True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 825 Phantom Hidden Edge

Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li walked along the red stone road under their feet towards the center of the bloody lake.

The red stone road is not spacious.

Xu Yang was a little ahead, while Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li were behind.

Behind them was the three-eyed bear deliberately released by the black boy Zhang Li.

Every time four people and a bear pass by, the surface of the blood-colored lake on both sides of the red stone road rolls violently like a beast that has smelled prey.

The blood-colored water waves condensed into shapes, and slender greedy palms appeared, as if they were trying to pull the four people into the lake.

Xu Yang activated the power of purple electricity in his body and released the purple electricity field, forming a huge semicircular purple shield that completely covered everyone.

As purple electric arcs shot out from the surface of the purple electric light shield, those bloody palms that tried to get closer collapsed.

The three-eyed Tyrant Bear following the four people made a grunting sound from his mouth and grinned at the bloody palms, revealing the aura of the Tyrant Beast.

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "Boss Xu Yang, I didn't expect that your power of purple electricity can restrain the power of these blood-colored curses. This is much simpler."

Xu Yang explained: "It's just a coincidence. The purple electricity attribute may be inherently capable of restraining these evil things."

Murong Yu said sincerely in his heart: "Although we are a team of four, Xu Yang has stepped forward at every critical moment along the way. His skills are so complicated that it is hard to tell, but everything is different." Stunning and decisive, wood escape, thunder escape, and peak sword moves. He said that he came from the mortal world. If it is true, it is simply incredible. "

Gongsun Zhi said bluntly: "With Xu Yang taking the lead, we will naturally feel much more relaxed."

At the moment, Xu Yang's physical cultivation level is at the second level of the Demonic Whirlpool Realm. The power of purple electricity on the three-color vortex is also more powerful than before, and the attributes of the tribulation thunder contained in it are becoming more and more domineering and pure.

Xu Yang thought in his mind: "It is exactly as I expected. The properties of the tribulation thunder are transformed by the power of the interface, and it has a restraining effect on such transformed things that have no body."

Along the way of cultivation, Xu Yang developed a cautious and courageous character. The responsibilities on his shoulders are getting heavier and heavier, not only for himself, but also for the people he wants to protect. He always kept in mind the promises he made to his master Guigu Yeyan, his confidante Ning Liner, and his friend Black Cat Yetu.


I don’t know how long the four people and one bear walked. At the end of the red stone road, a huge isolated island appeared in front of them.

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "There is indeed an island ahead. Let's go up and have a look. Who left the illusion on the stone tablet, which made me cry. I will definitely beat him to tears."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black boy Zhang Li jumped onto the island. The three-eyed bear behind him also jumped up and followed closely beside him.

Xu Yang, Murong Yu and Gongsun Zhi also went to the island.

Xu Yang tried to spread his consciousness, but found that his consciousness could only detect within twenty feet, and the same was true for others.

Xu Yang said: "This isolated island is blessed with formation restrictions, and the distance that spiritual consciousness can detect is limited. If we want to find anything, we have to go in and take a look."

The black boy Zhang Li said loudly: "Is there anyone in there? Come out and have a fight with me."


The three-eyed bear next to him roared, and the sound came out of Li Xu like rolling thunder.

As the echoes of the two disappeared on the island, the island became quiet again.

The four of them continued on their way.


In the center of the isolated island, there is a huge square, but the ground of the square is paved with extremely solid fine iron.

Various complicated Sanskrit characters are engraved on the fine iron floor. The surface of the Sanskrit characters flashes with light golden light patterns from time to time, making it look like a huge array.


At this moment, Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li arrived at the square.

Opposite the four people stood a red-haired woman wearing a veil.

The red-haired woman's facial features are so beautiful that people are embarrassed to look directly at her, and her curvy figure makes people want to peek at her.

Whether you watch it or not, you are already drunk in it.

On the woman's half-exposed shoulders, a translucent red spirit butterfly the size of a fist slowly flapped its wings, emitting a group of dreamlike red star points.

When it comes to beauty, it is nothing more than that.

The red-haired woman said nothing, her body standing in place like a beautiful sculpture. She looked at the four Xu Yang people opposite her indifferently, without any emotion, as if there were no Xu Yang four people in front of her at all.


Calm down.


Just like the sword edge in the hidden sword box, you only know it is not sleeping when it is unsheathed, but it is fatal.

What made Xu Yang and the others nervous was that they couldn't tell the level of cultivation of the woman opposite them at all. The soul power fluctuations emanating from the woman's body, even in a restrained state, still gave the four people a strong sense of oppression.

Xu Yang's face was as calm as water, and he calmly transmitted the message: "This red-haired woman's cultivation is not only at the Dao Ming Realm, but most likely already at the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. It would be best if we can avoid fighting with her. If we lose, I will take the lead. Go back the way you came.”

At this moment, the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, Buddha Spiritual Vein, Haoran Heavenly Vein and Daoguo Spiritual Vein in Xu Yang's body have all been opened. The two halves of his brain also operate flexibly separately under the stimulation of dolphin brain splitting technology.

At the same time, with Xu Yang's feet as the center, red, green and purple soul power fluctuations emitted, which was the power of the domain that included the power of the Red Blood Monument, the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit and the power of purple electricity - the magic spin. field.

The red-haired woman in front of him is the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered since entering the Demon-Conquering Realm trial. Xu Yang is very sure of this.

Murong Yu held his string of stone Buddha beads with both hands. The beads on the stone Buddha beads were beating spontaneously, just like the beating heart in his chest at this moment.

