True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 309 The Technique of Psychic Combined Attack

Huang Jiu's "Green-skinned King" is really not simple. It is not an ordinary spiritual beast. It is said to come from the legendary Single Beast Valley.

The Valley of the Single Beast is a mysterious valley hidden in the Ten Thousand Domains Forest, which contains the remains of ancient divine beasts and wild prohibitions.

It is said that every few years, the remains of the mythical beasts in the Single Beast Valley will automatically transmit the wave of the summons of the mythical beasts to the outside of the valley.

This fluctuation will attract tens of thousands of spiritual beasts into the valley, and the spiritual beasts entering the valley will become bloodthirsty and crazy, and then kill and devour each other.

Five years later, only one spiritual beast in the Single Beast Valley finally survived, and was blessed by the relics of the divine beast. Its bones were replaced and its marrow was washed, and the power of the wild beast element was activated. It is said that the only remaining mutated spiritual beast is expected to eventually grow into a wild beast.

The unique cruel story of the Single Beast Valley, in which many spiritual beasts compete for the only qualification to survive and evolve, has been given a nice name by people - "The Divine Beast Tiancheng".

The only remaining spiritual beast that survived was called the "Savage Single Beast."

The "green-skinned king" beside Huang Jiu is a wild beast.

At this moment, the unattractive Huang Jiu stood in front of Red Begonia and threw the gilded short stick in his hand towards the body of the "Green-skinned King".

This gilt short stick is called "Golden Dragon Stick" and it was a gift given to Huang Jiu by the king of Wei Kingdom, one of the cultivation countries within the Tiangui Sect's influence, that is, Huang Jiu's father. This stick is made from the extremely rare ten thousand-year-old gold and East China Sea purple dragon gall, and is refined with drops of royal blood. It has reached the level of an ordinary magic weapon.

The "Golden Dragon Stick" weighs about three thousand kilograms, but when used by Huang Jiu, it is as dexterous as a wooden stick. This thing was seen hovering in mid-air in front of Huang Jiu, spinning continuously.

A virtual shadow of a golden dragon with double horns and shining golden scales appeared on the surface of the stick, emitting a large golden brilliance, majestic and full of royal aura.

Huang Jiu muttered something in his mouth, took out the magic formula and pointed it at the "Golden Dragon Stick" in the air. Immediately, the "Golden Dragon Stick" made a clear buzzing sound and slowly descended.

As soon as the stick body came into contact with the green-skinned king's back, it mysteriously sank into its body and became one with its body in the blink of an eye.

"Barbarian Soldiers!" Huang Jiu shouted loudly, and his spiritual consciousness exploded, activating the secret technique.

Suddenly, the thick leather armor outside the body of the green-skinned king shone with a dazzling golden luster, and his leather armor was like gold. A dragon-like rune was swimming on the surface of the leather armor, exuding a powerful and wild aura. The spiritual aura emitted by the green-skinned king increased rapidly, and his combat power exploded.

"It's really a wild weapon! I didn't expect that Senior Brother Huang Jiu still possesses such a long-lost method. It seems that when he competed with me in the ring that day, he didn't use his full strength." Who was guarding Xiao Hongzhu from behind. Bai Mujin was surprised when he saw this.

As a beast exorcist like Huang Jiu, Bai Mujin has a very deep memory of the legend of Manghuang Bingjia.

In the distant wilderness period, in order to strengthen the combat power of spiritual beasts, ancient cultivators would inject the souls of weapons with powerful defensive capabilities into the bodies of spiritual beasts. Let the spirit beasts wear wild armor.

But for a long time, the legendary art of barbarian armor has almost disappeared. Someone once tried to inject the soul of the weapon into the body of the spirit beast, but most of the results were that the spirit beast exploded and died or the weapon was broken, and there was little success. Even if it is barely successful, the effect is far from the level of the legendary "wild armor". And the spirit beast will be overwhelmed, sluggish, or even die after using immature wild armor several times.

The conditions for using "Wild Armor" are very harsh.

First of all, there needs to be a spiritual connection between the caster and the spiritual pet, preferably the natal spiritual pet, so that the spiritual pet can willingly bear the pressure brought by this technique.

Secondly, the weapon that needs to be fused is preferably the caster's natal magic weapon. Otherwise, the spiritual power fluctuations are different, and it is impossible to achieve a perfect integration of the two.

The most important thing is that the spiritual pet must have a tough and wild physique to withstand the pressure of the soul of the weapon entering the body.

Even if the above three conditions are met, there will be no one in a hundred who can successfully practice the "Barbarian Armor" technique.

At this moment, the green-skinned king, wearing the golden barbarian armor, showed his arrogant and domineering temperament, and his defense power increased by more than one level.

It stared with a pair of small red eyes, and the two round little ears on its head twitched intelligently. With his feet on the ground, he rushed towards the green python that appeared from the opposite side like a golden armored chariot.

There was a loud "boom", spiritual pressure splashed everywhere, and the strong wind blew back, shocking the ears and eyes.

The green-skinned king Nuo Da's body was pushed back more than three feet by the power of the ghost-forked green python.

It gripped the ground tightly with its four feet, digging four deep furrows into the ground like an iron plow. In the end, all the power of the moves was blocked by the green-skinned king's body. His armor was shining with golden light, leaving only shallow traces on the surface. Huang Jiu and Hong Haitang behind him were not affected at all.


The green-skinned king shook his big head, raised the horn on his head, and let out an unconvincing roar, as if to say, come again.

Although Mingjiang Tianfeng is brave, his cultivation is limited to the peak of Daoming Realm after all.

