True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 621 Tiger Immortal


Xu Yang loudly responded to Ming Lin's suggestion, then stretched out a single fist to take aim at the giant rock tiger in the distance opposite, "What a big stone cat."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire wings curled up behind him, and he was about to rush forward and beat the giant rock tiger.

"Who are you talking about as a stone cat? I am the mountain guarding king of Sword Mountain, and I am also the Great Immortal Tiger. Who are you, the bird-man with wings? You don't look like a demon." The rock sword Tiger actually said.

When Xu Yang heard this, he immediately retracted his posture and said loudly: "I, Xu Xiaoxian, am a disciple of the Tiangui Sect. It seems that you, the big cat, should be the guardian specially arranged by Qinglian Dojo here."

"It turns out that you are a disciple of the Tiangui Sect. I don't know how many years have passed, but this is the first time I have seen someone come here. However, it seems that you are far from a thousand years old. You should be from outside. Thousands of years ago, in this war between humans and demons, the Tiangui Sect and Qinglian Dojo in the Northern Territory were allied sects. This is the main battlefield of Qinglian Dojo. What are you doing here? Are you here to steal something from Qinglian Dojo? "

Without waiting for Xu Yang to reply, Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, snatched the words and said: "You big cat, don't talk nonsense. My master is a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect, how could he steal someone's things? What my master likes. , I always take it directly. My master knows that there is a powerful monster suppressed in the sword mountain behind you, so he wants to go in and kill it and take away the magic crystal from the monster.

"Nothing wrong, that's what I meant." Xu Yang affirmed.

The giant rock tiger curled his lips, and then said: "There is indeed an ancient magical beast suppressed in the Sword Mountain behind me. You, Xu Xiaoxian, are carrying a little black insect, and your tone is not small. You know how terrifying the magical beast in the Sword Mountain behind me is. I, the Great Tiger Immortal, don’t even dare to come close. You are not as big as my fingernails, so I’m afraid you are not even big enough to fill the gap between the teeth of that monster.”

As he spoke, the Tiger Immortal raised his front paw and popped out a claw hook.

When Xu Yang heard that there was indeed a powerful magical beast suppressed in the Sword Mountain, he was immediately delighted, "The magic crystal that can save Master's life is in the ancient magical beast. I will get it back no matter what."

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang said loudly: "Just because you don't dare to come close, it doesn't mean that I don't dare to come close. You, the Great Tiger Immortal, are quite big, but you are just a coward. I, Xu Xiaoxian, am an expert in art and bold. There is no Xiaoxian like me in this world." A place where immortals cannot go.”

With that said, Xu Yang took off the shiny purple wine gourd from his waist, skillfully opened the cork, raised his head and took a sip of the wine into his stomach.

A thread of fire entered my belly, and my whole body was filled with energy.

Dry! Just do it!

The first rule of drunkards is that drinking makes heroes brave.

"Then you can't go in either. My duty is to guard the gate of the Sword Mountain. No one is allowed to enter. If you want to go in, first ask me if the swords in the hundreds of sword boxes behind me are allowed." The giant rock tiger said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, its huge body shook, and the Tao swords in the hundreds of sword boxes on his back buzzed and trembled, as if they were about to be activated.

"Master Xu Yang, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one fist. If that doesn't work, use two fists." Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, spoke again.

As it spoke, it waved its two dragon claws.

The violent gangster lives up to his reputation.

Xu Yang immediately sent a message: "In the battlefield between humans and demons a thousand years ago, the Tiangui Sect and the Qinglian Dojo were the main combat forces of the Northern Territory Human Alliance. In addition, Liu Haiyu from the Qinglian Dojo and I are still friends, can we It's better not to fight this big stone cat. We can save our strength to deal with the ancient monsters in Sword Mountain. So, it's not the time for us to use our fists."

Ming Lin remained silent, but there was a burst of joy in his heart: "Save your energy for a big fight, it is very suitable for me!"

