True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 244 Hunting Competition

I saw a black stream of light coming quickly from high in the sky, and its dark ink-like remnants left a freehand "one" in the sky.

As they got closer and closer to where everyone was, they could clearly see a black flying sword that was about ten feet long. On it, a man stood on a flying sword, and his black robe kept fluttering in the wind, chasing shadows in the wind at extremely fast speeds.

In the blink of an eye, the man flying with the sword arrived at a high altitude in front of him.

For a moment, the black halo on the black giant sword flashed, suddenly shrunk, and turned into a three-foot long sword, which was held in the right hand of the man with a wave of his hand. And the man's figure landed steadily on the ground like a big black bird.

This man is of medium build, with a rectangular face and yellowish skin.

When Youfeng Waiter No. 9 saw the incoming person, the timid look he originally looked at Guigu Changyang and Xu Yang immediately disappeared, and at the same time, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang snorted at the opposite side, ignored them, and turned around to greet them.

"It turns out to be Master No. 8. Welcome, welcome."

"No. 9, it turns out you are here. You coward, you are bargaining with your opponent again. I really don't know how you got into the position of No. 9." Waiter No. 8 Youfeng said sarcastically.

"Sir No. 8, you came just in time. Just now, these two disciples of Tiangui Sect said that they wanted to go to Youfeng Mountain, saying that they would take away all the demon crystals from the bodies of Youfeng attendants below No. 3. I'm so angry. However, we are holding high the banner of Youfeng Mountain and arguing with them.”

Although No. 8 is only one rank higher than No. 9, No. 9 behaves as if he is meeting his uncle at this moment.

"Theories are nonsense. Did you become the Attendant of Youfeng Mountain by relying on theory? The Attendant of Youfeng Mountain has always relied on his fists to speak. Step aside, I want to see how hard these disciples of the Tiangui Sect have strong fists. ." Waiter No. 8 spoke rudely, and then glared at No. 9 with disdain.

"Sir No. 8, you don't know. No. 13 and No. 14 have just been killed by these people. Even though these people are at the True Alchemy Realm, they are very cunning. Why don't we take action to kill them together?" Killed." No. 9 explained quickly.

"Huh? Really? Those two losers have completely embarrassed Youfeng Mountain." Although No. 8 did not express it with his mouth, he calculated in his heart that No. 13 and No. 10 were already at the Yuanhun realm. No. 4 was actually beaten to death by the few disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect in the True Alchemy Realm in front of him. It seems that these people must also have some strength.

"Sir No. 8, the one with the knife looks too fierce. Let me kill the one with the knife. Let me deal with the other one. The remaining three are the lambs to be slaughtered. When the time comes, they will really Just give one pill to the younger one," No. 9 said in a low voice.

No. 8 nodded with satisfaction, the corners of his mouth curled up proudly, as if he was confident of defeating his opponent.

"What are you two ghost beasts muttering over there? Are you going to fight or not? I am impatient to wait for my sword." Guigu Changyang said loudly.

The demon sword at his waist made a "chichi" sound, just like a beast waiting to attack.

"Knife-wielding boy, what's your name? I, the Youfeng Waiter No. 8, never kill unknown people." No. 8 said, walking straight towards Guigu Changyang.

"How can a ghost beast like you know my name? In my eyes, you are just a talking crystal of the Nine Netherworlds." Guigu Changyang said unceremoniously.

"Hehe." No. 8 did not show any anger, but he smiled and stopped ten steps away from Guigu Changyang.

There are a total of twenty places for Youfeng Waiter. Those ranked in the middle, like No. 8 and No. 9, should always show the magnanimity they deserve when meeting those below them. When meeting those ranked higher than themselves, they will naturally show off. As obedient as a nephew, the difference is just in the way each waiter behaves. As for the master of Youfeng Mountain, Venerable Youfeng, he is naturally worshiped by these waiters as his own father.

Although No. 8 talks harshly to No. 9, it is because he is one level higher than No. 9 and cannot lose his status in front of No. 9. To be able to advance to the position of Waiter No. 8 on the bloodthirsty road, one must not only have the strength but also the ability to observe words and emotions and adapt to changes. Those reckless people who think they are inferior to others have long since fallen into a pool of blood in the path of others' advancement.

When he approached Guigu Changyang, he found that there was a demonic aura on the long knife that he wore that made him feel uneasy. Therefore, he increased his vigilance and stopped.

the other side.

"Xu Yang, don't blame me, No. 9, for keeping my word. I can only blame you for the bad luck. Lord No. 8 has an order, and I can only act according to it."

The original smile on No. 9's face was wiped away from the slap, replaced by a cold murderous intent.

The war is about to break out.

Suddenly, a figure flashed like a ghost and landed in the middle of the two groups of people out of thin air. No one present noticed it in advance.

This man's body was dry and fleshless, his exposed cheeks and arms were slightly glowing with a light blue sheen, and there was a white, fleshless skeleton lying on his back.

The white skull's head rested lazily on his shoulder, occasionally rubbing its lower jaw to make a "click" sound, proving that it was alive. It just lacks a piece of light blue skin compared to its owner's skinny face.

A spooky skeleton.

A sinister face.

A spooky person.

The person who came was none other than Guigu Zan, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect who had shined in the first stage of the Evil Ghost Path Trial. He was also a counterattacking disciple of the Guigu family who had previously competed with Guigu Changyang.

