True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 623 Silver Feather Youth

Xu Yang pinched the magic formula with both hands, and with the help of the power of the Golden Crow Buddha Fire in his body, an inch-large Sanskrit magic seal immediately appeared on his fingertips. The Sanskrit seal rotates slowly, like the bright wings of a golden crow, emitting a hazy golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yang flicked his hands, and the Sanskrit seal fell into the sky.

The Sanskrit seal hovering high in the air whirled around and suddenly became about ten feet in size. Suddenly the golden light shone brightly, as if the golden body of Buddha had descended.

Immediately, the magic formula in Xu Yang's hand changed, and he moved a little further away.

With a buzzing sound, the Sanskrit seals in the sky suddenly spread out and turned into countless Sanskrit characters of several inches in size, connected into a piece like an umbrella, just like a barrier of Buddha's words.

With the blessing of the Buddha's words barrier, the aura of the six flying knives suddenly increased greatly, and the attack power and speed doubled.

For a moment, the sword energy emitted from the surface of the Sword Forest could not keep up with the attack speed of Xu Yang's flying knife.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Six flying knives wreaked havoc, and the power of the flying knives continued to cut into the branches of the sword trees. Fire breath spread everywhere and sword marks were everywhere.

boom! boom! boom!

The sword trees fell down one after another under the strong attack of Xu Yang's flying knife skills.

Not long after, in the forest of swords in front of Xu Yang, Xu Yang used his flying knife to open up a passage.

"Master Xu Yang, you did a great job." Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said with a hint of excitement in his black eyes.

"Since the owner of this Sword Forest won't come out, let's go in and have a look." Xu Yang said loudly.

"Go in and beat him." Ming Lin showed his claws and said.

Xu Yang simply used his spiritual consciousness to control the six flying knives to open a path in front, while striding forward.

The six flying knives, like six flying personal guards, kept cutting Xu Yang on the way forward, leaving a line of silver knife marks in the void.




With the sound of those sword trees falling to the ground, Xu Yang's figure gradually penetrated deeper into them.

It took half a stick of incense. Xu Yang was still surrounded by a forest of swords, making it difficult to tell the difference between east, west and north.

"No, Master Xu Yang, we seemed to have been here just now. These Sword Trees all look similar, and their spiritual power fluctuations are like replicas. Are we trapped in a maze?" Ming Lin was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder. reminded.

"I've noticed it too. However, what we did is not useless. Have you noticed? As my flying knife continues to destroy, the sword energy emanating from the forest of swords in front of me seems to have weakened a bit, or the formations in it seem to have weakened a bit. The power of the magic can no longer help. When the power of the formation is overwhelmed, this is the time when the formation will be broken." Xu Yang said confidently.

At this moment, pairs of silver light spots flickered between the branches of the surrounding Sword Forest, like the stars peeking at the ground in the night sky, or like the eyes of evil spirits lurking in the night.

Plop, plop, plop... there was a noise of birds taking off.

A large group of silver sparrows, only three inches in size, flew out from the forest of swords. They were so densely packed that they were roughly estimated to number in the thousands.

If you look closely, you will see that the feathers of these silver birds are made of silver and iron, which are bright and tough.

Silver Bird flies extremely fast, and can actually catch up with the speed of Xu Yang's flying knife.

Just like a flying bird chasing a flying locust, it kept swooping down to intercept Xu Yang's six flying knives.


Yinque chased the flying knife, and the collision made a crisp sound.

What surprised Xu Yang was that the strength of these silver birds was even higher than his six flying knives. If Xu Yang hadn't blessed the flying knives with the power of Buddha's words, the restrictions on the flying knives would have been destroyed.

After all, these six flying knives were only obtained by Xu Yang when he first entered the world of cultivation. Although the material is acceptable, they are only high-grade spiritual weapons made by the master of weapon refining Ouyang Cheng. They are completely different from the Three Fantasy Pestle that Ouyang Cheng has worked hard to refine for decades. Not on the same level. The Three Illusion Pestle has already been upgraded to the Four Illusion Long Stick by Xu Yang adding Taishan Gold Essence and Blue Crystal Yuan.

"It seems that these silver birds are alive, but they are as sharp as magic weapons. Judging from their attacks, they are orderly and without any disorder. This is by no means something ordinary spiritual birds can do. Under normal circumstances Thousands of spiritual birds attack in groups, and there will always be those with weaker physiques who cannot keep up with the rhythm. Moreover, the aura emitted by these silver birds is not like ordinary spiritual pets, but more like Taoist swords. Breath. Therefore, there must be a controller behind these silver sparrows, and these silver sparrows should be regarded as a special kind of sword power. "

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang simply moved his consciousness, made a move with one hand, and the six flying knives flashed back to his hand.

"Who is controlling these bird swords behind the scenes? You might as well come out and fight." Xu Yang said loudly.

The sound echoed in the void.

The thousands of silver sparrows did not attack Xu Yang immediately. They circled in the sky and then gathered in a neat formation in one direction.

Dang Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang.

As if being attracted, these silver sparrows kept overlapping each other and turned into a group of spiritual lights in an instant.

After Yinque disappeared, a figure suddenly appeared as the spiritual light changed.

This man wears a silver feather crown on his head, a silver feather cloak falling to the ground behind him, and his eyes are as clear as stars. He is a young man with extraordinary appearance.