Murong Yu thought in his mind: "My Stone Buddha Orb is my natal magic weapon. The red-haired woman opposite actually made my Stone Buddha Orb feel fearful. Xu Yang was right, this red-haired woman's cultivation level should be It’s the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. It’s better to think of a way to escape safely.”

Thinking in his mind, Murong Yu couldn't help but look back at the way he came, and then quickly turned back.

Gongsun Zhi was holding the dragon and tiger flame gun in his hand. The dragon and tiger patterns on the surface of the flame gun were already shining.

Gongsun Zhi's red hair turned into flames unknowingly, and he whispered: "This woman is not simple."

The three-eyed bully bear also seemed to be aware of the powerful aura emanating from the red-haired woman. He rubbed his four paws against the ground and quietly moved backwards.

The black boy Zhang Li leaned closer to the three-eyed bear, patted the three-eyed bear on the shoulder, and whispered: "Heidan, don't be afraid."

The soul power fluctuations of the two quickly matched, and Ba Xiong steadied his steps.

Xu Yang said loudly: "You are the owner of this island, right?"

The woman in red said calmly: "I am not your Excellency, I just live on this isolated island."

The voice was crisp and ethereal, and as she spoke, a cluster of tiny red star dots emitted from the woman's breath, like the breath of a legendary fairy.

The red spirit butterfly resting on the woman's shoulder emitted a flash of light and disappeared.

The voice of the woman in red reached Xu Yang's ears, and Xu Yang even felt that it was extremely helpful.

But in the next moment, Xu Yang seemed to hear the clang of a sword being unsheathed.


A strange "sword shadow", or an invisible "blade of time and space", directly cut through the world in front of him.

The emptiness in front of you

The room shattered like glass, and Xu Yang felt a huge pain like a needle pricking in his head, and his eyes suddenly blurred.

Just for a moment, when Xu Yang saw the scenery in front of him clearly, everything had changed incredibly.

The woman in red disappeared, and standing there was a girl in white.

Wearing a white dress, she is as spotless as a white lotus emerging from the water. Her eyelashes are like brushes, and her eyes are like pools. No makeup is needed. She is naturally beautiful and charming.

"You?" Xu Yang was stunned, "Lin'er!".

I saw "Lin'er" opposite Xu Yang smiling at her, like a white lotus blooming, without any fragrance spilling out, but already intoxicating.

"Lin'er, I'm sorry for you." Xu Yang's heart suddenly softened, and two lines of hot tears burst out of his eyes uncontrollably.

But at the next moment, "Lin'er" walked towards Xu Yang's place. As she walked, she untied the clothes on her chest with her hands. Her cheeks turned red and she said in a warm voice: "Come on, hold me tight." I, I miss you so much!”

The voice was as soft as silk, but the listener's heart was on fire.

"No," the other half of Xu Yang's head suddenly woke up, "she is not Lin'er, I have been under an illusion."

Xu Yang quickly closed his eyes and practiced the dolphin brain splitting technique, and the hot throbbing in his heart gradually subsided.

Almost at the same time, Murong Yu, Gong Sunzhi and the black boy Zhang Li who were next to Xu Yang were attacked at the same time.

Murong Yu's eyes were blurred, and the aura on the surface of the stone Buddha orb he held in his hands was dim. He saw a person, a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous red dress.

The woman in the red dress is full of affection.

"Cousin, why are you here? Didn't you and I agree that when I succeed in my studies at the Golden Buddha Temple and return to the family to inherit the throne, I will marry you in a glamorous manner?" Murong Yu said foolishly.

"Cousin, do you know that I miss you day and night, and I can't sleep in my dreams?" As she said that, the woman in red undressed and took off her belt.

Murong Yu only felt a heat burning in his chest, and his whole body melted.

Similarly, the scenery in front of Gongsun Zhi also changed.

He saw a dignified-looking woman, wearing a plain skirt and holding a silver gun in her hand, exuding a bit of heroic spirit.

"Miss, why are you here? Didn't you agree that in half a year the day will come for you to compete publicly to find a bride? I, I'm not ready yet." Gongsun Zhi said anxiously.

The woman in a plain skirt said warmly: "It's just what dad wanted to do to compete in martial arts. I have my heart, just for you. Why wait until we compete in martial arts to recruit a bride?"

After saying that, the woman in plain skirt threw away the silver gun in her hand, moved lightly, spread her arms and hugged Gongsun Zhi.

Gongsun Zhi's red hair turned into flames uncontrollably. He was always good at controlling the power of flames, but this time he was burned by the flames. His body was intoxicated by the red-hot firelight.

The black boy Zhang Li and his three-eyed bear stood side by side. Their soul realms overlapped, but they were also hit by the same attack.

A girl in a green shirt appeared on the opposite side. The girl had a healthy and plump figure, and her bronze skin revealed a different kind of charm.

Next to the girl in green shirt is a three-eyed bear covered in snow.

The girl in the green shirt stretched, yawned, then waved to the black boy Zhang Li and said, "Look at your bear-like appearance. Are you coming? If not, I will leave."

The black boy Zhang Li said stupidly: "Cute, so cute. Bai Ni, you are the cutest girl I have ever seen."

The three-eyed black bear beside the black boy was already blurry, his tongue was sticking out, and he was breathing heavily. Its small eyes stared at the white domineering bear opposite, with only gentleness and no aura of domineering beast.

Suddenly, the woman in green and the white three-eyed bear beside her turned into a ball of intense and dazzling light. The black boy Zhang Li and the three-eyed Ba Xiong couldn't open their eyes. They only felt surrounded by blazing light, warm and melting until they melted.

Four people were hit at the same time.

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