True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 277 Mo Ling’s Request

"Isn't this kid in light green clothes a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect last time? He caused the Star Soul Tower to self-destruct and he had a chance to escape. Unexpectedly, he came to cause trouble again, with two helpers behind him." said angrily.

"Settling old and new scores together, kill!" Xingbao roared angrily, his eyes spitting fire.

If Xu Yang and Bai Mujin hadn't joined forces last time, they might not have rushed to activate the Star Soul Tower, which would have caused the Black Sun Tribulation Thunder and destroyed the Star Soul Tower. This Star Soul Tower is a secret treasure of Youxing Palace, one of the three palaces in the Nether Realm, and is quite precious. Losing a treasure like the Star Soul Tower is undoubtedly a painful and hateful thing.

Burning with anger, they both used the Star Soul Sword in their hands at the same time, repeating their killing move.

"Star Soul Breaks Through the Sky!"

The two swords instantly turned into a size of about ten feet, and with the power of the huge star soul, two tails of golden starlight were scattered, slashed through the air, and went straight to Xu Yang's location.


"Let me do it this time."

The person who spoke was none other than Guigu Changyang beside Xu Yang.

I saw Guigu Changyang holding the scabbard covered with gray cat-eye rocks in his left hand and the handle of the knife in his right hand.

Then, he reached forward with his hands, urging his own magic power to be injected into it, activating the power of the demon sword. Circles of gray demonic territory spread out with his body as the center.

The aura of his whole body suddenly increased sharply, his long hair flew, his clothes danced, and the pressure he released even exceeded the definition of the true elixir realm.


A vague roar of a monster came from within his scabbard. The sound seemed to come from the endless deep sea, mysterious and terrifying.

Immediately, an unparalleled sword intent turned into a gray beam of light and burst out from the scabbard.

Without stopping, Guigu Changyang's right hand holding the handle of the demon sword "Rainy Night" suddenly pulled out.


The demon sword was unsheathed, the sword was raised and lowered, and it was slashed out in one go.

"Slash of the Scale Dragon!"

The blade of the blade was in full bloom, and the demonic power took shape, suddenly appearing as a phantom of a scaly dragon that was more than ten feet in size. This creature has a pair of short horns on its head, a crocodile mouth with sharp teeth, and its whole body is covered with gray scales. It twists its long body, and its demonic power rages, stirring the void.

Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, strong winds blew, and lightning and thunder roared.

The next moment, the roaring dragon shadow went straight to meet the power of Star Soul Slash on the opposite side.


Two completely different forces collide.

In an instant, the demonic aura was billowing and stars were shining everywhere. The blue-gray and dazzling gold eroded each other, kept tearing apart, sprayed out in all directions, and bloomed into a gorgeous miracle flower high in the sky.

Although the power of the Star Soul is a high-level power of light and has some restraint on the ordinary five-element attributes, this time it did not have the usual stunning performance against the power of the scale dragon. On the contrary, the strange demonic atmosphere of the scale dragon's power cast a layer of dust on the star soul's light.

In the end, the two fought to exhaust their respective powers, leaving behind turbulent flows of demonic power and flickering stars, which gradually disappeared into the void.

Guigu Changyang single-handedly blocked the Star Soul Slash of Xing Bao and Xing Hu after being blessed by the formation.

The power of Star Soul Slash performed by Star Leopard and Star Tiger for the second time in a row was slightly weaker than the first time, but it was at least 80% powerful.

"This is impossible?" This is Xingbao, Xinghu and Xinghu are both shocked at the same time, and the six people in the Three Palaces of Nether Realm are also shocked at the same time.

As soon as they met, Huan Sha, Huan Li, Xing Bao and Xing Hu were at a disadvantage to Xu Yang and Gui Gu Changyang. This is the first time that six people have used the Six Extremes Phantom Killing Formation.

Before the six people in the Three Palaces of Nether Realm could recover from their shock.

Guigu Zan, who was standing next to Guigu Changyang, said calmly: "How could I, Guigu Zan, fall behind you, Guigu Changyang?"

