True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 617 Three versus three battle

When the bald man saw that his flying insect technique was blocked by Hong Haitang and Ning Lin'er, he narrowed his eyes and swept away his consciousness. I suddenly felt confident when I discovered that Hong Haitang and Ning Lin'er opposite were at the first level of Yuanhun Realm and the other was at the second level of True Alchemy Realm.

The evil cultivators on the evil cultivator list are all famous for their ruthlessness in fighting. They have been hunted down by masters from various sects for many years and have rich experience in fighting and killing. It can be said that most of the techniques they practice are aimed at killing people. Therefore, in battles with ordinary monks, they often have the upper hand. Compared with monks of the same level, the combat power of evil cultivators is much higher.

This bald man is an evil cultivator who ranks fourteenth on the list of evil cultivators, and his cultivation is already at the second level of the Soul Realm. He calls himself "Venerable Flying Insect".

It is said that he was originally a monk from the Southern Territory, and he had strange and ruthless skills in controlling flying insects. Those who fought against him were either sucked dry of their blood and soul by his flying insects, or were blown to pieces by the flying insects. The monks in the Zhongyuan Continent all call him the "blood-sucking insect monster". Most ordinary monks will choose to avoid him when they learn that he is there. Since most of the people who fought with this person were killed by him, few people knew his true combat power. Ranking fourteenth on the list of evil cultivators in Zhongyuan Continent, its danger level is self-evident.

"Hehe, these two girls are white and tender, the blood soul must taste good."

Thinking in his mind, the bald man's eyes showed an evil light. He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corners of his mouth, then simply ran towards Hong Begonia and Ning Lin'er to kill them.

"You two little girls, let me, Venerable Flying Insects, play with you. These flying mosquitoes and spiritual insects I raise are the same as me. They all like the taste of the blood soul of young female cultivators."

As he spoke, the bald man activated his soul power, and circles of dark red soul realm spread out around his feet.

The aura of those flying mosquitoes and spiritual insects suddenly increased under the blessing of his soul power. The body that was originally the size of a grain of rice doubled in size, and its surface also changed from gray-white to dark red.

After a moment, the entire flying insect team appeared to be even larger, filled with a bloody aura, and everyone who saw it was horrified.

The bald man's consciousness moved, and he activated the magic formula with both hands. The formation of those flying insects suddenly changed, and they combined into the shape of two huge spears in mid-air.

"Insect Method Flying Insect Gun!"

The next moment, two red spears shot through the air and rushed towards Hong Haitang and Ning Lin'er opposite.

"Rumble, rumble", the sound of countless flying insects spreading their wings is superimposed together, like rolling thunder.

When Hong Haitang on the opposite side saw the bald man taking action, he got a rough idea with his beautiful eyes, and immediately reminded loudly: "Sister Lin'er, be careful, this is a special soul skill, let me deal with it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Hong Haitang took a step forward, and then used her soul power with all her strength. Circles of fiery soul power ripples centered on her body and spread out in all directions.

In the past few years, Hong Haitang's cultivation has also made great progress. He has successfully broken through from the True Pill Realm to the first level of the Yuan Soul Realm, and he has become very comfortable in using Soul Realm skills.

At the same time, Red Begonia stretched out her hands, and there was a pair of red daggers in her hands. Immediately afterwards, she threw a pair of red daggers in her hands into the air opposite.

The two swords were suspended in the air, crossing and spinning, and the surface of the sword body sprayed out soul fire all over the sky.

The soul fire is whirling, and its shape is like a petal of a crabapple flower. Just like the name of the red crabapple, it is warm and spectacular.

Immediately, the petals of the Begonia of Fire poured down like a torrential rain all over the sky.

At this moment, an extremely coquettish but somewhat ghostly figure of a woman in red appeared behind Hong Begonia.

The soul domain was originally the domain power that used soul power to change the surrounding space. However, a very small number of Yuan Soul Realm monks can use their talents and special contracts to attract otherworldly divine power to strengthen the power of their own soul realm.

There are many kinds of alien powers, such as alien gods, alien true spirits, alien weapon spirits, etc. Among them, the power to activate gods from other worlds is the highest level among all the powers from other worlds.

When Hong Begonia was using her soul skills, the ghostly figure that appeared behind her was the saint from the Netherworld Hall of the Underworld. She could be said to be a relatively powerful being among the gods in the other world.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to use the divine power from another world to strengthen your soul skills, you need to sign a soul contract with the source of the divine power from another world. But the more powerful the alien power is, the more difficult it is to successfully sign a soul contract. Maybe, if the contract fails and is counterattacked by the divine power from another world, the result will be a collapse of the soul.

Most ordinary Yuanhun realm monks will not try to bless otherworldly divine power in their own soul realm. It is almost a waste of life.

The alien power that Hong Haitang blessed in the soul realm was refined from a cherished barbarian ghost talisman given to her by her master Yu Qingcheng. This wild ghost talisman is extraordinary. It is an extremely rare wild ghost talisman used by female cultivators. It is said that this talisman was brought back from the Netherworld by Zang Wuya, the founder of Tiangui Sect.

This talisman is one of the important weapons of the Mangui Hall of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. It contains a trace of the split soul of the Saint of the Minghua Hall in the Netherworld, and its power is astonishing. Red Begonia was able to refine this talisman for her own use, and it took a lot of thought and energy to succeed.

Therefore, the soul realm power displayed by Hong Haitang is no longer comparable to that of ordinary Yuan Soul Realm monks. Although the cultivation level of the bald man opposite was at the second level of the Yuan Soul Realm, which was higher than Hong Begonia's first level of the Yuan Soul Realm. But judging from the strength of the Soul Realm alone, the two are equally comparable.