Xu Yang said loudly: "Tiger Immortal, do you dare to take a gamble with me? If I win, you will let me pass. If I lose, I will turn around and leave."

Hu Daxian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "What do you want to bet on? I can only play swordsmanship, and I won't bet with you on anything else."

"This big stone cat is quite smart. I originally wanted to compete with it in drinking. But it wants to compete with me in sword competition. But I am not a swordsman after all. If Master's Devil May Cry Sword can be used, I will definitely beat him. It..." Xu Yang activated the dolphin brain splitting technique, and the left and right brain halves worked together to think of countermeasures.

After a moment, Xu Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "Tiger Immortal, I will compete with you today."

"Okay, take out your sword." Tiger Immortal agreed decisively, and secretly rejoiced in his heart: "It's so funny. You can compete with me, Tiger Immortal, in swordsmanship. The array of hundreds of swords on my back can't even defeat you, a little immortal." Cut into small pieces.”

Xu Yang flipped his wrist, and a ray of golden light appeared in his hand. The golden light converged, and a short golden dagger appeared, which was his golden-winged flying knife.

Xu Yang raised the golden-winged flying knife in his hand and shook it, then said: "This is my sword!"

"Hahaha...Hahaha...Hahaha..." The huge Tiger Immortal, who was ten feet tall, couldn't stop laughing when he saw the "sword" in Xu Yang's hand. He couldn't help laughing. Himself, rolling on the ground.

"Why are you laughing?" Xu Yang said seriously.

"I laughed at the sword in your hand. Is that a sword? Is it used to cut fruit?"

As the Great Immortal Tiger spoke, his divine consciousness prompted him, and a silver spiritual light appeared on his body.


A gleaming Dao sword flew out of the sword box behind it. The sword was six feet long, twice as big as the swords used by ordinary people.

If you look closely, you will see that there are clear tiger stripes engraved on the sword body. The sword energy is lingering like a tiger lying down, ready to go. It is absolutely extraordinary.

"Did you see it? This is the sword! The Taoist sword with tiger patterns!" Immortal Tiger said proudly.

"What? Who said swords only have to be big and long? The "sword" in my hand is short and sharp, and the essence is concentrated." Xu Yang said seriously.

"Really? How powerful? How elite? Each of the hundreds of swords on my body is blessed with the power of the divine tiger. One sword is enough to open mountains. If more than a hundred swords are activated together, it will be the "Hundred Tigers" that shakes the sky. "Sword Formation". Back then, more than a hundred demon clans besieged me, but they were all killed by my "White Tiger Sword Formation"." said the Great Immortal Tiger.

"That's because the demons you met back then were too weak. For example, the ancient demon beasts in the Sword Mountain behind you, I'm afraid you couldn't kill them, right?" Xu Yang asked in return.

"This, this?" Immortal Tiger was speechless.

Indeed, the ancient monsters in the Sword Mountain behind it are definitely not existences that it can provoke.

After thinking about it, the Great Immortal Tiger made an excuse and said, "I am only responsible for guarding the mountain gate. The ancient monsters are inside the mountain and are not under my control."

"Okay, since your most powerful move is the "Hundred Tiger Sword Formation", then you and I might as well bet on the power of the sword formation."

"What kind of comparison?" Tiger Immortal asked.

"Have you seen the rock wall opposite? Let's compete to see whose sword moves can make more holes in the rock wall in three breaths. How about it? You have a hundred swords, and I only have one. A small sword. Do you dare to bet on this bet?" Xu Yang said in a contemptuous tone.

The Tiger Immortal rolled his eyes and thought in his mind: "Do you think I'm a stupid guy who can't count? You have a small sword, and I have a hundred big swords. In three breaths of time, I can poke holes, and you still can't count." Can you beat me?"

Thinking of this, Hu Daxian said decisively: "Okay, I'll bet with you."

"It's up to the guest to do as he pleases, you come first." Xu Yang said loudly.