Among the people on the opposite side, Cheng Luyi, who possesses the second level of Daoming Realm cultivation, is the main attacker. Bai Shaojie used his natural body of sand spirit and the Huangquan Sword in his hand to attack at close range. Red Begonia uses her fire breath twin swords to strike from a distance. Huang Jiu drove the green-skinned king to take charge of defense using the art of wild armor.

With the right tactics, you get twice the result with half the effort.

For a time, with the help of Xu Yang who controlled the Beacon Realm behind them, several people fought inextricably with the underworld general Tianfeng.

On the other side, Guigu Changyang, Guigu Zan, and Drunkard Xiao used the power of three to attack the six people from the Sangong of Youjie. The battle was stalemate, with no winner or loser.

Several other people in Wangyou Valley, including the old village chief Lin Badi, the butcher Lao Hen, the blacksmith Sledgehammer, and Orion Dali, all suffered serious internal injuries in the previous fight with the three ghost generals. I am seizing the time to adjust my breath to recover from the injury and wait for the opportunity.

Boss Bai and Mu Jin guarded the unconscious Xiao Hongzhu. After all, Xiao Hongzhu was the opponent's primary target to kill.

Just when everyone was fighting fiercely with the underworld general Tianfeng outside Wangyou Valley.

On the top of a mountain opposite Wangyou Valley, there is a person standing, who has been secretly looking down and observing the battle situation here.

This man was tall and straight, wearing a long black embroidered cloak behind him, with a golden leaping tiger with double wings embroidered on the cloak. He was wearing black crystal tiger head armor, with thick eyebrows like broomsticks, and a pair of tiger eyes, majestic and majestic.

It was none other than Lord Youfeng Jinfeng.

Previously, Lord Youfeng failed to retain Mingjiang Tianfeng. However, the underworld general Tianfeng insisted on going to Wangyou Valley to kill the fugitives in person, which made him quite embarrassed.

If he directly blocks Mingjiang Tianfeng, he is confident that he can stay in Youfeng Mountain temporarily. But when Emperor Hades found out about it afterwards, he couldn't afford the punishment. With Emperor Ming's way of doing things, not only will he and the entire Youfeng Mountain be severely punished, but more powerful soldiers will be sent to wipe out the Valley of Forgetfulness. By then, I'm afraid this Valley of Forgetting Worry will no longer exist.

But he couldn't sit idly by, at least he wanted to save the life of Cheng Luyi, the No. 1 Waiter of Youfeng.

After all, Cheng Luyi's identity as Waiter No. 1 of Youfeng Mountain is that of a member of Youfeng Mountain. More importantly, Lord Youfeng has always regarded Cheng Luyi as his little sister. Therefore, he was relieved to leave his youngest son "Xiao Liuzi" under his care.

Therefore, after Mingjiang Tianfeng left Youfeng Mountain, Lord Youfeng followed him to the peak near Wangyou Valley, preparing to help Cheng Luyi when he encountered a crisis. As for the safety of others, he could only act according to circumstances.

"This disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect named Xu Yang, although his cultivation level is not high, is really mysterious and amazing. Before, I survived the minor tribulation with the help of his golden mink power, and that golden sable The noble underworld aura on Diao's body makes people have to be awe-inspiring. This time, this person can actually inherit the power of the Blood Soul Monument and block the light of the black sun. His achievements in the future are limitless. "Venerable Youfeng was amazed when he saw Xu Yang's performance.

On the battlefield in front of Wangyou Valley, it was difficult for both sides to tell the winner.

"I didn't expect that the group of ants in front of me would be so difficult to deal with. The task assigned by Lord Hades must be completed as soon as possible, and the celebrity prisoner must die. Is it possible to use that thunderbolt method now? But as soon as this method comes out, I am afraid that everyone present will They will all be affected, and with my current Daoming realm cultivation, I am afraid that I will also suffer heavy losses. The three ghosts, Qingniu, Lijiao, and Purple Lion, will follow me for many years. They are still in a coma and their defenses are greatly reduced, so they cannot follow the opposite side in vain. These people died together.”

Thinking of this, Ming Jiang Tianfeng narrowed his eyes and glanced at the little red candle in the distance opposite, protected by Boss Bai and Hibiscus.

"You guys who don't care about life and death, do you really think you can stop this general?" General Tianfeng shouted loudly.

After saying this, Mingjiang Tianfeng used Ghost Dao Yuan Gong again.

The cloak flew behind him, and the skirts of his clothes danced. The prongs of the ghost fork "Green Python" in his hand turned up scarlet electric snakes that were about ten feet long. The leaked spiritual power had already materialized.

Then, he threw the ghost-chased "Green Python" in front of him, and the ghost-chased green python was hovering in mid-air on the opposite side with its prongs facing down.

The Ming Toad under him had already connected with his mind, and the beast was so powerful that it blew up thousands of feet of wind.

Immediately afterwards, Ming Toad's belly suddenly bulged, like a full moon, and then suddenly deflated, like a deflated rubber ball.

It opened its mouth wide and spit out a stream of dark green spiritual flames. There were countless skeleton souls trapped in the spiritual flame. They were wailing and twisting, and all their soul power was sucked into the green flame.

Then, the spiritual flame was injected into the tines of the ghost-forked green python in mid-air.

Suddenly, a purple electric ball spun up from the fork tines and grew rapidly. Whip-like arcs of electricity were thrown outward, crackling and the void trembled.

"The art of combined psychic attack - willow fire and electric prison!"

Mingjiang Tianfeng made a secret gesture with his hands, pointing toward the center of the beacon realm opposite.

The ghost-forked green python, which had been injected with a massive amount of ghost power, trembled with a buzzing sound, turned the direction of the fork tines, and aimed at Xu Yang in the center of the Beacon Fire Realm. Like an arrow on a fully drawn bowstring, it would become angry the next moment. Shoot out.

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