True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 665 Evil Cultivator Zhang San

By chance, under the leadership of Iron Face, the three evil cultivators passed through the huge digital maze as they wished.

When they looked back at the digital maze array, the huge digital maze had disappeared into a large white mist.

At this moment, a large screen of colorful light suddenly descended from the sky, cutting off their consciousness and sight.

After a moment, the colorful light curtain faded, and the scenery in front of the three evil cultivators changed again. They arrived in a brand new formation space.

To be precise, this is a dark world.

Flowers, plants, trees, mountains, rivers and land are all in the shape of ink, exuding a powerful aura that astonishes the viewer.

The amazing thing is that these scenery are all moving, flowing and changing like water. One moment it was a winding stream, and the next moment it was towering mountains; one moment it was flowers and grass, and the next moment it was a waterfall and a clear pool. One moment it was a little lotus with a sharp tip, and the next moment it was a flying fish hitting the water.

And the switching between these scenery is irregular, sometimes slow, sometimes fast.

Everything is extremely magical and full of unpredictability.

"What kind of place is this? Are we among calligraphy and painting?" the bald man said, touching his bare head.

"It's a black world." Iron Face said bluntly.

"Qingyan Monk" narrowed his eyes, carefully dispersed his consciousness, looked at it carefully, and then said: "This is one of the six arts of Confucianism, "Book". It is a kind of power of illusion. But the illusion of book is also It is different from ordinary illusions, which mostly use illusions to disrupt vision or hearing, thus causing illusions and fear in the person being cast. However, the power of writing is also known as the power of writing. It condenses an illusion with powerful attack power. Compared with ordinary illusions, the power of writing is more focused on the effect of the attack, making it difficult for people to guard against it. Therefore, we must be extra careful in every next step. "

"Let me first release the spirit insects to test. Most illusions are targeted at people. For spirit insects, most illusions are ineffective." The bald man "Flying Insect Venerable" said.

"Since you are so confident, it's up to you to test it out. Don't make it self-defeating. The power of writing and condensation in front of you relies on a large formation. If it really activates, the three of us will be in trouble. Our mission is to find The demon pattern left here by the demons thousands of years ago, "Qingyan Monk" instructed.

"Please rest assured, Sir, I will be careful next time." The bald man responded respectfully.

Although this was the first time he had heard of the word magic pattern, the bald man knew that whatever Lord Shadow was interested in would be unpredictable, and it was not something he could speculate on.

The bald man first carefully observed his surroundings. He stretched out a hand, turned his palm, and dozens of flying insects that were only the size of rice grains appeared in his palm. These flying insects are translucent, but they are not the flying mosquito-shaped spiritual insects usually used by bald men. Their appearance is closer to bees, but much smaller.

Then, the bald man squeezed out a drop of blood on the fingertips of his other hand and dropped it on the insects in his palm.

Those little bugs smelled the smell of blood and immediately became excited. They crowded together and devoured it with big mouthfuls. In the blink of an eye, the drop of essence and blood was eaten up.

Next, the bald man chanted the secret words to control the insect spirit: "Insect spirit, guided by my blood, can go to heaven and earth, omnipotent..."

I saw dozens of small bee spirit insects flying up from the palm of the bald man's hand.

They first circled around the bald man's head, then spread their wings and flew in all directions. They are so small that they cannot be detected, their voices are slightly inaudible, and there is almost no spiritual energy fluctuation emanating from the body.

Sure enough, those little bee spirit insects were not disturbed by the surrounding ink world and went straight in the direction designated by the bald man's consciousness.

When the bald man saw that his little bee spirit worms were successfully released, a smile appeared on his originally nervous face and he said: "Your Majesty, these bee spirit worms of mine have just sucked a drop of my blood essence. And my drop of essence blood There is the aura of the demonic elixir given by Lord Shadow. As long as there are fluctuations of demonic spiritual power in this space, these spiritual insects of mine will always find it."

"Qingyan Monk" didn't answer, just nodded. What he wanted was the result.

Then, the bald man sat cross-legged in a serious manner, closing his eyes and calming down, keeping his mind intact.

After a moment, one of his hands turned into the shape of a sword finger, and a little white light flashed across his eyebrows.

The caterpillar pattern on his bald head suddenly began to twist like a living creature. Its appearance is 30% ridiculous and 70% terrifying.

Immediately, a special wave of spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide from the sea of ​​consciousness under his heavenly spirit cover. Invisibly and continuously communicating with the messages sent back by the bugs released before.

The bald man's ears seemed to hear the buzzing sound returned by those little bees and insects, so subtle that it was almost impossible to detect it.

After a moment, the bald man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sparkling with light.

He quickly stood up, without having time to straighten his clothes, walked quickly to Qingyan Monk, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Sir, there is a huge demonic power undulating twenty miles to the east of here. Maybe we are looking for The magic pattern is there."

