True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 270 The end of the natural disaster

High in the sky, there are more and more colorful arcs on the surface of the Eye of Interface, but underneath the colorful and dazzling colors are ruthless killing weapons.

The colorful tribulation thunder is about to explode, and everyone under it is in danger.

In mid-air, within the nine ghostly lights released by the golden mink "Peach", nine ghost heads of different shapes jumped up and down, stirring up a large cloud of gloomy ghosts. But it seems that their range of activities can only be within the white nine-nether light.

It can be said that this Nine Nether Light is also a special ghost realm.

These nine fierce-looking ghost heads are the Nine Nether evil ghosts summoned from the Nine Netherland of the underworld after the power of the Nine Nether Golden Sables in the bloodline of "Pan Tao" was awakened.

The Nine Nether Demons were originally born in the Thunder Pond in the Nine Nether Land, and they were born to like the power of thunder and lightning. The golden mink "Pan Tao" has the blood of the Nine Nether Golden Mink, the king of the Nine Netherlands, and it is its natural instinct to control these Nine Nether evil ghosts.

Every time they devour the power of the Tribulation Thunder, they will absorb part of the essence and pass it on to "Peach" for absorption. With the absorption of the essence of the previous two thunder tribulations, Pantao's body has leapt to the level equivalent to the Peiyuan realm.

The golden mink "Pan Tao" raised his head and looked at the interface eye high in the sky without retreating. He let out a strange scream from his mouth and revealed a sharp and fierce light in his black gem-like eyes.

Suddenly, a strange fluctuation appeared in the void opposite the Eye of Interface.

Immediately afterwards, the void was like an unfolded smooth cloth that was cut open with a sharp weapon, and a dark, straight space crack appeared from top to bottom.


A short black shadow emerged from the crack in the pitch-black space. The shadow shrank, and a person appeared.

This man was short in stature, with a small head, a sallow complexion, and no flesh on his cheeks. He still had two sparse moustache at the corners of his mouth, but he wore a fat black brocade robe. It was the messenger from the underworld who left not long ago.

His feet were in the void, as if he were walking on flat ground.

The messenger remained silent, staring at his round little eyes and shaking his coconut-like head from side to side as if he was looking for something?

When he saw the two interface eyes standing a dozen feet away from him and preparing to launch the seven-colored thunderbolt, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and made a silent gesture.

His legs were shaking as if they were electrocuted. After hesitating for a moment, he tiptoed and moved closer to the Eye of Interface step by step, for fear that the Eye of Interface would turn around and find him.

But with every step he took, he would float forward for an instant, like a ghost.

Somehow, it seemed that the Eye of Interface really didn't notice him and didn't take any action.

Quietly, the messenger arrived three or four feet away from the two interface eyes.

Suddenly, the messenger turned his wrist and took out a yellow animal skin bag. This bag was only about the size of a foot, and it was bulging as if it contained something.

Immediately, the messenger held the animal skin bag with both hands and threw it vigorously in the direction of the Eye of the Interface.

His movement seemed to be captured by the Eye of Interface. The Eye of Interface suddenly turned towards the direction of the messenger. The colorful electric arcs on it crackled like sharp swords unsheathed, displaying murderous intent.

With a "bang" sound, the animal skin bag burst open in time.

Suddenly a jet of black ink-like liquid splashed out, splashing on the surface of the two interface eyes.

As soon as these black liquids touched the interface eyes, with a "chi" sound, they immediately set off a large area of ​​pitch-black ghostly energy, rolling around to cover the two interface eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the shape of a long nine-headed monster snake twisted out of the dark ghostly energy. This strange snake is just a condensation of ghost energy, and it seems to be an illusion and reality. Its nine snake heads swim back and forth, its mouth opens angrily, and it makes a rustling sound.

Although the sound was not loud, it instantly filled the entire space like an oracle and reached the ears of everyone in the Forgotten Land.

After a while, the nine-headed monster snake turned into a large black mist and disappeared in the void.

After the black mist dissipated, the place where the two interface eyes were was empty, not even a trace of arc left.

The whole space suddenly became extremely dry and quiet. A ray of breeze blew by, sweeping away the previous tense atmosphere, and it seemed like a new world had transformed.

The short messenger fell to his knees, his body covered by a wide black robe. From a distance, he looked like a motionless turtle. For a long while, he didn't even raise his head an inch.

After the nine-headed monster snake disappeared, the prostrate messenger stood up.

Seeing the Eye of the Interface disappear, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, took a deep breath, and then said to himself: "Fortunately, I came in time, and the mission was finally completed."

Then, he glanced down and paused at the golden mink "Pan Tao", but stopped talking. Then he turned around, and the black robe flew into the air, turning into a black stream of light and running back into the space crack just now.

The space crack closed, and the sky turned back into a blue cloth.

"It's a blessing that the Eye of the Interface has disappeared."

"I don't know if it will come back."

"It looked like we actually walked away and our lives were saved."

"What happened to the ghost clouds in the sky just now? And that soul-stirring rustling sound is really strange."

"It must be Lord Youfeng who cast a spell. Youfeng Mountain is saved and we are safe."

"Lord Youfeng is mighty."

"Congratulations to Lord Youfeng for surviving the catastrophe safely."

From various corners of Youfeng Mountain, there were many discussions and cheers from Youfeng waiters and high-level Youfeng beasts. It seemed that they could not see the existence of the messenger.