The white skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's shoulder waved its two fists towards the opposite side. I don't know whether it was showing off its power or expressing its determination to win.

Guigu Zan quickly formed skull handprints with his hands.

A jade skull image about an inch in size and completely transparent rotated slowly in the center of his handprint, with traces of gray-white ghostly energy lingering on it.

Immediately afterwards, circles of white ghost realm spread out like ripples with Guigu Zan's body as the center.

"Swish, swish, swish." Three phantoms flashed past, and three white skeletons appeared in the soul realm.

In addition to the one lying on his shoulder, there was another one with an obvious scar on its forehead, and the last one had a shining golden necklace on its neck.

"Ghost Escape-Jade Skull!"

In the soul realm, the same runes appeared on the foreheads of the three skeletons. Golden light emitted from the runes, and their auras became stronger and stronger. There was a burst of dazzling golden light, and the three skeletons disappeared.

The golden light dispersed, and a jade skeleton that was ten feet in size appeared out of thin air.

I saw the huge jade skeleton waving its right hand, and its sharp, knife-like fingers suddenly grabbed toward the void.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and a huge golden sword with a length of two feet appeared on the right palm of the skeleton man. It was the ghost sword "Golden Bone".

Wisps of golden light transformed from ghost energy circled around the blade of the sword, making it look ghostly. Dozens of skulls of different sizes were engraved on the blade and handle, emitting a faint white light. The lower jaw of a slightly larger golden skull at the bottom of the handle moves back and forth, like a living thing.

The next moment, the Jade Skull wielded the ghost sword "Golden Bone" and slashed towards the opposite position where the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm were.

The shocking ghost blade suddenly appeared, golden light flew in all directions, and made a whining sound like a hundred ghosts howling together, which was extremely terrifying.

"Quickly go!" Luo Yu and Yin Feng shouted at the same time, hastily putting the ancient bronze swords "Child's Horn" and "Qinglin" they were about to sacrifice back into the sword boxes behind their backs.

The six people from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm communicated with their spiritual consciousness, and each drew out magic spells. A silver-white hexagram shape appeared in the formation under their body. In a large dazzling silver star, six people turned into white light and shadow and disappeared.


The moment the six people on the opposite side disappeared, the ghost sword "Golden Bone" fell to the ground.

The earth trembled, earth and rocks flew, and vegetation flew into ash. The power of the sword dissipated, and a long, bottomless black ravine appeared on the ground, as if it led straight to hell.

As the six people from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm fled, the current crisis in Wangyou Valley was lifted.

Lin Badi took back the Red Blood Army flag and dispersed the Red Blood Army formation. The butcher Lao Hen, the hunter Dali and the blacksmith Sledge quickly surrounded Lin Badi. But Mo Ling still stood behind a few people with an expressionless face.

They looked at Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang's eyes were full of gratitude and surprise.

"Thank you so much to Xu Xiaoyou and Xu Xiaoyou's two friends for helping me this time." Lin Badi said, and he cupped his fists towards Xu Yang and the others.

"Old village chief, you don't have to be polite. It was you who generously took me in, including Mu Jin and others. Besides, the people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm originally did not kill Wangyou Valley. If you want to thank me, I should thank you first. Yes." Xu Yang responded with clasped fists.

"Who are these two friends?" Lin Badi continued to ask.

"The two beside me are fellow seniors of my Tiangui Sect. This one is Guigu Changyang, and the other one is Guigu Zan."

"They are all young and talented people, so enviable." Lin Badi said while looking at the three of them and nodding.

"I wonder if the drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai returned to Wangyou Valley safely?" Xu Yang asked.

"They returned to Wangyou Valley a few days ago, but their internal injuries were serious. They are taking the time to recuperate, which makes Xu Xiaoyou worried. Miss Bai Hibiscus's injuries have also recovered well. Those who are accepted by Wangyou Valley, we will treat them like one of our own Treat him the same, please rest assured, Xiaoyou Xu.”

