True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 834 Array within an array

At this moment, the entire space shook violently.

Looking around the island, the cursed water in the Blood Sin Lake suddenly boiled. The cursed power in the lake turned into evil people, beasts, monsters, and other ugly shapes. They struggled with each other and bit each other in the lake.

There were bursts of strange screams and mournful sounds, and the void was filled with gray.

The fluctuations of cursed power emanating from the Blood Sin Lake have become complicated and uncoordinated. At the bottom of the Blood Sin Lake, the large formations that were originally connected by the power of the curse began to crack, projecting streaks of bloody light outward.

These lights passed through the lake and fell into the sky.

A blood-red curse rune formation was immediately reflected in the sky, covering almost the sky above the Blood Sin Lake and the entire island in the center.

Click, click, click.

As the Blood Sin Lake below became unstable, the red curse array hovering in the sky also became unstable. Vein-like cracks appeared on the surface, red arcs ran around, and dark gray Sanskrit characters jumped around. stop.

It is like an extremely powerful curse formation.

The whole space was shaking.

"What is this? I haven't seen anything good yet, but what happened?" Murong Yu's face became embarrassed.

The direction that the stone Buddha orb in his hand sensed just now seemed to resonate with the power of the Buddhist magic weapon, but he could never see it. But what he really saw was a strange formation appearing high in the sky.

Murong Yu raised his head and frowned slightly as he said, "Look at the fluctuations of spiritual power released from the formation in the sky. It is the same as the power of the curse in the Blood Sin Lake. It turns out that there is a curse formation hidden here."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "I always feel that this formation has something to do with the woman in red before."

Xu Yang thought for a while, and then said: "The woman in red was imprisoned in the Blood Sin Lake by the monks of the Golden Buddha Temple, and she should exist as an array spirit. Only the woman in red is here, the power of the curse in the Blood Sin Lake Only then can you tame it and use the power of the curse to form this high-altitude curse formation."

After a pause, he continued: "Without the woman in red, the Blood Sin Lake becomes unstable, and the formation will collapse."

as expected.

Just as Xu Yang finished speaking, the formation of cursed power in the sky seemed to be cannibalized, gradually being torn apart from the edge to the middle. The broken parts turned into streams of red mist that rolled and dissipated, and made waves of strange screams of unwilling spirits.


The void shook violently, and Nuo Da's curse formation collapsed completely, turning into red light spots all over the sky and gradually dissipating.

But Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li were shocked by what they saw next.

Behind the big red formation, at a higher level, there was actually a much smaller golden light formation hidden.

The golden light array hovered in the center of Jingtie Square, forming a large circle. A band of golden light is swirling on the surface of the golden light array, as if a fairy in golden clothes is dancing a ribbon in it, exuding a gurgling auspicious aura.

And in the mid-air directly below the golden light array, there was a golden Buddha bead the size of a fist hovering.

The Buddha bead is only a few feet above the ground, and its surface is engraved with profound Sanskrit characters. Those Sanskrit characters flowed slowly, shining with brilliant golden light, and bursts of correcting Buddhist mantras came out.

The golden Buddha beads slowly rotated, absorbing the power of Buddhism from the golden light array above, and then threw out a string of golden Sanskrit characters, landing in the center of the fine iron square directly below.

The Sanskrit characters engraved on the entire surface of Jingtie Square lit up, making it look like another large formation.

Xu Yang said seriously: "It turns out to be a huge formation that echoes the sky and the earth. It uses the golden light formation in the sky as a guide to inject the power of the formation into the fine iron formation on the ground below."

At this moment, the stone Buddha orb in Murong Yu's hand was beating violently. If Murong Yu hadn't tightened his grip, it would have almost flown out of his hand. The direction that the Stone Buddha Orb sensed was the golden Buddha Bead hovering in mid-air. He was surprised and said: "This is a Buddhist magic weapon. It looks like it should be an eye-formation object. What happened here?" thing?"

Gongsun Zhi also looked surprised, "It turns out that this Buddhist formation is the truth hidden behind it."

The black boy Zhang Li stretched out his nose and sniffed, and then said: "Why do I feel that the power of this Buddhist formation is the same as the power of incense contained in the golden light realm we went to before."

