True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 837 An unexpected fight

Facing the aggressive questioning from the four people in Jinyitang, the four people in Xu Yang suddenly realized the crisis.

The black boy Zhang Li clenched his fists and said through the voice: "It seems that I can only answer their questions with my fists."

Gongsun Zhi sent a message: "The people here are not good. These great monks from the Golden Buddha Temple are just using us and have never truly believed in us."

Murong Yu sent a message: "Seeing how anxious they are, it proves that our previous judgment was correct. Whether there is treasure or evil under the fine iron formation, it is crucial to the Golden Buddha Temple. But they It seems a bit abrupt to insist that we are members of the Shadow Organization. All lay disciples who enter the Golden Buddha Temple have been strictly reviewed, otherwise we would not be able to successfully enter the Demon-Conquering Realm."

Xu Yang sent a message: "These four great monks are the top combat power of Jinyitang. If we start a fight with them, it will be a big trouble. We still try to maintain restraint and communication. Listen to these great monks In his tone, it is certain that someone from the Shadow Organization has entered here, and the Shadow Organization's goal is probably what is sealed by the Fine Iron Formation. In this case, if they insist on taking action, we can only bite the bullet. If you deal with it, you can't just let it go and be killed by mistake."

Xu Yang took a step forward, clasped his hands in Buddhist salute, "The four eminent monks have said it, and you all know our origins. I will introduce it to you in detail and candidly."

Xu Yang pointed at Murong Yu and explained: "The Murong Yu next to me is a descendant of the Murong family and is originally related to the Golden Buddha Temple. He cannot be a member of the Shadow Organization."

Murong Yu clasped his hands together and gave a slight salute.

Xu Yang pointed to Gongsun Zhi and said: "This is Gongsun Zhi from the Gongsun family. The Gongsun family is considered a prestigious presence among many cultivation families in Jinfo Township, and has contacts with Jinfo Temple. Therefore, he cannot be People from the Shadow Organization.”

Gongsun Zhi also saluted the Buddha with both hands and called the Buddha's name: "Amitabha."

Finally, Xu Yang introduced the black boy Zhang Lidao: "Brother Zhang Li is just a casual cultivator from the Southern Territory. To be honest with you, his true identity is a warrior from the Baxiong Tribe of the Southern Territory. He acts aboveboard. How could he have anything to do with the shadows?" Is the organization complicit?”

The black boy Zhang Li immediately echoed loudly: "Of course. The people in the Shadow Organization are all evil cultivators, and I beat every one I see."

Xu Yang finally introduced himself, "As for me, Xu Yang, my true identity can also be told to all the eminent monks. I am a disciple from the Tiangui Sect. I only come from the mortal world and have no background. This time I participated in the trial of the Golden Buddha Temple. , I am just looking for luck and opportunities, not deliberately concealing my identity.”

Gongsun Zhi, Murong Yu and the black boy Zhang Li all looked at Xu Yang.

Gongsun Zhi thought to himself: "It turns out that Xu Yang is a disciple of the No. 1 Ghost Dao Sect in the Northern Territory. It's no wonder that his Ghost Dao skills are so domineering."

Murong Yu secretly thought: "The relationship between the Tiangui Sect and the Golden Buddha Temple is very ordinary. If you directly reveal your identity as a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, you may not be admitted as a lay disciple of the Golden Buddha Temple. It is also reasonable for him to conceal his identity. Original.”

The black boy Zhang Li secretly thought in his heart: "Boss Xu Yang is hiding his secrets. He turns out to be a disciple of the Tiangui Sect."

Monk Musen at this moment is a ghost slave controlled by Zhang San, the Thousand-faced Ghost.

"Monk Musen" looked towards the opposite side, his eyes glancing at the golden beads hovering in mid-air. He thought in his mind: "There really is a Buddhist sealing formation ahead. The task given to me by the Shadow Master is to destroy the seal. At the moment, it seems

, only by letting these people fight each other can I have a better chance. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting. This is what I, the Thousand-Faced Ghost, like to do most. hey-hey. "

"Monk Musen" said sternly: "Your identities are only superficial. The actions of the Shadow Organization have always been dark and cunning. Maybe the four of you have been bribed by the Shadow Organization a long time ago. You have not given any reasonable explanation for the questions we just raised. "

Silver Guang Tutuo narrowed his eyes and asked: "The space in the Demon-Conquering Realm is very huge. Without a map, it would be difficult to find this place accurately in more than a month. This place is the core area of ​​the third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm. A forbidden place. On the map that the master of the hall gave me, there should be a powerful formation spirit guarding this place. I don’t know where it went. I think the four of you are worthy of Yuanhun. It is impossible for you to defeat the formation spirit here. If you are not prepared and someone is secretly assisting you, how can you stand here safely? It makes sense for us to say that you are from the shadow organization."

Jin Guang Tutuo said: "Yes, with the cultivation level of the four of you, it is impossible for you to appear here easily. Can you give me an explanation?"

Monk Chiyan said: "The four of you sneaked into the Golden Buddha Temple as lay disciples just to come here. If you are looking for treasure, this demon-conquering realm is a place of trial. There is nothing wrong with it. But when you find the treasure here, It has to be doubted. The Shadow Organization has a lot of people entering the Demon-Conquering Realm this time, and you have a clear division of labor to get you here in such a short time."

Scarlet Flame Monk had suffered a lot at the hands of Qing Shui Shui and the Iron Corpse Madman in the Shadow Organization, and he hated the Shadow Organization deeply. His tone was no longer doubtful, but rather certain that Xu Yang and the four of them were members of the Shadow Organization.

