True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 274 Realm of Beacon Fire

On the road leading to the entrance of Wangyou Valley.

The old village chief, Lin Badi, stood in the middle of the road holding a tall red war flag about 10 feet tall. The flag was embroidered with two eye-catching characters "Red Blood" with gold thread, fluttering in the wind, and stirring up a wave of fighting spirit.

Under the banner, his silver hair was neatly combed, tied into a strong knot on the top of his head, and tied with a hair tie.

His eyes were electric and he was full of energy. He wore a pair of maroon leather military armor on his chest. Although the corners of the military armor were somewhat frayed, it was kept spotless.

At this time, he was as motionless as a thousand-year-old rock. His right hand holding the flagpole was tightly clenched, and the veins on the back of his hand were exposed, as if his entire body had become one with the red military flag.

Behind Badi Lin stood three people side by side, namely the blacksmith "Yuan Yan" with a sledgehammer, the butcher "Shang Renjie" and the hunter "Li Ning".

The three of them also wore the same style of maroon leather military armor. Each held a broad-backed machete in their right hands. The red cloth belt wrapped around the handle of the knife had faded a little, and the deposits were a little purple. The red color is dyed with blood. The red fire breath runes engraved with secret techniques on the blade flickered, and silver light shone on the blade.

The three of them were as majestic as three battlefield kings.

Not far behind the three of them, there stood Mo Ling, dressed in black, masked and standing with his hands behind his back. His casual and mysterious dress seemed a bit incompatible with the people in front of him.

This Red Blood Army Formation is called "Red Blood" and it evolved based on the Five Elements Formation. The five elements are interdependent, echoing from beginning to end, endlessly. Therefore, the simplest arrangement of this array requires at least five people. But due to lack of manpower, Mo Ling could only make up the number.

"The six killers from the Third Palace of the Nether Realm are coming soon. Brothers of the Red Blood Legion, do you have the confidence to annihilate all the invading enemies?" Lin Badi asked loudly.

"Yes -" the three people behind him replied in unison, and the loud voices filled the entire void.

"Mo Ling, since you are not familiar with the Red Blood Army Formation, you will have to look at the direction of the flag in my hand. As the only guerrilla in the formation, you play a key role in connecting the entire formation." Lin Badi reminded carefully.

"Mr. Village Chief, please rest assured. As the general of the young lady's family, I can also be regarded as half a soldier. I will definitely complete your arrangements." Mo Ling replied decisively.


at this time.

At the other end of this mountain road, two golden escaping lights roared over, just like meteors leaping and stirring the void. Immediately afterwards, two strange black fogs rolled in, and finally there was a wave of blue water shadows.

They were the six killers sent by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld, Xingbao and Xinghu from the Netherworld Palace, Huansha and Huanrui from the Netherworld Palace, and Yin Feng and Luo Yu from the Netherworld Palace.

"Someone is blocking the road to the valley. It seems that they have been prepared." Star Leopard, who was rushing at the front, said, jumping down from the speeding Star Sword. He raised his hand, and the golden Star Sword was held in his hand.

The five people behind him also used their escape skills, and the six of them stood in a row, facing off against Lin Badi and the others in front.

"Of these people, only the last masked man in black has appeared. Although I have never seen the other four, the word "Red Blood" on the military flag in the old man's hand does seem familiar." Xinghu said.

"That is the flag of the "Red Blood Legion", which was once a famous legion in the Netherworld army. However, the general of the Red Blood Legion was convicted of rebellion many years ago and was exiled to this forgotten place with his men. After that, the Red Blood Legion was disbanded. If we encounter the Red Blood Legion at its peak, we can only be cannon fodder," Yin Feng explained with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"I have also heard about the origin of this Red Blood Legion. It once topped the list of the three major legions in the Netherworld and made great military exploits. But now they only have these few people. They must be the helpers specially recruited by that person. The higher-ups asked The man we were chasing only said he was a mysterious big shot and did not tell us the details of his origin. We didn’t expect him to have collusion with the Red Blood Legion," said Huan Sha, who was dressed in black.

Huan Li on the side nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, Lin Badi, the old village chief opposite, spoke.

"Is this person the killer of the Three Palaces of Netherworld?"

"Knowing that we are the killers of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm, why don't you just hand over the fugitives you are hiding?" Xinghu replied loudly, pointing the tip of the Xinghui Sword in his hand towards the opposite side.

"Are the killers of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm great? You were born in the Nether Realm, and as members of the Nether Clan, you are willing to be the eagle dogs of the underworld. The Red Blood Army Flag is here, and today is your day of death."

"You are really the remnants of the Red Blood Legion. Do you think you can scare us by raising a big flag? The remnants of the rebels dare to block the way to the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. I think you are impatient." said Huan Sha on the side. Then, he poked the ground hard with the staff in his hand, making a thud and raising a cloud of dust.

"You have hidden the girl in the valley behind you. Hand it over quickly and let you guys live. The killers of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm only focus on completing their tasks and never care about other people's business. They have no time to rubbish with you here." The cold beauty Luo Yu said calmly.

"Yes, the beauty is right. If you know the current situation, please hand someone over quickly to save you from death." Xing Bao glanced at Luo Yu and added in time.

Lin Badi didn't answer. He scanned the six people opposite him with his spiritual consciousness and had an estimate in his mind.