Qingyan Monk said seriously: "It's not possible, are you sure?"

"Please rest assured, sir. These dozens of bee spirit insects of mine may seem inconspicuous, but I have painstakingly selected them out of billions of bee insects. Their detection power is within thirty miles, and they can't detect anything." Something will go wrong. I can vouch for that with my bald head.”

Qingyan Monk glanced at the bald man, and his eyes paused on the caterpillar pattern on his bare head. He thought to himself, your bald head is only worth the price of a worm.

Then, Qingyan Monk looked at the two people in front of him and said: "I received a military order from Lord Shadow for this action. If it fails, my head will be moved. Lord Shadow usually treats us well, but now This mission is a secret mission that the Master of Shadows has been planning for many years, and there must be no room for failure. It takes a thousand days to raise troops, but if this mission fails, what's the use of having your two heads on your neck?"

The words of "Qingyan Monk" were like imposing a military order on the bald man and the iron face. The bald man and the iron face on the side were frightened and did not dare to say anything.

"Qingyan Monk" looked towards the east, and then said: "Without further ado, let's go take a look. Lord Fei Chong, please lead the way."

"As commanded."

The bald man "Venerable Flying Insect" carefully led the way, followed by Qingyan Monk and Iron Face.

As the bald man walked, he kept throwing out spells one after another, trying to locate and communicate the location and information of the little bee spirit insects released before at any time.

In this way, the three of them walked ten miles towards the east. Although the ink-colored scenery around them changed suddenly, they did not launch any attacks on the three of them for the time being.

But the three "Qingyan Monks" have always been vigilant. They knew in their hearts that the ink flowing around them was a poisonous snake, which looked soft and soft. If it really attacked, it would probably be a fatal blow.

"Stop first." Qingyan Monk suddenly said.

"Qingyan Monk" stopped and looked towards the east.

The bald man leading the way and the iron-faced man behind him quickly stopped.

Qingyan Monk looked at the bald man and the iron-faced man with a serious expression and said, "I'll say it again, there is no room for failure in the next mission. Otherwise, the moment the mission fails, you two will be buried together."

The Qingyan Monk's words were like nails that could kill someone. When they heard it in the ears of the bald man and the iron-faced man, it was as if they were nailed into their hearts. They both couldn't help but trembled at the same time.

The two of them stood in front of Qingyan Monk in a dignified manner, not daring to breathe, and completely lacking the evil domineering aura that an evil cultivator should have.

In the face of absolute power, even the evil tiger will turn into a timid kitten.

But when Qingyan Monk raised one hand, a ball of black energy rose up.

The black energy subsided, and a dark ghost flag appeared. The ghost flag was about ten feet high, with light golden ghost runes flowing on its surface, and it made a slight whining sound. I don't know if someone was crying, or the ghost flag scared away the passing breeze.

It is the magic weapon of the Thousand Faced Ghost, the Seven Evil Ghost Flags.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyan Monk made a secret with one hand and pointed towards the ghost banner on the opposite side.

The ghost flag trembled, and a large cloud of black ghost mist immediately spat out from the surface. The ghost mist rolled and outlined the head of a huge two-horned evil ghost.

The next moment, the two-horned devil opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely.

A black wind swirled across Qingyan Monk's body.

As soon as the black wind subsided, Qingyan Monk disappeared, and in his place came "Zhang San", who had an unattractive appearance and a pair of small eyes like soybeans.

Then, Zhang San made a move with one hand, and the Seven Evil Ghost Flag turned into a black light and was taken back to his body.

At this moment, Zhang San looked like an ordinary person, but his eyes revealed the aura of an evil cultivator.

"Is this the true form of Lord Right Envoy?" the bald man muttered in his heart.

"Your Majesty the Right Envoy is truly a ruthless Thousand-faced Ghost. I wonder how many people he has taken as ghost slaves." Tie Lian thought to himself.

"Qingyan Monk" is a ghost slave that I have recently conquered. There is no room for any mistakes in the following battle. To be on the safe side, I will act this way for the time being. You two, stop staring at me, this is not my identity. Everyone who has seen my true form is now dead. "Zhang San said.

The bald man and the iron-faced man said in shock at the same time: "Evil cultivator!"

Next, Zhang San flipped his wrist, and there was a purple demon jade pendant in his palm.

When the magic power is activated, there seems to be a purple snake swimming on the demon jade pendant, and it makes a subtle buzzing sound.

"There is indeed a demonic aura in front, but we are not sure yet that it is the demonic mark we are looking for." "Zhang San" said.

"Your Majesty, you are right," the bald man said, touching his bald head with his hand.

The bald man secretly rejoiced: "My head has been saved for the time being. With the evil temper of the Right Envoy, if I am wrong, I am afraid that even if I have ten heads, he will take them off."

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