True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 840 Boss Xu Yang

In Jingtie Square, the battle between the two sides became more and more fierce.

Silver Guang Tutuo used the magic of runes to conjure powerful Buddha's light handprints, constantly putting pressure on Xu Yang, and gradually gained the upper hand in the fight.

Xu Yang responded with his Purple Lightning Fist and nimbly dodged with his Purple Lightning Wings, making a circle around Nuo Da's square.

"Hmph!" Silver Bald Tutuo said with a stern look on his face, "Xu Yang, although your purple lightning technique is not weak, your magic power will eventually become weak over time. This is crushing in terms of cultivation, I think. How long can you stay with me?"

Xu Yang occupied and retreated, scanning the fighting situation of other people around him with the corner of his eyes.

Gongsun Zhi and Monk Chi Yan on one side. The weakness of Gongsun Zhi's cultivation was gradually revealed. The flame spear he thrust out was obviously much weaker than before. Monk Chi Yan's offensive continued unabated. At this moment, Gongsun Zhi could barely parry with his superb marksmanship.

The fight between the black boy Zhang Li and the golden bald Tutuo is inextricable. On the surface, the black boy Zhang Li is not obviously weak. But Xu Yang knew clearly in his heart that the time for the black boy Zhang Li and the three-eyed Ba Xiong to improve their cultivation with the body fusion technique was limited. I am afraid that if the time is longer, the decline will immediately be revealed.

On the other side, the fight between Monk Musen and Murong Yu somewhat surprised Xu Yang. Murong Yu is good at magic weapons. He is a supporting role suitable for team combat. Fighting alone is what he is least good at. But at the moment, Monk Musen was only fighting Murong Yu with his Wooden Escape Technique, and it didn't seem like he was fully exerting his strength. Murong Yu's situation was not that dangerous.

"I must find a way to defeat Yinguang Tutuo quickly. Otherwise, if one of Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi or black boy Zhang Li loses, it means losing the game." Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang locked onto Yin Guang without blinking an eye. He carefully noticed the slight change in the eyes of the silver-colored Tutu, as if he was searching for something on the ground of the square.

An idea flashed in Xu Yang's mind, "Could it be that this great silver monk wants to trap me..."

"Master Yinguang, I can't beat you, why can't I run away? If you can, just catch me." Xu Yang responded loudly.

Next, the two chased each other in Jingtie Square for a while, but Yin Guang Tutuo was still unable to effectively attack Xu Yang.

"I don't have time to do ink with you!" Yin Guang Tutuo's eyes turned cold and he turned out both palms at the same time.

"Buddha's Dharma - the art of suppression by Buddha's hands!"

Astonishingly, a pair of silver Buddha handprints measuring more than ten feet in size appeared out of thin air. The golden Sanskrit characters on the surface of the Buddha's Light Mudra moved and jumped, like a pair of golden mountains covering Xu Yang's location.

Xu Yang suddenly felt his whole body tense up and exclaimed in his heart: "It's so strong."

Not daring to neglect, Xu Yang punched out with both fists at the same time.

"Fist technique - double thunder hammer!"

After punching out, a pair of huge "thunder hammers" suddenly appeared.

Boom boom boom——

The power of the two moves is released in the collision.

For a moment, silver light was like waves, purple lightning was flying, and Xuanhuang was amazed.

Although Xu Yang was able to withstand the Yin Guang Tutuo's blow, his body was hit by Gangfeng's counterattack and retreated ten feet away.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Xu Yang swayed back and forth, almost losing his balance.

"Master Yinguang, you are considered powerful, but if you want to defeat me, Xu Yang, you should go back and practice for another hundred years." Xu Yang said in a provocative tone.

The corner of the silver-bald Tutuo's mouth raised an almost imperceptible smile, his eyes showed a cold light like the tip of a knife, and he said coldly: "Really?"

Before he finished speaking, Silver Bald Tutuo suddenly squatted down and pressed hard on the ground with his big palms.

Buzz-buzz--, Jingtie Square shook for a while.

Astonishingly, silver light pillars suddenly appeared on the ground around Xu Yang's position, as many as twenty-four.

And on the surface of each light pillar, there is a silver light dragon flying around.

"Buddhist Dharma - Twenty-Four Silver Dragon Demon-Suppressing Array!"

As the Silver Light Tutuo poured his magic power crazily into the ground beneath his feet.