Xu Yang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it is the power of incense. The power of incense is a huge power of faith, which itself should be full of positive energy. But everyone who prays will have his own heart in his heart. Although each inner demon is small, the power of hundreds of millions of inner demons mixed with the power of incense is an extremely powerful curse. It can also be said that the power of incense contains both positive and negative elements. Emotions, the positive one is the power of blessing, and the negative one is the power of curse. The golden light formation above our heads is composed of the positive power of blessing, which will cover each other. The fluctuations of spiritual power emitted, coupled with the power of the barrier, were almost undetectable by outsiders. In the end, this golden Buddhist formation projected the power of the formation onto the fine iron square below through this Buddhist jewel. On top of the big formation.”

Murong Yu nodded and said: "That's probably it. Although that Buddhist bead is a very high-grade magic weapon, it is only used to gather the energy of the formation, and its purpose is very single. For us, it is not of much use. Could it be that this Is there something under Jingtie Square that contains a treasure of great fortune? "

Hearing this, Gongsun Zhi nodded and said: "This place is at the center of the entire third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm, and it is deliberately hidden with arrays within arrays. Maybe there really is a treasure trove under this fine iron square."

After saying this, he tried to poke the fine iron ground under his feet with the tip of the flame gun in his hand.


The fire breath flew and sparks shot out, but only left a trace on the fine iron ground.

Gongsun Zhi held the flame gun tightly in his hand, looked at the place where the gun was dropped, and then said: "This fine iron is not ordinary fine iron, it is a thousand-year fine iron blessed with powerful defense. It can be concluded that this fine iron square There is indeed a huge secret hidden there. I wonder if it is a treasure or a Buddhist relic. Isn't it rumored that the founder of the Golden Buddha Temple ascended to the realm of Buddha and God in this third level of the Demon Subduing Realm? It must be the hidden alien space under Jingtie Square."

When the black boy Zhang Li heard this, he immediately showed a look of joy, "I understand what you said. The formation here is used to cover up the formation, but what it ultimately points to is the fine iron ground under our feet. I just said It feels strange when I get here. I have never seen a floor made of fine iron. It is neither good-looking nor non-slip. And the Golden Buddha Temple is very wealthy. If it really wants to decorate the floor, it should be made of earthly gold. It turns out that there is gold underneath. There are treasures or some secrets. It seems that our great fortune is here, and we have worked so hard to get here."

Murong Yu said: "However, even if there is really a treasure under this Jingtie Square, or a relic left by a powerful man from the Golden Buddha Temple, we still have to find the entrance. If we rashly take the bead, I am afraid it will trigger an explosion." If the law changes, the result is hard to say.”

Xu Yang looked carefully, frowned slightly and said: "Maybe it is a treasure, but maybe it is not a treasure at all, or there is something terrifying sealed under the iron ground. I always have an ominous premonition. The three of you before When people were captured by the demon butterfly woman, I felt that we should not be so attached to the so-called great fortune. The Golden Buddha Temple is a Buddhist sect, and there is a saying in Buddhism that everything has a cause and effect, and we kill all the way with a greedy heart. Things may not end well.”

Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi, and Zhang Li couldn't help but nod their heads when they heard this.

Indeed, when Xu Yang and the four of them entered the Golden Light Tower to subdue demons for a trial, everyone was obsessed with gaining something or greedy, which would hardly produce good results.

Murong Yu nodded and said, "Maybe Xu Yang is right. We shouldn't risk trying to open it when we don't know whether it is a treasure or an evil thing sealed under the Fine Iron Square. Just now the three of us Captured by the Demonic Butterfly Girl, if Xu Yang hadn't turned the tide, our path to cultivation would have come to an end. "

Gongsun Zhi said: "That's true. We are not the great monks at the Golden Buddha Temple and do not understand the situation here. Even if the greatest treasure of the Golden Buddha Temple is hidden in this demon-conquering realm, it is not something we can do.

Easily found. If there really is some evil spirit sealed down here, we'll be in big trouble. "

Black boy Zhang Lidao: "I listen to everyone."

The four of them looked at the golden beads hovering in mid-air and fell into hesitation.


