True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 655: Defeat the enemy with one punch

The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo use ruthless attacks.

They did not dare to disobey the right envoy's order at all. They wanted to kill Qi Mu, and they did so decisively and without mercy.

The bald man made a hand seal, and on his fingertips, a flying insect seal appeared on his fingertips. At the same time, the caterpillar tattoo on his bald head began to squirm like a living thing.

The bald man pressed the power of the seal in his hand, and with two hisses from behind, he spread out a pair of huge thin wings like mosquitoes.

The thin wings spread out, leaving a flying figure in mid-air.

In mid-air, the bald man used the insect control technique, and large groups of flying insects flew out of his sleeves. Under the control of his spiritual consciousness, those flying insects quickly condensed into a sharp flying spear that was about ten feet long.

With the help of his original speed, the "flying spear" was thrown out.

"Insect Flying Spear!"

Even though it looks like a flying spear, it is faster and more aggressive than a real flying spear. These flying insects of his are all spiritual insects refined through special secret techniques. They are not afraid of water, fire, swords and guns, and they are not afraid of death. Thousands of flying spear attacks are even more difficult to defend against.

The iron-faced weirdo on the side took action almost at the same time as the bald man. He thrust the huge iron coffin in his hand onto the ground.

With a bang, the huge iron coffin was inserted vertically on the ground.

With a creak, the lid of the iron coffin opened, revealing a ghostly iron corpse inside.

The iron corpse's eyes flashed with green light, and with a movement of its hands and feet, it came to life.

Whoosh! The iron corpse jumped out of the iron coffin and stood on the ground with a bang.

The iron corpse was about ten feet tall, wearing only a pair of leather shorts. His upper body was naked, and his muscles were like sandbags. His bare two huge feet stepped on the ground, and the soles of his feet sunk half an inch into the ground. Its skin is light blue, and its surface is shiny and shiny, like fine iron.

The iron corpse twisted its neck and made a clicking sound.

The next moment, the tall iron corpse retracted its ankles, and then suddenly sprang away. The mechanism under its legs creaked and unfolded, and it jumped out like a spring man, covering a distance of several feet in one jump.

The iron corpse went straight towards Qi Mu on the opposite side and killed him so fast that it was not much worse than the "Insect Wing Escape Technique" performed by the bald man.

What's even more weird is that the two arms of the Iron Corpse suddenly grew longer during the impact, and there was a chain connected to the back of each pair of fists, and they hit Qi Mu like a pair of meteor hammers.

It's an iron corpse, and it's also a machine puppet.

At this moment, Qi Mu is using his escape technique with all his strength, and his defense is almost zero. Unless he gave up the urge to escape midway, he would not be able to escape the combined attack of the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo.

There was no need to delay, and Qi Mu was barely given half a moment to think about it. His heart was pounding like a heavy drumstick beating rapidly.

"In just three more breaths, the escape technique can be successfully activated." Qi Mu gritted his teeth and refused to dodge, "Instead of two people being surrounded and killed, it is better for Junior Brother Yunfei to evacuate to a safe place alone. Even if I die, Junior Brother Yunfei will avenge me someday."

With a decision in his heart, Qi Mu fired a spiritual talisman.

Zhan Yunfei, who was fighting with Qingyan Monk, saw Senior Brother Qi Mu's crisis and was extremely anxious, but he could not easily get rid of Qingyan Monk's entanglement. In desperation, he wanted to resort to desperate measures.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu cannot be harmed by them." Zhan Yunfei felt a conviction in his heart.

Right now.

A shout came from high in the sky.

"Xu Yang of the Heavenly Ghost Sect is here. Shadow Evil Cultivator, please don't hurt anyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure with a pair of black flying dragon wings descended from the sky. He was impartial and blocked right in front of Qi Mu.

people! The boy in green!

Demon! The black dragon demon!

Without stopping, Xu Yang punched out against the attacks of the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo.

