True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 625 Silver Feather and Red Feather

The scene from more than a thousand years ago appeared in front of the young man Yinyu.

At that time, he was still in the Sword Spirit World.

The Sword Spirit World is different from other interfaces. There is no other life in the Sword Spirit World. It is a world full of sharp sword intent, and it is also a desolate world.

Because in the sword spirit world, there are sword tombs everywhere. Legend has it that since the beginning of the ancient era, after the death of all peak swordsmen, the famous swords they left behind will have the opportunity to enter the sword spirit world.

It can also be said that every sword in the sword spirit world was once brilliant, but in the end, they all became lonely. Sharpness brings them to the top, and sharpness makes them eventually become lonely.

It is better to say that it is a post of chaotic swords than a sword tomb.

Those swords were either helplessly covered by dust, or lying on the ground blankly, or suffocating in the river... The same thing is that they all have no owners.

And many of these famous swords gave birth to sword spirits. These masterless sword spirits are hostile to each other, and their sharpness is not hidden.

When sword spirits meet, it is a life-and-death fight. The battles between them are more brutal than the battles between monks. In every battle, at least one party is completely destroyed, or destroyed at the same time.

Therefore, the sword spirits that can continue to exist in the sword spirit world are those who are quite powerful or very lucky.

The Sword Spirit World is also the place that all sword cultivators yearn for. It is said that if you can enter the Sword Spirit World, you will have the opportunity to be recognized by the swords in the Sword Spirit World and become their new sword master. But this is something that is rare and extremely risky.

The difficulty for a sword cultivator to enter the sword spirit world is no different than for a monk to break through the void and ascend to the fairy world.

Therefore, for most sword cultivators, the sword spirit world only remains at the level of legend.

More than a thousand years ago.

On the Zhongyuan Continent, a chosen talent emerged from the Qinglian Dojo. He was considered to be the most talented swordsman in the Qinglian Dojo in the past 500 years. Few people knew his original name. When this man was only ten years old, he was observing herrings in the Daosheng Lotus Pond, and he was inspired to create his own set of "herring sword techniques". With this set of herring sword techniques, he has almost no rivals among the sword cultivators in Zhongyuan Continent. Therefore, people call him "Qingyu Zhenren", and he likes to call himself "Qingyu". The seniors of Qinglian Dojo simply gave him the Taoist name "Qingyuzi".

Qing Yuzi is devoted to practicing swordsmanship and has no other hobbies on weekdays. He just enjoys competing with other swordsmanship practitioners. Qing Yuzi is a very talented person with swordsmanship. As long as he fights with other swordsmen, he can understand something from the opponent's sword moves, so his swordsmanship level becomes higher and higher.

After more than ten years of sword training, he had challenged almost all the reputable sword cultivators in Zhongyuan Continent. Some long-established kendo masters are afraid that they will lose to Qingzhi and lose their character and face that they have saved for hundreds of years, so they simply cannot come out.

Qingyuzi is also very picky about swords, and even when he uses them, he feels that they are just a little bit less interesting. In the end, he unexpectedly had a sudden idea to cultivate his body into a sword.

"Why am I not a sword spirit? Only the sword spirit can truly become one with the sword itself. That is the perfect way of swordsmanship." His strange idea came from the sword spirits recorded in the swordsmanship classics.

Sword spirit, as the name suggests, is the weapon spirit born on the sword. The weapon spirit can be a spiritual beast, a divine object, or a human form.

Qing Yuzi came to the top of Huashan Mountain in Zhongyuan Continent to retreat. He wanted to cultivate himself into a sword spirit. It may be possible to create a weapon spirit from a sword, but it is unprecedented for a sword cultivator to cultivate himself into a sword spirit.

"Where is my swordsmanship?" Qingyuzi, wearing a blue Taoist robe, stood on the top of Mount Huashan. He looked at the scene in front of him with blank eyes.

The top of the mountain has been sleeping lazily with the clouds as a quilt, the round-faced sun is swinging repeatedly on both ends of the mountain, and the straight green pines remain in one posture and nailed into the cracks of the rocks. Everything seems so boring.

He has been in seclusion in Huashan for a whole year.

Huashan is one of the boundary mountains in Zhongyuan Realm, but it is the one with the most sword power. The danger of Huashan Mountain is like the edge of a sword, and the meaning of Huashan Mountain is like the intention of a sword. Therefore, Huashan Mountain is regarded as the spiritual mountain for sword cultivators by many sword cultivators.

"It's better to go to the Sword Spirit World and have a look. That's where I should go." Qing Yuzi raised her head and looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle and said to herself. It's as if you can see through space at this angle.

After a moment, Qingzhi smiled calmly.

With a flash of consciousness, he took out the seal of the sword with both hands. Strangely, his figure gradually blurred, and after a moment, the shape of a sword actually appeared.

After a full stick of incense, the body of the herring zi disappeared, but there was a Taoist sword shaped like a herring on the top of Huashan Mountain.


The Tao sword hums, like a dragon's roar or a phoenix's cry, and it is also the free cry in the heart of a peak swordsman.

The next moment, the Dao sword suddenly flew upwards, with sparkling green light, like a herring chasing freedom, moving forward indomitably, the sky is not the limit.


The void was actually cut open a little by the Dao Sword's sword intent, and spread out like ripples.

