True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 831 Three Doors

The red butterfly spirit transformed by the evil cultivator "Red Mo" was hunted down by Xu Yang's "little friends" such as Ming Lin, Yanling and the Devil May Cry Sword in Xu Yang's Zifu space.

In panic, she discovered the location of the three-color vortex, and quickly concluded that Xu Yang's Nascent Soul was hidden in the three-color vortex.

There was a sudden spin, and the butterfly spirit entered the different space within the three-color vortex.

What appeared before her eyes were three gates of different colors.

Each of the three gates is hundreds of feet tall, as if it reaches the sky.

A streak of purple with lightning patterns painted on its surface.

A emerald green color, with a green fairy branch painted on its surface, emitting green mist, lifelike.

A streak of red, with a red war flag painted on its surface, as if it was flying in the wind in the flames of war, emitting wisps of red fire breath.

"Three gates, is Xu Yang's Nascent Soul body hidden in one of these gates? Xu Yang most often uses the power of purple electricity, and his Nascent Soul is mostly hidden behind the purple door."

After thinking for a moment, the red butterfly spirit spread its wings and slipped in through the crack of the purple door.

Purple light and shadow intertwined, as if time and space were flowing, and the red butterfly spirit came to the world behind the purple door.

What appeared in front of the red butterfly spirit was purple thunder and lightning all over the sky, as majestic as a formation of tens of thousands of purple dragons.

What is heard is a rumbling sound, deafening and intoxicating, just like the thunderous drums of the legendary heavenly soldiers, which captures the soul.

As soon as the red butterfly spirit appeared, it was regarded as an intruder by the purple lightning realm. The purple lightning in the sky twisted into shape, and a huge purple lightning gun measuring ten feet quickly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, those purple lightning spears quickly turned their spear tips like dogs that smelled prey, fully aiming at the position of the red spiritual butterfly.

"This place is too scary. This is simply a world of thunder. Xu Yang's Nascent Soul cannot be in this place." The red butterfly spirit quickly activated the escape technique, and large groups of red star points were sprayed out from the surface of the body. The red stars quickly disappeared.

Boom boom boom!

Where the red butterfly spirit had just settled, dozens of thunder spears arrived, exploding large areas of purple lightning like waves.

The figure of the red butterfly spirit appeared at the entrance of the three gates again.

"Time is running out. I must find Xu Yang's Nascent Soul body as soon as possible." The red butterfly spirit's consciousness and eyes searched back and forth between the remaining red and green doors. "Look at the wood spirit aura on the green door." It looks soft, but there is a terrifying atmosphere of war above the red door. Xu Yang's Nascent Soul is probably behind the green door."

With her judgment in mind, the red butterfly spirit flapped its wings quickly, and her body turned into a red light and penetrated the crack of the green door.

Green light and shadow intertwined, as if time and space were flowing, and the red butterfly spirit came to the barrier behind the green door.

What appeared in front of the red butterfly spirit was a giant tree that was as majestic as the sky.

The crown of the giant tree can be seen as far as the eye can see, and the sky is green. On the surface of the trunk of the giant tree, golden inscriptions flashed one after another, like the Golden Book of Heaven.

The fragrance of vegetation comes one after another, containing abundant wood-attribute spiritual power, which makes people feel intoxicated.

The red butterfly spirit's eyes lit up, "What kind of creation is this giant tree? Could it be that Xu Yang is hiding on this giant tree. But this giant tree is so huge, I'm afraid I haven't found Xu Yang, and my spirit body has already Disappeared in the Catastrophe of Spirit Butterfly.

At this moment, the golden inscriptions on the surface of the giant tree opposite suddenly flowed, forming a vortex.

A green eye suddenly appeared in the middle of the vortex.

The eyes stared fiercely at the red butterfly spirit's body, full of hostility, as if they didn't welcome the arrival of the red butterfly spirit at all.


On the crown of the giant tree, countless green vines were drilled out, and they were quickly thrown towards the location of the red butterfly spirit like a formation of spears.

"This giant tree spirit is also a guy who is not easy to mess with." The red butterfly spirit fluttered its wings and disappeared.


Where she just landed, hundreds of ivy spears fell down, green arcs of electricity shot out, and sawdust rained down.

The figure of the red butterfly spirit appeared at the entrance of the three gates again. Her chest heaved and she breathed heavily.

"There is only the last red door left here. Xu Yang's Nascent Soul must be hiding behind this red door." The red butterfly spirit was convinced.

She fluttered her wings, raising a cloud of red stars, and her body turned into a stream of light and quietly penetrated into the crack of the red door.

Red light and shadow intertwined, as if time and space were flowing, and the red butterfly spirit came to the world behind the red door.

The red butterfly spirit restrained its aura, and she was extremely frightened. In the two previous spaces, one was filled with purple thunder and the other was occupied by a huge tree fairy. They were both extremely dangerous places.

What appeared in front of the red butterfly spirit was an empty land, but the soil on the ground was as red as flames. Thick heat waves flowed on the ground, and the light and shadow were distorted.

"This space is actually empty. It seems a little hot." The red butterfly spirit wondered in its heart.

She turned slightly and was startled when she saw a person, a young man standing with his back turned.

