True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 679 One-eyed Ghost King

At this moment, the entire space in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave suddenly began to tremble violently.


On the surface of the earth, the soil collapsed, as if there were earth dragons rolling in it.

In the sky, there was lightning and thunder, as if Lei Peng was working in it.

There was huge friction between the powerful demonic power overflowing from the center of the formation and the original defensive restrictions of the formation.

Purple gas is billowing, purple light is flying around, and purple lightning is like claws.

The space restrictions within the formation were shaking, and water-like ripples even appeared in the void.

"No, it's a space fluctuation. The formation space is distorted. The three of us need to get closer to avoid being scattered." Master Li reminded loudly.

Space distortion, space storm, space vortex, and space black hole are all huge dangers that can make people fall into them and never escape.

For most monks, it is extremely dangerous. Only a true immortal who understands the power of space laws can control the space tear caused by space distortion.

If the space distortion in the formation in front of us exceeds the space capacity of the formation, space explosions and space storms will occur.

Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang were also well aware of the risks involved. After hearing the words, they immediately moved closer to Master Li's location.


At this moment, a human ghost howl sounded. The already tense emotions of the three people were tightened by another three points like a bowstring.

Astonishingly, a one-eyed ghost king jumped out of nowhere due to the fluctuations in the formation space. With a thud, his feet slammed on the ground. Amidst the flying dust, they stood opposite the three of them.

The dust dispersed, revealing the clear figure of the one-eyed ghost king.

This one-eyed ghost king is ten feet tall, with red and dry skin, slender limbs, and giant claws like hooks. It has a huge single eye on its face, which occupies less than half of its face, so that its nose is pressed under the eye, leaving only two nostrils for breathing.

At this moment, purple spiritual light emitted from the eyes of the one-eyed ghost king, and purple demonic energy overflowed from his body. Obviously, this one-eyed ghost king has also been demonized by the power of demon spirits.

"No, it's a ghost beast at the level of a ghost king. If you directly store it with the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror, I'm afraid it will take some effort, but now that the space of the formation is fluctuating, it will be difficult to do it." Master Li just looked at the one-eyed man opposite. The Ghost King could accurately determine the opponent's level in a timely manner with just one glance.

Master Li's real name is Li Zhen. He is the elder in charge of the library in the Tiangui Sect. He can be said to have read all the ghost classics. In addition, the "Soul Burial Treasure Mirror" he cultivated is a treasure specially designed to deal with ghosts and spirits. In the Tiangui Sect, Master Li is also known as the "Living Ghost Book".

As soon as the one-eyed ghost king noticed Master Li and the three people opposite him, he immediately stretched out his scarlet slender tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, while a murderous look flashed in the one-eyed eye on his face.

The next moment, the one-eyed ghost king rushed directly towards where the three of them were.

Hoo ho ho!

Nuo Da's ghost claws waved one after another, and red fire flowed on the tips of the claws, burning and tearing the void apart like a huge flame god.

It turned out to be a ghost king with a fire attribute physique.

Thousands of years ago, the Tiangui Sect set up the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Formation in the Green Fire Demon Realm in order to deal with the powerful demon army.

The Tiangui Sect placed a large number of ghosts in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave as the formation spirits of the formation. Most of these ghosts are mutated ghosts raised by the Tiangui Sect in the Ghost Spirit Tower, and can also be called ghost pets.

Ghost pets are different from real ghosts. Real ghosts are born in another interface called the Netherworld. Ghosts need to survive in an environment with extremely strong ghost power for a long time. Ghost pet is just a special spirit pet with some ghost characteristics and talents.

Ghost pets are weaker than real ghosts in terms of their physique and combat power.

Thousands of years ago, in order to set up a large array of forbidden arts like Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. The Tiangui Sect even used forbidden psychic techniques to attract some real ghosts from the Netherworld and place them in this formation.

The one-eyed Fire Ghost King that suddenly appeared in front of Master Li and the other two people was a real ghost. Its powerful combat power is comparable to the powerful spirits channeled by Daoming realm monks, and is even more cruel and violent.

The one-eyed fire ghost king suddenly attacked.

His body leaped up like a tiger, and he suddenly dropped down with a pair of huge ghost claws.

The ghost claws left traces and the red fire exploded, comparable to a full blow from a fire-attribute magic weapon.

"Everyone, disperse quickly." Master Li shouted.

Master Li tapped his toes on the ground and showed the Soul Burial Treasure Book in his hand. At the same time, he silently recited the curse of not transmitting ghosts in his heart: "Baojian ghosts, listen to my driving, sweep the wind and ghost wings, come out!"

The next moment, golden light flashed on the surface of the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror, and a pair of golden wings about ten feet in size appeared. Without stopping for a moment, the pair of golden wings flapped, and golden ghost runes spurted out.

With a shout, a strong golden ghost wind blew up. Master Li used the power of this ghost wind to fly out upside down. In the blink of an eye, he was more than ten feet away.

Ning Lin'er on the side raised the white formation flag in her hand, and a white whirlwind swirled above the formation flag, and then dexterously circled around Ning Lin'er's body.

A white luan with a long neck and white feathers appeared on the surface of the whirlwind, emitting a dazzling spiritual light.

"Array Flag Technique White Bird Rotor Wing!"

The next moment, only three or two falling white feathers were left on the spot, and Ning Lin'er's body had already appeared seven or eight feet away.

Hong Haitang first glanced at Ning Lin'er, who was already dodging, and then confidently activated the fire escape technique.

"Fire Release Touka Hokage!"