"I'll come first, I'll come first." Hu Daxian responded.

After saying that, Hu Daxian turned around and walked under the huge red rock wall.

Although the size of the Tiger Immortal is more than ten feet, compared with the towering mountain opposite, it is really as small as a kitten.

The Great Tiger Immortal first stretched out his paw and threw it to the ground, a cold light flashed in his tiger eyes.


A mountain-shaking roar hit the tall rock mass opposite like a tidal wave. The echo was deafening and powerful.

Buzz buzz... buzz buzz... hundreds of silver sword boxes behind Tiger Immortal began to shake.

warehouse! warehouse! warehouse!

The Dao swords in the hundreds of sword boxes behind it all ejected and hovered over the head of the Tiger Immortal.

I don’t know what technique the Great Immortal Tiger used, but with the naked eye, it can be seen that its body surface releases clusters of spiritual power with a concentration that is close to reality, rising like flames, and then all of them are absorbed by the hundreds of Dao swords.

Instantly, the sword's will surged like a tide, and the sword's edge shone like a star.

And on the surface of each Dao sword, there is an illusion of a crouching tiger, solid and real.

The formation of a hundred swords and a hundred tigers howling in the west wind!

The next moment, a hundred swords were fired!

The sword is as powerful as a tiger, and the sword energy is like a wind!

The realm of hundreds of tigers, the formation of hundreds of swords!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sword strike landed on the tall and steep red rock wall opposite, and the sound of the explosion was like thunder. The swords and lights intertwined, like a hundred tigers biting each other!

"It's almost time for three breaths, stop it!"

Immortal Tiger's consciousness moved, and the hundred Dao swords turned around like a hundred obedient soldiers, and were sheathed in a mighty and orderly manner.

At this moment, on the mountain opposite, there were more than 500 holes poked by the sword move just now.

The time of three breaths is equivalent to five attacks for each Dao sword. The ability to control hundreds of swords at the same time shows that the power of the Tiger Immortal's consciousness is far beyond that of ordinary human monks.

"How's it going? How's the sword formation of my Tiger Immortal? Next, it's your turn, Xu Xiaoxian." Tiger Immortal said proudly.

Xu Yang picked up the golden-winged flying knife with his right hand and looked at it, then scratched his head with his left hand and said, "Let me give it a try."

Seeing that Xu Yang only had a "little sword" more than three inches long in his hand, Tiger Immortal murmured in his heart: "This sword mountain is the transformation of the divine sword brought from the Sword Spirit World. Although it looks like just a rock on the surface, it is stronger than gold and iron." Three points of hardness. If the little guy in Xu Xiaoxian's hand can poke a hole, I, the Tiger God, should win this bet."

Xu Yang looked up at the tall mountain opposite, walked a few steps forward, stopped, and then said loudly: "Senior Jianshan, you have been here for thousands of years, exposed to wind, sun, and rain, so let Let me, Xu Xiaoxian, scratch your itch."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved.

The flames of the Golden Crow Buddha in his Purple Mansion suddenly became active. He stepped on the fire with three feet and disappeared into place with a flick of his wings.

Immediately, a golden spiritual flame jumped out from Xu Yang's right wrist, surrounded his palm, and sank into the golden-winged flying knife in his hand.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and locked onto the mountain opposite. He silently recited the Flying Knife Skill Wuxiang Qianren formula in his heart, and raised the hand holding the flying knife suddenly.


The flying knife carried a golden sun fire and flew away from the sky. As the flames roared, a three-legged golden crow with a size of ten feet appeared.

With golden light, golden wings, golden feathers, and golden claws, the sun bird looks down upon the world.

The next moment, the Sun God Bird spread its wings, and thousands of flying feathers shot out.

If you look closely, you will see that every flying feather is the image of a golden-winged flying knife.

"Thousands of Golden Feathers in Flying Knife Skills!"

Heavy rain and golden light! The power of the bright sun!

Flying blade field! Array of Ten Thousand Feathers!

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