True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 636 Guigu Yeyan wakes up

Xu Yang felt that the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant in his palm was gradually getting hot, and his heart began to feel hot.

It was his first time to use the power of creation on the magic crystal to save someone, and he had no special method.

Xu Yang is also an expert in alchemy, especially the refining of earth-attribute elixirs using the Wheel of Fire, and he can be called a master of alchemy. Therefore, I still have a lot of experience in understanding and controlling fire.

Therefore, when Xu Yang activated the magic crystal just now, he was as serious as refining the elixir, and every step of the fire was done step by step.

If Gui Gu Yeyan's soul hadn't declined too much, he couldn't delay it any longer. Coupled with Xu Yang's confidence in himself, he did not dare to do all this rashly. He will definitely visit a person who is good at healing spirits to cure Gui Gu Yeyan for him.

"With the heat that just activated the wild power transformed by the magic crystal, it should not be able to damage the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant." Xu Yang said to himself.

At this moment, the temperature on the surface of the ghost wood in his hand suddenly began to cool down.

Chi chi chi, there was a sound, and a layer of white, fine ice crystals formed on the surface of the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant at a speed visible to the naked eye. The entire Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant was instantly sealed in ice.

All this was seen by Xu Yang and felt in his heart.

cold! Sudden coldness! Not only was the palm of his hand holding the ghost wood cold, but Xu Yang could only feel the cool breeze whistling on his back, as if he were in the far north.

"No, this chill is probably the backlash of the wild power of creation released by the magic crystal. Could it be that I am too impatient and have introduced all the wild power of creation contained in the magic crystal into it, but I cannot be weakened by the master? Absorbed by the ultimate soul? Haste makes waste, if this continues, the master's soul will be destroyed instantly." He blamed himself, but he never dared to shake the hand holding the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant.

Xu Yang quickly used the dolphin brain splitting technique, and the left and right brains were thinking about countermeasures at the same time. "The situation is urgent and we can't delay any more. Master and I also practice the Five Elements Flame Technique. The current situation is probably due to Master's spirit being too strong." If you are weak and cannot use your own skills to successfully induce the power of wild creation, you might as well use the Five Elements Flame Technique to help."

Thinking of this, a decisive look appeared in Xu Yang's eyes, and with a movement of his consciousness, he activated the Five Elements Flame Technique, and the blue water flame spirit, wheel flame spirit and golden crow Buddha flame spirit in the Zi Mansion space in his body were simultaneously activated.

Xu Yang opened his mouth, and three-color flowing fire flew out. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a blue spirit dolphin, an earth-gold ghost baby, and a golden three-legged firebird. However, at this moment, the three flame spirits’ physical forms are only a few inches in size.

The three types of flaming spirits are chasing each other on the surface of the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant, swirling incessantly, and spit out the blue, earthy gold and golden flame spirits respectively to heat the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant.

Each wisp of fire breath is condensed by the essence of the flame spirit. At this moment, Xu Yang no longer cares about this. Even if Yanling Dharma is overdrawn, he will still try his best to save his master Gui Gu Yeyan.

At this time, the ghost wooden waist pendant in Xu Yang's hand weighed ten thousand kilograms, and the pressure it put on Xu Yang was self-evident.

This Ghost Wood Waist Pendant was given to Xu Yang after he met Lord Youfeng when he was undergoing trials in the Evil Ghost Path.

Lord Youfeng was originally a powerful underworld general in the underworld, and the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant was a treasure from the underworld that was specially used to warm the soul. It was made from a small piece of ghost wood that was accidentally generated after the Thunder Tribulation in the Nine Netherlands. It was invulnerable to water, fire, and weapons. If it had been any other belt, it would have been damaged by the essence of Xu Yang's three flames.

After a while, as Xu Yang expected, the layer of ice crystals on the surface of the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant gradually receded, revealing its original dark and smooth appearance, while the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant was not damaged at all.

Instead, with the blessing of the three-color flame spirit essence, the surface of the ghost wood began to become hot.


At this moment, a coughing sound came from the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant that made Xu Yang feel more friendly. “What the hell is going on, a cold bath followed by a big pot to cook it?”

Without him, it was the voice of Xu Yang Master Gui Gu Yeyan.

When Xu Yang heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. His consciousness moved and he quickly took back the three flame spirits.

"Master, my disciple was lucky enough to find an ancient magic crystal. I just used the wild power of creation on the ancient magic crystal to help you repair your soul. Perhaps my disciple was too hasty, causing the surface temperature of the ghost wood to drop sharply, so he had to use flames. The spirit is being heated. Master and I are practicing the Five Elements Flame Technique, and it shouldn’t cause any harm to you, Master. Just wake up," Xu Yang explained quickly.

"My good disciple, don't worry. I am half-dead and have persisted for hundreds of years. I will not die so easily. I am who I am, a different will-o'-the-wisp." Guigu Yeyan paused and gasped. He took a breath and said, "You can get treasures like ancient magic crystals. It seems that you are really thoughtful. The power of wild creation on the ancient magic crystals is indeed very useful for me to repair my soul, but it will take some time for me to digest it." I can feel that your cultivation has improved a lot. I will give you some guidance when I get over it." Gui Gu Yeyan said.

"Thank you, Master." Xu Yang thanked him quickly.

The surface of the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant returned to its original warm state, and the inside became quiet, and Gui Gu Yeyan's voice could not be heard.

Xu Yang stood up, beaming with joy, and his wish came true. This was one of the happiest and most fulfilling things he had ever done in his life.

