True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 818 Blood Tiger

In an instant, hundreds of evil spirit tigers were trapped in the red blood and purple electric killing array activated by Xu Yang.

Xu Yang suddenly squatted down and pressed his hands tightly on the ground in front of him. The Buddha Spiritual Vein, Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, Daoguo Spiritual Vein and Haoran Heavenly Vein in his body are all running together.

Pure mana poured into the killing formation at his feet like a river, causing the huge killing formation to shake.

A hundred miles in radius has turned into a barrier, a barrier full of fire and electricity, a killing barrier.

With the activation of Xu Yang's magic power, the fire breath and purple lightning were circling and twisting together in the red blood and purple lightning killing array.

Fire borrowed electricity, electricity borrowed fire, and in a blink of an eye, fire and electric tornadoes appeared, numbering in the hundreds.

Each of these fire and electricity tornadoes is hundreds of feet in size.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and hundreds of fire and electricity tornadoes strangled the hundreds of evil spirit tigers in the array like a huge electric fire sword array.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

The sound of explosions is endless, the fire and lightning are whirling, the strong wind is sweeping, and the evil atmosphere is completely shattered.

The bodies of the hundreds of evil tigers collapsed one after another, turning into an evil atmosphere that could not escape. The roaring sound swallowed up their wails.

It's a long story, from the time Xu Yang launched the killing array to the time he completely slaughtered more than a hundred evil spirit tigers, it only took a dozen breaths.


In a dark corner of Xie Fen Depression, the boy in yellow shirt and the cute cat in his arms were trembling.

"What is this guy going to do? He actually destroyed my hundred evil tigers in one go. Without the evil tigers, I can't see or hear their situation now. Will they rush over and kill us two?" "The boy in yellow shirt's face was livid, as if someone had slapped him in the mouth several times, and he was extremely depressed.

The evil spirit Baihu, which he is good at controlling, has never failed in thousands of years. The pride of the past thousands of years was wiped away by Xu Yang's killing array move.

"Ai-ai-" The cute cat in the yellow-shirted boy's arms stretched out its claws and scratched the back of the yellow-shirted boy's hand fiercely, while making a strange cry.

On the back of the hand of the young man in yellow shirt, there were deep blood marks scratched by the cute cat, with bright red bleeding out.

The young man in yellow shirt may have felt the pain on the back of his hand. He retracted his hand and said, "Xiaohu, thank you for reminding me. As long as the evil atmosphere is there, I cannot be defeated. I can start again." To conjure up hundreds of evil tigers, I only need a hundred more hairs on your body.”

As he said that, the boy in yellow shirt grabbed the cute cat by the neck and pulled it hard.

Look -, the cute cat screamed, and a bald patch appeared on its neck.

The boy in yellow shirt rubbed the bunch of cat hair back and forth on the wound on the back of his hand, and silently recited the evil curse in his heart: "Soul and blood are sacrifices, blood and soul are matchmakers, evil tiger spirits, listen to my command... "

The huge evil spirit depression suddenly trembled, and the remaining evil atmosphere began to roll, and the shape of a tiger was vaguely visible.


As Xu Yang's magic power was withdrawn, the red blood and purple electric killing array suddenly converged.

Almost at the same time, the black boy Zhang Li slapped the spiritual pet bag on his waist with his right hand, and a black light flew out. The black light faded, revealing his spiritual pet, the three-eyed bear.

As soon as Naha Bear appeared, he sniffed it with his nose first. His eyes were fixed in one direction, bloodthirsty flashing in his eyes, and he whined lowly.

"Found it." Hei Xiao Zhang Li's eyes turned cold, "Hei Dan, let's go."

The black boy jumped onto the back of the three-eyed bear.

The three-eyed tyrant bear chased the wind with four claws, carrying Black Boy Zhang Li and running wildly in one direction. The speed was so fast that the shadows of the man and the bear could not be seen clearly, only a black whirlwind was visible.

In the blink of an eye, the three-eyed bear carried Hei Xiao Zhangli and ran a thousand feet away.

"Barbaric Technique—Bear Crash!"

Suddenly, a shadow of a dozens-foot-tall Tyrant Bear suddenly appeared outside the three-eyed Tyrant Bear.


A huge explosion sound was heard, and the counterattacking wind swept across ten miles.


As if the space was shattered, transparent fragments flew away at the collision point.

After the fragments, the boy in yellow shirt who was casting a spell and the cute cat in his arms were forced to appear.

The boy in yellow shirt's spellcasting was interrupted. In a panic, he took his cute cat in one hand and ran away.

The black boy standing on the back of the three-eyed bully bear stood up and shouted: "Coward! Where are you running?"

The word "coward" entered the ears of the boy in yellow shirt, and his running pace suddenly stopped. He slowly turned his head, bared his teeth and spoke angrily, looking like an evil beast, "Who are you calling a coward?"

The word coward was like three extremely sharp swords, piercing the deepest part of the heart of the boy in yellow.

More than a thousand years ago.

Southern Tyrannical Beast Alliance, Tyrant Tiger Tribe.

A young man in a yellow shirt who was only about ten years old was holding a sharp short knife in his hand, the tip of the knife reflecting dazzling light in the sun.

Opposite the boy in yellow shirt was a white lamb tied to a wooden stake. On the head of the white lamb was a pair of horns that were only about an inch in size. The surface of the horns was wrapped several times with old cloth strips, completely losing their lethality.