"The Dark Fire Fist Demonic Dragon roars!"

Punch out! Dragon roar!

Suddenly, the fist wind transformed into shape, and a black fire dragon that was dozens of feet in size roared and flew out.

The churning black fire and the raging dragon shape seem to come from the ancient wilderness!

Brute force! Demonic power! The power of the netherworld! The three fit together perfectly, creating powerful destructive power!


There were two explosions in succession, and the roaring Demonic Dragon's Fist collided with the flying insect spear and iron zombie on the opposite side.

The Flying Insect Spear suddenly collapsed, and those flying insects that were originally not afraid of water and fire were instantly turned into ashes under the fire of the demonic dragon.

Obviously, the power of the netherworld and the power of the demonic dragon contained in Xu Yang's Nether Fire Fist are very high-level. Those flying insects may not be afraid of ordinary water and fire, but under Xu Yang's Dark Fire Fist, they are nothing but scum that is vulnerable to a single blow.

destroy! Violent destruction!

The iron corpse puppet's pair of iron meteor fists were also thrown back in the opposite direction by the roaring power of the demonic dragon fire.

With a buzzing sound, the Iron Corpse Puppet's fist swung back, grazing the iron-faced monster's head and sweeping past him.

The iron-faced weirdo suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, "Oh my god, is this a human being? A monster! An absolute monster!"

The iron-faced monster has always been good at physical skills, and his iron corpse puppet is a high-end puppet based on a thousand-year-old iron corpse. Its hardness is comparable to that of a divine weapon. This is the first time I have seen the iron-faced monster being able to completely suppress his iron zombie attack with just one punch. In particular, Xu Yang's punch completely killed the combined blow of the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo.

The remaining power of the fist was like a demonic dragon waving its tail, throwing the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo ten feet away. If it weren't for the two of them's powerful martial arts, they would have vomited blood on the spot.

Just in time for the next breath.

The "Wood Rat" held in Qi Mu's hands squeaked strangely, jumped up like a living creature, and burrowed into the ground.

The formation flag formation disks that Qi Mu originally set around his body were activated at the same time.

"Buzz buzz!"

A curtain of red, yellow and blue light rose around him.

At the same time, the spiritual talisman that Qi Mu popped up happened to land on Zhan Yunfei's back. Zhan Yunfei's figure was sucked back by the power of the formation.

The next moment, Qi Mu and Zhan Yunfei's figures were hidden in the three-color light curtain.

When the three-color light curtain disappeared, the place was empty.

A moment later, there was an open space ten miles away.

A three-color spiritual light was raised out of thin air, and a round-headed "little mouse" appeared. After a while, the aura of the little mouse converged and turned into a seemingly ordinary wooden mouse.

There was a "buzz" sound.

Beside the wooden mouse, a three-color light curtain rose.

The three-color light curtain converged, revealing the figures of Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu.

Qi Mu and Zhan Yunfei looked at each other, their eyes filled with the joy of success.

"We succeeded." Qi Mu said. Then put the wood rat away again.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, you shouldn't take the risk of doing this. If he hadn't just arrived, the man who called himself Xu Yang would have blocked the attacks of the two evil cultivators with one punch, and the consequences would have been disastrous." Zhan Yunfei said.

"The crisis was ahead, and I had no choice. The three evil cultivators on the other side were too powerful, so I had no choice but to take this step. I really want to thank Xu Yang, the disciple of the Ghost Sect that day."

At this point, Qi Mu paused and said with a complicated look on his face: "At this moment, Xu Yang is probably dealing with three evil cultivators by himself."

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, why don't you wait here. I'll go back and help Xu Yang. We can't let him suffer a loss with one against three." Zhan Yunfei said.

Qi Mu hesitated for a moment, then said: "We'd better go back together. See how Xu Yang defeated the two opponents with one move. With the combined strength of the three of us, we might as well fight against those three evil cultivators."

