True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 667 The Legend of the Wood Demon

Two giant black tigers soared into the sky, crashing down like two giant black mountains.

The ink wind is armored, the void is trembling, and it is unstoppable.

Before Mo Hu arrived, the downward force of the wind was already beating the ground, making it rumble.

The Wood Demon Girl standing below looked so small compared to the two hundred-foot black tigers that pounced down.

But Wood Demon Girl didn't panic at all. She first used her hand to stir up her long green hair, and it swayed in the wind like green satin.

"No matter how bluffing they are, they are just two kittens." Wooden Demon Girl said in a joking tone.

But her heart was already tense, and the powerful pressure exerted by the two black tigers already made her feel dangerously close.

When masters compete, they must remain calm under any circumstances. Panic means exposing weakness and the result of failure.

The Wood Demon Girl stretched out her slender jade fingers and turned them into the shape of sword fingers, and placed them accurately between her eyebrows. A flash of emerald green light flashed, and there was an inch-sized ivy mark between her eyebrows.

The ivy mark is like a green peacock spreading its feathers, emitting a green light.

In an instant, the Wood Demon Girl's Kung Fu aura suddenly increased greatly.

For a moment, around the Wood Demon Girl, the demonic wind surged and the green sea roared. That was her demon realm, the Wood Demon Realm.

At this moment, the body of Mu Yaoji was borrowed by Duan Muling. Becoming one with the channeled demon spirit is something that only Duanmu Ling can easily accomplish.

Duanmu Ling was born with a wood spirit body, and the number of spiritual veins in her body was actually eleven.

Under normal circumstances, ten spiritual veins are already a symbol of the highest cultivation talent. The eleventh extra spiritual vein in Duanmu Ling's body also has the talent of devouring the opponent's soul power.

You must know that different monks have completely different natures of soul power and soul fluctuations. Therefore, when cultivators use their soul power to fight against each other, they often face each other with the tip of a needle. There will be no compromise at all, let alone capturing and devouring the opponent's soul power.

Duanmuling can do it easily because he has the eleventh spiritual vein.

If Duan Muling was born into a big cultivation family, he would definitely be trained like a genius. But Duanmuling was just an ordinary mortal tribe born in the Southern Territory.

Her mother got seriously ill after giving birth to little Duan Muling, and unfortunately left her within a few years, but her father always loved Duan Muling.

But as Duanmuling grew up, when she was five years old, she became different.

Wherever Duanmu Ling appears, the flowers will bloom extraordinarily brightly, and the vegetation will be very lush. When the people in the tribe discovered her talent, they made little Duanmuling stay in the crop field all day just a few days before the tribe's crops were harvested.

The tribe's harvest was twice as much as usual.

Therefore, people in the tribe will not go hungry. Everyone says that little Duanmuling is the reincarnation of the goddess.

Two years later, when little Duanmuling turned seven.

Something happened that changed her fate.

Because she could not freely control the eleventh spiritual vein in her body, her spiritual vein went wild and hurt people of her own race.

When her spiritual veins rage, green vines will overflow from her body and swallow up the souls of other tribesmen, causing their death.

As Xiao Duan Muling grew up, accidents involving his spiritual veins running out became more and more frequent.

Therefore, she was regarded as the reincarnation of a demon snake by her fellow tribesmen, saying that she was possessed by a snake demon. More and more tribesmen began to hate her.

She is no longer a goddess, but a witch.

After a spiritual explosion, Duanmu Ling, who was still just a child, was tied up by the priests of the clan and prepared to use the power of fire to drive out the snake demon inside Duanmu Ling.

That night, Xiao Duanmuling was tied to the altar specially used to worship the gods in the clan.

"Spirit of heaven and earth, god of fire, please get rid of the snake demon in this child..."

The priestess in black robes danced and chanted strange curses. She also held a burning torch in her hand. The torch was burning with ruthless flames, reflecting the dark and terrifying face of the priest.

Little Duanmuling was a little frightened and cried: "Father, help me. I don't want to be burned to death."

His father stood not far away with a complicated expression. Seeing his daughter's panic, he felt at a loss. This tall man knelt down directly in front of the altar like a sheep, and kept praying: "My most beloved forest god, please save my child and drive away the snake demon in her body."

The daughter is helpless, and so is the father.

The daughter's tears flowed down her face, and her father's tears stayed in his heart.

"Puff". The priestess opened her mouth and spit out a tongue of fire that fell on little Duanmuling's body.


Little Duanmuling let out a scream.

At the next moment, the power of the wood spirit in her body instinctively launched a resistance, and circles of verdant green spiritual power circled and danced on her body. That abominable mortal fire could not harm little Duanmuling at all, and extinguished itself in the blink of an eye.

"She, she is really a monster." The priestess said with a twisted look on her face.

At this moment, Duanmuling's wood spirit body resonated with the power of the forest totem, and unexpectedly attracted the powerful Wood Demon Girl.

The Wood Demon Girl rolled up a ball of green mist and took Duan Muling away.

From that day on, there was no longer a legend about the snake demon in Duanmuling's tribe.

A few years later, there was a frightened wood demon in the Southern Territory.


in the real world.

Duanmuling faced the powerful attack of two hundred-foot black tigers and launched the wood demon's counterattack.

The enchanting green, the enchanting woman, the enchantress of wood.

"The Demonic Technique of Wooden Vine!"