The boy in yellow shirt looked at the lamb opposite, his eyes flickered, and he whispered in his mouth: "You sheep, I, Hudun, will be the future number one warrior of the Tyrannical Tiger tribe. You surrender to me now, Mr. Hudun, I Just consider sparing your life. Otherwise, the dagger in my hand will bleed."

The white lamb looked at the boy in yellow shirt talking to himself without any fear. Instead, it shook the horns on its head and threw it to the ground with its hooves. If it hadn't been tied with a rope, it might have rushed over. It used its horn to butt the boy in yellow shirt opposite.

After trying several times, the white lamb couldn't break free from the rope, so it simply ignored the boy in yellow shirt.

The hand of the boy in yellow shirt holding the dagger kept trembling. A dagger weighed a hundred pounds and kept pushing down the arm holding the knife.

The young man in yellow shirt burst into tears from the corners of his eyes in such anxiety. The tears rushed into his nose and into his mouth. They were salty and astringent, the taste of a coward.

"I'm not a coward..." the boy in yellow yelled wildly, but his hand holding the dagger dropped, feeling extremely heavy.

His mind filled with the sounds of his fellow tribesmen laughing at him.

"Hu Dun is a coward."

"He also dreams of becoming a warrior of our Decepticon tribe."

"He can't even kill a sheep."

"And it's a tied sheep."

"it's so funny."





The white lamb tied to the wooden stake seemed a little tired and made a soft cry. It was not afraid at all of the boy in yellow shirt holding a short knife opposite. Because, the knife in the yellow shirt boy's hand was raised, dropped, raised again, and dropped again dozens of times. What a boring show.

The boy in yellow shirt glared at the little sheep across from him, and even you laughed at me.

"I am going to kill you!"

Shouting wildly, the young man closed his eyes, took a step forward, and waved the short knife in his hand randomly.

Swords and lights intertwined, bang bang bang!

The young man didn't know how many times he had struck out, and he didn't stop until his arm wielding the dagger felt sore and tired.

But he still didn't dare to look up. He was naturally afraid of blood, and he was afraid of seeing the little white sheep dyed bright red.

The young man lowered his head and muttered in a low voice: "The lamb stopped barking? It must have been killed by me. The bang-bang-bang sound it made just now must have been my short knife that pierced its head, its throat, and... heart. I, Hudun, want to be a warrior of the Tyrannosaurus tribe, just like

Just like my father who died in the tribal war, I will be a brave warrior of the Tyrannosaurus tribe who is not afraid of death. "

The young man lowered his head, stunned.

Tick, tick, the sweat dripping down his cheeks wetted the ground under his feet. His whole body was soaked with sweat from exhaustion and even more from fear of blood.


A familiar sheep cry came out.

The boy's whole body relaxed, as if the heavy shackles had been removed and he was free. A thought flashed through his mind: "I didn't kill that sheep. There's no blood here."

The young man suddenly looked up.

The white lamb was happily gnawing on the grass on the ground opposite. Under the wooden stakes originally used to tie the lambs, there were cut straw ropes scattered on the ground.

The young man burst into laughter. He smiled very relaxedly, because he was originally extremely afraid and disgusted with blood. He was a born coward.

Smiling so hard that his whole body went weak, the young man gasped for air, pointed the short knife in his hand at the opposite side and said: "You guy, you are not dead."

The little sheep glanced at the young man, with a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes.


The lamb ran hard and arrived in front of the young man in a blink of an eye. He lowered his head and raised it again.


The young man's thin body was thrown to the ground, and the short knife in his hand fell aside with a clang.


The young man touched his head as if he had a big bump.

Hey, the boy hugged the lamb and smiled silly.

The setting sun in the west shines on the young man and the lamb, dyeing them red. It is not blood, but warm light.


half year later.

A ruthless war fell like a demon on the tribe of young Hudun. The tribe the young man belongs to is only a very small branch of the Tyrannosaurus tribe. It has only a small number of people and is completely unable to withstand the planned attacks and killings of the hostile tribe.

The young man was timid and hid in the corner, trembling with fear.

He covered his mouth with his hands, not daring to make a sound. He lowered his head and covered his eyes and ears.

"I am a coward, I am a coward, I am a coward." The boy kept repeating these words in his heart, giving him a reason not to rush out and fight.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the surrounding gradually became quiet.

The boy climbed out of the haystack where he was hiding.

He saw that the entire tribe had been slaughtered.

The tribal elder whose head was cut off, the tribal warrior whose chest was cut open, and the friends who had laughed at him all became cold and speechless. Even the little white sheep he used to practice courage fell into a pool of blood.

"I'm afraid of blood, I'm a coward." The young man trembled all over. He held the blood-covered lamb in his arms, "Xiaobai, please move."

His hands were covered with the lamb's blood, and the warmth was still there.

Somehow, an urge to lick the blood arose in his heart. Blood was foreign to him, full of fear and mystery.

He put his fingers stained with the lamb's blood to his mouth and licked them.

"Is this what blood tastes like? Better than anything I've ever tasted."

Inspired by the power of blood, a natural bloodthirsty force hidden in the young man's body suddenly burst out. The powerful blood soul aura exploded a pit with a radius of 100 feet under the young man's feet.

"I'm not a coward—" The voice spread ten miles away, but no one in the lonely tribe could hear it.

Later, a bloodthirsty and powerful warrior appeared in the Tyrannosaurus tribe. Just by devouring blood souls, his physical strength would increase by leaps and bounds. No one was his opponent. He could easily slaughter five to six hundred people from the hostile tribe by himself.

Blood Tiger is his bad name.


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