True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 272 Three Palace Killers Gather

Xu Yang carefully took the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant into his arms, placed it close to his body, and clasped his fists again to express his thanks.

Lord Youfeng looked at Xu Yang carefully, nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction on his face. Then he said: "I can send you down the mountain safely, but I have something to ask you."

"Your Majesty, just say that, within my ability and time permitting, I will definitely help you do it." Xu Yang responded immediately after hearing this.

"I will tell you this first and listen to it. Whether you agree or not is up to you."

"I'm all ears."

"During the previous catastrophe, I received the "Iron Scroll of the Underworld Emperor" sent by the messenger, which contained the decree of the Underworld Emperor.

The content is that not long ago, an important fugitive from the Netherworld sneaked into the "Forgotten Land". The underworld's Justice Department was alerted by the delay in completing the task of arresting someone sent by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. After the Underworld Law Department asked the Underworld Emperor for instructions, the Underworld Emperor issued an edict to send the ghost generals from the underworld to kill this person, and asked me to be prepared to receive him here.

One of the functions of Youfeng Mountain is that the underworld can enter this forgotten land. The top of Youfeng Mountain is the closest place to the black sun in the entire Forgotten Land. The black sun in the sky is one of the incarnations of Lord Hades. Here, the energy of the Black Sun can be used to transport people from the underworld to the land of oblivion as quickly as possible. "

When Xu Yang heard this, he immediately thought of the "Little Red Candle" he had met before. "Little Red Candle" had been hunted down by the killers sent by the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. He had also extended a helping hand and was now hiding in the "Forgetting Worry Valley". "middle. I don't know what the identity of this "little red candle" is, but Emperor Hades would directly intervene and insist on killing her.

"May I ask what your lord needs me to do?"

"I don't know the identity of the prisoner, and his life and death have nothing to do with me. However, the prisoner is currently hiding in a place called "Wangyou Valley." The Wangyou Valley is located five hundred meters south of Youfeng Mountain. There are many You tribesmen who were exiled here from the Nether Realm, where they lived in seclusion to avoid the curse of the Black Sun. I hope you can go to the Wangyou Valley before the people from the underworld come and tell the Wangyou Valley the truth. The first wave of immigrants in the "Forgetting Valley" were all members of the Youfeng Waiter No. 1 tribe. She and I had an agreement that we would try our best to protect these tribesmen. But this time it’s the Emperor’s will, so I can only ask outsiders like you who have nothing to do with the underworld to help.”

"I see, I'm willing to do this." Xu Yang agreed immediately after hearing this. After all, Bai Mujin was still recovering from his injuries in Forgetting Valley. If the underworld sends people to kill Wangyou Valley, Bai Mujin's safety may also be threatened.

"It's just a letter delivery, we can help with this." Gui Gu Changyang said on the side.

Guigu Zan did not speak, but nodded slightly. The white-bone skeleton lying on his shoulder followed its master's example and nodded in agreement.

"It's refreshing enough. I won't let you do this in vain. Stretch out your palms."

When Xu Yang and the three of them heard this, they each obediently extended their palms.

Lord Youfeng raised his hand and threw out three phantoms. Each of the three people opposite had a golden storage bag in their palms.

"The bags in your hands each contain ten high-level demon crystals, which are what you call "Nine Nether Crystals." I know that the main purpose of your coming here to test is these things. Now you can have time to help me forget Yougu sent the letter."

The three people put away their storage bags and thanked them profusely.

"Okay, without further ado, please leave quickly. The Underworld General will be here soon."

After Lord Youfeng finished speaking, he waved his big hand and released a dazzling golden light. The golden light rolled around and wrapped around the figures of Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang opposite.

The next moment, the golden light swirled on the spot, and with a burst of chissing sounds, the three people with Xu Yang disappeared.

The three of them left. Lord Youfeng looked at the devastated Youfeng Mountain and whispered: "The last time Emperor Hades sent someone here was a hundred years ago. I don't know how much trouble there will be this time. I hope the "Forgotten Valley" will be safe."

Not long after, there was an open space at the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

A ball of golden light suddenly appeared out of thin air. The light shrank, and the three figures of Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang appeared in it.

"Calculating the time, the drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai should have returned to Wangyou Valley long ago. I wonder what the situation is there now?" Xu Yang said.

"Since we agreed to Venerable Youfeng, let's go to Wangyou Valley to have a look." Guigu Changyang said.

The white skeleton man lying on Guigu Zan's shoulder nodded.

Xu Yang led the way, and the three of them quickly disappeared in the direction of Wangyou Valley.

On a higher hillside not far from Wangyou Valley, a man and a woman stood facing each other, each carrying an ancient bronze sword of the same style behind them.

The man is wearing a blue brocade robe, tall and tall, with a tall aquiline nose that shows a bit of masculinity.

The woman is wearing a blue brocade dress, with a pretty face, and the full curves of her chest highlight the smoothness, delicacy and elasticity of the brocade fabric of the coat, and there is a bit of nobility in the charm. Her long hair was tied up like a bud on the back of her head and fixed with a purple wooden hairpin. Her whole body looked neat and tidy.

It was Luo Yu and Yin Feng who were sent by Youji Palace, one of the three palaces in the Nether Realm, to hunt down "Little Red Candle".

"I didn't expect that there is such a valley hidden here. I concluded that the man was hiding in this valley." After saying that, Yin Feng stretched out his tall aquiline nose and took a deep breath, as if he smelled a clue in the air. .

"Xinghu and Xingbao have already gone to contact the two people from the Fantasy Palace. This time, the six of us have joined forces and we will never miss again." Luo Yu's expression was as calm and calm as ever.

