There is an open space on the side of the platform on the top of Youfeng Mountain.

A huge, oval-shaped white silkworm cocoon stood straight there, with the bottom of the cocoon tightly stuck to the ground. The pure white color of the silkworm cocoon is in sharp contrast with the deep black of the surrounding rocks, as if the silkworm cocoon comes from another world.

In the cocoon.

The girl in green clothes closed her eyes tightly, and traces of white gas evaporated from every pore of her, causing ripples in her clothes. The billowing white mist-like gas covered her body, like a dream, and her consciousness began to fall into a deep sleep.

Fragments of her memories appeared one after another in her mind.

Several years ago, a general from the Nether Realm was convicted of attempted rebellion by the Law Department of the Underworld, and the people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm were sent to exile the general to the "Land of Forgotten".

Although the Nether World and the Underworld are two different interfaces, the Nether World is actually the lower interface of the Underworld.

The underworld is the interface that governs the reincarnation of souls, and the people living in it are called underworld. Except for a few people with extraordinary talents or extraordinary abilities, most people are ghosts. Precisely because they are ghost-turned-spirit bodies, their lifespans are longer. But everything has pros and cons, and it is extremely difficult for the Nether tribesmen with ghost-turned-spirit bodies to reproduce.

As the lower realm of the Nether Realm, the people in it are called the Nether Clan. After special rituals, the You people can choose to imbue themselves with ghost energy to transform themselves into ghost spirits, and then enter the underworld through the mud world and become the people of the underworld. Most of the You people who choose to imbue their bodies with Nether Qi do so because they desire to become a so-called nobler race or to extend their lifespan.

Therefore, the ancestors of many people in the underworld are mostly You tribe people from the underworld. In this way, the underworld has become the main source of population in the underworld.

In order to effectively manage the Netherworld, the Netherworld established three palaces in the Netherworld, the Netherworld Palace, the Netherworld Palace, and the Netherworld Palace.

This time, those who were exiled to the land of oblivion with the general were dozens of servants from the general's residence and his two hundred guards, including the general's only little sister. The general's little sister has been brought up by the general since she was a child, and the two have a deep relationship.

The general's mother was originally a descendant of a noble family in the underworld, but his father was from a famous military general family in the underworld. His mother resolutely married his father, who was a You tribesman, regardless of racial prejudice. Therefore, the two brothers and sister are half of the blood of the Hades.

It was this half-Netherworld bloodline that made his brother and sister less affected by the black sun in the sky than others after they were thrown into the land of oblivion. Even though the cultivation levels of his brother and sister were both above the true elixir realm, Heiyang did not directly drop the tribulation thunder to kill them.

And this general's powerful cultivation is enough to allow him to resist the incomplete Black Sun Curse. He is also the only one among these people who has a chance to survive here.

But the general didn't want his sister and the hundreds of innocent subordinates and servants to be implicated in the curse of the black sun and turn into ghost beasts and die without dignity because of his unfounded crimes.

Therefore, he decided to use a secret method to turn his body into a blood soul monument, spread out the barrier, block the curse of the black sun, and sacrifice himself to let others survive.

The general told his sister truthfully what he thought.

In a valley in the Forgotten Land, a man and a woman stood facing each other.

The man is tall and straight, dressed in loose gray clothes, with a face as sharp as a knife, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a look of righteousness.

The woman is wearing a light green skirt and top, and she looks very beautiful, with the kind of mixed-race beauty. The deep eye sockets reveal the style of a foreign race, a pair of big talking eyes as clear as autumn water, hair as dark clouds, skin as creamy, and a figure as graceful as a willow.

"Little sister, I have been thinking about it for the past few days and decided to turn my body into a blood soul monument to resist the curse of the black sun. So that you and everyone can survive here safely. This valley will belong to you from now on. Let’s call our new home the Valley of Forgetfulness,” the man said word by word, without any fear of death.

When the girl opposite heard this, tears rolled in her eyes and she said emotionally: "No! Brother! I am willing to give my life in exchange for your life and everyone's."

Before he finished speaking, he burst into tears.

The man smiled and stretched out a hand to wipe the tears from the corner of the girl's eyes, and said seriously: "Little sister, I know you can't let go of your eldest brother. But among the people here, I am the only one who has the ability to transform into a blood soul monument. Time waits for no one, no matter how long it takes, If this continues, in less than ten days, most people will turn into ghost beasts under the curse of the black sun in the sky. I am not doing this, but to protect you and everyone forever. "

The girl stretched out her hands to grasp the man's palm and pressed it tightly against her cheek. She felt the familiar warmth coming from the palm and couldn't bear to lose it.

After a while, the girl in green tried her best to calm down and said: "Brother, can you give me seven days? Before I came here, I heard someone talking about a Youfeng Mountain in this forgotten land. The people living on that mountain I will ask Lord Youfeng sent here by the underworld to ask him to help us survive here at any cost. This way, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself to implement the Blood Soul Monument Plan.”

"The Lord Youfeng on Youfeng Mountain is just a hawk dog arranged here by the underworld. How can he help us? Besides, it is too dangerous for you to go alone."