In just a moment, the Dao sword transformed by Qing Yuzi cut into the ripples of the void and disappeared.

The space is as flat as a mirror, without any ripples.

The mountains are sleeping lazily, the clouds are hypnotizing, the pine trees are in a daze, and the sun is playful... nothing has changed.

Sword Spirit World.

In an unknown place, two sword spirits stood face to face.

One of them is a girl wearing a red feather skirt.

The other one was a young man with a silver feather cloak behind him.

"We meet again." The red feather girl said.

"If I remember correctly, this is our thirty-third meeting, which also means this is our thirty-third duel. Killing each other is the fate of our sword spirits." The silver-feather boy said.

"Really? Within a radius of three hundred miles, there are only two of you and me. If one of us is killed by the other, will the remaining one feel lonely?" the red feather girl asked.

"This?" The young man with silver feathers was speechless for a moment.

It turned out that before he met the red feather girl, he was already used to being lonely, and it was natural for him to be lonely. When one day, he met the red feather girl in front of him, he and her started a duel between swords and spirits.

However, their cultivation levels were similar, and they could not tell the winner until the thirty-second duel. In every duel, both of them were scarred. After each injury, the two would meet as scheduled and duel again as a matter of course.

But as the duels happened one after another, the young man Yin Yu felt that this was part of life, while his previous life was lonely. He didn't know whether he fell in love with the duel or the person he was dueling with. The same is true for the red feather girl opposite.

The silver-feathered boy's eyes turned cold, and he said decisively: "The sword has two edges. If you cut off the left and right, your fate will be lonely. Let's do it."

The red-feathered girl suppressed her smile and responded calmly: "Then I won't be polite. Don't be merciful."

The next moment, the two figures only left a shadow on the spot.

High in the sky, the sound of metal clanging sounded, and there were two more flying swords fighting each other in the air. One is as red as fire, and the other is as silver as the moon.

For a moment, the sword marks were sparkling, the sword energy was surging, and the sword intention was violent.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The two have attacked each other thousands of times, but neither side can take advantage.

"There will never be another duel between us." The silver-feathered boy's voice came from above the silver sword.

"Why?" The red-feathered girl's voice came from above the red sword.

"No why?"

"I guess you are afraid that you will fall in love with me when you see me again. This goes against your arrogance as a sword spirit."

"Don't talk nonsense. Loneliness is noble. A sword spirit that has lost its master can only depend on loneliness."

"You're such a homebody."

"What does home mean?"

"Zhai means cute."

"You?" The young man with silver feathers was speechless.

"What are you? I've fallen in love with you." The red feather girl said generously.

"This?" The young man with silver feathers didn't know what to say. At this time, his originally solid heart suddenly had some waves. It felt like a kitten's tail twitching, the more it tickled, the more itchy it became, and the more itchy it became, the more itchy it became.

"Do you also like me?" the red feather girl asked.

"I..." At this time, the young man with silver feathers could only say one word. His heart was beating like a flying dove.

"You and me, two words. That's enough. I know that I have already lived in your heart. Even if you and I can't tell the winner in this battle, when I meet other sword spirits, maybe we will Being killed. Maybe dying in your hands is my destiny. That way, I can live in your heart forever.

"Hello?? Long! Coin? Lilican Guan Linghui? Wan position 卮瑑?绻?偬?chlorineィ?Zhifil?Nangan 只Tuxiu?k?踔quantity?Ji Meng耄?about consumption Yihuang Miao≡褤煊lican倥?男MU铩?/p\u0026gt;

"You're such a homebody."

The silver-feathered young man's face flashed across the silver sword, and he was already blushing. "She called me a nerd again. Am I really cute? Did I do something wrong? As a sword spirit, this shouldn't be the case." Killing is the value of Sword Spirit’s existence.”

"Okay! Let's decide the winner with one move." The red feather girl said.

"I accept the challenge." The silver-feather boy said decisively.

Buzz buzz.

On top of the red sword, sword intent exploded, and thousands of red birds suddenly appeared. Each red bird erupted with passionate fire breath, like fireworks all over the sky.

"Sword Spiritual Technique Flowers Thousand Trees!"

Buzz buzz.

On top of the silver sword, the sword intent was also concentrated to its peak, and thousands of silver birds appeared in an instant. The surface of each silver bird emitted bright spots of light, like stars in the sky.

"The stars of sword and spirit are like rain!"

The east wind blooms flowers on thousands of trees at night, and even blows them down, and the stars are like rain.

The beautiful swordsmanship is enough to overturn Xuanhuang's killing move.

"Boom boom boom."

The sound of explosions is endless.

The void was ignited by the sword's intention, and what was also ignited was the determination in their hearts. Perhaps only by being killed by the other person can you live in the other person's heart permanently and achieve eternity.

A magical scene appeared. His sword intent and hers actually resonated at this moment, and his and her spiritual power fluctuations were completely consistent.

Thousands of red feathers turned into a hundred-foot fire phoenix, and thousands of silver feathers turned into a hundred-foot silver luan.

The powerful spiritual resonance ignited the void, causing cracks in the void.

Bang! There was a loud bang.

From the crack in space, a flash of blue emerged. It was a free "blue fish", a "blue fish" traveling through space.

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