True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 619 The Land of Demonic Blood

The Man in the Iron Mask is known for his brute strength, and his feet are naturally strong. When he runs, he feels like flying close to the ground, leaving only rolling dust behind him.

The puppet iron corpse behind him was tall, and its feet could be extended and retracted freely. He could move several feet away with one step, and he still ran extremely fast with an iron coffin on his back.

"Brother Iron Face, throw me up and help me use the flying technique, so that we can escape faster." The bald man said.

"Okay!" The Iron Masked Man agreed, holding the bald man's shoulder with his right hand and using the momentum of his running, he threw the bald man out like an iron ball.


The bald man shrunk and was already high in the air.

The speed of being thrown was so fast that the skin on the bald man's face was deformed.

"The air up there is really fresh, and my iron-faced brother is really strong." Thinking in his mind, the bald man unfolded a pair of wide cuffs.

"Poof! Poof!"

Countless flying insects poured out of his cuffs, tightly wrapping his arms and legs, instantly forming a pair of huge flying insect wings.

As soon as the flying insect wings spread, the bald man really took off, and the flying speed was also very fast.

Rule 10 of the Law of Evil Cultivation: If you can’t fight, run away.

Two evil cultivators.


Guigu Zan, who was behind, wanted to catch up and catch at least one person to interrogate him. But he was stopped by Master Li.

"Don't chase after the poor criminals. Judging from the skills these two thieves just showed, the guy who is good at using flying insects should be the fourteenth one on the list of evil cultivators. He is originally from the Southern Territory. The evil cultivator. Another person who is good at physical skills and carries a puppet iron corpse is probably the thirteenth "iron corpse madman" in the evil cultivator gang. He is a ghost cultivator in the northern region. In order not to be chased by decent monks, Xiu often acts alone. There must be something hidden when the two of them appear together today."

After a pause, Master Li continued: "Regarding evil cultivators, there is a forbidden land on the Zhongyuan Continent. Few people know its existence. It is called the "Evil Cultivators Valley". There are burials there that date back to ancient times. , the remains of the top ten evil cultivators on the list of evil cultivators are regarded as the Holy Land of Evil Cultivators. It is said that only the top ten evil cultivators on the list of evil cultivators are qualified to enter the Evil Cultivators Valley and have the opportunity to obtain evil cultivators. The inheritance of ancient evil cultivators in the valley therefore has an unwritten agreement among the evil cultivators on the evil cultivators list. When evil cultivators with close rankings meet each other, there will always be a fight. The winner will get a new ranking and strive to enter the top ten. Position. However, these two evil cultivators behaved very harmoniously. It is certain that there must be an organizer above them. In other words, they should be from the same organization. According to Hall Master Ning Tianqi. According to information, in the past two years, the Shadow Organization has recruited many evil cultivators, and the leader of the Shadow Organization, Shadow Master, is definitely a member of the demon clan. It can be judged that the opening of the Green Fire Demon Realm is inseparable from the Shadow Organization. The Flying Insect Lord and the Iron Corpse Madman have probably joined the Shadow Organization."

Gui Gu Zan, Hong Begonia and Ning Lin'er couldn't help but nod after listening to Master Li's analysis.

"I heard from my father that he once fought against the shadow master in the East China Sea, but the result was a disastrous defeat. It can be seen that the shadow master is a very powerful person." Ning Lin'er said.

"The two Venerable Flying Insects and Madman Iron Corpse just wanted to deal with us Tiangui Sect disciples. They probably want to prevent us from finding the seals used by the four major sects in the Northern Territory to seal the demons thousands of years ago. And their ultimate goal is , it is likely to completely break the seal and reopen the passage between the Western Region and the Northern Region, so that the forces of the Western Region Demon Clan can return to Zhongyuan Continent. Therefore, we will have a more brutal war between humans and demons next. Avoid direct battles with members of the Shadow Organization, seize the time, find the sealing place as soon as possible, and then find ways to strengthen the seal. As long as the seal is intact, even if the Shadow Organization finds the seal, it will not be able to open the seal from four thousand years ago. The sect has shown its strength, and no one in the entire Zhongyuan Continent can break the completed seal," Master Li said.

