Instantly, the saint's power on the saint's bow resonated with the saint's power on the wooden hairpin in Qi Mu's hand.


The saint's bow trembled, and the colorful light on it immediately converged. The bowstring of the saint's bow, which was originally fully drawn, suddenly swung, and the powerful arrow shot back in the opposite direction.

Miraculously, the power of the unsent arrow swirled along the blood-stained wooden hairpin in Qi Mu's hand like a colorful dragon, rushed directly into the meridians of Qi Mu's arm, and then followed the meridians in his arm. Intruded into Qi Mu's body.

At this moment, Qi Mu had no ability to resist at all. He only felt that his body, which was in extreme pain, was as if it was invaded by powerful flames, and even his soul was burning.


With a scream, Qi Mu lost his voice.

The entire altar suddenly became quiet.

At this moment, the power of the first arrow shot at Zhan Yunfei was reduced by less than half because it did not have the continuous blessing of the saint's bow.

Zhan Yunfei fired several spells in succession, and took the opportunity to freeze it with the power of black ice. With a bang, the power of the bow and arrow turned into a large group of colorful light spots that rolled back and disappeared.

Zhan Yunfei panted and looked at the opposite side. He just saw clearly that the saint's bow had accumulated the power of a second arrow. He also saw that it was Senior Brother Qi Mu who risked his life to prevent the Saint's bow from launching for the second time. He also saw Senior Brother Qi Mu falling down covered in blood.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu!" Zhan Yunfei roared and rushed over.

In the blink of an eye, he came closer, Zhan Yunfei jumped and landed on the altar.

When he saw Qi Mu lying motionless on the ground, he simply couldn't bear to look at her.

The six blood holes on Qi Mu's back were still gurgling with hot blood, and the clothes on his back were in pieces. He still held the wooden hairpin tightly in his hand, and the other end of the wooden hairpin poked into the saint's bow.

Zhan Yunfei's vision suddenly became blurred, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu..." He called Qi Mu's name, ready to lean over and help Qi Mu up.

At this moment, Qi Mu, who was lying motionless on the altar, suddenly moved and exuded an aura that did not belong to him.

The next moment, Qi Mu's physical body bent down and stood up on its own, and the six blood holes on his back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qi Mu turned around, but he was holding the Saint's Bow tightly in his hand. His eyeballs turned blood red, showing a violent aura like a beast.

Facing each other, it is no longer the senior brother Qi Mu that Zhan Yunfei was familiar with. There is no kindness, no tenderness, only violence and killing.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, what's wrong with you?" Zhan Yunfei noticed something was wrong with Qi Mu. He called loudly and tried to put his hand on Qi Mu's shoulder to awaken Qi Mu's consciousness.

To Qi Mu on the opposite side, it was Zhan Yunfei's violation of him.

Suddenly, Qi Mu vigorously waved the saint's bow in his hand and swept towards Zhan Yunfei. Because the distance between the two of them was too close, even though Zhan Yunfei instinctively tiptoed and stepped back, he was still thrown over his left shoulder by the corner of the saint's bow.


As if hit by a heavy hammer, Zhan Yunfei's body flew backwards seven or eight feet away. He rested on the ground with the tip of the Ice Soul Sword before he could stand still. A sharp pain shot through his entire left arm as if he had been struck by an electric shock.

The force with which Qi Mu suddenly swung the saint's bow completely exceeded Qi Mu's original strength and was enough to break a hill.

If it weren't for Zhan Yunfei's body of ice soul, and his physical body was as strong as black ice, this would have resulted in the shattering of his shoulder bones.

Zhan Yunfei quickly activated the Xuan Bing Technique and used the power of ice soul to repair the pain on his shoulder. Visible waves of cold air came out of his shoulders, and the injuries to his flesh healed in an instant.

Just when Zhan Yunfei looked at Qi Mu opposite him with surprise.

A shocking force burst out from Qi Mu's body.

Qi Mu's hair was curled back, gray robes flew behind him, and circles of colorful power visible to the naked eye circled around Qi Mu's body.

"It's the power of the saint. Senior brother Qi Mu was counterattacked by the power of the saint on the saint's bow!" Zhan Yunfei immediately guessed Qi Mu's current situation.

But the next moment, the scene that Zhan Yunfei least wanted to see happened.

Qi Mu actually raised the saint's bow in his hand, pulled both arms, and the bow string was full of the moon.

Squeak, squeak, colorful auras whirling.

A colorful light arrow circled and quickly took shape on the bowstring, and the tip of the arrow pointed at Zhan Yunfei opposite.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, calm down! It's me, I'm your junior brother Zhan Yunfei!"

No matter how Zhan Yunfei called, Qi Mu on the opposite side showed no response.

"Those who trespass on the altar will be killed!"

Qi Mu's consciousness has actually been occupied by Saint Bow.

The next moment, Qi Mu's hand holding the bow string suddenly relaxed.


An arrow of seven-colored light suddenly shot out, a hundred-foot-high rainbow.

Maybe Qi Mu's body is not completely suitable for controlling the saint's bow, or maybe Qi Mu doesn't want to shoot Zhan Yunfei.

