True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 641 Demon Saint

Seeing Xu Yang take action, A'Zhu would naturally not fall behind.

When she made a move before, the power of her spiritual consciousness was accidentally cut off by the little Taoist priest's sword. She wanted to activate the ultimate move, but her spiritual consciousness was temporarily weak.

But A'Zhu deserves to be the body of a red bird.

She closed her eyes and secretly forcibly activated the Suzaku inheritance in her body. A pair of hands pinched out the crimson Vermillion Bird Seal, and circles of fiery breath ignited on the surface of the red dress, like dancing red ribbons, beautiful and warm, showing the true nature of a fire girl.

At this moment, A'Zhu's mind and body were united, and the power of the Suzaku bloodline in his body was instantly activated, and the powerful power of the Suzaku circulated rapidly throughout his body. Each of her bones was shining with crimson star points, as if they were dotted with stars, and her blood and body were filled with fiery energy.

The next moment, A'Zhu's beautiful eyes suddenly opened. At this time, her eyes had turned red, like fire gems.

In an instant, the spiritual pressure emanating from A'Zhu's body suddenly doubled. Circles of fire waves centered around his feet and rolled out in all directions. The place they passed was defined as the flame field.

In the flame field, bright Suzaku marks flowed endlessly. This is not an ordinary flame realm, but the prototype of the Suzaku realm. The Suzaku Realm is one of the four legendary true spirit realms, and the power within it is the true power of the Law of Fire.

Everything was burning, red and fiery. A'Zhu's body gradually merged into the flames.


With the cry of a divine bird, A'Zhu's body turned into a hundred-foot-long firebird and flew gracefully.

With a golden crown and a long neck, red wings burning the sky, and fire feathers flying in the sky, it looks like a divine bird, gazing down at the world.

The Baizhang Firebird was hovering high in the sky, its body exuding a powerful divine bird aura, and its bright eyes focused on the little Taoist priest opposite.

Without stopping for a moment, the wings of the Baizhang Firebird fluttered, and the red wings condensed into thousands of red feather swords. The Suzaku inscriptions on the red feather swords are constantly flowing, and each red feather sword is like a divine weapon.

"Suzaku Fire Feather Array!"

A'Zhu used her old trick again, but this time she forcibly activated the blood power of Suzaku's inheritance, and the power of the move increased by more than ten times.

The next moment, thousands of red feather swords formed a huge array and suddenly struck down. The target is pointed directly at the location of the little Taoist priest opposite.

It's like a sword formation, but more intense than the sword formation.

Like fire rain, but sharper than fire rain.

Like a storm, but brighter than a storm.

Liu Haiyu on the side also made a move at the same time.

He threw it with one hand, and the Ruoshui sword hung in the air above his head.

Three feet like a water sword, it is suspended peacefully in the air at this moment, like a static lotus leaf on the water.

The next moment, hundreds of blue water lines sprang out from the sword body at the same time. These water lines moved, tightly wrapping the Ruoshui sword body, quickly weaving into the shape of a budding green lotus, and scattered. A ball of light blue mist came out.

Immediately afterwards, a very transparent drop of water, only the size of a grain of rice, overflowed from the tip of the water sword, like a drop of morning dew on the petals of a green lotus under the morning sun, transparent and crystal clear. Just like Liu Haiyu’s dust-free Taoist heart, pure and natural.

Tick ​​tock!

The water droplets fell and splashed bright blue ripples out of thin air, swinging in circles.

That blue, circular line is extremely sharp, like a cutting law, drawing out the powerful power of the sword field.

At the same time, water-like ripples appeared in the void in the background. Among the ripples, the shadow of a huge waterfall reaching the sky was reflected.

This sky-high waterfall connects to the stars and rivers, flying down to the nine heavens, surrounded by fairy mist, revealing an awe-inspiring Taoist power. It is actually the same as the divine power summoned by Taoist Qingyu on the opposite side. It is also the phantom of the "Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall" from the Taoist Realm.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu was stepping on the void, with his back against the Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall Divine Realm. His whole aura has become one with the Jiutian Xuan Waterfall.