"In this case, let's hurry up as soon as possible." Hong Begonia said.

After that, led by Master Li, several people continued to move towards the ghost land they had explored before.

In the Green Fire Demon Realm, there is a vast area where demon spirits gather as far as the eye can see.

A gurgling stream of red heat rose from the surface, and there was a pungent smell of blood in it.

Gudu! Gudu! It was as if the devil's blood was boiling.

At this moment, a light green figure quietly descended from the sky.

The green figure retreated, revealing a handsome young man in green clothes with fine torn hair. And on the shoulder of the young man in green lay an extremely black mini dragon beast.

Without him, it was Xu Yang who came to Hongshiya to look for the demon spirit based on the map clues.

"Red Rock Cliff should be here." Xu Yang said to himself as he looked at the endless rock flow of demon blood in front of him.

"The smell of demon blood is disgusting. Seeing that I can fight here, this demon dragon endured it." Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said, with a trace of blood red in his dark eyes.

Brother Minglin in society is cruel and talkative.

At this time, A'Zhu had transformed into a flame spirit body in the shape of a fire bird and was resting in Xu Yang's Zifu space. A'Zhu can be said to be one of Xu Yang's biggest trump cards and the person Xu Yang cares about the most. Therefore, Xu Yang will feel relieved if A'Zhu adjusts his condition.

Xu Yang let go of his spiritual consciousness, and the powerful power of spiritual consciousness rolled out from his Tianling Cap like a roaring wave. He could clearly see everything within a ten-mile radius.

"What a huge land of demonic blood. Moreover, the aura of demonic spirits here is three points stronger than the Glazed Fire Dao. It seems that you cannot easily enter this place without using some means. Fortunately, my Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit is The Buddhist treasure can restrain the demon blood spirit to some extent."

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a light golden spiritual vein connecting his Zifu space and meridians was operating at full speed. It was exactly what the power of the Buddha's creation was transformed into after he took the Buddha's relic. The spiritual veins of Buddha.

In his Zifu space.

Hovering is a golden flaming ball with Sanskrit characters engraved on its surface. In the flaming ball, a three-legged golden crow is looming.

I saw the surface of the golden flame spirit ball tremble slightly, and a dazzling golden sun fire rose up. In the blink of an eye, the three-legged golden crow spread its wings.

Almost at the same time, Xu Yang pinched the magic formula with one hand, and a golden firework danced on his fingertips.

Among the fireworks, a bright Sanskrit font slowly rotated.

Xu Yang raised one hand, and a huge golden firebird leaped out and hung above his head.

With a golden crown and golden feathers, a golden tail and three legs, the instrument is majestic.

Circles of Sanskrit characters linger on the body of the fire bird, representing the posture of the sun bird and the power of Haozheng Buddhism.

Because Xu Yang possesses the Buddha's spiritual vein, the mana purified by the Buddha's spiritual vein is injected into the Three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit, completely activating the power that the Three-legged Golden Crow should have. At this moment, the Three-Legged Golden Crow is still growing. As Xu Yang's skill improves, the power it displays will be immeasurable.

Xu Yang pinched the magic formula with both hands, and a golden crow seal appeared in the palm of his hand.

"The Golden Crow of Flame Spirit Barrier Buddha!"

Instantly, the wings of the three-legged golden crow above Xu Yang's head fluttered.

The golden light was like a bright sun, casting down a circle of golden light, covering Xu Yang's body within it.

Next, Xu Yang strode out confidently and entered the Demonic Blood Land on the opposite side.

The land of demonic blood was like a vigilant beast, and it immediately discovered the intruder.