"Counting the time, they should be here too." As he spoke, Yin Feng raised his hand, and with a bang, the ancient bronze sword in the sword box behind him fell into his hand.

Then, the tip of the sword pointed in the direction of Wangyou Valley and said coldly: "This time, I have to drink blood with the sword in my hand."

He seemed to think that his sword swing was very handsome, and turned to look at Luo Yu who was standing aside. But he found that Luo Yu ignored him at all, but found a clean and smooth boulder, crossed his legs and vomited.

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't speak, Yin Feng put the long sword back into the sword case behind his back without interest, followed Luo Yu's example, closed his eyes and rested.

Half an hour later, on the skyline on one side of the place where the two were, two golden tracks rolled towards here like meteors.

From far to near, it gradually becomes clear that they are two golden swords about ten feet long.

On each of the swords stands a person flying with the sword, white clothes rustling and dancing, the sword body is swaying with golden starlight, and the momentum is extraordinary. In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the hillside where Luo Yu and Yin Feng were.

The visitors were two male cultivators, both wearing white robes embroidered with star patterns. One of them had a shallow scar on the left side of his face, and the other had two black silkworm-like mustaches on his mouth. It was Xing Bao and Xing Hu who had previously teamed up with Luo Yu and Yin Feng to hunt down "Little Red Candle".

Seeing Xing Bao and Xing Hu rushing back, Luo Yu and Yin Feng got up and walked forward.

"Are you back? Have you contacted the two people from Youhuan Palace?" Yin Feng asked impatiently.

Xingbao, who had a scar on his face, ignored Yin Feng's questioning. Instead, he walked up to Luo Yu and said with a smile: "Sister Luo Yu, why brother, when I see you, I feel happy in my heart, and all my worries are gone. ”

"Say something quickly." Luo Yu replied coldly.

"Uninterested guy!" Yin Feng on the side interrupted, and took a step to stand between the two of them. With sharp eyes, he looked at Star Leopard across from him.

Xingbao glanced at Yin Feng and frowned. The two stood very close to each other, their eyes intertwined, each unconvinced.

"Yin Feng, keep your ugly nose away from me. I, Xingbao, am not interested in men, especially men with big noses like you." Xingbao said.

Because Yin Feng has mastered the secret technique of finding and locating smells, the skin on his nose will turn slightly red every time he uses it.

"Hmph! Xingbao, as long as I'm here, you can't even think of taking advantage of Luo Yu."

"Don't say it so harshly. Everyone loves beauty. A beauty like Luo Yu should be pursued by a lot of men. A beauty matches a hero. Maybe Luo Mei is also interested in me? I won't be like you. , The people from Luomei clearly look down on you, but you still stay by your side every day, and you really think of yourself as a flower protector. "

"What did you say?"

"Hey, you two, stop arguing. This time we must work together to complete the task, otherwise no one can afford the punishment of failure." Xing Hu, who had a black beard, explained quickly.

Yin Feng and Xinghu glanced at each other, turned around and took two steps back.

"Miss Luo, don't worry, Huan Sha and Huan Li from the Netherworld Palace will be here soon. Something went wrong when they were teleported to this forgotten land, which caused the flying magic weapon they were riding to self-destruct, which delayed a lot of time. Time. Fortunately, the two were only slightly injured and they arrived soon. This time, the combined efforts of the six of us will successfully complete the mission as scheduled."

"I hope so." Luo Yu replied lightly.

The four of them separated in twos and said nothing.

Luo Yu still crossed her legs and closed her eyes, while Yin Feng stood beside Luo Yu with his hands on his shoulders.

Xinghu and Xingbao were whispering to each other on the other side, and Xingbao's eyes were stealing glances at Luo Yu opposite him from time to time.

"This Luo Mei person is really drool-worthy." Xingbao said.

"Of course, but she is a well-known cold beauty in the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. I guess you have no chance. We should prepare for the next mission with all our heart, and be careful if you are obsessed with lust." Xinghu said.

After about one stick of incense.

I saw a group of black mist rolling down the hillside where the four of them were. The black mist was very powerful, but it didn't stir up a wisp of dust wherever it passed. There were faint figures of people shaking in the black mist.

"They are coming." Xingbao said as he looked down the mountain.

Sure enough, the black mist cleared and two figures appeared.

The two men wore the same black robes with a silver cross star pattern embroidered on them, and each held the same black wooden sword in their hands.

Not only do they dress the same, but their bodies and faces are also exactly the same. He has a garlicky nose, fleshless cheeks, and the same goatee below his cheeks. It looks like they should be twins.

"They're right up there."

"Let's go up."

After the two of them finished speaking, their bodies turned into two black streams of light and ran straight up the hillside.

"Huan Sha and Huan Li are late." Xinghu said as he stepped forward.

"You also know the reason, so we brothers will not explain it further. It seems that you must have suffered some losses." Huansha said.

"The four of you have been waiting for a long time. The show always comes to the finale. Let us brothers put on a good show together." Another Huan Li said.

The two brothers glanced at each other in unison, with the same proud expression on their faces, as if they were the protagonists of the drama that followed.

"Hmph! If it weren't for the fact that the current opponent is a bit tricky, I really wouldn't want to cooperate with these two arrogant men." Yin Feng thought to himself.

"Let's discuss the next countermeasures. That person is in the valley opposite." Xingbao suggested.

"Easy to say, easy to say." The two brothers replied in unison.

The six killers sent by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld gather together this time, and a big battle will be staged in the Valley of Forgetfulness.

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