The cultivation base of the six people on the opposite side should be the same as mine, and they are all at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. As for the butcher Lao Hen, Orion Dali and the blacksmith Sledgehammer on his side, their cultivation levels are all between the second level and the peak of the true elixir realm, plus Mo Ling's cultivation is at the peak of the true elixir realm. Comparing the superficial combat power of the two sides, one side is obviously at a disadvantage. If you want to defeat the weak with the strong, you must be surprised to gain the upper hand.

Thinking of this, Lin Badi gently put the bottom of the flagpole in his right hand on the ground seemingly casually, and at the same time whispered: "The military formation is waiting!"

Just when the bottom of the flagpole touched the ground, a circle of light green spiritual power ripples quietly swayed away.

At the same time that Lin Badi issued the command, Shang Renjie, the butcher who was the vanguard of this military formation, took a step forward, held the handle of the knife with both hands and thrust it into the ground beneath him, with the tip of the knife entering half an inch into the soil. With the tip of the knife as the center, circles of fire breath ripples formed.

Immediately afterwards, the blacksmith Sledgehammer Yuan Yan and Orion Dali "Li Ning", one on the left and one on the right, made the same movements. The three completed the formation and activated the formation at the same time. The three fire springs continuously swayed outwards with blazing fire breath, rolling outwards. .

At this time, the green spiritual energy wave released by Lin Badi happened to merge with the fire spring released by the three of them. The three-eyed fire spring instantly sprayed out a fire dragon that was several feet high, as if it had been filled with firewood.

Lin Badi raised the military flag in his hand at the right time. The outer core of the true elixir in his body melted faintly, and all his magic power poured into the military flag like a charging chariot.

I saw flames blooming on the fluttering red military flag, rolling up thousands of waves of fire, covering the sky and the sun, and complementing the three fire dragons below.

Suddenly, a huge beacon space was formed within a radius of dozens of feet.

"Red Blood Army Formation - Realm of Beacon Fire!"

This Beacon Fire Realm is a type of Five Elements Array dominated by fire attribute techniques. The clever thing is that the appearance is fire, which hides the other four attributes of the five elements. Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, and the cycle is endless.

Among them, Lin Badi is the most critical. He controls the four attributes of wood, earth, metal, and water at the same time. He is the key point of this formation.

As the forwards, the butcher Laohen, Orion Dali and the blacksmith Sledgehammer all behaved as fire-attribute positions, mainly attacking.

Mo Ling is a dark chess piece that is outside the Five Elements. When retreating, it can guard the formation, and when attacking, it can move forward to kill the enemy. This is also what makes the Red Blood Army Formation unique. It is based on the Five Elements and has changes beyond the Five Elements.

The Red Blood Army Formation launched by Lin Badi and others was only a simplified version of the real Red Blood Army Formation, but it was also much more powerful than the Soul Realm launched by a single Yuan Soul Realm monk. This is where Lin Badi's confidence lies in defeating his opponent.

Within the realm of beacon fire.

The black smoke all over the place was like black pythons devouring blood twisting their bodies. In the blazing breath of fire that was constantly rising on the ground, countless soldiers wearing armor and holding swords and guns could be vaguely seen, as well as armed chariots and roaring horses. Wait for the illusion of the battlefield.

These battlefield illusions appear and disappear as the breath of fire rolls, and they emit the clang of swords and guns and the thundering sound of war drums. The fighting spirit is horrifying.

All this seems to be real but not real, seems to be an illusion but not an illusion, but it has a powerful battlefield power.

The six people from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm on the opposite side were instantly enveloped in the territory of the beacon fire.

"No, we have fallen into the illusion of this military formation. Our martial arts will be restrained and restricted here." Leng Meiren Luo Yu's martial arts body has the attribute of water and is very sensitive to fire breath. She felt this for the first time. He quickly reminded me of the terrifying aspects of the Beacon Fire Realm.

With a sound of "Cang", Qingfeng was unsheathed from the sword box behind Yin Feng. He took Qingfeng and took a step forward to block Luo Yu's side.

The Xinghui swords held by Xingbao and Xinghu suddenly seemed to be more than ten times heavier. The tips of the swords pointed straight at each other began to tremble randomly, and the long swords that were originally in their hands became clumsy and abnormal. The two people couldn't help but look embarrassed. They quickly activated the power of the star soul, and the sword blades shed dazzling golden light before they stabilized.

Huan Sha and Huan Li, who had always been conceited, unanimously took out the sandalwood staffs in their hands and chanted obscure spells.

Instantly, earth-colored vortices formed on the staff, spinning out two sandstorms. Without stopping for a moment, the sandstorms solidified, and two sand pythons, which were three feet long and as thick as a bucket, jumped out.

Although these two sand pythons are made of sand, they are as lifelike as living creatures. The vertical snake-like pupils in their eyes are clearly visible. They bite with angry mouths and teeth, causing large sandstorms.

But as soon as the sand python entered the beacon fire realm, it was immediately restrained by the powerful fire breath power in the beacon fire realm. Countless sparks suddenly splashed around the sand python, and the sound of metal friction was made. The resistance was heavy, and it was like being plunged into a sea of ​​swords and guns. Moreover, the closer they get to Lin Badi and the others, the greater the resistance.

Finally, three feet away from Lin Badi and others, they seemed to hit an invisible iron wall. With a bang, the two sand pythons turned into a rain of sand and collapsed into nothing.

The "Sand Python" they had just released was also one of the techniques they were good at. They didn't expect it to be so vulnerable in front of the Red Blood Army formation. Seeing this, Huan Sha and Huan Li immediately had an estimate of the power of this military formation.

"This military formation should not be underestimated. Respond quickly with the Six-Pole Fantasy Killing Formation." The two brothers shouted in unison.

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