The blue clothes are like water, the Tao heart is like a valley, the Tao mind is connected to the spirit, peerless and independent.

Liu Haiyu narrowed his eyes and pointed at Ruoshui Sword, which was hovering in the air with one hand.

The next moment, sword moves broke out.

"The Mystery of the Sword, the Green Lotus Sword Song!"

There was a crisp sword cry, like the sigh of a god, and a green lotus blossomed on the sword's edge.

The stretched green lotus petals are like the skirt of a fairy dancing lightly. It is extremely beautiful, but reveals the unparalleled sword intent.

The blade of the sword is swaying, suddenly hundreds of feet, flowers are flying and falling, and the green lotus is like a song.

The sword master, Liu Haiyu.

Sword Realm, the Blue Water Sword Realm blessed with Jiutian Xuan Waterfall.

The sword intention is the green lotus of Tao.

Sword moves, Qinglian sword song.

Sword Master, Sword Territory, Sword Intent, and Sword Moves all fit together perfectly.

Xu Yang, A'Zhu and Liu Haiyu each used their ultimate moves to jointly deal with the power of the sword struck by the little Taoist priest.

The power of the four people's moves collided in the sky as promised.

Suddenly, high in the sky, the magic dragon roared, the black dragon roared, the red bird crowed, and the green lotus bloomed.




A powerful shock wave struck the heavens and the earth like a divine hammer, causing the huge Giant Sword Mountain under everyone's feet to shake violently.

After a long while, the power of the four people's moves exhausted each other high in the air, leaving only a chaotic whirlpool of spiritual energy and a void full of cracks.

The herring sword shadow in the sky landed smoothly on the ground, and the sword light converged, revealing the true form of the little Taoist priest.

At this time, the little Taoist priest's purple eyes and purple devilish aura gradually faded away, revealing his original appearance.

"The next life is to be feared." The little Taoist said loudly.

The stone carving of the woman behind the little Taoist priest has completely transformed into a beautiful woman.

Her long hair is piled with clouds, her eyes are full of autumn water, and her skirt is covered with flowers.

Astonishingly, the surface of the purple sun, which had been standing high above, looking down at everything below, cast a purple beam of light, which immediately covered the beautiful woman's body.

"Qingyuzi, you have imprisoned me for thousands of years, and your ability is indeed admirable. However, as long as the purple sun never burns out, this saint will never truly fail." The woman's figure suddenly became blurred in the purple beam of light, " Giggle.”

Accompanied by a burst of laughter from the beautiful woman, the purple beam of light disappeared, leaving the place empty.

The little Taoist priest had a look of pain on his face, and while holding his head with both hands, he murmured: "I, what am I doing?"

After a while, the little Taoist priest took his hand away from his head, and a clear look appeared in his eyes.

The little Taoist priest looked up at the purple sun in the sky and said loudly: "Demon Saint, you relied on the power of the purple sun to survive thousands of years ago, and now you use the power of the purple sun to teleport yourself away. This demon blood has a radius of hundreds of miles. The core of the land is sealed by the demon-sealing sword that I attracted. Without the blessing of the demon-blooded land, you won’t be able to run very far.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the little Taoist priest took out the fish-shaped sword seal with both hands, and wanted to use the escape method of the sword to catch up.

"Cough cough cough."

But at the next moment, the little Taoist priest coughed violently, and the movement of his body suddenly stopped, and his body began to become blurry like a reflection in the water.

Upon seeing this, Liu Haiyu hurriedly stepped forward and said loudly: "Senior Qingyu Zhenren, is there anything I, Liu Haiyu, can do for you?"

The little Taoist priest looked at Liu Haiyu opposite, and then said: "Are you a disciple in Qinglian Dojo? In you, I see myself when I was young. We are very similar, but also different."

