True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 428 Heading to Toga City

Toga Castle is a solid castle and military port built on a huge island. It is the only sea route to the Grand Palace of the East China Sea, and it is also the home base of the Boluo Expedition Fleet. The Toga Castle area is so large that it is at least the size of three Dolphin Islands, and can accommodate up to two expedition fleets at the same time.

In the strict Toga Castle.

General Boluo in golden armor sat firmly on the large seat in the center of the hall, with his hands flat on his knees and a solemn expression.

Standing respectfully in front of the hall was the black-faced deputy general Mo Chen in silver armor.

"Mo Chen, how is your recovery from your injury?" Bo Luo asked with concern.

"Thank you General for your concern. My subordinate's injuries are no longer harmful. I didn't expect the three thieves Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and Guigu Changyang to be so difficult to deal with. If you hadn't used the golden crystal array in time to teleport the fleet three hundred miles away, sir. At the pick-up coordinates, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being injured." Mo Chen thanked him.

"These three people obviously knew how to break the Golden Crystal Formation and chose to launch attacks from three formations at the same time. The strength each of them showed was indeed surprising. Before I left, I deliberately left a clue to Toga Castle. If these three people have the guts to break into the Golden Crystal Formation, they should have the guts to come to Donghe City to save people. Right now, they are probably on their way here," Bo Luo said with a sly look.

"Those three people are certainly very capable, but if they come to Donghe City, no matter how hard they come back," Mo Chen said with confidence.

"I gave up an entire golden crystal array for these thieves. It's not a small price to pay. No more accidents must happen next. These thieves must be captured alive and escorted to the East China Sea Grand Palace for questioning. Mo Chen listened. Order!" Bo Luo ordered.

"The general is here." Mo Chen immediately answered the order loudly.

Bo Luo's eyes flashed with the color of the city, and then he said decisively: "Immediately lock Yun Qiao'er from the Dolphin Clan into the "Fengming Abyss" under Donghe City. Two of the three thieves are ghosts. The disciples of the sect, "Feng Ming Yuan" has an ancient prohibition that suppresses ghosts, and its power is countless times greater than that of the Golden Crystal Formation. Use Yun Qiao'er to lead them into Feng Ming Yuan and capture them in one fell swoop. "

"I'll take care of it now," Mo Chen quickly replied. He secretly praised Bo Luo's military strategy in his heart. He was worthy of being a general who was good at warfare. With such an arrangement, if those thieves dared to come, they would be trapped in Feng Ming Yuan.

Mo Chen was about to turn around and do it.

"Wait a minute, what happened to the captured Sharktooth clan leader, Sharklong?" Boluo asked.

"That Shalong is still in prison, but he is really stubborn and rebellious. He will curse when he sees our people, and he has no intention of surrendering. He is always ready to listen to the general's orders." Mo Chen introduced.

"A long time ago, the Sharktooth Clan became more and more powerful in the East China Sea. They attempted to be on an equal footing with the Scaled Dragon Clan, which harmed the Scaled Dragon Clan's interests in the East China Sea. His Majesty the Emperor in the Grand Palace of the East China Sea repeatedly warned, but the Sharktooth Tribe turned a deaf ear. Eventually, His Majesty the Emperor was angered and adopted a policy of extermination of the Sharktooth Tribe. During this period, the three major expedition fleets of the East China Sea Grand Palace were mobilized to hunt down the Sharktooth Tribe for decades, and they were beaten to death in the East China Sea. After wandering around, there was no place to stay, and the two clan leaders were killed one after another, but the Sharktooth Clan did not surrender. It seemed that Sharklong really had the stubborn blood of the Sharktooth Clan. He would be escorted to the East China Sea Palace early tomorrow morning. Your Majesty will definitely publicly punish him for disobedience and declare to the entire East China Sea that this is the fate of openly opposing the Scale Dragon Clan," General Boluo said firmly.

