True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 821 Siege of the Tiger Demon

The Baizhang Tiger Demon relied on his Baizhang body to stand majestically on the spot, but did not immediately rush forward to kill the four Xu Yang people on the opposite side.

His sharp eyes paused for a moment on the black boy Zhang Li opposite him, and he thought in his mind: "This black boy just hit me hard. I should have been the first to suck his blood and soul. But my big tiger demon's The body has just formed, and since I haven't absorbed new blood souls for thousands of years, the body of the big tiger demon is a little unstable, and the maintenance time will be shortened. The four guys on the opposite side don't look simple, and they must be found. It would be safer to defeat the weakest one among them. It seems that the boy in green is the strongest with his purple electric skills. The remaining three are among the best. The boy in black is a physical practitioner from the Tyrant Beast Alliance. The defense is very strong. The fire-haired boy has armor and his defense is not bad. The young man in blue, who has been hiding behind and using the magic weapon to activate the earth escape technique, should be the worst among the four. I am the first. The first target to kill is him..."

After all, Xuehu is an evil cultivator who has lived for thousands of years. He has killed countless people and fought countless enemies. He certainly has his experience and strengths. Facing the menacing Xu Yang four, he also had his own countermeasures.


The Baizhang Tiger Demon looked up to the sky and let out a roar, causing the earth to tremble. There was dark black demonic fire in his mouth and nose, and the power of the demonic atmosphere had become substantial.

"You four little guys must be scared. Your attacks are ineffective against me. I will suck the blood souls of you four dry and hang your shriveled corpses on the branches." The Baizhang Tiger Demon said contemptuously, "No, it is Five, and the black bear."

Murong Yu frowned and kept twisting the string of stone Buddha beads in his hand, feeling nervous: "There was clearly a sharp murderous aura in the eyes of this big tiger monster when he looked at me just now. It seems that he is going to deal with me. Really. You have underestimated me, Murong Yu. I have the Buddha Orb, the natal gemstone passed down from my family, and I am confident that I can protect myself to a certain extent. However, this big tiger monster is too powerful. If he deliberately targets me, I will definitely be hurt. ....."

With a judgment in mind, Murong Yu said via voice: "This big tiger monster's defense is too strong, and it also has the power of evil atmosphere to repair its body. In this environment full of evil atmosphere, we will continue to fight with him. , I’m afraid it’s hard to get a bargain.”

Fire-haired Gongsun Zhi, his hair of fire is burning, and his body is in a fully activated state. He looked at the joints of the tiger demon's front paws that he had just hit with the flame gun, and then said: "After this guy transformed into a tiger demon, his defense increased to an incredible level. However, our attack was not completely ineffective. Yes. You see, a hole was just poked out of his joint by the force of my gun, and the evil spirit energy is leaking out. Although it is being repaired, it will take a certain amount of time. This is him. Weaknesses.”

Xu Yang said: "Brother Gongsun is right. Although this guy transformed into a tiger demon, he is not a real tiger demon after all. His body is the fusion of the power of evil atmosphere and the power of blood soul."

After a pause, Xu Yang continued: "This big tiger demon has just transformed, and the fluctuations in the soul power he emits are not stable. Obviously, in such a state, his own load is not small. As long as we can do it at the same time If there are more wounds on this big guy's body, allowing more evil power to escape from his body, his tiger demon body will become unstable and his defense will be greatly reduced. There is a chance to defeat him.”

Taking advantage of the brief truce, the black boy Zhang Li's breath was much smoother than before. He patted the three-eyed bear next to him and saw that it was fine, then turned around and said: "In this case, we Just keep fighting him and let Boss Xu Yang come up with a plan."

Xu Yang sent a message: "Master Murong used the stone escape technique to hold this big guy in the distance. Gongsun Zhi and Zhang Li launched attacks on the left and right sides respectively, and I attacked from the front."

"This plan is feasible. This demon will definitely know the power of my Stone Buddha Orb." Murong Yu said.

"Burn it on fire, and I will poke a hundred holes in this monster's body." Gongsun Zhi said confidently.

"If you want to fight, then fight." Black boy Zhang Li said decisively.

"There is nothing we can't do together." Xu Yang said.


The next moment, all four of them took action.

Murong Yu frantically poured his magic power into the stone Buddha orb in his hand. The surface of the stone Buddha orb shone with golden light.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the string of stone beads in his hand on the ground in front of him.

A circle of earthy golden ripples rippled on the ground in front of him, and the string of stone beads disappeared into the ground like a golden snake.

Without stopping for a moment, Murong Yu knelt down and placed his hands on the ground beneath his feet. Circles of complicated earth-gold runes centered on Murong Yu's palms quickly spread out on the ground. The jumping runes were like goldfish playing in the water.