The little Taoist priest looked at his disillusioned body and continued: "I almost forgot that I had lost the power of my body a long time ago. Thousands of years ago, I sacrificed the power of my body to attract the demon-sealing sword under my feet and sealed the demon blood. The core of the land. And I am just a sword spirit, but after thousands of years of entanglement with the demon saint, my energy has gradually been exhausted. I just barely used my ultimate skills to fight against the three of you. , my sword spirit body is probably about to collapse. However, it doesn't matter, after all, the four major sects in the northern region joined forces to defeat the demon clan's conspiracy a thousand years ago, and I did everything I could. And it is my lifelong pursuit to be able to finally fall as a sword spirit."

After finishing his words, the little Taoist priest raised the corners of his mouth skillfully and blew up a strand of scattered hair in front of his forehead. The way the hair was curled was like a free herring swimming against the current.

When Liu Haiyu heard this, his heart tightened.

Xu Yang from the side came over and interjected: "Brother Haiyu, don't you have an ancient magic crystal? Maybe it can save the soul of senior Qingyuzi. Before, one of mine was used to save the soul of the master, and it was effective. "

When Liu Haiyu heard this, he slapped his forehead with his hand and blamed himself: "Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot that there is still a magic crystal available."

After saying that, Liu Haiyu took out the crystal clear magic crystal, presented it with both hands, and said respectfully: "Master, please try using this ancient magic crystal. It is said that this object has the power to recast the soul."

The little Taoist priest glanced at the ancient magic crystal in Liu Haiyu's hand, with a smile on his face, and then said: "This magic crystal should have been imprisoned by me with the sword array on Mo Kun in the space on the top of the mountain. I didn't expect you to even It was also defeated. This magic crystal can indeed be my life-saving straw. Thank you for giving it to me. I will accept it."

The little Taoist made a move with one hand, and the magic crystal in Liu Haiyu's hand flew towards the little Taoist's location.

The magic crystal fell into the little Taoist's eyebrows.

The little Taoist priest simply closed his eyes and used his kung fu to guide the power of the magic crystal into his body.

Between his eyebrows, a herring seal appeared. In the herring seal, there was a herring light and shadow spinning rapidly around the magic crystal.

The power of creation on the magic crystal turned into colorful light threads and was gradually absorbed into the soul of the little Taoist priest.

The little Taoist priest's originally fuzzy body gradually returned to a solid state.

In the time it took for a stick of incense to burn, the magic crystal completely disappeared, and the power of wild creation on it was completely absorbed into the little Taoist priest's soul.

The little Taoist priest opened his eyes, looked at his solid soul body, and said with satisfaction: "It's really a good thing. It seems that my herring roe can still exist."

Liu Haiyu saw this and said quickly: "Congratulations, senior, for successfully recasting the soul."

The little Taoist glanced at A'Zhu beside Liu Haiyu and was amazed.

"You little girl, you are born with the body of a red bird, which is really rare. What is your purpose of coming here?" asked the little Taoist priest.

"Senior, my name is A'Zhu. Xu Xiaoxian and I are here to find magic crystals to save Xu Xiaoxian's master, Mr. Gui Gu. The ancient demon Kun who was killed before left two magic crystals behind, and each of them has used them Used it." A'Zhu explained.

The little Taoist priest's eyes fell on Xu Yang who was standing aside, curled his lips slightly, and then said: "It's a pity. Your talent is acquired, and it is really not easy to achieve this. It's a pity that you are practicing the ghost way. What if? If you practice the authentic techniques of my Taoist lineage, your achievements will be limitless."

Xu Yang smiled awkwardly and was speechless.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, cursed: "If my master Xu Yang hadn't seen that you, a little Taoist priest, are Liu Haiyu's uncle, he would have told you with his fists that the lineage of the Ghost Sect does not have to be the lineage of the Dao Sect. Poor."

The little Taoist priest's eyes fell on Liu Haiyu again, and he nodded repeatedly with a look of satisfaction on his face.

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