Demonic blood surged on the ground, and streaks of demonic blood condensed into demonic blood spears about ten feet in size, flying toward Xu Yang's location.

The magic gun shot through the air and roared.

Shields of golden light condensed on the surface of the Golden Crow barrier around Xu Yang. Those demon blood spears, as soon as they touched the golden shield, suddenly succumbed as if they had encountered a nemesis.

“Bang bang bang…..Bang bang bang…”

The demon blood guns collapsed on their own, turning into blood and falling back into the land of demon blood.

As Xu Yang's figure penetrated, the strange thing was that the demon blood energy on the ground seemed to know that it was not Xu Yang's opponent. Just to show off, those demon blood spears retreated one after another.

Unimpeded, Xu Yang went deep into the land of demonic blood.

Just half a day after Xu Yang entered the Demon Blood Land.

Outside the Demon Blood Land, two more figures came.

One of the young men was dressed in a blue suit with wind-waisted sleeves, giving him a somewhat Taoist air.

Behind the boy was a young Taoist priest, who carried a pair of silver sword boxes on his back. In the sword boxes, a pair of Taoist swords were hidden.

It was Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin, a disciple of Qinglian Dojo.

"Uncle Junior, is this the Red Rock Cliff marked on the map?" Cai Bin said respectfully.

"According to what's marked on the map, it should be here without a doubt." Liu Haiyu said.

"This is a land of demonic blood. Could it be that the powerful Taoist array of our Qinglian Dojo thousands of years ago was arranged here. The Taoist array is arranged in the land of demonic blood. This is obviously against common sense and does not occupy geographical advantages. Could the map be? Fake?" Cai Bin said with a puzzled look.

"Perhaps this was not the land of demon blood a thousand years ago, or our Qinglian Dojo had to arrange the Tao formation here. What is certain is that the battle a thousand years ago must have been extremely tragic. Otherwise, the Qinglian Dojo's battle a thousand years ago must have been extremely tragic. That powerful man will not fall into it. As for the authenticity of the map, you and I will find out once we go in." Liu Haiyu said.

Cai Bin nodded, and then said: "Let me try the situation in this Demon Blood Land first."

As soon as he finished speaking, his consciousness moved.


The two swords from a pair of silver sword cases behind him flew out at the same time. The two swords stood side by side, hovering above his head, just like Cai Bin and his senior brother Fan fought side by side before.

Next, Cai Bin held a little space with one hand.


The two swords flew out like swimming dragons.

The sword shines like a rainbow and is more than ten feet long.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the demon soil turned outwards, and the demon blood splashed.

On the surface of the Demonic Blood Land opposite, a huge ravine of more than ten feet in size was cut out by the power of the sword.

What surprised Cai Bin was that Nuo Da's sword gully healed itself after just a moment.

The irritated demon blood boiled on the ground, forming a phantom of a one-horned demon beast's head in the sky.


The phantom of the monster's head roared.

Instantly, a powerful magic bullet ejected from the mouth of the phantom of the monster's head, and its target was Cai Bin.

Seeing this, Cai Bin quickly gathered his swords and crossed them on his chest in a defensive posture.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu, who was standing with his hands behind his back, reached out with one hand.

His fingertips flicked gracefully like strings.

"Puff, puff, puff." Blue auras of light jumped out.

If you look carefully, you can see that they are Taoist symbols made of blue water.

The next moment, the blue water talisman was attached to the surface of the magic bullet coming from the opposite side.

"seal up!"

Liu Haiyu vomited softly in his mouth and fired a magic formula.

Above the blue water talisman, the shadow of the blue dragon suddenly appeared. A powerful Taoist sealing power was immediately activated.

The menacing magic bullets suddenly dispersed with a bang, and the power of the demons collapsed into nothing.

But Liu Haiyu stood there, not moving at all.

Cai Bin turned his head and glanced at the young master next to him, admiring him in his heart: "The young master is really the number one genius in Qinglian Dojo in a hundred years."

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