A red spiritual light flashed under her feet, and flames that looked like begonia flowers appeared. With a hula, the whole person seemed to be flying with fire, and the body was half tilted and flew away, leaving only a line of fire on the ground.


There was a loud noise, fire exploded into the sky, and the soil collapsed and rolled backwards.

Where the three of them had just landed, a three-foot-sized pit appeared. Clusters of fire roared in the middle of the pit, and the soil was instantly scorched.

The one-eyed Fire Ghost King shook his head and searched for the target with one ghost eye.

At this moment, the space distortion in the formation became more and more intense.

"Buzz buzz!"

The space folded, and Master Li, Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang disappeared out of thin air in front of the one-eyed Fire Ghost King.

The one-eyed Fire Ghost King shook his head back and forth, fire breath flying around his head, and his one-eyed purple eye was full of surprise.


Xu Yang and Zhan Yunfei had just entered the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Formation.

At this moment, violent fluctuations in the formation space suddenly occurred.

"It's the violent fluctuations in the formation space. It's better for you and me not to be separated. Only by working together to deal with the next challenge will the risk be minimized." Xu Yang suggested loudly.

"Okay." Zhan Yunfei responded simply.

The two are back to back, one green and one white, with youthful temperament and brilliance.

Waves of turbulent space flow, as if invisible hands are tearing apart the formation space. Large water-like ripples appeared in the void, and the space was distorted and chaotic.

Zhan Yunfei glanced out of the corner of his eye and was immediately attracted by a jumping red color around the corner.

The shadow of a person was reflected in the twisted space ripples, that was a woman in red.

"Is it her? Red Begonia!"

The past events between him and Hong Begonia flashed through Zhan Yunfei's mind.

For the first time, Zhan Yunfei discovered that Hong Haitang went to Fangshi near Yudaomen to exchange information with spies from the Tiangui Sect who had infiltrated Yudaomen. Therefore, Zhan Yunfei chased Red Begonia all the way to Piaoyun Peak.

Hong Haitang lost to Zhan Yunfei, but was rescued by Ning Tianqi who came out halfway. Ning Tianqi inflicted internal injuries on Zhan Yunfei with one move. Not only did Hong Haitang not add insult to injury, she also took out Ning Tianqi's unique wound medicine to help Zhan Yunfei recover from his injuries. It can be said to be a show of affection. Zhan Yunfei, who was in a cold mood, also unknowingly developed a liking for Hong Begonia.

The second time, when the Tiangui Sect and the Yu Dao Sect joined forces to deal with the incident where monks from the Southern Region raided the Piaoyun Peak ruins. Under the guidance of Ning Tianqi, Zhan Yunfei solved the siege of Hong Haitang by Rong Ming, a monk from the southern region. This made Hong Haitang like Zhan Yunfei even more.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei clearly saw the figure of Red Begonia reflected in the fluctuations of space. Red Begonia looked slightly flustered, obviously in an uncontrollable danger.

Without any hesitation, Zhan Yunfei tapped his toes on the ground, white robe flying with snow, and flew straight towards the direction where the shadow of Red Begonia appeared.

Perhaps Red Begonia has lived in Zhan Yunfei's heart for a long time. Therefore, when he saw that Red Begonia was in danger, Zhan Yunfei rushed over without hesitation.

"Fellow Taoist Xu Yang, I'm going to help someone over there." Zhan Yunfei said the words without looking back.

When Xu Yang turned around, Zhan Yunfei's figure had disappeared into the fluctuations of space on the opposite side. Xu Yang tried to follow him again, but it was already too late.

After a while, the vibration in the space stopped, the restlessness of the demonic power in the center of the formation temporarily calmed down, and the entire Ten Thousand Ghost Cave formation also stabilized.

At this moment, Xu Yang was alone.

"Are there any old friends Zhan Yunfei knows in this formation?" Xu Yang said to himself.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, spoke: "Master Xu Yang, I saw it. She was a beautiful girl in red clothes. She was probably Zhan Yunfei's lover. Just like Master, you also have several lovers. I heard Miss Hibiscus, Miss Lin'er, Miss A'Zhu and Miss Yin Mengting I have met. I believe that with your suave and talented appearance, we will become more and more friends with you."

Xu Yang glanced at Ming Lin and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Is this little immortal so carefree? Those are all confidants, do you know?"

"Yes, they are confidants, the more the merrier. When I was in the demon spirit world, I liked that little girl from Princess White Dragon, hehe." Ming Lin said with a proud look on his face.

Xu Yang ignored Ming Lin and raised his eyes to look around.

Only then did he realize that after the spatial changes just now, his spatial position had changed.

The ghostly atmosphere around him became even stronger, and gray mist filled the space, making it difficult to easily identify the direction.

Xu Yang simply activated his Yan Ling Dharma Eyes, and there were red flames jumping in his eyes, and he could see everything within a radius of dozens of feet.

"Master Xu Yang, there seems to be someone fighting over there. Would you like to go over and take a look." Ming Lin stretched out his nose and sniffed.

Ming Lin's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, especially to the fluctuations in spiritual power caused by fighting.

Xu Yang looked in the direction indicated by Ming Lin, and then said: "There is indeed someone over there, and it is the spiritual power fluctuation of the Ghost Dao technique. They are probably disciples of the Tiangui Sect. Let's go and take a look first."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of fire behind Xu Yang, and a pair of red fire wings suddenly unfolded.


The fire wings spread out from behind, and the man flew out.

"Fight, fight, fight..." Ming Lin, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said excitedly.

The violent little black guy is indispensable wherever there is a fight.

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