With the blessing of otherworldly divine power, a gust of wind blew through the soul realm in front of Red Begonia, and the rain of petals condensed strangely, instantly revealing the shape of a beautiful woman.

The woman is a phantom transformed by the fire spirit, but she is as dexterous as a real person. With a twist of her waist, she looks like a demon or a charm.

With a whining sound of wind, the Fire Spirit Phantom flew toward the opposite side.

"The soul skill Tanghuo Phantom!"

The next moment, the Fire Spirit Phantom clashed with the two flying insect guns on the opposite side.

Red Begonia used her hands and fingers to control the movements of the fire spirit phantom. The fire spirit phantom danced its arms, and the fire breath flew like dexterous long sleeves. The powerful power of the fire spirit immediately intercepted the pair of flying insect spears and continued to burn them.

Although the flying insect spear is composed of thousands of small insects, its strength is astonishing. It is more powerful than ordinary spear weapons. The blood-colored electric arcs on the surface are ejected endlessly, as if they are about to pierce the void.

The two were deadlocked in the sky, refusing to give in to each other.

"Huh? The soul skills of this girl in red are actually blessed by supernatural powers. The ghostly soul behind her is probably the power of another world, which cannot be underestimated." The bald man saw that Hong Haitang was on his own and used soul skills to counter his soul skills. , Bu Luo Feng was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, Ning Lin'er on the side saw the right moment and controlled the formation flag in her hand to launch an attack technique.

She poured her mana crazily into the three white formation flags in her hands. The three formation flags rotated rapidly, using the formation as a medium to continuously compress the magic power.

Suddenly, a white wind mass condensed in the middle of the formation flag. As the white wind mass twisted, it transformed into a white bird with a long neck and long tail.

"White Bird Storm!"

Then, Ning Lin'er raised her hands, and a white bird transformed by the power of the wind spread its wings.

Being able to transform the power of the formation is not much more difficult than summoning otherworldly divine power with soul power. Those who can do it are all the chosen talents in the formation.

In an instant, this white storm bird, which was more than ten feet in size, roared towards the bald man opposite.

Storm Hunting is as sharp as a sword, and its power is more terrifying than ordinary soul skills.

This time, the bald man opposite was really startled. Because he always thought that Ning Lin'er was only at the True Alchemy Realm and was not something to be afraid of. Unexpectedly, Ning Lin'er's moves were more powerful than the soul skills of ordinary Yuan Soul Realm monks.

"Iron Face, what are you waiting for? Now they are three against two, and we are at a disadvantage. Release the guy in your iron coffin quickly!" the bald man shouted.

At this moment, the Iron Masked Man was fighting with Master Li, and the big iron coffin in his hand was being moved as freely as a stick. And Master Li relied on the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror to conjure ghosts and spirits to compete with them.

Hearing the bald man's shout, the iron-faced man suddenly realized: "You caterpillar, why didn't you tell me earlier? Why do I feel like we are fighting more with less?"

As he spoke, the man in iron mask suddenly waved the iron coffin in his hand, forcing Master Li opposite him to take two steps back.

"My dear, come out."

"Boom!" The huge iron coffin hit the ground.

With a creak, the lid of the iron coffin opened, and there was an iron corpse lying inside.

Master Li saw the clues as soon as he saw it, and thought to himself: "The Ghost Dao Iron Corpse is a forbidden technique of the Ghost Dao lineage. It first refines human sacrifices into zombies, and then strengthens the zombies into iron corpses. The Iron Corpse's body is as strong as a magic weapon, and its flexibility is better than that of a puppet. It is especially good at close combat, and its combat power is comparable to a powerful body that is not afraid of death. It is extremely difficult to deal with the current situation, forming a three-on-three situation. Hong Haitang and Ning Lin'er may still have an advantage against the bald man if they work together, but if they are separated, they will become disadvantages. Especially Ning Lin'er is good at formation assistance, fighting such a difficult opponent head-on. Both in terms of cultivation and technique, he suffered a loss."

Thinking of this, Master Li quickly said loudly: "Two girls, you two just concentrate on dealing with the bald head. Just leave this Iron Mask and his Iron Corpse to me, Old Li, to deal with them."

At this moment, the eyes of the zombie in the iron coffin flashed with green light, and with a movement of its hands and feet, it came to life.

Whoosh! The iron corpse jumped out of the iron coffin and stood on the ground with a bang.

The iron corpse was about ten feet tall, wearing only a pair of cowhide shorts. His upper body was naked, and his muscles were like sandbags. His bare two huge feet stepped on the ground, and the soles of his feet sunk half an inch into the ground. Its skin is light blue, and its surface is shiny and shiny, like fine iron.

"Tiedan, go help Caterpillar kill the two chicks over there. Three against three, we won't suffer any loss." The Iron Masked Man ordered.

Tie Zhi twisted his neck, making a clicking sound, and looked at Hong Begonia and Ning Lin'er who were not far away. His eyes flashed with murderous green, which was very impressive.

Before Iron Corpse could launch an attack, Master Li displayed the Soul Burial Treasure Book in his hand and said loudly: "As long as I, Old Li, are here, no one can leave. Do you think that if one becomes two, you can bully the minority? This I, Lao Li, am also good at this kind of magic."

Immediately afterwards, Master Li recited a secret mantra to drive away ghosts and spirits: "Bao Jian ghost spirits, listen to my instructions, barbarian ghosts, come out!"

The next moment, a gray aura flew out from the surface of the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror.

The gray light faded, and a ghost about ten feet tall with the head of a bull and the body of a bull appeared.


With a roar of a barbarian bull, the barbarian bull ghost beat his chest with both fists. The powerful ghost spirit burst out, and the sinister wind hunted, just like the real barbarian bull ghost coming.

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