One wave after another.

He silently recited the secret words: "Escape stone beads, Buddha soul blessing, Kunzang magic circle..."


The entire ground was shaken, and above the ground, earth-colored auras of light flowed like ribbons.


The earth trembled, the soil turned outwards, and eighteen stone beads the size of millstones emerged from the rolling soil.

The spiritual light on the surface of these stone beads kept flickering, and the patterns of the seated Buddha on them moved like real people. The lips of each Buddha statue kept opening and closing, as if they were reciting the Buddha's words.

Eighteen huge Buddhist beads emit large amounts of golden light. In the golden light, countless Sanskrit fonts flowed like a river of scriptures.

It is like an extraordinary array of magic weapons.

Murong Yu's consciousness moved, and each of the eighteen huge Buddha beads spit out a golden light. The golden light twisted and turned into rune shackles, which were wrapped around the four ankles of the Baizhang Tiger Demon.

The Baizhang Tiger Demon was startled at first, and said with a look of disdain: "Do you want to restrain this Tiger Demon with just a magic weapon array?"

His limbs suddenly exerted force, and the rune shackles that bound his ankles rattled, and were pulled tighter and tighter. Golden arcs of electricity flashed across the surface, as if they were about to break in the next moment.

Gongsunzhi, who was wearing fire-tiger armor, held the dragon-tiger flame gun in both hands. As soon as he activated his magic power, a red dragon-shaped fire breath suddenly appeared on the surface of the flame gun, which was the dragon firearm spirit on the flame gun.

Without stopping for a moment, Gongsun Zhi held the flame gun, stepped on the wind and fire, and jumped up. He swung the flame gun in a circle, aimed at the left side of Baizhang Evil Tiger's body, and flicked the tip of the gun hard.

"Marksmanship - Dragon Fire Hundred Spears!"


A dragon roar came out.

Gun out! Hundreds of dragon fires!

The shadow of burning spears, the formation of fire dragons, and hundreds of spear points came down in array.

The power of this spear is a spear formation move, and it is also one of Gongsun Zhi's strongest attack techniques. This time, he used ten percent of his strength.

Boom boom boom...boom boom boom...

On the left side of the tiger demon's body, red flames rolled, as if hundreds of fire dragons rolled at the same time. The exploding spear tip exploded into circles of flying fire breath.

After the spear strike, hundreds of fire holes were left on the surface of one side of the hundred-foot-long tiger demon. In the fire cave, dark black evil atmosphere spurted out wildly.

On the other side, Black Boy Zhang Li launched an attack at the same time.

"Hei Dan, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black boy Zhang Li activated the Ba Xiong blood in his body. The bones all over his body creaked, and his already strong and tall figure grew three feet taller.

Thick black animal hair appeared on the surface of his exposed skin, the canine teeth at the corners of his mouth were as sharp as animal teeth, and his eyes even flashed a green color like a savage beast.

The next moment, the black boy Zhang Li used his "four limbs" to escape to the ground, and rushed forward side by side with his three-eyed bear.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them came around to the right side of the Baizhang Tiger Demon, and the black boy Zhang Li and his three-eyed bully bear leaped high at the same time.

Astonishingly, the bodies of the black boy Zhang Li and the three-eyed bull bear each showed the appearance of a bull bear that was more than ten feet tall.

The visible soul power fluctuations emitted by the two quickly matched perfectly, and the two dharma images actually overlapped, creating a huge tyrannical bear dharma image that was thirty feet long.

The Ba Xiong Dharma is as solid as the king from Ba Xiong Peak. An extremely powerful wave of soul power shook the world.

"Combined attack technique - bear killing!"

Suddenly, as the black boy Zhang Li and the three-eyed bear attacked together, a pair of huge and solid claws of the bear appeared, as if they were about to tear through the void.

Boom boom boom!

The huge claw shadow hit the right side of the 100-foot-long tiger demon's body, tearing open two 20-foot-long cracks. From the cracks, the evil atmosphere rolled out.

Directly ahead, Xu Yang had already made some moves.

Xu Yang looked directly at the front of the Baizhang Evil Tiger, and suddenly gathered the three-color vortex in the Zifu space. The three-color vortex swirled rapidly, and a three-foot-long purple electric dragon leaped out of the vortex.

Almost at the same time, a purple electric dragon appeared on the surface of Xu Yang's arms.

With a flash of consciousness, the purple lightning dragon was injected into his hands, and transformed using the technique of Wuxiang Qianren.

Wuxiang Qianren——Hundred-edged Slash!

The next moment, Xu Yang threw his hands forward.

Hundreds of purple electric flying knives roared out on the left and right!