"Except for you and me, no one else here has any resistance to the curse of the Black Sun. And I am afraid that your temper will lead to a fight with Lord Youfeng on Youfeng Mountain when we meet, and with my current ability in the Soul Realm, The cultivation level should be able to protect oneself.”

In the end, the man couldn't resist the girl in green.

After three days of searching, the girl in green came to the foot of Youfeng Mountain. The towering Youfeng Mountain is like a dark sword reaching into the sky. Just looking up at it makes people breathless, as if this sword is stuck in people's hearts.

"What is that? There seems to be someone over there?" The girl in green, who was looking for the way up the mountain, suddenly discovered something.

In the clearing at the edge of the woods, a person was lying face down, motionless. Judging from his clothes, he should be a man. This man's black clothes were messy and full of damage, as if he had been injured by a ferocious beast.

"Is this man also a member of the You clan who was exiled here? It looks like he has been injured."

Thinking of this, the girl in green approached. She knelt down and carefully helped the man up.

A face covered in blood and dust came into view, making it difficult to see the facial features clearly.

"Wake up." The girl in green shouted.

The man didn't react at all.

She stretched out her hand and touched the pulse gate on the man's wrist, and a manic heat came from her fingertips. The random internal energy almost broke through the meridians, tearing the blood vessels and skin and jumping out from the vein gate.

"It should be that he suffered severe internal injuries, which caused the backlash of Yuan Gong in his body. Huh? The spiritual power in this man's body is very strange. He looks like a ghost beast, not a human. It's better to revive him first. After all, he is a life. Maybe I can ask some questions about the situation of Youfeng Mountain.

Thinking of this, the girl in green took out a healing pill and put it into the person's mouth. She then placed a palm on the person's shoulder and poured in her Yuan Gong.

With the injection of Yuan Gong from the girl in green, the man slowly opened his eyes, but it seemed that he still couldn't see clearly who was in front of him.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die yet." The man said dimly.

"I won't hurt you, I have something to ask you."

As the medicine took effect, the image of the girl in green gradually became clearer in this man's eyes.

It was a picturesque face, with a beautiful stroke outlining the round curves like an oval shell.

Her face is like a peach blossom in early spring, pink and tranquil, and the comfortable kindness rippling in her autumn eyes under her long eyelashes will warm your heart just by looking at her. Her lips are as red as cherry blossoms, her teeth are as white as shells, her breath is like orchid, her body is as high as jade, and she is dressed in green and is out of the world.

"Fairy! You are a fairy!" he shouted excitedly.

"No, I am just a member of the You clan who was exiled here. Who are you? How come you are here? Is there a Lord Youfeng on Youfeng Mountain?" The girl in green asked three questions in a row.

"Me? I should have been a member of the You tribe before. After being exiled here, I turned into a ghost beast. Then after countless years of killing and evolution, I returned to my human form, but I lost the memory of being a member of the You tribe. I My current identity is the Youfeng Waiter on Youfeng Mountain, I am Youfeng Waiter No. 18."

"Really? Most of the ghost beasts I encountered before looked like wild beasts, with ferocious and cruel temperaments. I didn't expect that ghost beasts could also evolve into human forms. So, you are just a higher-level ghost beast? But I would rather treat you Seen as a human being like me.”

The girl in green didn't feel any fear when she heard this explanation. On the contrary, she felt instinctive sympathy.

"Thank you. It seems that you saved me. This is really a great irony. In the past, when I saw human monks, I would kill them without hesitation and devour their golden elixirs. My hands were covered with blood. Those ugly ghost beasts are even more cruel. My life is filled with constant killing. Do you see how miserable I am? I was injured by other ghost warriors, but I have already killed the one who wanted to challenge me for position No. 18. Guy. Hey."

After saying that, No. 18 smiled proudly, completely forgetting that he almost became a dead man just now. Maybe he had been wandering on the edge of life and death for a long time and was already a little numb to death.

"That's because the black sun has blinded your eyes. I hope you can become a new person in your heart. I am also willing to make friends with you."

"Your heart is as beautiful as your appearance. If I were a member of the You clan and met you in the Nether World, I think I would definitely fall in love with you." Although his face was still covered in blood at this time, there was a hint of difficulty in his expression. Hidden shyness.

"Thank you for your compliment. From what you just said, this is really Youfeng Mountain. Is there really a Lord Youfeng living on it?"

"Yes, Lord Youfeng is indeed on Youfeng Mountain."

"I want to ask for his help to save the lives of my brother and many others. Let them live here without turning into ghost beasts. For this, I am willing to pay any price, including my life."

"Your Majesty has boundless power, and he may be able to help you. But going up from here, there will be many Youfeng attendants guarding you. The higher you go, the more powerful the Youfeng attendants responsible for guarding you will be. I am really I want to help you, but I'm still seriously injured and can't really help you. I wish you good luck. I'm waiting for your good news here." After saying that, No. 18 coughed violently.

"Goodbye! You go back and recover slowly. I'm leaving first." After saying that, she turned into a touch of fresh green and disappeared from No. 18's sight.

"Goodbye!" No. 18 stared blankly at the leaving figure of the girl in green, and an inexplicable feeling that had not been seen for a long time came to his heart.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, feeling a hint of salty taste.

"Are these tears? That's what it smells like."

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