"Xu Yang is here to thank you again. When I come back this time, I still have some matters related to Wangyou Valley that I want to explain to the village chief."

"Oh? In that case, Xiaoyou Xu will go back with us to Wangyou Valley to visit Miss Hibiscus, and then we can talk in detail."

Afterwards, everyone returned to Wangyou Valley together.


In the Valley of Forgetfulness.

Hundreds of villagers were delighted to hear the news that the six men from San Gong had been defeated. Everyone spontaneously went to the Blood Soul Monument to burn incense and pray.

For a time, the tall Blood Soul Monument was crowded with people, cigarette smoke was swirling, and prayers and blessings were heard constantly.

"Kneel down and thank the general for your protection."

"The great general's power is still there."

"The General's Red Blood Legion is invincible."


Xu Yang first went to Mu Jin's room to check on her recovery status. When he saw that Hibiscus's injuries were no longer serious, a stone fell in his heart.

Then, he went to visit Boss Bai and Drunkard Xiao. After fighting against the enemy together, the relationship between the two parties became more familiar. Seeing that Boss Bai and drunkard Xiao were recovering well from their injuries, Xu Yang felt quite comforted.

Xiao Hongzhu, on the other hand, was recuperating in a secret room where Mo Ling had arranged a barrier formation and could not be disturbed for the time being. Xu Yang did not go to visit.

In an ordinary house in Wangyou Valley.

Led by Lin Badi, including the injured Boss Bai, drunkard Xiao and others, Mo Ling, Xu Yang, Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang sat around.

Xu Yang briefly told the story of his encounter with Lord Youfeng in Youfeng Mountain, and truthfully informed him that the underworld would soon send "underworld generals" to kill Xiao Hongzhu.

"This is indeed a very difficult situation. Just the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm make Wangyou Valley too tired to deal with it. If the more powerful Netherworld attacks, we really don't have enough power to stop it." After hearing this, Lin Badi's face changed. He looked solemn and spoke truthfully.

"The underworld generals are all elites among the underworld people, and some are even pure ghosts. Not only will they not be cursed by the black sun in the sky, their weapons are even more terrifying. Even with the help of Xu Xiaoyou and others, we may not be able to The ability to fight with it." Orion said vigorously.

"I know what everyone wants, which is for me to take "Miss" out of Wangyou Valley and lead the coming underworld generals elsewhere. In this way, Wangyou Valley will not have to directly face the threat of underworld generals." Mo Ling said.

Several people in Wangyou Valley looked at each other, and finally Lin Badi expressed his stance: "Although we disdain the intimidation of the people in the underworld. But if you take the little girl Hongzhu and leave Wangyou Valley, it will be the best idea for all of us. The Valley of Forgetfulness has been discovered by the people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. If you continue to stay in the Valley of Forgetfulness, it can be said that you are waiting for the underworld to come to kill you. If you leave the Valley of Forgetfulness, you may be able to hang around for a few more days, and there will be more Little Red Candles. Some possibility of survival.”

Mo Ling nodded, and then said: "I am very grateful for the kindness of Wangyou Valley. Due to the current situation, I will take the young lady and leave. However, the young lady's body has a backlash, and I have arranged the end. The boundary formation method helps the lady recover, but it will take at least three days. If you leave now, all your efforts will be wasted, and it will be difficult for the lady to wake up again. Therefore, I ask that the lady and I can stay here for three days. I will definitely take my young lady out of Wangyou Valley.”

"According to the rules left by the general, we should have continued to shelter you. But this time the opponent is too powerful, and I can't bet hundreds of lives here. As for the three days you mentioned, I can agree. I wonder what other people think?" Lin Badi said.

"Allowing Mo Ling to stay here for three days is not a mutually beneficial thing for Wangyou Valley. The six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm fled in a hurry. It is inevitable that they will come back for revenge. With Mo Ling here as a helper, our That’s a little more strength,” Boss Bai suggested.

Everyone reached a consensus and decided to allow Xiao Hongzhu and Mo Ling to stay in Wangyou Valley for another three days. Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang also decided to stay temporarily to help.

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