"Who is here? You don't look like the remnants of the demon clan, and you actually dare to break into Sword Spirit Mountain. You came here through the mountain gate guarded by Bai Sword Rock Tiger, but you don't have the blood unique to Bai Sword Rock Tiger. Anger. So, you should have been let in by Bai Jian Yan Hu, otherwise I would have cut you into pieces. Explain your purpose and return quickly. "Yin Yu young man yelled. .

Xu Yang just scanned the silver-feathered young man across from him with his consciousness, and was immediately surprised in his heart: "I can't see this person's cultivation level, and the spiritual power fluctuations on his body are the same as those of the previous silver birds."

"Your Excellency has been in this Sword Mountain for more than a thousand years. I should call you Senior. In Xu Yang, the Ghost Sect of Xiatian, my friends all call me Xu Xiaoxian. If Senior is willing, you can also call me Xu Xiaoxian." Xu Yang Deliberately trying to get close to Tao.

"Xu Yang, I have never heard of this name. You and I are not friends now, and we will never be friends in the future. I, Chidori, never make friends with unrelated humans. I am originally a sword weapon spirit from the sword spirit world. , obey the orders of my sword master and guard here."

As he spoke, the silver-feather boy looked at Xu Yang carefully, "What on earth are you doing here?"

Xu Yang did not answer immediately, but used the dolphin brain splitting technique to calculate countermeasures with the left and right halves of the brain at the same time.

The left half of the brain said, "This man turned out to be just a human form transformed by a sword spirit. What kind of magical world is the sword spirit world he mentioned? Are there all sword people there? Sword people? Bitch? It's a bit funny. ”

The right half of the brain said, "It is said that sword spirits take the form of human beings, and the sword masters are all extremely powerful sword cultivators. I wonder who the master of the sword spirit who calls himself Chidori is? Could it be that he just lured this giant sword mountain?" You must be a powerful person from Zhenlian Dojo. This sword spirit looks very strong, so it’s better not to fight him easily. It’s better to preserve your strength and deal with the ancient monsters inside.”

Before Xu Yang could respond, Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said loudly: "You birdman, my master doesn't like to be friends with you. Do you want to fight?"

"Little Demon Dragon, I'm talking to your master, you have no role to interrupt here." The silver-feathered young man glared.

As soon as he finished speaking, silver light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly shot out a thin line of sword intent, flying towards Ming Lin's location.

The sword intention was silent, but it drew a straight trace in the void, as if it was about to break through the space. The power of the sword intention was self-evident.

Seeing this, Xu Yang reached out with one hand, flipped his wrist, golden light flashed in his palm, and the golden-winged flying knife was placed in front of him.

His eyes were like lightning, locking onto the incoming sword intent. At the same time, with a flash of consciousness, a golden light swirled above the tip of the golden-winged flying knife, and a golden thread was spit out immediately, and it flew away to meet the attack.


With a crisp sound, the silver wire and gold wire collided accurately.

In an instant, the sword intent exploded, turning into two golden and silver arcs that devoured each other. After a moment, the electric arc dissipated and the power of the sword disappeared without a trace.

"Xu Yang, you were able to accurately block my sword intention with a sword intention. It seems that you are also a good swordsman." The silver-feather young man said in a somewhat gentle tone.

Xu Yang shook the golden-winged flying knife in his hand, raised his chest, and then deliberately raised his voice: "Yes, I am also a sword cultivator, a sword cultivator like you. Before, the Baijian Yanhu who guarded the mountain gate was You were defeated by my sword cultivation. What do you think? Since you and I are both sword cultivators, and we are both good at swordsmanship, why don't we compete?"

"Sparring swordsmanship with me? My swordsmanship can only kill people." The silver-feathered young man said coldly.

"What a coincidence, my sword intention is used to save people." Xu Yang pretended to be mysterious.

"Saving people? Never heard of it. The sword has a sharp edge and can only be hidden in the scabbard. Once it is taken out of the scabbard, it will drink blood. If a sword is not used to kill people, can it still be called a sword?" The silver-feathered young man questioned.

"Because my sword only kills those who deserve to be killed, and those who are killed will be transformed into human beings under the influence of my sword. Those who really can't be human will go to hell. Buddha said, if bad people don't go to hell, who will go to hell? "Xu Yang is not good at Buddhist talk on weekdays, so he can only make up a random sentence.

"It seems that what you cultivate is the Buddha's Sword of Zhongyuan Continent. It can barely be called saving people, but in fact it is just killing people. What I cultivate is the sword of Tao. My Tao is the way of killing. My sword is the way of killing." Sword." Silver Feather Youth said.

After a pause, the silver-feathered young man continued: "Xu Yang, you didn't come here specifically to find someone to learn swordsmanship, right? This Lingjian Mountain is one of the main battlefields in the war between humans and demons, not a place for sideshows. I advise You'd better turn around and go back, I will drink blood if I draw my sword."

Xu Yang rolled his eyes and thought to himself, if I were to go into the Sword Mountain to look for ancient monsters, this sword spirit called "Thousand Birds" would probably stop me and have a bloody fight with me.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang immediately responded: "The battlefield between humans and demons is just a legend thousands of years ago. Now, the demons have disappeared, the human race is prosperous, and the Green Fire Demon Realm is open. This Sword Spirit Mountain is so majestic, I just came to see it, It’s also good to learn sword skills by the way.”

"Since you are so obsessed, let's speak with our swords." The silver-feathered young man said.

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