The power of this arrow grazed Zhan Yunfei's head.

Three hundred feet away, there was a bang, and a small hill was flattened to the ground by the force of this arrow in the blink of an eye.

The silver Xiaoyao scarf on Zhan Yunfei's head was also torn off by the strong wind caused by the bow and arrow, and fell helplessly to the ground. His long hair fell down like flying clouds.

Zhan Yunfei held the Ice Soul Sword in his right hand, and his whole arm was shaking. He whispered dreamily: "I can't take action against Senior Brother Qi Mu."

At this time, the saint's bow in Qi Mu's hand was raised again, the bow string was quickly pulled apart, and the colorful arrows on the bow string took shape again.

And Qi Mu's eyes looking at Zhan Yunfei became more and more bloodthirsty and determined. Zhan Yunfei clearly saw that the arrow from the opposite side was aimed at the center of his eyebrows without any deviation.

"Master, what are you doing? You can't save Senior Brother Qi Mu like this." At this moment, the voice of his ice clone came from the Ice Soul Sword in Zhan Yunfei's hand.

Zhan Yunfei felt as if cold water had been poured into his head. His whole body suddenly shivered and he suddenly sobered up a lot.

"I want to go over and rescue Senior Brother Qi Mu. If his body is completely taken over by Saint Bow, Senior Brother Qi Mu will have his soul shattered as if his body was taken away from him, and he will never be reincarnated. While Senior Brother Qi Mu's soul has not been completely taken over by the Saint, If the bow is taken away, as long as the saint's bow is taken away from Senior Brother Qi Mu, Senior Brother Qi Mu may be saved. "

With an accurate judgment, Zhan Yunfei narrowed his eyes, his eyes showing a fighting spirit as cold as an ice pool.

He pointed the Ice Soul Sword in his right hand towards the opposite side and shouted: "Give it back to me, Senior Brother Qi Mu."

The next moment, Zhan Yunfei activated his unique Xuan Bing magic skill, his feet were flying frost, his white robe was flying snow, like a flying fairy from the sky, the sword pointed directly at the saint's bow in Qi Mu's hand.

As a peak swordsman, Zhan Yunfei not only has excellent swordsmanship, but also has top-notch body skills. His figure was like snow blowing in the wind, sometimes spinning, sometimes flying, erratic, rootless but rooted, making it impossible for the "Qi Mu" on the opposite side to aim at him in time with the saint's bow in his hand.

Moreover, Zhan Yunfei has his own Mysterious Ice Domain, and any attack that comes close to his body will be blocked and interfered by the power of the Mysterious Ice emanating from the Mysterious Ice Domain.

Qi Mu held the saint's bow and shot three arrows in a row. The arrows flew hundreds of feet into the sky, ruthlessly and decisively.

Dang, there were two crisp sounds in succession, and the power of the first two arrows was interfered by Zhan Yunfei's Ice Soul Sword in his hand, causing them to miss the direction. But the third arrow grazed his cuff, and a hole was punched through the cuff of his white robe.

However, all this was planned by Zhan Yunfei. Only in this way could he get close to Qi Mu's body as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei had already rushed in front of Qi Mu. The Ice Soul Sword in his hand danced with a ball of sword flowers. The sword came out of flying frost and landed on the saint's bow in Qi Mu's hand.

Dang Dang Dang! Sparks flew everywhere.

A few freezing points fell on the surface of the saint's bow.

But Qi Mu's palm seemed to be growing together with the saint's bow, never relaxing at all.

The saint's bow is a treasure for long-distance combat. Naturally, it cannot exert its due power in close combat. Saiki, who lost his mind, instinctively held the saint's bow and made a series of chops.

Hoo ho ho!

The power of the bow sweep is as powerful as a thousand blows.

"It seems that we can only temporarily seal one of Senior Brother Qi Mu's arms, otherwise, we will not be able to wrest the Saint's Bow from his hand."

Thinking in his mind, the edge of the sword in Zhan Yunfei's hand changed again, the tip of the sword shook, and three balls of flying snow flew out.

Puff puff!

Qi Mu's right arm holding the saint's bow suddenly had three wounds that were only half an inch deep. The sword edge pierced the flesh but did not damage the muscles and bones, revealing a moderate amount of cold power that briefly sealed the meridians on Qi Mu's arm.

Zhan Yunfei's accurate control of the strength of his sword moves makes him worthy of being a peak swordsman.

Qi Mu's right arm was hit, the fingers of his right hand loosened, and the saint's bow fell to the ground with a clang.

The holy flowers flow on the surface of the saint's bow without a trace of dust.

Without the interference of Saint Gong's will, Qi Mu's eyes suddenly became clear.

He held his head with both hands and shouted in pain: "Don't hurt Junior Brother Zhan Yunfei, don't hurt Junior Brother Zhan Yunfei."

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a blood arrow, and his whole body collapsed to the ground.

Zhan Yunfei walked over quickly, knelt down, helped Qi Muban up, and blamed himself: "Senior brother Qi Mu, it's all my fault."