The twenty-four silver dragon light pillars rotated rapidly, surrounding Xu Yang in the blink of an eye. Light Pillar and Light Pillar

For a while, the silver dragon kept spinning, and the runes jumped like fish, just like a powerful enchantment formation.

"You cunning monk, when you were chasing me, you quietly planted twenty-four formation runes on the ground." Xu Yang said loudly.

To be able to control such a large-scale barrier formation by one person, this silver-bald Tutuo is considered an unparalleled genius in terms of his attainments in rune formations.

"How?" Silver Bald Tutuo pressed his hands on the ground and kept casting spells, "Don't think that you can run around just by getting a pair of purple electric wings. It's hard for you to fly now."


Twenty-four silver dragon light pillars flew and compressed the space, and the powerful power of the formation pressed towards the center from all directions.

Xu Yang tried to use the purple lightning wings to dodge, but there was no room to dodge.

Five feet, four feet, three feet...

Twenty-four silver dragon light pillars squeezed Xu Yang into a small space of three feet, and sprayed out clusters of silver Sanskrit characters. The runes were connected into pieces, compressing the purple electric soul outside Xu Yang's body like a sacred mountain. area.

Click click click... click click click..., the purple electric soul domain around Xu Yang's body was overwhelmed and collapsed piece by piece.

The strong pressure made Xu Yang's body unable to support it any longer. With a thud, he knelt on the ground with one knee and supported the ground with one palm to prevent him from collapsing to the ground.

Upon seeing this, the Yin Guang Tutuo showed a look of joy on his face, "Xu Yang, why are you not arrogant anymore? Do you know how to kneel down and beg for mercy from me?"

With a cold look on his face, the Silver Bald Tutu said sternly: "It's a pity that it's too late. The moment you resisted this Buddha, I have already sentenced you to death. This Buddha will save you for free today."

After saying this, Yin Guang Tutuo continued to activate the power of the formation, intending to directly strangle Xu Yang with the Silver Dragon Formation.

At this moment, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li all discovered Xu Yang's situation. The three of them were anxious, but because they each had opponents, they could not spare any space to help Xu Yang.

"Brother Xu Yang!" Murong Yu said anxiously.

"Brother Xu Yang!" Gongsun Zhi said anxiously.

"Boss Xu Yang!" the black boy Zhang Li said anxiously.

At this moment, Xu Yang's head was half lowered, his body seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and the purple electric field outside him was almost completely collapsed.

At this moment, Xu Yang suddenly raised his head, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes. Instead, he raised a smile and said jokingly: "Great monk, I, Xu Xiaoxian, knelt down on one knee just to tie my loose shoelaces. Begging for mercy? You are overthinking it. By the way, are you serious about the Twenty-Four Silver Dragon Demon-Suppressing Array? Are the names of the techniques in the Golden Buddha Temple so casual?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang pressed his other hand on the ground.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the three-color vortex in his body suddenly started to rotate rapidly. The door to the immortal wood spirit space in the three-color vortex opened a gap of about a foot, and a crystal green dragon leaped out.

At the same time, the emerald green light on Xu Yang's body flashed continuously, and the naked eye could see the appearance of a green true dragon with a size of a hundred feet appearing in the sky above his head.


A dragon roar came out, and the world was solemn, as if a real dragon from the immortal world had descended.

With a rush of mana, Xu Yang used the Green Wood Spirit Body Technique, injecting all the limit of the Immortal Wood Spirit power he could control into the ground beneath his feet.

Rumble...Rumble...Rolling thunder on the earth, miraculous green light, black and yellow inversion.

But around the body of Yin Guang Tutuo, green dragon vines were drilled out of thin air. Although these green dragon vines are in the form of wooden vines, they have the same appearance as real dragons. There are as many as thirty-six statues.

Xu Yang shouted: "Go against heaven and change your fate to the Thirty-Six Azure Dragon Formation!"

Astonishingly, thirty-six green dragons of wood and vines were flying and connected to form an array, and a series of emerald green electric arcs popped up to cover the Silver Bald Tutuo's location.

"What is this?" Silver Bald Tutuo was shocked, "Did Xu Yang already arrange thirty-six rune formations when I quietly arranged twenty-four rune formations? This is impossible! he

With his cultivation and his magic power, how could he maintain such a huge killing array alone. "

Xu Yang joked loudly: "Master Yinguang, the name of my formation is more domineering than your twenty-four formation. I am serious."