Xu Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "Four eminent monks, you are here for a trial, and we are also here for a trial. You can come here, and of course we can come. The fact that we are one step ahead of you can only mean that we Better luck. As for the formation spirit guarding this place, we didn't see it at all. Maybe it was too long and the formation spirit went out for a walk on its own. "

After a pause, Xu Yang continued: "If you use your speculations as a reason, it would be too far-fetched to think that we are members of the Shadow Organization. For me, among the four great monks, there may also be members of the Shadow Organization. People. Who knew you wouldn’t destroy the golden beads behind us as soon as we walked away?

As soon as he said this, Yin Guang Tutuo couldn't help but look at the other three people beside him.

Jin Guangtuo said: "Brother Yinguang, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. The four of us have been working together in Jinyi Hall for more than a hundred years, and we still don't know each other? How can we be from the Shadow Organization?"

Monk Chi Yan said: "He is sophistry. I think among the four people on the other side, Xu Yang is the most suspicious."

"Monk Musen" turned around and said: "Senior Brother Yinguang, it seems we don't have to talk nonsense with them. The fact that the four of them refused to be captured is proof. Our leader of the Golden Clothes Hall specifically ordered that if we encounter people from the Shadow Organization, Just shoot without mercy.”

Yinguang Tutuo said: "These four people have defeated the "Four Buddhas and Tigers" of Hongyi Hall in the martial arts arena. Naturally, they have some skills and arrogance. Today, let them know the true combat power of the monks of the Golden Buddha Temple. , it is not something that these lay disciples can despise.”

In terms of cultivation levels, the four Yinguang Tutuos are all at the second level of Daoming Realm. Among the monks in the entire Golden Buddha Temple, they are the top combat power. As for the four Xu Yangs, except for Xu Yang who has a unique cultivation level of the second level of the Demonic Whirlpool Realm, the other three are Murong Yu and Gongsun.

Zhi, the black boy Zhang Li are both at the peak of the second level of Yuanhun Realm.

Xu Yang's cultivation level is rather special, and the Demonic Whirlpool Realm is not in the normal cultivation system.

There are three extraordinary enchantment spaces hidden in his Demonic Whirlpool Realm, namely the Scarlet Blood Monument Space, the Purple Lightning Space and the Immortal Wood Spirit Space. To the extent that his magic power is strong, it has reached an incredible level and can directly cross the Yuan Soul Realm, even surpassing ordinary Daoming Realm monks.

Moreover, Xu Yang has four special spiritual veins in his body at the same time, namely the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, the Daoguo Spiritual Vein, the Haoran Heavenly Vein and the Buddha Spiritual Vein. Each of these spiritual veins is unique among ten thousand. This makes his body's movement speed and spell casting speed stronger than those of Dao Ming Realm monks.

Even Xu Yang's biggest trump card, his natal spiritual pet Arjuna, is still sleeping. With Xu Yang's true combat power, he can crush ordinary Daoming realm monks.

Although Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li are not as good as the four great monks opposite, the three of them are also outstanding figures among Yuanhun realm monks. Even if you lose, you can still persist for a while.

The four people from Xu Yang and the four great monks from Jinyitang had no grudges. This time they exchanged fists and kicks, it was probably just a misunderstanding.

The other party was about to use force. Xu Yang frowned slightly and thought quickly in his mind: "I'll capture the great monk on the other side first, and then I'll reason with him, and they won't be able to stop listening."

As the highest-ranking Yin Guang Tutuo among the four people in Jinyitang, he thought for a moment, and then shouted: "Up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four of them, Silver Bald Tutuo, Golden Bald Tutuo, Monk Musen, and Monk Chi Yan, each raised their martial arts bodies and released powerful soul realms at the level of Daoming Realm monks, and they all started to move.

Seeing the opponent take action, Xu Yang's eyes sharpened and he said loudly: "If I don't want to fight, I will end the war with a fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang released the Purple Lightning Domain, spread out the Purple Lightning Wings behind his back, exploded a purple lightning on the spot, and rushed towards the opposite side.

Murong Yu, who was least good at close combat among the four, did not rush forward, but retreated a few feet away.

He held the Stone Buddha Orb in his hand, activated the power of the magic weapon, and circles of azure soul power ripples spread out from under his feet. The soul realm blessed with the power of the magic weapon is also powerful.

The black boy Zhang Li shouted: "Just do it and it's done."

The three-eyed bear next to him stared at the four people opposite him with a pair of small eyes, and roared angrily, ow——

The soul power fluctuations of the two perfectly match each other and merge into a powerful beast domain, which is far more powerful than the domain power of ordinary Yuan Soul Realm monks. Black boy Zhang Li and his three-eyed bear attacked side by side and faced them.

Gongsun Zhi's red hair immediately ignited like a real fire, and the aura emanating from his whole body was rising steadily.

At the same time, he recited the secret spell of non-transmission in his heart, "The blood spirit is a sacrifice, the gun soul is with me, the flaming tiger soul, give me the tiger armor!"

But the flame gun in his hand suddenly trembled, and a wisp of fire breath flew out. The shape of the fire breath turned out to be an extremely solid fire spirit tiger.


With a tiger roar, the fire spirit tiger pounced on Gongsun Zhi.

As the fire breath flashed, a set of dazzling fire breath armor appeared on Gongsun Zhi's body.

Fire Tiger Helmet, Fire Tiger Shoulders, Fire Tiger Bracers, Fire Tiger Breastplate, Fire Tiger Leggings, Fire Tiger Boots, a complete six-piece set of Fire Breath Armor.

Red tiger armor!

Gongsun Zhi was wearing a red tiger armor and leaped out with a flame gun in his hand. The tiger general attacked with the fangs of the fire tiger.

Fire it up!

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