Saying that, Zhan Yunfei touched Qi Mu's pulse gate with his hand, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. Qi Mu has no pulse at all, which is the result of the rupture of his heart meridians.

It can be said that unless there is a life-changing elixir in hand, Qi Mu's life energy may dry up at any time.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu...your injury..." Zhan Yunfei burst into tears.

Then, Zhan Yunfei put a single palm on Qi Mu's shoulder and injected his own magic power into Qi Mu's body in an orderly manner, temporarily protecting his life force. Zhan Yunfei knew that he was helpless. But he still wanted Qi Mu to stay in this world for one more moment, even if it meant saying one more word to him or exchanging one more look.

After a moment, Qi Mu opened his eyes and saw himself lying on Zhan Yunfei's arm. He said angrily: "Junior brother Yunfei, I am really happy to be able to perform the mission with you."

Zhan Yunfei nodded vigorously and said, "Me too."

He forced a kind smile on his lips, but it was drowned by the tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

"Junior Brother Yunfei, you're fine." Qi Mu turned his head and glanced at the Saint's Bow that had fallen aside, "I read from the ancient books in the door that only those with the Haoran Heavenly Veins can control the Saint's Bow. I forgot about it just now. So, even if I am seriously injured and die, I don’t blame you. It’s my own bad memory.”

Zhan Yunfei didn't know how to answer, so he encouraged: "Brother Qi Mu, you will get better."

Qi Mu continued: "I know that you cultivated a Haoran Heavenly Vein not long ago. Bring that saint's bow over and let me see how it killed me. Ahem."

Qi Mu coughed.

"Okay, Senior Brother Qi Mu, I will bring you the Saint's Bow right now." Zhan Yunfei didn't know what Qi Mu meant, so he had to follow his orders.

Zhan Yunfei's consciousness moved, and the Haoran Heavenly Veins connecting his Tianling Gai and Zifu Space were running at full speed.

He made a move in the air with one hand, exerting great power, and the saint's bow was attracted and flew into his palm.

Sure enough, with the power of Haoran in Haoran's heavenly veins as a guide, it would not be corroded by the saint's bow at all.

The saint's bow was held coldly by Zhan Yunfei in his hand. In Zhan Yunfei's heart, this saint's bow was the murder weapon, the weapon that took away Senior Brother Qi Mu's precious life. He wished he could smash this bow to pieces to avenge Senior Brother Qi Mu.

"Sage Gong is here, Senior Brother Qi Mu, what are you going to do?" Zhan Yunfei asked.

Qi Mu glanced at the Saint's Bow, and then said: "It is indeed a good treasure. I hope you will treat it well in the future."

Zhan Yunfei was confused. As a weapon, the Saint's Bow is indeed a great weapon. But Zhan Yunfei already owned the Ice Soul Sword, and the Saint Bow was something that could hurt Senior Brother Qi Mu's life. It would be good if he didn't dismantle the Saint Bow, and he had no intention of taking it for himself.

I don't know where the energy came from, maybe it was the mana injected by Zhan Yunfei that helped Qi Mu. Qi Mutu pushed Yunfei away and stood up tremblingly.

"Senior brother, what are you doing?"

"Junior Brother Yunfei, don't you dislike me? I soiled your clothes." Qi Mu asked suddenly and strangely.

Zhan Yunfei glanced at the blood stains left by Qi Mu on his sleeves, and said quickly: "Brother Qi Mu, where did you start? In the face of life and death, you have repeatedly stepped up to take responsibility. I admire you and thank you. It’s not too late, how could I dislike you?”

"That's good." As he said that, Qi Mu took out a red talisman from his arms. He threw it with one hand, and the talisman accurately stuck to the surface of the saint's bow.

Then, Qi Mu made a hand seal, and his body suddenly shook.

With a bang, his whole body turned into a stream of fire and engulfed the red talisman attached to the surface of the saint's bow.

Qi Mu's last voice came from the saint's bow: "Junior brother Yunfei, let me accompany you to fight forever."

By the time Zhan Yunfei came to his senses, Qi Mu's figure had already disappeared in the flames.

On the surface of the saint's bow, there are two more words "Qi Mu" engraved on it.

Zhan Yunfei grasped the saint's bow tightly with both hands, feeling a warmth coming from it. He knew that it was Senior Brother Qi Mu who used the power of physical sacrifice to remove the murderous aura that had been on the Saint's Bow for thousands of years, making the Saint's Bow more suitable for him to use.




"What is a saint? It is not an unparalleled Confucian cultivation, nor is it a Confucian authority that is arrogant in the world. It is a fearless spirit like Senior Brother Qi Mu who sacrifices himself for others, dares to take responsibility, and always considers others." Zhan Yunfei said affectionately. Looking at the bow and arrow in his hand, he whispered.

And Zhan Yunfei's mood was filled with a permanently frozen chill, which was the regret of the death of Senior Brother Qi Mu.

From then on, this bow was named "Qi Mu" and became the real "saint's bow" in Zhan Yunfei's heart. The divine bow "Qi Mu" will also grow up with Zhan Yunfei and become a legend of a generation.

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