The two reached a consensus in a short time, identified the direction, and quickly returned to the original direction.


On the battlefield.

Xu Yang repelled the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo with one move, but also found that the two people he assisted had escaped in the formation.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said: "Master Xu Yang, your rescue was so successful this time. The current situation is that there are three people on their side. Next, there will be an anticipated battle. You can be sure , the "Qingyan Monk" opposite is really a fake, he got mixed up with two evil cultivators."

Xu Yang nodded, and then loudly accused: "You three are all members of the Shadow Organization. As someone who is pretending to be Qingyan Monk, your acting skills are not bad, but the fake is always fake, so you should show your true face. ”

"This guy who calls himself Xu Yang just killed a lot of my flying insects with one punch. I want revenge." The bald man said angrily.

"Your Majesty, he only has one person. There are many of us, so why don't we rush over and kill him." Tie Lian tugged his fingers and immediately calculated his own advantage.

"Qingyan Monk" was still paying attention to the place where Zhan Yunfei disappeared, and said in a daze: "It's such a pity that the ghost slave I wanted ran away like this."

He turned around, looked at Xu Yang, and said loudly: "Xu Yang, we meet again. Just as I expected, you returned safely from the Five Buddhas Vajra Formation. Before, we were in the Five Buddhas Vajra Formation. The cooperation is still very pleasant. ”

"It's a pity that you are not a real Qingyan monk. Otherwise, we might be friends. But now, we are enemies." Xu Yang responded decisively.

Qingyan Monk, who was under the control of Thousand-faced Ghost, looked at Xu Yang across from him, his eyes narrowed, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You kid, let go of the ghost slave I wanted. That's the gift I'm going to give to my cutest senior brother, and you have to pay the price for it. No, as the Master of Shadows said, this kid Xu Yang Can’t kill for now.”

Thinking in his mind, the murderous aura in Qingyan Monk's eyes suddenly disappeared, and he said loudly: "Xu Yang, it seems that your body and aura have improved a lot than before. You must have benefited from the Five Buddha Vajra Formation. If I guessed right, you probably got the Buddha's relic. It's not easy for you to have this opportunity. If I want to kill you, I can do it at any time."

Before Xu Yang could respond, Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said: "You fake monk, my master's great creation and great luck are not something that a bitch like you can covet. If you speak arrogantly here, if I When the demon dragon was at its peak, it would have torn you to pieces with one claw."

Qingyan Monk glanced at Ming Lin, not even remotely angry. He still didn't bother to be angry with a spiritual pet. He continued: "Xu Yang, I'll give you ten breaths of time to think about it. It's still too late for you to turn around and leave now."

Xu Yang took a brief look and saw the colorful light curtain emitting from the "three-story altar" opposite.

"In the light curtain, there is clearly a passage, which should be the passage leading to the inner space of the altar. According to the markings on the map, this altar is the formation space set up here by the Yudao Sect thousands of years ago. It seems that what is in front of you is The three of them seem to be very interested in the formation space, and it must be related to the Shadow Organization's next plan. Although the Demon Saint is not here, as long as I disrupt the Shadow's plan, I can buy time for the North Territory. If we really fight against the three people on the opposite side, the person pretending to be Qingyan Monk has unfathomable skills and is a formidable opponent. I may not be able to take advantage of him. Should we fight or not?" Xu Yang thought in his mind. .

Seeing Xu Yang's hesitation, Qingyan Monk secretly sent a message to the other two people: "We don't have much time, don't waste time outside, follow me into this altar space."

Whoosh whoosh!

Qingyan Monk took the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo and plunged into the space passage of the three-story altar without looking back.

By the time Xu Yang recovered, the figures of the three people had disappeared.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "If you can get in, I, Xu Xiaoxian, can also get in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang's body turned into a phantom and disappeared. The next moment, he entered the passage under the colorful light curtain.

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