Afterwards, Xu Yang gently wiped the surface of the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant with his hand, then hung it carefully on his waist again, and patted the surface of the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant gently with his hand to feel relieved.

"Congratulations to Lord Guigu Yeyan for regaining consciousness." A'Zhu walked forward and said obediently.

Ming Lin bowed, jumped back from A'Zhu's shoulder to Xu Yang's shoulder, patted a pair of dragon claws and said: "Congratulations, Master Xu Yang, you're done."

Xu Yang nodded with a satisfied look on his face.

"It's such a happy event that Master Master regained consciousness today." Xu Yang said as he took off the purple wine gourd from his waist.

He skillfully opened the cork with a flick of his hand, raised the wine gourd, and drank three large mouthfuls of fine wine.

"Good wine! Great!"

After saying that, Xu Yang turned to Ming Lin and said, "Would you like to take a bite too."

The Eighth Rule of the Drunkard: Share good things with friends, and share good wine with friends.

When Ming Lin heard this, his face immediately lit up with joy, and his two black eyes opened wide and round. This was the first time that Xu Yang took the initiative to invite him to drink.

Every time Ming Lin saw Xu Yang smacking his lips while drinking, he felt that the wine gourd was filled with jade liquid and fine wine. Otherwise, why would Xu Yang enjoy it so much?

"Thank you, Master. Then I'll take a bite." Ming Lin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Xu Yang generously handed over the wine gourd. Ming Lin hugged Xu Yang with his two front paws and handed him the wine gourd.

"Let's agree first, you can only take one sip. The spiritual wine in this wine gourd is not something that ordinary people can enjoy, otherwise it will be easy to fall asleep." Xu Yang reminded seriously.

The wine in Xu Yang's wine gourd is spiritual wine that has been aged in the Nightmare Beast's dreamland. After being precipitated by the law of time, it contains abundant spiritual power. It is stronger than elixirs specifically designed to replenish mana, and has almost no side effects.

For Xu Yang, an alcoholic, the wine was strong and enjoyable. For ordinary people, it is the holy water of hypnosis, and it may be the result of being intoxicated and unable to wake up.

Ming Lin glanced at Xu Yang and cursed: "You're too stingy, can you just take a sip?"

Then he eagerly raised his head.

He took a sip of wine and poured it into Ming Lin's mouth. The spicy taste entered his throat, and a ray of fire fell from his throat, and a flower of passion bloomed in his belly. Immediately, a powerful spiritual power penetrated Ming Lin's body along his blood veins like a violent hot dragon.

Ming Lin's originally dark body surface suddenly turned dark red.

"It's great!" The dragon scales on Ming Lin's body stood up excitedly. "My whole body is full of strength. I really want to find someone to fight with."

Ming Lin's two nostrils breathed out a strong demon spirit breath, like a small erupting volcano.

As soon as it finished speaking, a double image appeared in front of its eyes, with two black eyes spinning in its sockets.

"Master, why did you become...two people? This...this wine is really a magical treasure." Ming Lin swayed from side to side on Xu Yang's shoulder, his tongue already knotted.

"I told you, you can only take one sip of this wine, otherwise you will fall into a deep sleep if you don't drink enough." After saying that, Xu Yang took back the wine gourd from Ming Lin, put the stopper on it, and tied it again. around the waist.

Ming Lin shook his head vigorously back and forth, and with a rush of consciousness, Shengsheng suppressed the lower half of Jiu Jin with the help of his naturally powerful consciousness.

"Master Xu Yang, I listen to you. In the future, I will drink more and become a powerful drunkard like you, Master." Ming Lin vowed.

Ming Lin suddenly felt that being a powerful drunkard was as glorious as becoming a fighting king.

Unknowingly, the two of them were infected with each other. Ming Lin turned Xu Yang into a violent gangster, and Xu Yang trained Ming Lin into an alcoholic.

"Keke." A'Zhu looked at the interaction between Xu Yang and Ming Lin and laughed happily.

It's fun.


After Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang separated, they searched alone on the top of the mountain.

"I just noticed a powerful Taoist aura, but it's gone again now." Liu Haiyu looked back and forth, "The range of this mountain top is either big or small. The Qinglian Dojo If my senior moves around or leaves suddenly, it will not be easy for me to find him. "

At this moment, Liu Haiyu suddenly noticed that the blue water flame spirit in the Zifu space inside his body was stirring.

"Huh? Is Xu Yang using the blue water flame spirit to call me?"

Thinking in his mind, Liu Haiyu stretched out his right hand and turned his palm.


A blue flame rose from his palm. As the flame twisted, it transformed into the shape of a round-headed spirit dolphin.

At this moment, the blue water flame spirit's body was spinning freely in Liu Haiyu's hand, showing a panicked expression.

The blue water flame spirit is a natural fire spirit. Although its spiritual intelligence has not evolved to that of a human, it is still quite spiritual.

"No, looking at the state of the blue water flame spirit, it's not another blue water flame spirit owned by Xu Yang that is summoning. It should be that its talent sensed something? Could it be a message from the senior, or something else. "

Thinking of this, Liu Haiyu's consciousness moved, and he simply released his restraint on the blue water flame spirit. There was a soul contract signed between Liu Haiyu and Blue Water Flame Spirit, so he didn't have to worry about Blue Water Flame Spirit running away at will.

Sure enough, the dolphin-like blue water flame suddenly became excited, like a dolphin chasing a school of fish, it jumped up, threw a wave of blue fire behind it, and flew out impatiently in one direction.

"Follow me and you'll find out."

Liu Haiyu, an expert in art, was bold and followed closely behind Lan Shui Yanling.


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