The Dao Fruit Spiritual Veins, Haoran Heavenly Veins, Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Veins, and Buddha Spiritual Veins in Xu Yang's body are all running together, which can withstand the powerful burden brought by using the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Silver Bald Tutuo's body was suppressed by the formation of thirty wooden vine green dragons, and his body was forced to stagnate. The formation of twenty-four silver dragon light pillars he controlled collapsed one after another, turning into unwilling silver stars flying around in the sky and gradually dissipating.

Silver Guang Tutuo kept making seals with his hands, trying to resist the strong pressure brought by the formation with the help of runes. But he had just used the Twenty-Four Silver Dragon Demon Subduing Formation, and most of his energy had been consumed. In such a short period of time, he could no longer use powerful spells to resist.

Fighting in formation, Xu Yang struck from behind and defeated Yin Guang Tutuo.

Without the restraints of the formation, Xu Yang used all his strength to activate the Qingmu Spiritual Body Technique and shouted: "Block!"

The next moment, thirty-six wooden vine green dragons turned into thirty-six emerald green shackles and wrapped the silver bald Tutuo tightly around his body. On the surface of the shackles, dragon patterns full of divine will are clearly visible.

In the Zhongyuan Continent, Yinguang Tutuo can be called the top cultivator, but compared with the higher-level immortal realm, he is just an ordinary person. The power of the Immortal Wood Spirit that Xu Yang exerted was traced back to the Southern Immortal Realm. He can control the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit to such an extent. In addition to Xu Yang's own powerful body, more importantly, "Yin Mengting", who also comes from the Nantian Immortal Domain, saved Xu Yang with her own life force, allowing Xu Yang to obtain Got an opportunity to become a fairy.

Suddenly, a powerful sealing power burst out from the thirty-six emerald green shackles, like a pair of big hands from the fairy world holding the silver bald tuo tightly. The power of the Immortal Wood Spirit emanating from it was not something that Yin Guang Tutuo could understand at all.


As soon as the Silver Bald Tutuo's power dissipated, his body fell limply and he knelt on the ground.

Xu Yang spread his wings of purple lightning behind him, leaving only a streak of purple lightning behind him, and then he came in front of the silver-colored Tutuo.

"Master Yinguang, do you also want to squat down to tie your shoelaces? It shouldn't be done this way."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang turned his hand into a sword finger and quickly poked the acupuncture points on Yin Guang Tuo Tuo's chest several times, completely sealing Yin Guang Tuo Tuo's body.

The emerald green shackles that bound the silver bald Tutuo turned into bright green stars and dispersed, and at the same time, the green dragon dharma sign above Xu Yang's head also disappeared.

After all, with Xu Yang's current cultivation level, he could only control the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit in his body to this extent. The more powerful the spell, the greater the burden it places on the caster, and Xu Yang is no exception.

Xu Yang's chest was rising and falling. He pressed Yin Guang Tutuo's shoulder with one hand and said loudly: "Stop all of you, or I will kill him."

The sound was like thunder, shocking Xuanhuang.

The battle between Xu Yang and Yinguang Tutuo is a long story, but the moment when the winner was decided was nothing more than a flash of lightning.

Golden Bald Tutuo, Monk Musen, and Monk Chi Yan originally thought that Silver Bald Tutuo had a chance to win, but they didn't expect the turnaround to be so fast.

"Brother Yin Guang!" Jin Guang Tu Tuo and Yin Guang Tu Tuo have the closest relationship. The two have long been like brothers. Seeing Yin Guang Tu Tuo being restrained by Xu Yang, he looked anxious and said loudly: "Fellow Taoist Xu Yang, please show mercy. Don’t hurt my senior brother Yinguang.”

Monk Musen and Monk Chiyan also jumped out of the battle circle and stood there blankly, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li also looked surprised. Although Xu Yang would surprise them in every difficult battle, this time, it was even more surprising.

"This?" Murong Yu rubbed his eyes with a look of joy, "Boss Xu Yang, we won."

Gongsun Zhi gasped for air and said happily: "It's finally over. Fortunately, Boss Xu Yang is here."

The black boy Zhang Li and his three-eyed bear separated their respective bodies, and they were both sweating profusely.

"As expected of Boss Xu Yang."

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