Near the nearly collapsed building.

Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang looked at each other in shock. Unexpectedly, the seemingly fatal crisis was resolved with the help of the messenger.

Although this catastrophe was not aimed at the three of them, being able to witness such a large-scale catastrophe also made the three of them understand the power of heaven.

With the disappearance of the Heavenly Tribulation, the power of the Thunder and Lightning Law that invaded the bodies of Lord Youfeng and the Six-Winged Golden Tiger and bound them also disappeared.

Lord Youfeng looked up at the sky, with a complicated look in his eyes, and whispered: "The messenger obviously didn't come to help me specifically. The breath of the nine-headed monster snake that he just imagined seems to have been seen somewhere before. But it’s very strange.”

"Congratulations, brother, for surviving this catastrophe safely." The six-winged golden tiger said, raising its huge tiger head, shaking the injured wings on its back, and regained some of its previous majesty.

"Brother Six Wings, thanks to your help this time, you were so seriously injured." Lord Youfeng said, looking at the six-winged golden tiger covered in scars.

At this time, the six-winged golden tiger's two wings had been broken, and its fur was burnt in many places and stained with blood.

"It's just some superficial injuries. My Six Wings have a solid body, so this injury is nothing to me..."

The Six-Winged Golden Tiger deliberately raised his voice and spoke, but midway through his words, he couldn't help but let out a series of violent coughs.

The injury he suffered this time was not just a simple trauma, there were faint signs of tearing in his soul.

"Hey, to be honest, if I had known that the catastrophe you caused was so scary, I wouldn't have come. However, after experiencing your catastrophe, I have also increased my estimate of the catastrophe I will have in the near future, which can be regarded as A harvest. I have to go back and prepare."

"If you encounter a catastrophe tomorrow, I will do my best."

"I will go back to recuperate for a while first. The cold water you promised to treat me must be ready. After I recover, I will come to you for a big meal. Remember to pair it with more braised vegetables, tomatoes, eggs, and fried minced meat. Sauce, mahjong cucumber shreds, spicy sauce diced potatoes..."

As the Six-Winged Golden Tiger spoke, he clicked his lips, with an expression of yearning and intoxication on his face, as if he had forgotten the pain all over his body. After that, the golden light around him swirled, disappeared from the place, and returned to the underworld.

Lord Youfeng turned around and came to Cheng Luyi and Waiter No. 2 Youfeng.

"I didn't want you to get involved, but unexpectedly, you came anyway."

Lord Youfeng whispered.

Although Cheng Luyi was still unconscious at this time, he was finally breathing weakly. And Youfeng Waiter No. 2 lay motionless next to Cheng Luyi, his life already gone. In order to save Cheng Luyi, he had just transferred all his life energy to Cheng Luyi.

But Cheng Luyi's shadow was always reflected in his eyes that were still closed. He wanted to see the woman in front of him clearly, keep it in his heart, and not forget it even after reincarnation. Maybe in the next life, he and Cheng Luyi will return to the "Valley of Forgetting Worry".

Lord Youfeng knelt down and took out a small white jade porcelain bottle. Pour out a red pill the size of a soybean.

As soon as this pill enters the palm of your hand, it jumps like a flame and scatters golden clouds. Looking carefully, there is a lifelike golden tiger on the surface of the pill, which looks like a living creature.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that this pill was a top-quality pill that had been passed down by spirits. Just like when Xu Yang first entered the Tiangui Sect, he used the spirit of the "Nether Bone King Snake Egg" to be taken in pill pills.

Lord Youfeng put the golden pill into Cheng Luyi's mouth, but did not immediately use his energy to help him heal his injuries.

At this time, Cheng Luyi was still in the process of absorbing the life energy transferred from Youfeng Waiter No. 2. Although both of them practice the art of underworld silk, their vitality is fundamentally different. Absorbing other people's life essence is a slow and risky process, and any inappropriate external force will lead to failure.

I saw Lord Youfeng making a secret with one hand, and then pointed his fingertips toward the void. Circles of golden soul realm spread out, quickly covering a large space in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the golden soul realm rippled together, and a spring-like white thread rose.

These threads were dexterously intertwined, like a big hand holding Cheng Luyi up steadily, and then the body carrying Cheng Luyi slowly sank into the ripples and disappeared.

At the same time, on the hillside of Youfeng Mountain, there was a small black room with a word written on the door.

Golden light flashed on the stone collapse, and a ball of white silk thread held Cheng Luyi's body and gently lowered it.

At the moment Cheng Luyi's body was transferred away by Lord Youfeng.

A circle of extremely weak black spiritual power fluctuations spread out from the body of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 lying on the ground.

The body of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 began to gradually blur, and finally turned into a large black star point hovering in the void.

Among the black stars, a person's back was vaguely visible. The man was wearing a large, floor-length black cloak behind him, and he was walking away.

Suddenly, the man stopped and looked back. It was a face with the word "two" on his forehead, a smiling face. An eight-legged black spider the size of a fist crawled onto the man's shoulder. Black Spider raised one foot and waved, as if saying goodbye to the world.

The black star points gradually blurred, and the images within them dissipated in the wind.

At this time, the golden mink "Pan Tao" had already returned to rest in the spiritual pet bag on Xu Yang's waist.

Under the platform, Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang were about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed and stood in front of the three of them. It was none other than Lord Youfeng.

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