True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 612 Red Rock Cliff

Facing the "Green Lotus Sword Song", even a person as powerful as a hundred-foot rock Buddha dare not underestimate it.

This move was made by Liu Haiyu using a secret method to seal it on the sword talisman. It is extremely difficult to completely seal the power of such a powerful move in a talisman. It is said that only monks from the Immortal Realm who have first glimpsed the power of the law can do it, and the success rate is also very low.

And Liu Haiyu relied on the power of the Taoist source that he comprehended in the Taoist Saint Lotus Pond, and successfully made his own "Green Lotus Sword Song" into this sword talisman. Although it took a lot of effort and thought, it is worth it. Call it a miracle.

This is a life-saving trick that Liu Haiyu specially gave to Fan and Cai, his nephews. Otherwise, Liu Haiyu would not leave the two of them behind and go deep into the Green Fire Demon Realm alone.

In a hurry, Baizhang Rock Buddha raised a pair of huge fists high.

On its pair of giant fists, the spiritual pressure has completely materialized, forming a huge whirlpool of spiritual power, and the surrounding void is pulled into spider web-like cracks.

Before the punch fell, the color of the sky and the earth changed, dark clouds rolled back, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and the void trembled.


Suffocatingly powerful!

Unparalleled strength!

"Rock Buddha Explosive Fist!"

The punch fell and the world was turned upside down.

The next moment, the sword move Qinglian Jiange collided with the boxing technique Yanfo Exploding Fist at high altitude.

Visible to the naked eye, the straight and light sword lines are constantly cutting like a sword formation composed of thousands of swords.

The green lotus bloomed in full bloom, shocking the earth and the earth.

The giant rock fist carries the power of breaking the sky and resists thousands of sword intentions on the opposite side. Rocks peeled off and dust flew, but they did not retreat even one inch.

One is a peerless sword move, and the other is a divine fist from another world, both of which are rare. The two are like bulls, locked in a stalemate in the sky, their appearance is huge and terrifying.

After a long while, the power of the Green Lotus Sword Song continued like a gushing spring water, without any sign of decline.

However, the pair of giant fists wielded by Baizhang Rock Buddha were forced to move back half an inch. The distance of only half an inch made the Rock Buddha himself quite surprised.

"Impossible. The power of Benyan Buddha's giant fist is enough to destroy a city of 100,000 people. The opponent only had a slight upper hand with a sword move sealed in a sword talisman."

Baizhang Rock Buddha thought in his mind, and he raised his eyes just in time to see the phantom of Jiutian Xuan Waterfall in the background of the sword move.

Under the Jiutian Xuan Waterfall, although the young man in blue never turned around, his blue clothes kept fluttering like waves. The powerful divine power contained in the Nine Heavens Black Waterfall is being continuously injected into the sword moves.

"How is this done? The sword realm and the divine realm shown in the sword move are in perfect harmony. The divine realm is immortal and the sword realm is endless. If this momentum continues, the power of the sword move will not be easily weakened. I am If a true spirit in the Rock Spirit Realm is forced to exert all its power, it will be suppressed by the power of the Zhongyuan Realm interface, and the result will be quite dangerous." Baizhang Yanfo thought quickly.

"Young Qingyan Monk, I just remembered that I have a dinner to go to in the Rock Spirit Realm. It is a feast of spiritual stone veins. Today, I can only help you get here."

After finishing his words, without waiting for the Qingyan Monk to reply, the Baizhang Rock Buddha suddenly thrust forward with both fists, using brute force to push back the power of the sword formation on the opposite side by a few feet. Then he used the rock escape technique, and his body blurred, leaving only a flickering strange rune in place. The main body turned into a stream of brown light and disappeared into the passage in the soul realm below, disappearing instantly.

Qingyan Monk, who was standing on the shoulders of Baizhang Rock Buddha just now, suddenly felt that his feet were empty. When he lowered his head again, he found that the Baizhang Rock Buddha beneath him had disappeared.

It walked away gently, taking away a hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

The gilt soul lamp that was originally placed on the head of the Baizhang Rock Buddha is now like a lonely broken-winged bird, falling helplessly downwards.

The natal soul lamp is a treasure that connects Qingyan Monk's life source. It is specially used to sacrifice the life source in order to perform psychic skills. It cannot be destroyed.

Qingyan Monk quickly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of golden light, rolled up the fallen natal soul lamp, sucked it into his mouth, and took it back into the Zifu space.

"Uncle Shitou is so unscrupulous, and he still has no spirit of spiritual contract." Qingyan Monk cursed in his heart.

"Lord Yanfo, that sword move is just a move of the seal. It was not inspired by me. It will run out of power in a few moments. You don't have to run away." Qingyan Monk called loudly.

It was completely empty, with no shadow of the Baizhang Rock Buddha at all.

But at this moment, the remaining power of the sword move from the opposite side has faded.

"I accept the roles myself, no matter how difficult it is, I will continue to act." Thousand-faced Ghost said persistently in his heart.

A real actor is always serious about acting.

"Qingyan Monk" narrowed his eyes, made secrets with his hands, and crazily activated his whole body's magic power.

The bones all over his body creaked, and his arms became extremely thick and deformed quickly, forming a stone shield in an instant.

"Rock spirit stone shield!"

The stone shield was three to four feet tall, like a hill lying in front of him. Several Sanskrit characters flowed up and down on the surface of the stone shield, with the word "rock" clearly written in the middle.

At this moment, the remaining power of Qinglian Sword Song arrived as promised.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sword light was like a tide, swallowing up the bodies of Stone Shield and Qingyan Monk in the blink of an eye. It was countless times more powerful than an ordinary sword array and terrifying.


