eye, he was already three feet away.

Then he patted Zhuge Yu on the shoulder with one palm, and a powerful force of true energy was injected into Zhuge Yu's body.

Zhuge Yu only felt that his cold meridians and body were suddenly warmed up. He stretched his arms and returned to normal.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xu!"

"You're welcome, let's deal with these two tiger girls in front of us first."

"Ahem." Zhuge Yu coughed twice, not knowing how to talk about these two crazy women.

"Good boy, how dare you cheat? Let me see if I don't crush your head."

"Don't even think about leaving."

The two tiger girls shouted and were about to kill them.

At this moment, the copper bells on their waists jingled again.

The two of them stopped and looked back suddenly.

Behind the big tree where Xu Yang had just appeared, there were two more men and one woman. It was the drunkard Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai who were waiting for the opportunity to take action.

The two tiger girls stood closely together, watching several people warily.

"Third sister, they are both at the True Alchemy Realm. I'm afraid the two of us will suffer."

"What are you afraid of? You will be bullied at the foot of Youfeng Mountain." Hu Sanniu seemed more confident than Hu Siniu.

"Two little sisters, from the looks of you, you should be monks living in seclusion in Youfeng Mountain. I don't know how you escaped the curse of the black sun. But we don't want to hurt you. Choosing a husband is still a matter of course. It's better if you agree with me," said the drunkard Xiao.

"Pfft." Boss Bai on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Is it a custom in Youfeng Mountain for women to snatch brides? No wonder the old village chief said that Youfeng Mountain is a forbidden area. Fortunately, I have not come here before, otherwise you would snatch me away. How could I bear to leave the master alone?" Xiaoyu Dian said and moved closer to the drunkard Xiao.

"Okay, you guys are hiding there and eavesdropping on us. It's really annoying." Hu Siniu said, clenching her iron fists loudly.

"You little guy, no matter how short of a man our sisters are, we will not snatch away a brat like you. The master next to you? Although he is a bit older, he looks pretty good." As she said that, her eyes were red. The light flashed, and an invisible wave was transmitted, and the eyes looking at Xiao Yudian showed disdain.

Then he continued: "Looking at your neither-male nor female appearance, why do you want to steal men from us?" Hu Sanniu didn't panic at all, and actually said sarcastically.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Xiao Yudian said sternly, flipping his wrist, and there was a silvery three-foot Qingfeng in his hand. Taking a step forward, he stabbed at Hu Sanniu on the opposite side.

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