"Guigu Changyang, you are really here. The ghost on my shoulder can smell the fishy smell on your body from a distance." Guigu Zan looked at Guigu Changyang and said, without even looking at No. 8 and No. 8 who were standing aside. Number Nine glanced at them as if they didn't exist.

"Kakakaka." The jaw of the ghostly skull on Guigu Zan's shoulder moved a few times, as if to say: "Guigu Changyang stinks."

Guigu Changyang smiled awkwardly. In fact, if he didn't use the demon power in the demon sword "Rainy Night", he wouldn't emit any smell. The weapon spirit scale dragon on the Demon Sword "Rainy Night" is originally a monster in the East China Sea, and it does have a smell from the sea water.

"Junior Brother Xu, you are here too. Who are these?" Guigu Zan turned to look at Xu Yang and the others.

"Senior brother, these are my friends." Xu Yang clasped his fists slightly.

Seeing Gui Gu Zan's arrival, Xu Yang couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. The reputation of Guigu Zan among the younger generation of disciples of Tiangui Sect is even greater than that of Guigu Changyang. Before, when he and Mu Jin met Wuchang Hongxue and was entangled by the four aristocratic children from the Law Enforcement Court, they were scared away by Gui Gu Zan.

"Guigu Changyang, it seems that your injury has almost recovered. There is still an agreement between you and me to have a fight that has not been fulfilled. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to end it." Guigu Zan said.

"With a strong enemy ahead of us, it's better to choose another time for our duel." Guigu Changyang replied.

"Strong enemies? Are these two the only ones?" Guigu Zan then turned to look at Waiter No. 8 and Waiter No. 9.

He just glanced at it and continued: "Very good, I didn't expect that the ghost beasts could also evolve to the soul realm. Let's have a special competition. Between the two ghost beasts, we each deal with one of them. Who can defeat the ghost beast first? If you get the crystal, who wins? "

The skeleton crawling on his shoulder stretched out its white withered hand and pointed at No. 8 and No. 9, as if repeating what his master had just said.

"This is a good idea, I agree."

"However, you have just recovered from your injury not long ago. For this competition, I will choose the more powerful one among the two, which is fair."

The skeleton on his shoulder pointed to Waiter No. 8 with its withered finger, telling his master that the people here were stronger.

"Junior Brother Xu, for the sake of fairness in the competition between Guigu Changyang and I, you will not participate in the fight for a while. The injuries of the two people behind you are not serious, so you are looking for a place to help them heal their injuries first. Take these two after a while. "Jiuyouzhijing, I'm helping you escort them back."

Guigu Zan turned around in the direction pointed by the skull on his shoulder and looked at the waiter No. 8 opposite, his eyes like daggers.

This Guigu Zan looks cold, but he is not a person who is ambitious, let alone a person who is born with extraordinary talents and relies on his talents to be arrogant.

On the contrary, Guigu Zan's spiritual veins are naturally pseudo-spiritual veins without attributes, also known as "stone veins". Not only is he not good at learning any kind of martial arts such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., without the physical attributes, he also finds it very difficult to learn every kind of martial arts. If not, the attributes of the martial arts will backfire, causing him to be seriously injured or disabled. It seems that throughout his life, the word talent has been completely isolated from him. Growing up, the word he heard most often was "waste."

But "stone veins" are not without hope. People with such stone veins are like a stone waiting for bettors to place their bets. Although its appearance is as useless as a stone, if there is a chance to develop it, there is still a trace of it that may grow into a spiritual vein for spiritual practice. However, most monks with "stone veins" spend their entire lives doing nothing, and only a handful of them can develop their potential. Among them, those who can achieve amazing achievements are even rarer.

Guigu Zan did not give in to his "stone veins". He continued to set goals for himself one after another. Since he was able to sense spiritual power, he had to work more than ten times harder and perseverance than others. It was not until he returned from the legendary Green Fire Demon Prison that he could be said to be reborn, fly up a branch and become a phoenix.

Now the "stone veins" in Guigu Zan's body have transformed into "jade skull veins". It is said that this vein is one of the legendary ghost veins that only ghosts and gods possess. In the underworld, the birthplace of ghosts, the "Jade Skull Vein" is also one of the extremely rare and domineering spiritual veins. The "Jade Skull Vein" is born with the ability to communicate and drive skeletons, which is mysterious and powerful.

The goal Gui Gu Zan has set for himself is to defeat Gui Gu Changyang and become the first among the younger generation of the Gui Gu family.

And killing the Youfeng Waiter No. 8 in front of him is his current small goal. Guigu Zan has always been serious about his goals, even those of killing people.

Xu Yang originally wanted to go up and help, but seeing that Guigu Changyang and Guigu Zan were serious, he didn't force himself. He and Boss Bai took the opportunity to carry the drunkard Xiao and Xiao Yudian a little further away. The exercise helps two drunkards, Xiao and Xiao Yudian, heal their injuries.

Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang asked and answered questions, leaving Youfeng Waiters No. 8 and No. 9 aside. It wasn't until the two of them decided to challenge No. 8 and No. 9 that they turned their attention to No. 8 and No. 9.

"Sir No. 8, regarding the current situation, should we fight or talk to them?" Seeing Guigu Zan's menacing appearance, No. 9 began to hesitate again and sent a message to No. 8.

"Talk about it? Do you think these two lunatics will negotiate terms with us? They even regarded killing us as a hunting competition." No. 8 replied.

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