Purple lightning flying knives were overwhelming, and gorgeous purple lightning was pulled out from the tail. Like two purple electric comets, they hit the front of the hundred-foot tiger demon.

The Baizhang Tiger Demon sensed threats from three directions at the same time, but Xu Yang's attack from the front seemed to put more pressure on him.

With all his strength, he used his front paws to break the golden shackles cast by Murong Yu, and then protected his face.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a total of two hundred purple electric flying knives intertwined and changed in the air. Like dexterous wasps, they got into the gap between the two front paws of the hundred-foot tiger demon.

Boom boom boom——

The sound of explosions was heard endlessly, and a wave of purple electricity exploded on the face of the Baizhang Tiger Demon.

After a long while, the power of the purple lightning subsided, and the face of the hundred-foot tiger demon was filled with purple lightning holes like a sieve. But the face between his brows was tightly protected and did not suffer any damage.

At this moment, the Baizhang Tiger Demon's left side, right side, and front face were covered with scars. A large amount of evil air came out of the scar.

Ouch ouch——

The pain caused the 100-foot-long tiger demon to cry out wildly. His soul power could no longer control the huge evil force that was sucked into his body. His 100-foot-long body quickly shrunk and stopped at fifty feet.

Although the tiger demon has grown to a size of fifty feet, it is still a huge monster in front of Xu Yang and the four of them.

Bang bang! The golden chains that bound the hind legs of the hundred-foot tiger demon could not withstand his struggle and collapsed into stars all over the sky.

Golden light flashed on the surface of Murong Yu's hands, and the Stone Buddha Orb returned to his hand, but the surface of the Stone Buddha Orb was much darker. The magic weapon was broken, and the energy and blood in Murong Yu's chest surged, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Unable to hold back, Murong Yu opened his mouth and spat out a stream of red blood, which splashed down several feet.

At this moment, the black boy Zhang Li and Gongsun Zhi had just used a powerful move with great power. They were panting. If they wanted to use a big move that could effectively attack the tiger demon, they would probably have to adjust their breath for a while.

The wounds on the tiger demon's body healed quickly under the influence of the evil atmosphere. Although he was only half the original size, he was still a huge monster of fifty feet.

"You can't even think of defeating me." The tiger demon roared, "I can still kill you now."

"Really? Are you sure?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and shouted sternly: "Here comes the sword!"

In the space of Xu Yang's Zifu, the small black sword hovering suddenly disappeared from its place.

Xu Yang held a little distance with one hand, and a black light rolled out. The dark Devil Weeping Sword hovered above his head, and the light golden ghost runes on the surface of the sword flickered.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang pinched out the magic formula with one hand, and a gray-white spiritual light popped up and fell on the Devil May Cry Sword.


The Devil Weeping Sword body made a strange buzzing sound, like the cry of ghosts and gods. What followed was a powerful spiritual pressure leaking out, and the void shook.

The next moment, a huge pillar of pitch-black light erupted from the sword body. It was an extremely domineering sword force that penetrated the boundaries of space and reached the underworld.

All kinds of powerful ghost spirits in the underworld were suddenly summoned by the power of this sword realm. Hundreds of ghost king souls, some with green hair, some with one horn, some with fire eyes, or some with long tongues... were all summoned one by one. Inhaled into the sword domain.

Immediately afterwards, the black sword domain on the sword body suddenly converged back, and the surface of the black sword body made a rattling sound, as if it could not withstand the power of the hundreds of ghost kings brought back from the sword domain.


The pitch-black sword broke into hundreds of pieces, hovering in mid-air, and each fragment of the sword was engraved with a strange ghost rune.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he fired another spell.

High in the sky, the sword body that was broken into hundreds of pieces exploded with a buzzing and shaking sound, turning into a rolling black mist.

The black mist converged, and a person appeared in it.

This man was about ten feet tall, with long gray hair that shone like fine iron. A narrow, seemingly transparent gray gauze band covered his eyes, and was then tied in a simple knot behind his head. The surface of the gray gauze ribbon is painted with silver ghost runes that keep wandering like spiritual snakes.

His skin was greyish and shiny, and his muscles were full of edges but not stiff. He only wore a pair of simple gray shorts, his chest was broad, his hands and feet were bare, and his fingertips were slender. The strange thing is that the surface of this person's skin is covered with many thin golden lines that look like openings, as if the whole person is made up of pieces.

This strange man said nothing and stood in the void opposite Xu Yang. Since his eyes were covered by gray gauze, no one knew what his eyes were focusing on, let alone what he would do next.

Without it, it is the sword spirit of Devil May Cry Sword, the soul of hundreds of ghosts - "Hundred Mang".

Xu Yang turned into a sword with one hand and pointed at the opposite side, "Baimang, kill the tiger demon opposite me!"

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