Sharp cutting!

Extremely sharp cutting!

Stone chips were flying all over the sky, and large amounts of dust rose up, making it difficult to see the true form of the Qingyan Monk among them.


"Did we succeed?" Senior Brother Fan and Junior Brother Cai were standing side by side, looking at the situation on the opposite side.

"Little Master Uncle's sword moves are truly world-shaking." Junior Brother Cai whispered.

After a long while.

The energy of the sword move was exhausted, and the power of the sword energy left a number of straight black thin lines in the void. The traces of the space being cut could not be healed for a long time.

The Qingyan Monk's body fell from the sky like a stubborn stone, and landed on the ground with a pop, carving out a huge pit.

In the middle of the pit, Qingyan Monk knelt on one knee, his clothes completely torn. His body was like an unfinished stone carving, full of scars. He covered his left shoulder with his right hand, and his left arm was nowhere to be found.

On the injured left shoulder, streaks of light blue sword intent were still tumbling for a long time.

Qingyan Monk tried to use his rock power to regrow the broken arm, but found that he couldn't do it.

"What a powerful sword energy, it actually sealed the place where my broken arm was. As time goes by, if the arm cannot grow back, the arm will never be restored. However, Qingyan Monk's body did not let it go. I am disappointed, I am worthy of being the person I chose as a ghost slave. If he had been in another body, he would have been shattered to pieces." Thinking in his heart, Qingyan Monk, who was controlled by the Thousand Faced Ghost, covered his broken arm with one hand and tried to stand up.

Qingyan Monk looked at Fan and Cai opposite him like a sword, and walked over step by step. It looks like an avenger from hell, making people shudder.

"That crazy monk is not dead!" Junior Brother Cai said with a look of surprise.

At this moment, Junior Brother Cai's internal injuries have not healed, and Senior Brother Fan's use of the sword talisman has also overdrawn a lot of soul power.

The two of them could no longer muster any decent fighting power to resist.

"I said that one of you two can be left alive, and it still counts." Qingyan Monk approached the two of them step by step and said coldly.

"You lunatic, come and kill me." Junior Brother Cai suddenly shouted, almost crazy. He swung the Tao sword in his hand and slashed towards the Qingyan Monk on the opposite side without any moves at all.

"I will definitely satisfy your request to kill someone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyan Monk's figure turned into a phantom and disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Junior Brother Cai. His right arm stretched out straight out, and a solid right hand locked Junior Brother Cai's throat like an iron pincer, lifting his body in mid-air.

The strong sense of suffocation made Junior Brother Cai's vision go dark. The hand holding the Dao sword dropped weakly. As soon as his palm was loosened, the Dao sword fell to the ground with a clang.

Seeing Junior Brother Cai in a life-or-death crisis, Senior Brother Fan's whole body felt like he was being shocked by electricity.

He always remembered in his heart that in the battle at Lingcang Mountain, if his junior brother had not sacrificed his life to block the sword for him, I am afraid he would have fallen. How would he have the reputation of Lingcang Double Sword? Now, facing a powerful enemy, at the moment of life and death, Junior Brother Cai stepped forward without hesitation.

"Junior Brother Cai, it's my turn to take responsibility this time, Senior Brother." Senior Brother Fan felt an obsession in his heart.

He threw the Dao sword in his hand aside carelessly, and knelt down with a pop, tears falling down his face, and begging bitterly: "Senior monk, please show mercy, please don't kill my junior brother. You keep your word, and I am willing to use mine." Life in exchange for my junior brother’s life.”

At this moment, the figure of Qingyan Monk, who was holding Junior Brother Cai's neck with his hands, suddenly became blurry. It wasn't a person, it was clearly a huge rock in the shape of a human.

Senior Brother Fan couldn't help wiping away his tears with his hands and looked again.


A stone palm penetrated directly from Senior Brother Fan's back like a sharp sword, shattering his heart.

Brother Fan's vision went dark, and before he died, he still whispered: "Please let my brother go."

Qingyan Monk's cold words came from behind Senior Brother Fan: "This is what a senior brother should be like. For the sake of your deep brotherhood, I will give you a pleasure."

When Qingyan Monk's petrified palm was pulled out from Senior Brother Fan's back, Senior Brother Fan's body fell to the ground with a thud, lifeless.

The rock holding Junior Brother Cai turned into a shadow and disappeared. Junior Brother Cai fell to the ground in a coma.

Qingyan Monk looked at the two people, one dead and one injured, on the ground, turned around and left without expression.

The Qingyan monk who gradually walked away said: "The murderer is the Qingyan monk of the Golden Buddha Temple."

Under the purple sun, a dark shadow jumped behind Qingyan Monk, like a devil dancing.

In the green fire demon realm.

There is an area full of dark red rocks, with wisps of hot air rising from the surface, but the hot air is filled with a strong smell of blood.

Scorched earth hell. Weird and scary.

A young man wearing a blue gown stood at the edge of the red area, thoughtfully.

Without him, it would be Liu Haiyu.

"Red Rock Cliff! Such a powerful demon spirit area. If you go deep into this place, it may be much more difficult than the Glazed Fire Path. If I enter alone, the two nephews Fan and Cai behind me may not be able to keep up. I'm still here Wait for them some time here.”

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's figure was wrapped in a layer of transparent blue water, and the turbid air from the outside world could not infect his body at all.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu frowned, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

He pinched the fingertips of his right hand, turned around, looked in the direction he came from, and whispered: "It was Master Nephew Fan who activated the sword talisman I gave him. Did they encounter a strong enemy? I should go back to respond. one time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Haiyu's figure disappeared in a ball of blue water.

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