Just when the four of Xu Yang entered the third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm.

As another team in this trial, the four disciples of Jinyi Hall, Jin Guangtuo, Yin Guangtuo, Monk Chiyan and "Monk Musen" met the master of Jinyi Hall who came to the Demon-Conquering Realm.

The leader of the Jinyi Hall is a tall and muscular middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, a wide mouth, a big nose and droopy ears.

He was wrapped in a finely crafted golden cassock. The surface of the golden cassock is embroidered with several Sanskrit characters using purple gold thread. Under the sun, the golden Sanskrit characters on the surface of the golden cassock shine brightly, as if flowing, gorgeous and solemn.

"I've met the hall master." The four members of Jin Guang Tu Tuo said in unison, offering Buddha salutes with both hands.

The leader of the Jinyi Hall said bluntly: "I hurriedly came to the Demon-Conquering Realm just to inform you that the mission of this Demon-Conquering Realm trial has changed. The situation is urgent, let's talk as we go."

After saying this, the leader of Jinyi Hall took out a map, identified the location, and then said: "We must get to the third floor of the Demon-Conquering Realm as soon as possible."

The four of them looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.

The leader of the Golden Clothes Hall's feet were like flying, and the four people followed him around using their escape skills.

The leader of the Jinyi Hall said: "Before coming, my uncle, Zen Master Jiu Ku, found me in a hurry. He told me that there was a spy in our Golden Buddha Temple. And this spy is probably hidden among the high-level officials of the Golden Buddha Temple." Uncle Master couldn't tell the person's name before confirming it. The opening of the Golden Light Tower's Demon-Conquering Realm was a little hasty. I also raised objections at the time, and the news I received now is that the Shadow Organization has sent many experts. Sneaking into the Demon-Conquering Realm, this is definitely a conspiracy.”

Monk Chiyan said: "I met two guys who I thought were Zihui before. I also fell into the trap they set. Fortunately, I escaped in time. But when the four of us went back to settle accounts with them, Those two people hid mysteriously, leaving no clues. They are definitely not ordinary purple disasters. Ordinary purple disasters come to the demon-conquering realm to use the Buddhist holy light to eliminate the evil spirits on their bodies, and will not take the initiative to attack us. Launch an attack."

The leader of the Jinyi Hall said: "The two Zihui you met are probably people from the Shadow Organization. The leader of the Shadow Organization was the original Demon Lord of the Western Regions. And the third level of the Demon Subduing Realm suppressed the people who were suppressed more than a thousand years ago. The secret of the three evil spirits from the Western Region who were captured by our Golden Buddha Temple is known only to a few senior officials of the Golden Buddha Temple. Therefore, the goal of the Shadow Organization is probably to rescue these three evil spirits."

Just as Jin Yitang and his group of five were galloping forward.

Just on their path, there was a man standing. The leader of Jinyi Hall waved his hand, and the five people stopped temporarily.

The man was tall and tall, standing with his back turned, wearing a dark green pine robe. The scary thing is that the five people didn't have any sense before.

But the aura emanating from that man made Golden Bald Tutuo, Silver Bald Tutuo, Monk Chiyan and Monk Mu Sen feel lingering fear.

They each murmured in their hearts, but did not dare to make a rash move.

"Is he a master of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm?"

"There are not many masters of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm in the entire Zhongyuan Continent. Who is this person?"

"Have you never heard of Zi Hui in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm? He must be a strongman from the Shadow Organization."

Among the five of them, only the leader of the Jinyi Hall is at the peak of the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and only the leader of the Jinyi Hall has the qualifications and courage to confront this person.

The leader of the Golden Clothes Hall had a stern look in his eyes and said loudly: "I am the "Six Gold Monk", the master of the Golden Clothes Hall of the Golden Buddha Temple. Your Excellency is blocking our way. You are probably a member of the Shadow Organization."

"You're right." The man turned around.

The man appears to be about forty years old. His thick eyebrows are like swords, his eyes are like stars, and he has a naturally intimidating and heroic aura in the corners of his eyes, exuding the domineering aura of a king.

Without him, it is Yaksha Cangyue, the shadow envoy in the shadow organization.

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