General Boluo's words were heard in Mo Chen's ears, but they were like a sharp knife in his throat, making him unable to breathe. He couldn't help but think that the Black Fish Clan where he belonged was probably killed by the Scale Jiao Clan, and was finally forced to surrender to the Scale Jiao Clan, so that he could survive here. And he is undoubtedly the lucky one among the many Blackfish tribe members who surrendered. Most of the others were sent to the cold regions of the far north, and most of them died miserably from hunger and cold.

The unbearable memories are like saw teeth cutting back and forth in my mind. Countless clan members were wiped out under the fierce gunfire of the East China Sea Grand Palace Expedition Fleet.

He was trembling and froze in place, not even daring to raise his head to look directly at Bo Luo above.

Fear can prevent a person from resisting, or even selectively forget hatred and obey. If Mo Chen had enough ability to kill the scale dragon clan at this time, he might not take action and take revenge with an iron fist.

Bo Luo seemed to have read through Mo Chen's thoughts, with a hint of a smile on his lips, and said calmly: "Mo Chen, a foreigner like you who is so loyal to the Shark Tooth Clan will be reused. I am optimistic about you."

Only then did Mo Chen's whole body tremble, and his consciousness came back from his memory, and he said repeatedly: "Thank you, General, for your cultivation. I will take care of it now."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

Bo Luo, who was sitting on his seat, looked at Mo Chen's leaving figure and muttered to himself: "Killing people is the lowest priority, and killing the heart is the highest priority."

There is a strong prison underground in Toga Castle. Sharkface was locked in a separate cell.

His hands and feet were bound by thick fine iron chains, and the other end was firmly riveted to the surrounding fine iron walls. There are two other chains that pass directly through the collarbones on his left and right shoulders, and are sealed with bone-piercing nails. This was enough to seal his meridians, preventing him from using his body at all.

At this time, Shark Face's limbs were hanging limply. His original black coat had been whipped into strands, and the blood stains solidified the tattered clothes into dark red. His pair of eyelidless fish eyes were still round and staring, making people wonder whether he was asleep or glaring angrily.


The iron door of the prison was pushed open from the outside.

"Shalong is inside. He will be escorted to the Grand Palace tomorrow. You can only stay here for a while." Outside the door, a prison officer said solemnly.

"Thank you, sir. This Sharron deserved his death. I just came to see his final miserable condition." With that said, a person squeezed in through the half-opened cell door.

This man with a few crooked ring scars on his head is none other than Monk Hai.

As soon as Monk Hai entered the cell, the iron door behind him slammed shut, and then there was the sound of iron chains being locked.

Monk Hai glanced out of the corner of his eye and seemed to hesitate for a moment, but after a moment, he walked straight towards the shark face.

Standing opposite the shark's face, Monk Hai stood with his hands behind his hands, carefully looking up and down at the miserable state of the shark's face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." An incredible sound came from his mouth.

"Oh, Shalong, look at your injuries. They are so cruel to make you look like this. My second uncle is here to see you." Monk Hai came closer and said.

The chained Shark Face didn't respond, and didn't even raise his eyes.

"Are you asleep?" Monk Hai rolled his eyes, showing a hint of trepidation.

"I, Shark Long, haven't slept yet. Monk Hai, the fact that you can enter this place safely only means that you have succumbed to the Scale Dragon Clan. It seems that my father made the right choice by expelling you from the Shark Tooth Clan many years ago. . You are not qualified to be a member of the Shark Tooth Clan, so disappear from my sight. Otherwise, I will bite your neck off, you traitor." The fish's eyes on the shark's face turned and he said angrily. Then he opened the corners of his mouth forcefully, revealing the cone-shaped shark teeth in his mouth. When the teeth moved, they made a squeaking sound like an iron saw.

The sudden situation startled Monk Hai and he quickly took three steps back. He quickly measured the distance to the shark's face with his eyes. From this distance, there was no way Shark Face could bite him. He reached out and touched his neck, and suddenly felt a chill.