The young man was wearing a bright green shirt and had fine, broken hair. Who else could it be? Isn’t it Xu Yang?

The red butterfly spirit whispered in his heart: "It is the transformation of Xu Yang's soul, full of the purest essence of the soul."

The body of the red butterfly spirit flashed with red aura, and its body transformed into its previously alluring and beautiful human form while spinning.

She has beautiful features, slim figure, strange and charming.

Die Ling turned into a red-haired woman, her face turned a little pale, and she was obviously not in the best condition.

The red-haired woman's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Xu Yang's back across from her, her eyes gleaming like a murderous sword being pulled out of its scabbard.

Just for a moment, the woman's slightly narrowed eyes quickly opened, filled with soft light.

The red-haired woman looked at Xu Yang's back across from her, thinking quickly in her mind: "Xu Yang's soul body is right in front of her. Now he and I are both soul bodies, and we also don't have the blessing of the physical body. His soul body is in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and his soul body is at most the Dao Ming Realm. I can completely devour him with the strength of my soul power. But this time, he didn't run away. Could it be that he was confident? ? He can create three different types of enchantment spaces in the Zifu space, which is simply unheard of. He has too many hidden methods, so I'd better be careful before I get closer to him. If you attack, you will be able to defeat it completely. Xu Yang, no matter how strong you are, you would never expect that I would fight you in your Zifu space, right? This is my method, the butterfly demon's method? !”

The red-haired woman gently adjusted a strand of red hair scattered on her shoulders with her hands, and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Xu Yang, please make it easy for me to find my sister. There is no one else in this enchanted space, just the two of us. It is very suitable for dating, don't you think?"

As she spoke, the red-haired woman twisted her waist slightly,

With graceful steps, he approached Xu Yang's location unhurriedly.

Xu Yang turned around, his eyes were like lightning, and he said loudly: "Demon Butterfly Hongmo, I didn't expect that you didn't die under my Devil May Cry Sword. And you invaded my Zifu space with your soul body. Are you looking for My Nascent Soul, right? If my guess is correct, you want to devour my Nascent Soul and absorb the essence of my Soul to help you survive the "Spiritual Butterfly Tribulation". In a short time, maybe even half a stick of incense, your soul body will collapse on its own."

Xu Yang's words were like a hand, suddenly lifting the camouflage veil covering the red-haired woman's face.

The smile on the red-haired woman's face suddenly disappeared, her eyes sharpened, like a sharp knife being drawn out of its sheath, making a silent clang.

"Xu Yang, you are so smart. Sister, I really like you more and more. Everything is just as you said. Although I didn't find your Nascent Soul, maybe you have practiced some secret method. There is no Nascent Soul at all, but only innocence. As long as I swallow your soul spirit body, it can also help me survive the "Spiritual Butterfly Tribulation" safely. Neither you nor I have the blessing of the physical body. My cultivation is the first in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. The level must be above you. If you fight with me now, you have no chance of winning."

After a pause, the red-haired woman raised a contemptuous and charming smile, and then said: "Smelly man, I will give you one last chance. No one here can disturb us, you can choose to have a soul-body battle with me. This will be good for both you and me. As for the physical body I left outside, it has collapsed. After I survive the catastrophe of the spiritual butterfly, I can naturally rebuild my physical body, which will also be of great benefit to you. of."

Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, but when he heard the words "recast the body," he couldn't help but think of Lin'er. He even had the idea of ​​asking the red-haired woman about how to reshape his body. But just for a moment, he erased this thought. He didn't want Lin'er to turn into a monster like the red-haired woman opposite. He believed that he would find a better way to help Lin'er rebuild her body.

Xu Yang said decisively: "You are dreaming!"

The red-haired woman suddenly showed a ferocious look on her face, thinking to herself: "If I use my soul power to forcefully seize Xu Yang's soul essence, it will consume 90% of my remaining soul power. If I fail in one blow, I'm afraid I will He will fall immediately. But now that the situation is over, he has to fight for it. This Xu Yang is not moved by my butterfly charm. He is indeed a good man. "

The red-haired woman yelled: "Xu Yang, if you don't know what's good, don't blame me, Hong Mo, for being cruel and ruthless."

As soon as he finished speaking, circles of red soul power wavered out in all directions, centered at the red-haired woman's feet, and their momentum was as violent as a tide. And among the fluctuations in soul power, there were several demonic butterflies flying up and down.

It is the soul realm of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm monk level. Wherever you go, the power of the field is redefined.

The next moment, the red-haired woman stepped on the butterfly shadow, stretched out her hands, made the shape of tiger claws, and flew directly towards Xu Yang.

At the moment when the red-haired woman got angry.

Xu Yang's eyes froze, and he pinched the magic formula with both hands. On his fingertips, traces of red swam, and a magic seal in the shape of a "Red Blood Monument" was instantly condensed.

Immediately afterwards, the red blood monument seal in Xu Yang's hand bounced out and sank into the ground beneath his feet.


The earth trembled, the fire boiled, and the entire space suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Behind Xu Yang, a tall and majestic "Red Blood Monument" quickly solidified under the mass of swirling fire breath.

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