In the large wood demon realm in front of the Wood Demon Girl, the demonic atmosphere is strong, the green feathers are rolling, and the earth is rumbling.

Immediately afterwards, the ground rock and earth collapsed, and tough green vines emerged from underneath. Those vines are like thrown spears, there are tens of thousands of them, with strange green runes flowing on the surface. Each handle is comparable to a magic weapon, many times harder than a copper-iron spear.

The next moment, the Wooden Spear Formation counterattacked against the two giant black tigers that fell from the sky.

"Puff puff puff puff... puff puff puff puff..."

The two giant tigers, which were a hundred feet long, were immediately pierced with thousands of holes, and their bodies were covered with vine spears. From a distance, it looks like two giant cactus hanging in the air.

The huge figures of the two black tigers became blurred, and they were on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, the whole space shook.

The two ink tigers that seemed to be about to collapse had countless ink dots swirling on their bodies, as if they had been re-outlined with new pen and ink. After a while, their bodies became solid again.

But at the next moment, countless green arcs popped out from the surface of the wooden vine spears inserted into the two black tigers, and the powerful wood spirit devouring power suddenly exploded.

The connection between Mo Hu and the power of "Writing Condensation" in the space formation was instantly severed.

"Bang bang!"

With two loud noises, the two hundred-foot black tigers had no time to scream, and turned into ink-colored light spots all over the sky, rolling back and disappearing without a trace.

The emerald green light spots on the surface of Wood Demon Fairy's body dazzled, and when the light spots converged, Duan Mu Ling's true body appeared, while Wood Enchantress disappeared.

At this moment, Duanmuling didn't show any signs of fatigue. After absorbing Mo Hu's powerful soul power, her physical strength was faintly enhanced.

Terrifying talent, the legend of the wood demon.

"Sister Mu Yao Ji, let's play together next time." Duan Muling said towards the disappearing green on the opposite side.

"Sister Duanmu Ling, you must find a strong man as your opponent next time. A tiger or something like that is so boring..." Wooden Demon Girl's response came from the void and gradually faded away.

Duanmuling turned around, walked up to Thousand-faced Ghost Zhang San, and said respectfully: "Master, I have sent away that kitten for you."

"Very good. You are my most valued ghost slave. You have never let me down in every action you take, and you are not in vain for the freedom I give you."

After saying this, the Thousand-Faced Ghost unfolded the ghost flag in his hand, and ghost mist rolled over it, revealing the shadow of an evil ghost with two horns and a wide mouth.

The evil ghost's shadow suddenly sucked in, and Duanmu Ling's body turned into a stream of green light and was introduced into his mouth. After that, the double-horned evil ghost made no sound, hid itself in the ghost flags again, and disappeared.

Thousand-faced Ghost Zhang San thought to himself: "Duanmu Ling, every time I call you out, you will become stronger. If this continues, sooner or later, you will surpass me. However, do you think that you can become Qi Qi? The next owner of the Ghost Banner?"

The Seven Evil Ghost Banner is a ghost weapon and an evil weapon. It was originally a forbidden object of the Heavenly Ghost Sect and is said to come from the distant underworld.

Although it is an evil weapon, the Qisha Ghost Banner is a real Xuantian spiritual treasure.

It can accommodate the souls of up to seven people at the same time, which means that up to seven people can be hidden in the ghost banner at the same time. The seven souls in the ghost banner have masters and subordinates. The one with the most powerful soul will become the master, and the remaining six will become slaves, that is, ghost slaves. As the master, one can control the remaining six at will, occupy their souls and completely control the body and consciousness of the ghost slaves. Of course, he can also decide their life and death. In addition, the master can also give the ghost slaves a certain degree of freedom and let them act according to their own consciousness. The remaining six souls are not without a chance. Once they surpass the strongest one one day, they can counterattack and become the master of Onibata, while the original master will become a humble ghost slave.

Right now, Thousand-faced Ghost Zhang San is the current owner of the Seven Evil Ghost Banners. Duanmu Ling, who was summoned by him, was originally the fourth great evil cultivator on the list of evil cultivators, only one place behind Thousand-faced Ghost, who was ranked third.

Duanmuling and Thousand-faced Ghost are also quite close in strength. Therefore, although the Thousand-faced Ghost will give Duanmu Ling a certain degree of freedom, under normal circumstances, it will not let Duanmu Ling stay outside the ghost banner for too long.

Otherwise, don't look at it on the surface that Duan Muling is respectful to the Thousand-Faced Ghost. Once given the opportunity, Duanmu Ling will not hesitate to kill the Thousand-faced Ghost.

Everyone wants to be a master who controls their destiny, not a slave whose life and death are controlled by others.


Thousand-faced Ghost summoned Duan Muling and destroyed Mo Hu who was blocking the way in just two rounds. However, Thousand Faced Ghost's keen insight told him that this was not the true power of the "Writing Condensation" power in the formation space.

Thousand-faced Ghost looked around, and the ink-colored scenery in the formation space made no move to attack the three of them again.

"Let's move on." Thousand-Faced Ghost said.

The three evil cultivators continued to move forward in the established direction.

After a moment of burning incense, they saw a surprising scene.

It was a huge mountain outlined in ink and wash, with a height of 100,000 feet. It reached the sky and the earth, and its aura poured out like the sky and the sea hanging upside down. Even if the viewer looked up, he would not be able to see the full picture.

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