Shark Face looked at Monk Hai who retreated in panic and laughed. Then sarcastically said: "You are a coward, a coward."

"Shalong, don't be ungrateful. I, Monk Hai, spent a lot of effort and spent a hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones on everything. I also had to say all the good things in front of Boluo before I could come here to see you. What should I say, you After all, he is my nephew. Although your father expelled me from the Shark Tooth Clan many years ago and severed my family ties, don’t forget that I was the one who tried my best to help you deal with the Dolphin Clan. . I am not a coward or a coward like you, but I am not as hot-headed as you. There is no difference between facing an enemy many times stronger than yourself and dying when five or six members of the Shark Tooth Clan want to sneak attack the expedition fleet. , Only an idiot like you would do this," Monk Hai retorted.

Shark Face rolled his fish eyes proudly and said coldly: "Just let me be a stubborn idiot." Then he remained silent, with calmness in his eyes and no fear of death.


Stubborn at heart!

The stubbornness to hold your head high even if you die!

"Since you are determined to die, I won't say anything more. But the Sharktooth Clan cannot live without inheritance. I just want to know, before your father died, did he pass on the "Sharktooth Ancestral Blood" that symbolizes the Sharktooth Clan's inheritance? "I passed it on to you." Monk Hai asked directly.

"You coward, you really have a plan. Why did you come all the way to help me deal with the Dolphin Spirit Clan. The "Shark Tooth Ancestral Blood" has long been melted into my blood, and no one can take it away. You This coward doesn't deserve the inheritance of the Shark Tooth Clan," Shark Face said disdainfully.

"It seems that you are not lying. I have already guessed that this is the case. Otherwise, you would not have a shark-like appearance. It's just that you don't have enough talent and cultivation foundation to exert the power of shark tooth ancestral blood. You know A long time ago, in the East China Sea, the Shark Tooth Clan was a creature that the Scale Dragon Clan was afraid of. It was because of the inheritance of the Shark Tooth Clan’s ancestral blood. However, with the recent generations of the Shark Tooth Clan’s clan leaders, they were not able to perform as well as they did each generation. The power of the blood of the Shark Tooth Clan has lost its ability to compete with the Scale Dragon Clan," Monk Hai said.

"You coward, you know a lot. But don't forget, only the Shark Tooth Tribe with the purest bloodline can possess and use Shark Tooth Ancestral Blood. You don't deserve it! You're just a bastard!" Shark's face showed no emotion. He sneered mercilessly.

At this moment, Monk Hai felt like a young daughter-in-law who abides by the virtues of a woman was suddenly stripped naked by a robber and thrown into a noisy street.


He took a step forward and slapped Shark Face on the cheek with a round palm.


The shark-faced head was violently thrown to one side, his neck was stretched, the dark red tongue was thrown out of the corner of his mouth, and saliva splashed.

If it weren't for his shark's extremely tough physique, he would probably have his neck broken.

"Shut up!" Monk Hai shouted, trembling all over.

On the surface of the East China Sea.

Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu, Gui Gu Changyang and Fire Girl A'Zhu took a wooden boat only three feet in size and moved forward through the waves.

A'Zhu, who was dressed in fire-like clothes and looked handsome, stood on the bow of the ship, holding a chart in his hand and looking at it carefully. Then he turned around and said loudly: "This is the direction, classmate Xu Xiaoxian, you have to work hard to rock the boat."

At the stern of the boat, Xu Yang shook the oars back and forth with both hands, urging the boat to move forward, and whispered depressedly: "Rock, paper, scissors. I can clearly see how rock can be made, how can this A'Zhu learn how to make cloth?"


Ajubi at the bow of the boat drew his palms and said with a hearty smile.

Liu Haiyu and Guigu Changyang on the side couldn't help laughing secretly when they saw this.

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